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Misogynistic and Selfish, Edinburgh's Rape Crisis Centre's CEO is a trans-woman, i.e. a man !


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
I would want them counseled by someone qualified to do so, regardless of gender, and especially regardless of sex, since I would have no idea what genitals or genetics they have.
I would want them counseled by a qualified person they were comfortable with.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
It's My Birthday!
No, I'm gobsmacked that a trans woman - a biological male - would be in charge of a rape crisis center. Common sense would tell us that such a person would mostly likely be pushing an ideology, and the evidence is that he has been. For example, when a female victim asks for a female counselor they are often not only turned away, they are not told that their is another rape crisis center down the street that will honor their request.

If this is not ideologically driven, then what? It's clearly not prioritizing care fro victims :(

Please explain what you mean when you say "gender identity"?

I would demand that the victim - any victim - be comfortable and feel safe with their counselor.
Thanks for dropping all pretense of respecting trans people at all. It's best to show us how you really feel, and there's no confusion about where you stand now. :rolleyes:

I used to defend you when people would jump on you but no more. At this point, people are too nice to you on here considering all the nastiness you spew about certain groups. For shame.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Thanks for dropping all pretense of respecting trans people at all. It's best to show us how you really feel, and there's no confusion about where you stand now. :rolleyes:

I used to defend you when people would jump on you but no more. At this point, people are too nice to you on here considering all the nastiness you spew about certain groups. For shame.
I respect individuals who are worthy of respect. I do not respect identity political groups. In any group of people there are some fine people and some not so fine. Trans people are the same. Mridul is NOT a good person.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
It's My Birthday!
I respect individuals who are worthy of respect. I do not respect identity political groups. In any group of people there are some fine people and some not so fine. Trans people are the same. Mridul is NOT a good person.
No one is buying that you respect trans people at all. I certainly am not. Just the fact that she is a trans woman seems to tick you off, and you start thread after thread crapping on trans women specifically, calling them "men", misgendering them regardless of how they look and so on. You seem to think trans people don't have a right to work in rape crisis centers or in mental health, which is just flat out bigoted discrimination. You need to get a grip.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Just the fact that she is a trans woman seems to tick you off, and you start thread after thread crapping on trans women specifically, calling them "men", misgendering them regardless of how they look and so on
Get a grip and stop misquoting me!

I continue to oppose those trans activists who promote zero-sum solutions that are misogynistic and/or homophobic.

I continue to call for win-win solutions, not the needlessly zero-sum solutions trans activists tend to promote.

Pronouns are not personal possessions. They do not belong to individuals. Pronouns are neutral aspects of grammar. They belong to the public.

And BTW, I have no problem if we decided to create trans-specific pronouns!

You seem to think trans people don't have a right to work in rape crisis centers

Not true. But I do think that Mridul should not be working in a rape crisis centre where he can spread his ideology, which I will share with you again:

Sexual violence happens to bigoted people as well… If you bring unacceptable beliefs that are discriminatory in nature, we will begin to work with you on your journey of recovery from trauma. But please also expect to be challenged on your prejudices… You have to reframe your trauma… To me, therapy is political”.

And more generally, I think it's more than fair for a VICTIM OF RAPE OR ASSAULT to know the sex of potential counselors and to be able to choose the counselors they are comfortable with. In other words, if a trans woman chooses to work at a rape crisis center, he should not be surprised if many women do not want him to counsel them. This is not bigotry, this is victim blaming, ffs.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
It's My Birthday!
Get a grip and stop misquoting me!

I continue to oppose those trans activists who promote zero-sum solutions that are misogynistic and/or homophobic.

I continue to call for win-win solutions, not the needlessly zero-sum solutions trans activists tend to promote.

Pronouns are not personal possessions. They do not belong to individuals. Pronouns are neutral aspects of grammar. They belong to the public.

And BTW, I have no problem if we decided to create trans-specific pronouns!

Not true. But I do think that Mridul should not be working in a rape crisis centre where he can spread his ideology, which I will share with you again:

Sexual violence happens to bigoted people as well… If you bring unacceptable beliefs that are discriminatory in nature, we will begin to work with you on your journey of recovery from trauma. But please also expect to be challenged on your prejudices… You have to reframe your trauma… To me, therapy is political”.

And more generally, I think it's more than fair for a VICTIM OF RAPE OR ASSAULT to know the sex of potential counselors and to be able to choose the counselors they are comfortable with. In other words, if a trans woman chooses to work at a rape crisis center, he should not be surprised if many women do not want him to counsel them. This is not bigotry, this is victim blaming, ffs.
Don't try and ****ing gaslight me. I can read. There was no misquoting; I didn't edit the quote at all. You even did it in this post, calling a hypothetical trans woman by male pronouns. You're not fooling anyone with your half-hearted deflections.

