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Mother mary without sin?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I've actually said to you several times that a creationist is someone who believes Genesis 1 is history rather than a creation myth.
Again, even from what you see here, there are those who do not agree with what the Bible means, although they say they believe that God created the heavens and the earth. I recall when Moses went up to the mountain the people made a golden calf. Well, anyway -- I won't go into detail -- it's up to each one of us between God, who is over all and I believe will soon settle things. Kind of like the history of Moses -- he separated himself from Egypt for years, if I recall correctly, which is where he met his wife, but had his conflicts back and forth, even until the end of his life. Take care, have a good evening. (Oh, and meantime what evidence besides hearsay is there that Moses gave the oral law behind the written scene, so to speak, other than hearsay...?)


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
I have faith that what the Bible, which you and many others believe is mythical, says -- that God will stop wars and there will be peace and life to be enjoyed forever on this earth. Whether someone believes it or not, the Bible essentially says this and I am thankful He transmitted His thoughts to His servants. :) Written down so we can read it today.
Again, it is misrepresenting me when you say I believe the Bible is myth. I think the bible contains passages in MANY genres. Myth is just one of them.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Take care, have a good evening.
You too, my friend.
(Oh, and meantime what evidence besides hearsay is there that Moses gave the oral law behind the written scene, so to speak, other than hearsay...?)
Deuteronomy 17:8-13 establishes oral law as authoritative.

More than this, everyone who TRIES to keep the Torah without Oral Torah, inevitably just subtsitutes their own Oral Torah for the Rabbis. For example, the Karaites rejected rabbinical oral torah, and do you know what they did on Shabbat? They sat in the dark. They would not light fires before Shabbat and keeping them going as Rabbinical Jews did. There is absolutely nothing in the written Torah asking for this. It is simply one possible interpretation on not kindling a flame. In order for any community to function keeping the laws, they MUST have an oral tradition interpreting these laws.

Be well.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Again, it is misrepresenting me when you say I believe the Bible is myth. I think the bible contains passages in MANY genres. Myth is just one of them.
OK, I'd like to understand that viewpoint somewhat. Do you believe Moses existed as written? I know some of the arguments against it, but those refutations could be wrong. But to me -- if a person claims to be of a religion that uses the Bible, new or old testaments, but does not believe Moses was a real person as written, or didn't really exist, or the Jews were not in the wilderness fo 40 years -- the religious worship becomes a sham. IMHO. But I wait and look foward to the future that the Bible speaks about. Isaiah 65 helps to encapsulate it.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
You too, my friend.

Deuteronomy 17:8-13 establishes oral law as authoritative.

More than this, everyone who TRIES to keep the Torah without Oral Torah, inevitably just subtsitutes their own Oral Torah for the Rabbis. For example, the Karaites rejected rabbinical oral torah, and do you know what they did on Shabbat? They sat in the dark. They would not light fires before Shabbat and keeping them going as Rabbinical Jews did. There is absolutely nothing in the written Torah asking for this. It is simply one possible interpretation on not kindling a flame. In order for any community to function keeping the laws, they MUST have an oral tradition interpreting these laws.

Be well.
I understand. Meantime, we could move on to Moses. And of course there are divisions among religions that claim to worship the same God type thing. Kind of to a degree the trek in the wilderness showed just how difficult it was when the people did their own thing. G'nite while I look forward to a blessed future from God on this earth --


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
OK, I'd like to understand that viewpoint somewhat. Do you believe Moses existed as written?
As written? I have no idea. I think a man such as moses HAD to have existed because the law would have needed someone to first write them down-- call that person Moses. But whether it happened exactly as depicted in the Torah? I have no idea. Nor do I think it is important. It is what the stories teach that is important, not their historicity.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Sleep well my friend.
Thank you. If I didn't have and cherish this hope which i believe comes from a reliable source no matter how it's placed, meaning no matter what critics say about it, I'd probably be on mind-bending drugs, and/or other things. Even archaeologists change their minds sometimes. :) Shalom again.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Again, it is misrepresenting me when you say I believe the Bible is myth. I think the bible contains passages in MANY genres. Myth is just one of them.
So far from your own words I can't figure what parts you believe are mythical and what parts are actual accounts. You're not alone in that, at least you don't get all out of whack when asked or challenged -- some here called "teachers" get really offended, (lol). Glad you do not. P.S. I can guess what parts you think are made up stories but not now. :) However, you bring up some good points. Because the story of Moses' life is certainly interesting as accounted for in the Bible.


