"You have the right to be wrong"... nice way to casually dismiss the experience and knowledge of a survivor and volunteer who has actually worked with other survivors instead of sitting online to dismiss others' experiences.
But I'm really not surprised. Why? Men are still posting sexist, ignorant, patronizing garbage in this thread. They have done so for many pages. I'm not surprised that it's still going on.
And then there's this:
Considering your previous posts on different topics, I'm also not surprised. A man embracing the backward, anachronistic culture of the Middle East is defending "rape prevention measures." Shocking.
Next up: Men meet up on the Internet to decide that rape survivors don't have sufficient knowledge or experience to criticize supposed rape prevention measures. Of course, men embracing backward desert "values" and cultures are invited as well.
You're such a misandrist, DS, saying things like "men this" and "men that." That's so wrong and never as good as saying "wimmin folk this" and "females need to blah blah blah that."
Because talking about what women do or need to do is just being rational. Any deviation from that inspires people to remind everyone that #notallmen are like that.
You White Knight, you.