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"My God, My God, Why Has Thou Forsaken Me?

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
I am sorry but I see in these scriptures that there are two kind of believers: those who believe in the spirit and they are free; and those who follow the law, they are slaves to the law. So what do you see in those scriptures?

So you say: Yes it is hard to come to terms with that terrible truth. So who was resposible for the death of Jesus?

Whenever you find yourself in Court for a crime committed, tell the Judge that you are free and not under the obligation to follow the Law. Then, wait for his verdict.
If you walk away from that Court in freedom, I'll be ready to follow you. Now, compare it with the one who is under the Law. He does not even have to go to Court, because he owes nothing and has nothing to fear. He has set things right with God, according to Isaiah 1:18,19. Check it out!

Now, with regards to who were responsible for the death of Jesus, I tell you: Those stupid jerks among the followers of Jesus who proclaimed him king of the Jews at the time when Caesar was king. Don't you read your NT? Pilate wrote on a plate the reason for Jesus' crucifixion and nailed it on the top of his cross. That was the reason for the death of Jesus: Because he had been proclaimed king of Jews. I like to watch TV Evangelism. When I see them proclaiming Jesus king of the Jews, the only thing that comes to my mind is: Behold, those stupid guys are back and don't know that they represent the ones responsible for the death of Jesus.

free spirit

Well-Known Member
Whenever you find yourself in Court for a crime committed, tell the Judge that you are free and not under the obligation to follow the Law. Then, wait for his verdict.
If you walk away from that Court in freedom, I'll be ready to follow you. Now, compare it with the one who is under the Law. He does not even have to go to Court, because he owes nothing and has nothing to fear. He has set things right with God, according to Isaiah 1:18,19. Check it out!

Romans 13:8-10, "Own nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law. for this, ' you shall not commit adultery, you shall not murder, you shall not steal, you shall not covet.' and if there is any other commandment, it is summed up in this saying, "you shall love your neighbor as yourself." love does not wrong to a neighbor; love therefore is the fulfillment of the law.

Now, with regards to who were responsible for the death of Jesus, I tell you: Those stupid jerks among the followers of Jesus who proclaimed him king of the Jews at the time when Caesar was king.
Don't you read your NT? Pilate wrote on a plate the reason for Jesus' crucifixion and nailed it on the top of his cross. That was the reason for the death of Jesus: Because he had been proclaimed king of Jews. I like to watch TV Evangelism. When I see them proclaiming Jesus king of the Jews, the only thing that comes to my mind is: Behold, those stupid guys are back and don't know that they represent the ones responsible for the death of Jesus.
You read the NT. to try to justify your believes, therefore you are blinded to its truth.
Pilate could have not crucified the Christ (a king) without charge, and that charge was providet by the Jews, and was confirmed by Jesus himself: So Jesus is the king of the spiritual Jews of which I am one.


Well-Known Member
The high lighted portion is a metaphor not to be taken literally.
Scapegoating doesn't work.

The same statement has turned into a sales pitch and is used by those too lazy to learn the parables.

If His death was the point of it all...then His life...and His teachings mean nothing.
Here is a direct statement from Jesus saying the wine represents his blood, shed for the remission of sins for many. Throughout the NT many verses say this. His life and teachings were important, and so was his death as he said so many times. The main theme is that Christ died, paying the penalty for our sins to reconcile us to God by his blood.


Rogue Theologian
Here is a direct statement from Jesus saying the wine represents his blood, shed for the remission of sins for many. Throughout the NT many verses say this. His life and teachings were important, and so was his death as he said so many times. The main theme is that Christ died, paying the penalty for our sins to reconcile us to God by his blood.

There's that talk about blood....again.

If I have my father's blood in my heart....
And we share that blood....
we are brothers.

Of Himself He did say...'brother and fellow servant'.

And have you not recited the Lord's Prayer...with heart felt earnest?
Our Father?...your Father?

Brothers are we?...of the same Father?...are we?

A lot of people died on crosses in the Carpenter's life time.
Dying on a cross doesn't make you special.
And it doesn't do you...or your brothers any good.

