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Noah's Ark


Veteran Member
The story of Noah and the ark is a spiritual story that metaphorically describes a person's spiritual transformation.
The path to the sky of a soul character in which all emotional and mental opposites are united, represented by animals.
Birds are human thoughts, which can be as black as a raven or as peaceful as a dove.
The flood is a metaphor for temptation that can drown a person or lift them to sky!

Are you the master of your emotions, senses and thoughts or are you their servant?
Man is created in the image of God!
Then God said, “And now we will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us. They will have power over the fish, the birds, and all animals, domestic and wild, large and small.”

You do not know what kind of spirit you are.
And so,we get yet another weird but infallible
"interpretation" of bible fiction, and some tele-
mind readin" tossed in.


Well-Known Member
Ahhhhhhhh now it makes sense

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aged ecumenical anthropologist
I don’t think we give our ancestors enough credit.

The history I notice

Flooding of the Persian Gulf - 10,000 years ago.

Last Glacial Maximum - 23,000 years ago.

Noah - 4500 years ago


His days will be 120 years. What does this mean? Everyone kept living longer than this after the event. So it could mean the flood wasn’t over days but hundreds of years.

First 40 days is 4800 years
Days and nights, meaning an equatorial location.

150 days is 18000 years.
110 days had no nights, meaning a polar location.

Insane as it sounds, Noah went back in time to note the Persian Gulf Flooding, then to the Glacial maximum and then back to his present time.

Terminator rules apply of course.

I really don't much take these accounts as literal history. Storytelling was an ancient art used in pretty much all cultures, and their purpose typically was to teach some basic principles important to their culture. Scientifically and historically, they really don't add up, but in teaching basic morality, they very much played and still play a major role in society.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Yes, apparently one of the Middle East tribes embellished one of their flood legends into a whole narrative about an ark and a worldwide flood.
Clearly nothing of the sort happened, but it made a good story.

Yes floods happen all the time, all over the world. Back then, they would have been major events, and much talked about.
When flooding happens throughout the world now there usually are local news reports depending on the severity of the flooding. But however the flood account of Noah came about, apparently there have been accounts of a really big flood way back then.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
When flooding happens throughout the world now there usually are local news reports depending on the severity of the flooding. But however the flood account of Noah came about, apparently there have been accounts of a really big flood way back then.
There have always been big floods, and until recently almost everyone lived near a waterway. Of course people told tall tales about these well known catastrophes.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
There have always been big floods, and until recently almost everyone lived near a waterway. Of course people told tall tales about these well known catastrophes.
Seems you don't believe in God. Anyway, people die. From various causes.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
There have always been big floods, and until recently almost everyone lived near a waterway. Of course people told tall tales about these well known catastrophes.
Also, just want to say that floods shift layers of soil or ground. Thus muddying up, so to speak, whatever debris or objects shift along with the flow.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Can happen. Wiki. Hypothesis.

And I did take a second major in geology,
besides thousands of miles travel with
my then- boyfriend. (Geologist.) I've toured
the channeled scablands. I'm not just a high- rise city girl

The whole " hypothesis" is too cute by one half.
Anything that ties into bible- beliefs will get attention.
And they did. With karma, carrers will be marred with
"publicity hound" and shoddy geology.

See if you can figure any problems with their
Lucky you. I have driven through them several times, but unfortunately was too busy to get out of my car. Looking back I should have taken the time.


Active Member
I really don't much take these accounts as literal history. Storytelling was an ancient art used in pretty much all cultures, and their purpose typically was to teach some basic principles important to their culture. Scientifically and historically, they really don't add up, but in teaching basic morality, they very much played and still play a major role in society.


I understand my interpretation upends the belief of most that Adam and Eve are the first and only humans created, however I see no contradiction in Genesis 1 and 2. I also believe the scriptures do not sacrifice history and reality for the sake of morality. Why would God diminish creation?

Proverbs 9:7-9
Whoever corrects a mocker invites insults;
whoever rebukes the wicked incurs abuse.
Do not rebuke mockers or they will hate you;
rebuke the wise and they will love you.
Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still;
teach the righteous and they will add to their learning.