Veteran Member

Mother Mary without sin?

A whole chapter in the Quran is about Mary the mother of Jesus

Yes, it is there and there is more about her and her son Issa (Jesus), son of Mary, the truthful Messiah of the Israelites and his teachings, please, right?



Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Kindly quote from the Bible in this connection, please, right?

This is a very commonly discussed item in religious forums. It has to do with a particular word in Greek in Luke 1:28 Kecharitomene which is traditionally translated "full of grace" although protestants prefer to translate it "highly favored." The word in Greek does actually have charis (grace) as its root word. Catholics make the argument that a person cannot be "full of grace" if they have sinned.


From what I see the Bible affirms that since Adam, and Eve with him, all have sinned, some more and some less in their lives. Some very few live quite blameless, while there is yet some sin, and all need a Savior. Jesus alone was an exception to that. Being incarnate from God, even while struggling with some temptation to not sin, Jesus never did, and Jesus is the Savior all others need. His mother Mary needed that Savior too.


Well-Known Member
Is mother Mary without sin?
It’s a bit of a bizarre notion. I mean, all kinds of things are considered sinful. Do people believe she never had any sort of thought or said or did something someone somewhere would consider a ‘sin’? Given that the idea of her being practically divine appeared way after her death, and nobody knows anything much about her, it’s hard to understand why anyone would take this sort of completely random notion seriously.
It’s a bit of a bizarre notion. I mean, all kinds of things are considered sinful. Do people believe she never had any sort of thought or said or did something someone somewhere would consider a ‘sin’? Given that the idea of her being practically divine appeared way after her death, and nobody knows anything much about her, it’s hard to understand why anyone would take this sort of completely random notion seriously.
The actual doctrine aka the Immaculate Conception is that Mary was conceived without the taint of the Original Sin by a special grace conferred upon her by God, hence the phrase "full of grace", it doesn't imply that she was perfect or sinless in every respect.

I am Catholic.


Well-Known Member
The actual doctrine aka the Immaculate Conception is that Mary was conceived without the taint of the Original Sin by a special grace conferred upon her by God, hence the phrase "full of grace", it doesn't imply that she was perfect or sinless in every respect.

I am Catholic.
She got a special OS update? Fair enough.


Veteran Member
The actual doctrine aka the Immaculate Conception is that Mary was conceived without the taint of the Original Sin by a special grace conferred upon her by God, hence the phrase "full of grace", it doesn't imply that she was perfect or sinless in every respect.

I am Catholic.

Yet according to Catholic teaching, Mary did not sin.
She got a special OS update? Fair enough.
Yes, she did. All Catholic babies get that special upgrade upon baptism which erases the taint of Original Sin. Mary was instead conceived with that upgrade. Put even though we no longer have the stain of Original Sin we can still sin because the tendency to sin remains - concupiscence (the disordered desires and appetites within human nature). Concupiscence is like the Buddhist concept of "tahna (desire) which causes suffering. In Catholic theology concupiscence pulls away from the perfection of Christ which causes suffering.
Yet according to Catholic teaching, Mary did not sin.
Yes, she never consented to sin of her own free will but she wasn't perfect because she paid the same wages of sin that we all do. Spiritually she was sinless, physically she inherited the same corruptible body we all do. After her death, her body was made perfect and she taken up. But many Catholics believe that she was taken up without dying. I don't and neither did John Paul II