Only His teachings set Him apart from all others.

Without His teachings in you heart.....
we are not brothers.....


Well-Known Member
I think that many people have too much pride to admit that they have and do indeed sin. But it is very simple, if you ever steal something, you are a thief, and broke God's commandment of thou shalt not steal. The Bible says if we are guilty of just one sin it is enough to be a sinner who has fallen short of God's holiness.

People also, I believe, have too much pride to accept the need of a Saviour, Jesus Christ, who paid the penalty for all our sins. They choose to cast away the only way of salvation God has provided for us to be reconciled with him. Instead of accepting it as a free gift, they feel that they either have not sinned, or don't want to believe in sin, or if they do, they try to earn God's favor by good works or some such nonsense. But the Bible is clear that Jesus came into the world to save sinners.


Rogue Theologian
I think that many people have too much pride to admit that they have and do indeed sin. But it is very simple, if you ever steal something, you are a thief, and broke God's commandment of thou shalt not steal. The Bible says if we are guilty of just one sin it is enough to be a sinner who has fallen short of God's holiness.

People also, I believe, have too much pride to accept the need of a Saviour, Jesus Christ, who paid the penalty for all our sins. They choose to cast away the only way of salvation God has provided for us to be reconciled with him. Instead of accepting it as a free gift, they feel that they either have not sinned, or don't want to believe in sin, or if they do, they try to earn God's favor by good works or some such nonsense. But the Bible is clear that Jesus came into the world to save sinners.

Just another salvation rant.....

Have you compared the gospels concerning the two thieves that hung with Him?

There was no time for salvation rants....then.


Well-Known Member
Just another salvation rant.....
So sorry for you that the Word of God written in the NT is a rant to you. . .
Have you compared the gospels concerning the two thieves that hung with Him?
There was no time for salvation rants....then.
Ah, but there was time for repentance, the first step to salvation by faith in Jesus the Christ.


Rogue Theologian
So sorry for you that the Word of God written in the NT is a rant to you. . .
Ah, but there was time for repentance, the first step to salvation by faith in Jesus the Christ.

And yet another attempt!

Not actually a response to my post.


Rogue Theologian
My response stands on its own merits, and not on your opinion.

Didn't print my opinion and I readily denounce salvation rants.

Salvation rants are pointless...and repeating them even more so.

Did you check the report about the thieves at His side?


Well-Known Member
Didn't print my opinion
Nor did you print my response to it, which stands on its own merits.
and I readily denounce salvation rants.
Salvation rants are pointless...and repeating them even more so.
Not according to the NT. . .nor according to the saints who " love to tell the story. . .'twill be their theme in glory. . .the age, age old story. . ."
Did you check the report about the thieves at His side?
I did. . .I assume you are connecting it to your notion of "salvation rants."

The one who repented had no knowledge of the letter to the Hebrews and salvation, which had not yet been written.


Rogue Theologian
Nor did you print my response to it, which stands on its own merits.
Not according to the NT. . .nor according to the saints who " love to tell the story. . .'twill be their theme in glory. . .the age, age old story. . ."

Quoting scripture?

I did. . .I assume you are connecting it to your notion of "salvation rants."


The one who repented had no knowledge of the letter to the Hebrews and salvation, which had not yet been written.

But then again the gospels don't agree on his disposition...do they?

And the devil knows the scripture...and does not live in heaven.
Scripture does not save.
Quote it all you care to.
I care not.


Well-Known Member
Matthew lumps the insults heaped upon Jesus by the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the elders, while he hung on the cross, with the insults of the thieves that were crucified with Jesus.

Luke, having "carefully investigated everything from the beginning," which included much information from Mary, who was also at the foot of the cross, gives a more detailed account of the thieves, in which account one of them repented.

Do you see that as a material difference affecting the gospels and doctrine of the NT?
It's certainly not a problem for me.
Thief said in post #152:

And the devil knows the scripture...and does not live in heaven.
Scripture does not save.
Quote it all you care to.
I care not.
Sorry for you that you care so little for Scripture.

