I know an adult women should know best, but I'm just thinking of little girls and teenagers, that emulate adults... As a teen, I dressed, it provoked, and I did things I now regret so in some ways, I sort of understand the Muslim POV which is preventive... At the same time I know because of my experience that covering is better... So I'm really divided on this.
Also, my experience of men, apart from some friends and my husband has never been all that great.
I wouldn't advocate to force women to cover but at the same time I don't really like the other extreme personally. It's a hard subject to me. Anyway, some of the changes proposed, from my understanding of Islam and the wives of the Prophet, some of it should be allowed anyway. Some of the Prophet's wives were very independent women and it doesn't seem they were forced into anything, IMO. Khadijah was a business women wasn't she?