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More attacks on Free Speech in the UK

Secret Chief

So everyone who voted leave by a majority twice are all right wingers?,seems it’s more consistent with sour grapes for some,

There were indeed right wing nutjobs in the riots and some football hooligans to boot but not all.

OK so yes some of the racist rioters may indeed have been left wingers and cricket fans. Mostly not though.
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
An official in the UK says:

Anybody here support this police policy?

Yes. I discuss in a thread that unchecked and uncensored social media has lead to deadly violence and genocide around the world.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I voted leave of course but I’m not right wing,of course it will just get worse now like in the whole of Europe because labour will not tackle immigration and come next election a possibility of a right wing government,no good for anyone.
I think more problem is our two countries (many, actually) have forgotten the hard lessons learned during the Depression and WWII.

Secret Chief

Thank you eddi, Christine, Secret Chief and Others for your common sense, principals and simply standing up to the crap I am seeing here.
I don't know how many of you have actually been in a riot but trust me it is a totally different world to posting in a forum or reading your newspaper. A word is like a gunshot, sometimes people say what was that and other times world war breaks out.

The atmosphere has an incredible energy to it, a minor grievance can become a call to war. A very good reason not to insult religious figures or even the local football team. That energy can linger too and turn into making those who get away with it into short term heroes. Lynch mobs can be born this way.

I got very excited once on an anti-racism demo. A small but nonetheless nasty riot resulted, people got hurt and some got arrested and nothing was achieved. Some time later in a different life I was on a counter insurgency course with the military. So I have seen it from both sides and I know that eddi, Christine and Secret Chief are talking sense.
I've had a similar experience when a few coaches of bnp supporters came to my city to march through a neighbourhood that just happened to be a predominantly black area. I think they were planning on handing out sweets to the locals. Anyway, after some forthright street choreography, with the police directing, the scum were sent back to their coaches and ****** off; never to return. It was all a bit tense and excitable but you have to stand up against such scum. As far as I'm aware, the only arrests were of the bnpers (hopefully including the chap who opined that my parents had never married).


Well-Known Member
because labour will not tackle immigration
I do not wish to get into the pros and cons of that. What does get to me is the implication that tories would do something. The whole of Britains post war experience shows that this is not the case.

I was once working in the London offices of a multinational, there were a lot of cleaners and apparently a lot of them were illegals. Something happened and an angry member of staff made it clear that he was going to phone a relative who worked for the immigration authorities.

Some time went by and nothing happened. He contacted his relative and was told that they had been put on hold. They were not allowed to upset a system of maintaining cheap labour. There role was to just keep a lid on it.

That was in Thatchers time. So if you are into naming and blaming, at least be fair.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Anybody here support this police policy?

Why should any society tolerate divisive and unreasoned hate speech? Just because it worked for Hitler is no valid argument in my view.

Trump has based all his campaigns on the freedom to lie, falsely accuse, and use endless fictions to provoke the mob. With the present SCOTUS, I don't see that changing any time soon.

Secret Chief

I do not wish to get into the pros and cons of that. What does get to me is the implication that tories would do something. The whole of Britains post war experience shows that this is not the case.

I was once working in the London offices of a multinational, there were a lot of cleaners and apparently a lot of them were illegals. Something happened and an angry member of staff made it clear that he was going to phone a relative who worked for the immigration authorities.

Some time went by and nothing happened. He contacted his relative and was told that they had been put on hold. They were not allowed to upset a system of maintaining cheap labour. There role was to just keep a lid on it.

That was in Thatchers time. So if you are into naming and blaming, at least be fair.
Come on, the tories have had a mere 14 years to do something, although as the great man Nige said, we've at least got our country back now. Huzzah!


Well-Known Member
Well I mean no one wants a 'riot' to take place, but what about a peaceful protest? Importantly, are you allowed to protest in the uk or not? I don't know
it started as a protest, maybe not terribly peaceful, the police cordoned off the area and said stay in this public area and at 8:30 disburse. they didn't disburse instead breaking through the barrier and attacking police officers


Well-Known Member
I've had a similar experience when a few coaches of bnp supporters came to my city
Such things can leave powerful memories. The first time I saw a racist demo in my area was mid 1970's. I went and watched. There was about one or two hundred mostly young men marching with union flags. I recognised one, a childhood friend. He later became a drug dealer and got murdered.

I was leaning against a wall which bordered a grassy space. I was aware that some tiny children were playing there. I watched the march approach and then my reality changed. They were looking in my direction and starting to jeer. They were not jeering me, they were booing these tiny kids.
There were two white kids about five and a smaller black child about three, and they were heckled and booed for playing together.

I have heard people talking about the holocaust and they are puzzled about how it could happen. Sadly, since that day I do not have that innocence. I saw how it can happen, I saw real hate.

So I am not really able to talk about the civil rights with any ease in such cases. I see vermin, and it is a real struggle to maintain a veneer of civilization.


Well-Known Member
from an american perspective, I think maybe free speech isn't just about saying what you want, it's also possibly about releasing pressure and tension in society. If people are frustrated, they want to express it with speech. I mean I may be wrong, but that's sort of what it seems like. It probably won't solve their frustration, but it may express some of it. And later, maybe they will change their mind anyway about whatever opinion they had


Staff member
Premium Member
Living abroad it's very hard to tell the context of what is happening here from the OP.
Does anyone have a more thorough explanation or source on what's happening here?