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Muslims: Keeping the wife "in line"

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the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
I have seen the argument here, by a Muslim, that it is acceptable for a husband to slap or "softly" hit his wife if she is "wrong". That it makes her feel more "feminine" and that it proves she is with a "man". That this is acceptable within Islam.

Is this stance something actually accepted within Islam? That physical punishment of a wife by her husband is the norm and okay? Or is this a fringe thought held only by some Muslims?

I know that men of all different faiths, and non-faith, will sometimes treat their wives and GFs like this, but I don't believe it is actually a held and accepted tenet of any other religion that I know of that this kind of behavior is okay.

So, can some Muslims here please address if this is actually an accepted practice or do you feel it is a fringe idea used as justification for abuse?
don't tell me,maybe Rihanna and Chris Brown are Muslims :bow:

Rihanna Still Loves Chris Brown After the Assault! LOVE IS BLIND....... - YouTube

do you have any explaination/idea why Rihanna forgive Chris Brown because he beating her ? why she is not put him in jail ?:)
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Well-Known Member
thank you very much ,yeah , that's what i mean
soft beat or what i called slap of love , it's doesnt cause physical harm , its about emotionnal harm . exaclty as you said .
Emotional harm is just as bad as physical harm, you know :p.

strippers are strippers because their husbands did not jeoulous for them , they are just we can call them cuckolds .
Are you saying all women want to be strippers and that it takes a man to keep them from it :areyoucra?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
the definition of insubordinate is on general is disobey to do the rights of her husband or miss treating him (mis respect him ).
If you think that beating a woman will make her respect you, then I suspect you may be beyond help.

I sincerely hope that you never marry. I wouldn't wish a life with you on any woman.

I just hope that you're a Poe, even though you haven't broken character yet. Your view is so extreme that I find it very hard to believe that you think it's normal.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Emotional harm is just as bad as physical harm, you know :p.
agreed , but you don't adress for my post of Rihanna that beating by Chris ? inspite of that she continous love him !!!!

Are you saying all women want to be strippers and that it takes a man to keep them from it :areyoucra?
maybe this is one of causes , why not ?
i have a question to you , if your daugher or your wife want to be stripper , and you refuse/against that , and she insist to be stripper , you will let her easly or try to stop her ? because you will feel shame " because of that of course" in your family and your neighbords and at work ....etc


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
If you think that beating a woman will make her respect you, then I suspect you may be beyond help.

I sincerely hope that you never marry. I wouldn't wish a life with you on any woman.

I just hope that you're a Poe, even though you haven't broken character yet. Your view is so extreme that I find it very hard to believe that you think it's normal.
as i see here , the respect earned and sometimes deserverd in the west, for the situation of Muslim wife it's her duty to respect you and obey you .God order her to obey her husband and order her husband to care about his wife because if he could not earn it , he deserver it .

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
موضوع صفعة الحب هذا هو عبارة عن تجربة انا عشتها لا علاقة لها بوضوع
ضرب الناشز..... صحيح انو هناك حديث ينصح بعدم ضرب الوجة

أخي لا يوجد شئ اسمه "صفعة الحب" الصفعة لا علاقة لها بالحب إطلاقاً و إنما هي إهانة للكرامة الإنسانية و محرمة تماماً

what about box ? :D ,honestly I am affraid that some couples are doing Karatee .

Well, if you're going to slap your wife be prepared for a lot of karate. :p

si !!! , je parle un peu (pas bien ) le français , parce que je suis Algérienne :p

C'est tres bon. :D

La phrase convenable est "Je suis Algerien" parce que "Algerienne" est pour la forme feminin. :)
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Well-Known Member
agreed , but you don't adress for my post of Rihanna that beating by Chris ? inspite of that she continous love him !!!!
I dont know much about that case, but I never said that you cannot love someone who has done bad things to you. I just said it is wrong to beat your wife.

maybe this is one of causes , why not ?
i have a question to you , if your daugher or your wife want to be stripper , and you refuse/against that , and she insist to be stripper , you will let her easly or try to stop her ? because you will feel shame " because of that of course" in your family and your neighbords and at work ....etc
I dont know. Personally, I dont like stripping so I would tell her that, maybe try and convince her to do something else. Would basically talk to her. If it is what she really wanted? I dont know. In worse case I would maybe break up with her. But I would never raise my hand against her. And if you blame me for her choice then you may just as well blame the police for not stalking her to make sure she doesnt become a stripper, or the doctors for not implanting her with an anti-strip chip.

Regarding shame, I dont like that line of thought at all. Its... egoistic. Dont know how else to describe it. Just seem like... someone who values their own social status and personal convenience more then their wife. Something is very, very wrong with that picture. Of course, it is likely I am misunderstanding what you mean, and if I do sorry for that :p.