No one said clients or patients shouldn't be able to try to get a therapist they want, but that's not really what this is about. I'm talking about your nastiness towards trans women in general. But I know it's a waste of time, as you'll just lie and deny it, like you do with your equally noxious hatred of Muslims. So I don't really have anything else to say to you except that you bring this on yourself.


Veteran Member
What prejudice?
You've implied several times that a trans woman can't be trusted to work without injecting "gender ideology". That is prejudice.

If this is true the person should be sacked.

I'm exposing the dangerous "games" that gender ideologists started :(
You said a few posts back you weren't denying the existence of trans people. Now you're implying that it's all a silly game akin to you identifying as "the benevolent dictator of the world. Now, if you do not refer to me henceforth as "your high holiness" I will consider that you are rudely misgendering me".

I can't see how these are compatible.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
Let me get this straight.

You're opposed to a trans woman or a man being a CEO of a rape crisis organization? Even if they're not a counselor, they're the chief executive officer.

I doubt you're opposed to a "normal" man in that position.

What ever happened to qualified applicants getting hired? You probably don't accept that either. And I am positive that you're opposed to the transgendered in general. You've demonstrated this over and over again.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
You even did it in this post, calling a hypothetical trans woman by male pronouns.

When I said that trans-specific pronouns would be a good idea, I meant it. Until that happens, calling a trans woman "she" is misogynistic, full stop.
No one said clients or patients shouldn't be able to try to get a therapist they want, but that's not really what this is about. I'm talking about your nastiness towards trans women in general. But I know it's a waste of time, as you'll just lie and deny it, like you do with your equally noxious hatred of Muslims. So I don't really have anything else to say to you except that you bring this on yourself.
If you have to misquote me or put words into my mouth to prove your point, perhaps you ought to rethink you stance?

As for Muslims, sigh. Not all Muslims are Islamists, and yes I hate Islamism because it is a death cult. Over and over again I have called for moderate Muslims (which is most of them), to reform Islam and excise Islamism from the faith.


What seems clear though is that these nuances are lost on you. That's a problem because the world cannot be simplified into sound bites :(


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
You've implied several times that a trans woman can't be trusted to work without injecting "gender ideology". That is prejudice.
No, what I'm saying is that Mridul can't be trusted. And I also stand by what I said about any trans woman choosing to work at a rape crisis center. That trans woman needs to be clear, calm and compassionate if a victim chooses not to work with him. If that trans woman even hints at victim blaming then they have become culpable.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
You said a few posts back you weren't denying the existence of trans people. Now you're implying that it's all a silly game akin to you identifying as "the benevolent dictator of the world. Now, if you do not refer to me henceforth as "your high holiness" I will consider that you are rudely misgendering me".

I can't see how these are compatible.
you have to be able to distinguish between non-political trans people who just want to live their lives and trans activists. It's the trans activists who are playing the dangerous, misogynistic, homophobic games.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Let me get this straight.

You're opposed to a trans woman or a man being a CEO of a rape crisis organization? Even if they're not a counselor, they're the chief executive officer.

I doubt you're opposed to a "normal" man in that position.
Some nuance people!

Again, what I'm opposed to is ANYONE bringing gender ideology into a rape crisis center. And if you read the quote from this particular person you can see that that's exactly what he was doing.

What ever happened to qualified applicants getting hired? You probably don't accept that either. And I am positive that you're opposed to the transgendered in general. You've demonstrated this over and over again.
Political ideologies do not belong in rape crisis centers.

And again, ffs, I have no problems with trans people, I have huge problems with trans activists who promote misogynistic and/or homophobic policies.


Veteran Member
No, I'm gobsmacked that a trans woman - a biological male - would be in charge of a rape crisis center. Common sense would tell us that such a person would mostly likely be pushing an ideology, and the evidence is that he has been.
Mate, my head is spinning trying to keep up with you. Above you are "gobsmacked" that a biological male would could be CEO and would likely be pushing an ideology.

No, what I'm saying is that Mridul can't be trusted. And I also stand by what I said about any trans woman choosing to work at a rape crisis center. That trans woman needs to be clear, calm and compassionate if a victim chooses not to work with him. If that trans woman even hints at victim blaming then they have become culpable.
Here you're saying that this is not what you are saying. Which is it?

you have to be able to distinguish between non-political trans people who just want to live their lives and trans activists. It's the trans activists who are playing the dangerous, misogynistic, homophobic games.
Some trans activists are nuts. I don't know if you've read about the feminist movement but lots of feminists at the turn of the last century were total fruitloops too. This is life. Activists are often a bit mental.

I'm more interested in the way you dismiss the notion of gender identity and suggest that asking you to be respectful is like you pretending you're Lord Emperor or whatever and it would be rude of me not to agree.