The devil not only knows Scripture, he also distorts Scripture.
As in, the NT teaches that Scripture saves.
What the NT clearly teaches is that faith alone in Jesus Christ is the only thing that saves from the just wrath of God on sin.
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Rogue Theologian
Matthew lumps the insults heaped upon Jesus by the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the elders, while he hung on the cross, with the insults of the thieves that were crucified with Jesus.

Luke, having "carefully investigated everything from the beginning," which included much information from Mary, who was also at the foot of the cross, gives a more detailed account of the thieves, in which account one of them repented.

Do you see that as a material difference affecting the gospels and doctrine of the NT?
It's certainly not a problem for me.
Sorry for you that you care so little for Scripture.

The devil not only knows Scripture, he also distorts Scripture.
As in, the NT teaches that Scripture saves.
What the NT clearly teaches is that faith alone in Jesus Christ is the only thing that saves from the just wrath of God on sin.

Faith without meaning...has no meaning.

Are quoting the Gospel of Mary?

And you can knock off the 'sorry for you' routine.
It means nothing to me.

Step up your discussion ...above a parrot recital...and we might get somewhere with this.


Well-Known Member
Faith without meaning...has no meaning.
Are quoting the Gospel of Mary?
And you can knock off the 'sorry for you' routine.
It means nothing to me.
Step up your discussion ...above a parrot recital...and we might get somewhere with this.
We won't get anywhere with this as long as you disgree with any of the NT.
I know why Jesus said "My God,My God why has thou forsaken me" . . .Go back and read the entirety of psalms 22 . . ..this was done on the cross so that it would make true and bring to pass scripture that was written 1000 years prior . . .psalm 22 goes into such detail about Christs crucifixion even talking about how the Roman soldiers "cast lots" to see who gets Jesus' clothes . . . .Do you see now? You can read what was written prophesying the Crucifixion 1000 years before it took place! With great details!!!

free spirit

Well-Known Member

Faith without meaning...has no meaning.
You should have said: (Faith without understanding has no foundation.)

Are quoting the Gospel of Mary?
There is no such thing as the gospel of Mary. Or the (life of Mary)

And you can knock off the 'sorry for you' routine.
It means nothing to me.

Step up your discussion ...above a parrot recital...and we might get somewhere with this.

THIEF You don't even know in fact what the gospel is, therefore your arguments are hollow.


Rogue Theologian

You should have said: (Faith without understanding has no foundation.)

There is no such thing as the gospel of Mary. Or the (life of Mary)

THIEF You don't even know in fact what the gospel is, therefore your arguments are hollow.

Oh my! big red letters...oh nooooo!...not the big red letters!
I'm overwhelmed....

ha ...ha ...ha..

Gospel means ...'good word'...last I heard.

And you probably think all that is bound in that book is all the testimony there may be?

Here's a good word for you....'naive'.

Back to topic.....
The title says it all.....and no one wants to hear it.

He died. He died without comfort.
The Spirit did not respond.

We should expect the same.

We shall drink from the same cup He drank from.
We shall be baptized by fire, as He was baptized.

free spirit

Well-Known Member

Oh my! big red letters...oh nooooo!...not the big red letters!
I'm overwhelmed....

ha ...ha ...ha..
Yes ha... ha.............ha you did not miss my post ...ha.....haaa

Gospel means ...'good word'...last I heard.
The Gospel of Christ = The life of Christ =
The gospel according to Matthew = The life of Christ according to Matthew

And you probably think all that is bound in that book is all the testimony there may be?

Here's a good word for you....'naive'.
Well the gospel does not teach evil, or inmorality, so why are you egainst it, if enyone is naive, that one is not me.
Back to topic.....
The title says it all.....and no one wants to hear it.

He died. He died without comfort.
The Spirit did not respond.

We should expect the same.

We shall drink from the same cup He drank from.
We shall be baptized by fire, as He was baptized.
Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes. farthemore I have been given the wisdom and understanding of how the above statements applies to me. thief; We are not all the same, for some have been given not only to believe in Him but also to suffer for His name sake.
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