By the way, do you think it is the wifes fault if the husband starts to strip for women?


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
أخي لا يوجد شئ اسمه "صفعة الحب" الصفعة لا علاقة لها بالحب إطلاقاً و إنما هي إهانة للكرامة الإنسانية و محرمة تماماً
شكرا اخي اعلم هذا جيدا ولكن انا كنت اتحدث عن تجربتي الخاصة و دائما اقول انها ليس لها علاقة بتعاليم الدين
..... ولكن في راي نحن في الواقع شيء و الكلام النظري شيء اخر
Well, if you're going to slap your wife be prepared for a lot of karate. :p
I don't required to marry any strong woman , or karaté woman,the life would be very dangerous:areyoucra

C'est tres bon. :D

La phrase convenable est "Je suis Algerien" parce que "Algerienne" est pour la forme feminin. :)[/quote]
c'était juste un test pour connais votre niveau , alors dit moi quelle est votre nationalité , j'ai un doute , que vous êtes origine de l'Égypte, non ?


Dr. Greenthumb
:facepalm: Wow. I don`t know if you are to unexperienced and ignorant of the English language to understand or if you are just playing. Whatever, thank the Lord that such zealotry is such a small thing.

acuatly soft beat is don't harm .
it's disgusting and pathetic for you , for me not .
exactly as you see the strips women normal in the west , i see it's digusting and forbiden in my religions .

Jesus was not God , I am talking for abuse in general , as I know you blame "EVE" that she was the cause of orginal sin !!!
which Jesus (pbuh) killed because of her sin "as you believe "
In this case Jesus (pbuh) abused because female sin .
acuatly you religion abuse the woman ,because it's the responsible of that sin .

ok can you explain these verse from the bible , which almost order the women to surbordinate to her husband . and make different between the men and women !!!!!

1 Corinthians 14:34 NIV Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law.

1 Corinthians 14:35If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the.

11 A woman[[URL="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Timothy+2%3A11-12&version=NIV#fen-NIV-29728a"]a] should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man;[b] she must be quiet. [/URL]

1 Tm:2:13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
1 Timothy 2:14

14And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

Ephesians 5:23

23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.


Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

the killing is other subject . I told you the verses of Quran mention to war statement , (that you would want to post here )


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
I dont know much about that case, but I never said that you cannot love someone who has done bad things to you. I just said it is wrong to beat your wife.
somepeople accept to be wrong , as the smokers and drinkers ....etc , I am sure if you contact Rihanna and tell her that Chris Brown was wrong , she will tell you it's not your business , Chris Brown is not her husband and beat her hardly , and she decide to forgive him (not to jail him) . it's her decission ,exaclty as the any women to accept to be beated or slapped by religious or not religious authority .

I dont know. Personally, I dont like stripping so I would tell her that, maybe try and convince her to do something else. Would basically talk to her. If it is what she really wanted? I dont know. In worse case I would maybe break up with her. But I would never raise my hand against her. And if you blame me for her choice then you may just as well blame the police for not stalking her to make sure she doesnt become a stripper, or the doctors for not implanting her with an anti-strip chip.

Regarding shame, I dont like that line of thought at all. Its... egoistic. Dont know how else to describe it. Just seem like... someone who values their own social status and personal convenience more then their wife. Something is very, very wrong with that picture. Of course, it is likely I am misunderstanding what you mean, and if I do sorry for that :p.

anti-stripchip :run: , next time we will have anti-adultery ?
I supposed to you that were your daughter or your wife .and thank you for repond my suppose .
for my opinion , in real life , I am sure that your reaction is will pass more than "talking" , because it's not matter of game , it's your degnity and your honor , all the people will joking behind your back (I see his ex-wife striping last night , she had big ....and nice .... )

By the way, do you think it is the wifes fault if the husband starts to strip for women?
no of course ,but fault started when she accept to continous living with that gay .


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
as i see here , the respect earned and sometimes deserverd in the west, for the situation of Muslim wife it's her duty to respect you and obey you .God order her to obey her husband and order her husband to care about his wife because if he could not earn it , he deserver it .
I've seen nothing in anything you've said that would suggest that you deserve the respect of any woman.

And frankly, any God who did command the things you say your God commanded would be unfit to worship, IMO.