You identify as a man, right? When you were a boy, if your parents had made you go to school wearing a dress every day do you think you would have experienced some emotional distress due to being forced to present in a way that you didn't identify with?

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
It's My Birthday!
When I said that trans-specific pronouns would be a good idea, I meant it. Until that happens, calling a trans woman "she" is misogynistic, full stop.
Calling a person who is psychologically female and passes as a woman a "man" and by male pronouns is just stupid and impractical, not to mention insulting. You know you wouldn't do it unless you were told they were trans in the first place, so this load of crap is disingenous. Transsexuals don't want more pronouns, and don't want to be treated as some 3rd gender. If someone called me by female pronouns, they wouldn't be in my life anymore, full stop. I'm no "they/them", either.

And why the double standard? I notice your lik pretend that us trans men don't exist.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Mate, my head is spinning trying to keep up with you. Above you are "gobsmacked" that a biological male would could be CEO and would likely be pushing an ideology.
Let's step back here..

We're talking about a trans woman who decides he wants to run a rape crisis center. It strikes me as obvious that the odds are that any trans woman with that goal has a political agenda. Even having that person apply for the job would be to court controversy. And what special skills does that person imagine he'd bring to the job? And would he think that the victims would welcome this complex, political wrinkle into the situation when they are seeking help are at their most vulnerable. Again, as I said in the OP, this strikes me as a very selfish move. :(

I'm more interested in the way you dismiss the notion of gender identity and suggest that asking you to be respectful is like you pretending you're Lord Emperor or whatever and it would be rude of me not to agree.
I think "gender identity" is a misogynistic, homophobic, political tactic.

Again, I'd support trans-specific pronouns. But calling a trans woman "she" is again, misogynistic. Pronouns are not owned by individuals, language is public property.

You identify as a man, right? When you were a boy, if your parents had made you go to school wearing a dress every day do you think you would have experienced some emotional distress due to being forced to present in a way that you didn't identify with?

I have compassion for trans people. I disagree with much of what trans activists do. For the sake of discussion, let's say that "zee and zer" were accepted as trans-specific pronouns. In that case how does calling trans women, trans women and referring to them as zee / zer hurt them? If anything it clears up confusion.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Apparently you do. As the above "he", if not a typo, is an indicator of a problem in general.

Pronouns are NOT the property of individuals. They are a part of language, which is owned by the public. Trans activists have attempted to make pronouns their personal property and I reject that claim.

Again, I would be fine if we created trans-specific pronouns. But calling a trans woman "her" or "she" is misogynistic.

For the sake of discussion, let's imagine you did some research and came to agree with me about the misogyny. In that case, would you agree that rejecting the trans activists' demands and adopting trans-specific pronouns would be a better, win-win solution?


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Calling a person who is psychologically female and passes as a woman a "man" and by male pronouns is just stupid and impractical, not to mention insulting.
Asking people to tell obvious lies is stupid, impractical, and insulting.

Transsexuals don't want more pronouns, and don't want to be treated as some 3rd gender.
Are you kidding me? How many "sex is not binary" or "there are X genders" or "gender is fluid" debates have you seen on this forum? How many have you participated in? How many trans activists have made long lists of new pronouns we're all commanded to use?

And why the double standard? I notice your lik pretend that us trans men don't exist.
I worry for trans men, but they tend not to be a risk to women and girls. I worry that trans men are probably subject to a lot of abuse.

But it's bad men taking advantage of the idea of trans women and self-id laws that are more worrisome. And this is not favoritism, I worry about half the population being abused more than I worry about a tiny minority being abused. I'm mostly a utilitarian. It's not a perfect philosophy, but I haven't found any better.


Veteran Member
It strikes me as obvious that the odds are that any trans woman with that goal has a political agenda.
This is the prejudice part.

I think "gender identity" is a misogynistic, homophobic, political tactic.
You are aware that it is discussed routinely by feminist, often lesbian, theorists?

Think for a second about this. You're saying that a term popularised by feminists is inherently misogynistic. Please tell me you can see how daft that is.

Again, I'd support trans-specific pronouns. But calling a trans woman "she" is again, misogynistic. Pronouns are not owned by individuals, language is public property.
Then the public can use it as they see fit.

I have compassion for trans people. I disagree with much of what trans activists do. For the sake of discussion, let's say that "zee and zer" were accepted as trans-specific pronouns. In that case how does calling trans women, trans women and referring to them as zee / zer hurt them? If anything it clears up confusion.
If every trans person was fine with that then I would be too. There's a post directly above yours where a trans person is saying this is not the case.

I really think it would be helpful if you answered the question that I asked:

When you were a boy, if your parents had made you go to school wearing a dress every day do you think you would have experienced some emotional distress due to being forced to present in a way that you didn't identify with?