Well-Known Member
When flooding happens throughout the world now there usually are local news reports depending on the severity of the flooding. But however the flood account of Noah came about, apparently there have been accounts of a really big flood way back then.
not really. when you look at the civilizations existing at that time they all went about their business without noticing this world wide flood.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
not really. when you look at the civilizations existing at that time they all went about their business without noticing this world wide flood.
Apparently because of several accounts back then there was some type of large flood.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I don’t think we give our ancestors enough credit.

The history I notice

Flooding of the Persian Gulf - 10,000 years ago.

Last Glacial Maximum - 23,000 years ago.

Noah - 4500 years ago


His days will be 120 years. What does this mean? Everyone kept living longer than this after the event. So it could mean the flood wasn’t over days but hundreds of years.

First 40 days is 4800 years
Days and nights, meaning an equatorial location.

150 days is 18000 years.
110 days had no nights, meaning a polar location.

Insane as it sounds, Noah went back in time to note the Persian Gulf Flooding, then to the Glacial maximum and then back to his present time.

Terminator rules apply of course.
Kinda of hard to understand...https://www.bbc.co.uk/ahistoryoftheworld/objects/GOe8Mt6vRdSNcg-yeivrEA
Lots of questions.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
?... But the ship's exact dimensions are written. If it's just symbolic, why get that specific?
Genesis 6:18

18 But I will establish my covenant with you, and you will enter the ark—you and your sons and your wife and your sons’ wives with you.

The Ark here to me is the Ark of the Covenant because to enter the Ark is synonymous with establishing God’s Covenant with Noah and guarantees spiritual safety. It’s a story like Adam and Eve meant to teach us that we are only safe spiritually when we agree to enter into a covenant with God to follow in His ways here symbolised by a ship. The story tells us that in a time of floods (corruption then) as in tests and trials not literal water, we need to enter such a ship and that the ship is the religion of God for each age In Noah’s time, His Faith.

The story just uses measurements to try and convey the reality that the ship is REAL. So today, the world is flooded with corruption and materialism which is sweeping us all away far from God and our only way of surviving spiritually is to learn the lesson of Noah and enter the ship of the covenant. This ship is REAL. As in the story it has measurements to convey it is REAL. But it is a SPIRITUAL REALITY not a ship of wood or earthly material. But like earthly material it exists but in spiritual form as a religion not an actual ship.The measurements symbolise the laws and teachings of the Ark of the Covenant - God’s religion for each age.

So in this age we need to search for a REAL ship of God or Covenant to enter so as to be protected from the flood of corruption and materialism. For myself, I believe this Ship of the Covenant to be God’s Faith for this age which was brought to us by Baha’u’llah, the Baha’i Faith.

This is from a Tablet by Baha’u’llah explaining about the concept of the Ark as well as the flood.

When Noah heard the Call of God, His inner being trembled with exceeding longing; He lifted His Hands He then, said: O Lord! Leave none of those people upon the earth! We have heard His Cry and have commanded Him to build the Ark. And when the Ark of the Spirit was completed through the Most Great Word, We said: O Noah! Enter therein those of Thy people who were predestined to believe in the religion of God. Therefore, We poured down out of the clouds of God’s wrath the rain of confusion causing all the people of the world to be drowned therein, except those who sailed upon the Ark of the Spirit!

So can you try and see how in this age everyone is drowning in the flood of confusion except I believe the Baha’is who have entered and embraced the latest religion of God.

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Well-Known Member
Apparently because of several accounts back then there was some type of large flood.
Apparently not. Egyptian history begins “before” the alleged flood occurred. Which is amazing as the bible clearly states that Noah's grandson Mizraim founded Egypt. Egyptian records continue uninterrupted through the time of the supposedly world-wide deluge, and no record of it appears in Egypt at the time, despite the fact that Egyptians kept meticulous records of almost everything, especially the regular Nile floods which were the basis for their agriculture.

The Sumerians founded the city of Eridu 7400 years ago and kept uninterrupted records of its history since then. No mention of a great flood other than the occasion recording of a few heavy monsoon seasons

Nothing at all from China.

you would thing SOMEONE would have noticed