Well-Known Member
somepeople accept to be wrong , as the smokers and drinkers ....etc , I am sure if you contact Rihanna and tell her that Chris Brown was wrong , she will tell you it's not your business , Chris Brown is not her husband and beat her hardly , and she decide to forgive him (not to jail him) . it's her decission ,exaclty as the any women to accept to be beated or slapped by religious or not religious authority .
I was asked about it, so I answered it :p. Doesnt really matter if she forgives him or not, as I said it is just plain wrong to slap your partner. Whatever she chooses to do about it, that is her choice I guess, and I dont know enough about the topic to tell her what to do. From the video you posted Chris kind of sounds like a jerk, though.

anti-stripchip :run: , next time we will have anti-adultery ?
I love science fiction, if you cannot tell :p.

I supposed to you that were your daughter or your wife .and thank you for repond my suppose .
for my opinion , in real life , I am sure that your reaction is will pass more than "talking" , because it's not matter of game , it's your degnity and your honor , all the people will joking behind your back (I see his ex-wife striping last night , she had big ....and nice .... )
Honor and dignity is one of the primary reasons not to slap her, because there is no honor or dignity in such an act. To loose control in such a manner would actually be the opposite of an honorable act.

What kind of a man is so concerned about the thoughts of others he would raise his hand against his wife just to save his image?

no of course ,but fault started when she accept to continous living with that gay .
And in what way is that different to when a woman wants to strip?

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
شكرا اخي اعلم هذا جيدا ولكن انا كنت اتحدث عن تجربتي الخاصة و دائما اقول انها ليس لها علاقة بتعاليم الدين
..... ولكن في راي نحن في الواقع شيء و الكلام النظري شيء اخر

أعتقد أننا لا يجب أن ندخل التجارب الشخصية مثل تلك في نقاشات عن الإسلام حتى لا يختلط الأمران

I don't required to marry any strong woman , or karaté woman,the life would be very dangerous:areyoucra

It wouldn't be dangerous if you treat her well. If you slap her then she has every right to defend herself from your abuse.

c'était juste un test pour connais votre niveau , alors dit moi quelle est votre nationalité , j'ai un doute , que vous êtes origine de l'Égypte, non ?

Oui, Je suis natif Egyptien. Pourquoi doutes-tu que?


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
أعتقد أننا لا يجب أن ندخل التجارب الشخصية مثل تلك في نقاشات عن الإسلام حتى لا يختلط الأمران
انا قد شرحت هذا عدت مرات ....وقلت انني اخطاة عندما طرحت تجربتي هنا

It wouldn't be dangerous if you treat her well. If you slap her then she has every right to defend herself from your abuse.
my futur wife will let me do what ever i want . she is mind .

Oui, Je suis natif Egyptien. Pourquoi doutes-tu que?
je sais pas .


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
I've seen nothing in anything you've said that would suggest that you deserve the respect of any woman.

And frankly, any God who did command the things you say your God commanded would be unfit to worship, IMO.
Many case easly we can deny God if we want to deny , for exemple ,the story of killing of Jesus (pbuh)that the christains believe, for me the God who did not defend for him self or his son , it's not deserver to be God .

btw ; even the Christainity and (I guess the Judiansm ) ask the wife and women to submission to man .
and I guess many other religions also ask the woman to submission to man .
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Hostis humani generis
my futur wife will let me do what ever i want . she is mind .
I believe you're reading into this too much and giving yourself more power than you are actually able to wield.

A Muslim man should listen to his wife's desires, should he not, in the same way a Muslim woman should listen to her husband's?

I'm not sure if this was a language issue, but you made it sound as if your wife can do nothing against what you want. If you want to do haram things, marry a second wife, have anal sex with your wife, or commit adultery, she must accept. If so, we know these are not true, even if some Muslim men think they are.

If not, it may be beneficial to re-word your sentences a little to avoid misunderstandings. :)
I have seen the argument here, by a Muslim, that it is acceptable for a husband to slap or "softly" hit his wife if she is "wrong". That it makes her feel more "feminine" and that it proves she is with a "man". That this is acceptable within Islam.

Is this stance something actually accepted within Islam? That physical punishment of a wife by her husband is the norm and okay? Or is this a fringe thought held only by some Muslims?

I know that men of all different faiths, and non-faith, will sometimes treat their wives and GFs like this, but I don't believe it is actually a held and accepted tenet of any other religion that I know of that this kind of behavior is okay.

So, can some Muslims here please address if this is actually an accepted practice or do you feel it is a fringe idea used as justification for abuse?

Evidently you haven't read much about other religions. I know of none which do not put the man ahead of women. Men wrote them that way:

For the man is not of the woman but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.
[I Corinthians 11:8-9]

Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
[I Corinthians 14:34-35]

But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
(I Tim 2:12)

A woman has no control over herself.
-Martin Luther (Letter to Several Nuns, 6 Aug. 1524)

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