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Noah's Ark


Well-Known Member
The water didnt recede, as such. It was wafted
by a wind, to Neptune where it shines to this
day as a warning beacon against incoming
rogue angels.
That's good. Those rogue angels can really give you a bad day.

You should think about writing a new bible, for the planetary age. Could be lucrative.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The story of Noah's Aek is a myth. We should not expect it to be literally true. But since similar stories of the great flood exist in the mythologies of many ancient communities (Flood myth - Wikipedia), I would think there some truth to it.
Floods, fires, earthquakes, typhoons..... People have always experienced natural disasters. and told tales of them. A certain amount of embellishment is understandable, but a worldwide flood is over the top.

As for all the animals, even a small zoo, with modern equipment, takes a large workforce to operate, not to mention daily food deliveries. How could a single family manage two of each animal for a month?


Well-Known Member
Floods, fires, earthquakes, typhoons..... People have always experienced natural disasters. and told tales of them. A certain amount of embellishment is understandable, but a worldwide flood is over the top.

As for all the animals, even a small zoo, with modern equipment, takes a large workforce to operate, not to mention daily food deliveries. How could a single family manage two of each animal for a month?
Multiple rounds of Kumbaya and the odd catch of fish would do it probably.


Veteran Member
That's good. Those rogue angels can really give you a bad day.

You should think about writing a new bible, for the planetary age. Could be lucrative.
I hasten to add that it's not me who
came up with that idea.

I should have asked if they fly like
superman or majestically upright.


Active Member
Premium Member
Floods, fires, earthquakes, typhoons..... People have always experienced natural disasters. and told tales of them. A certain amount of embellishment is understandable, but a worldwide flood is over the top.

As for all the animals, even a small zoo, with modern equipment, takes a large workforce to operate, not to mention daily food deliveries. How could a single family manage two of each animal for a month?
As I said it is a myth. There was no single family managing the escape or a ship of pairs of animals. The only fact may be a flood that sank large areas including perhaps an entire country. Just like there is talk of someday the entire state of Florida going under the sea.


Veteran Member
As I said it is a myth. There was no single family managing the escape or a ship of pairs of animals. The only fact may be a flood that sank large areas including perhaps an entire country. Just like there is talk of someday the entire state of Florida going under the sea.
"Countries" around there were pretty small.

Florida is made of coral.
It's been above and below the waves


Veteran Member

Noah's Ark

Noah's account is mentioned in many a chapter/verses , I give a few verses from a very brief account of Noah in chapter 71:

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
We sent Noah to his people, saying, ‘Warn thy people before there comes upon them a grievous punishment.’
He said, ‘O my people! surely I am a plain Warner unto you,
‘That you serve Allah and fear Him and obey me.
‘He will forgive you your sins and grant you respite till an appointed time. Verily the time appointed by Allah cannot be put back when it comes, if only you knew!’


Noah just gave a message of G-d to his people, in plain words, right, please?
We are to see the Message

Following is the original Arabic text of the above verses in Muhammad's time from G-d without a change or alteration:
بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِ ﴿۱
اِنَّاۤ اَرۡسَلۡنَا نُوۡحًا اِلٰی قَوۡمِہٖۤ اَنۡ اَنۡذِرۡ قَوۡمَکَ مِنۡ قَبۡلِ اَنۡ یَّاۡتِیَہُمۡ عَذَابٌ اَلِیۡمٌ ﴿۲
قَالَ یٰقَوۡمِ اِنِّیۡ لَکُمۡ نَذِیۡرٌ مُّبِیۡنٌ ۙ﴿۳
اَنِ اعۡبُدُوا اللّٰہَ وَاتَّقُوۡہُ وَاَطِیۡعُوۡنِ ۙ﴿۴
یَغۡفِرۡ لَکُمۡ مِّنۡ ذُنُوۡبِکُمۡ وَیُؤَخِّرۡکُمۡ اِلٰۤی اَجَلٍ مُّسَمًّی ؕ اِنَّ اَجَلَ اللّٰہِ اِذَا جَآءَ لَا یُؤَخَّرُ ۘ لَوۡ کُنۡتُمۡ تَعۡلَمُوۡنَ ﴿۵


Well-Known Member
I hasten to add that it's not me who
came up with that idea.

I should have asked if they fly like
superman or majestically upright.
Majestically upright sounds about right, unless they’re the type with multiple eyes on multiple wings and 360 faces. Then maybe they do a kind of crazy roll.


Active Member
The water didnt recede, as such. It was wafted
by a wind, to Neptune where it shines to this
day as a warning beacon against incoming
rogue angels.

The story of Noah's Aek is a myth. We should not expect it to be literally true. But since similar stories of the great flood exist in the mythologies of many ancient communities (Flood myth - Wikipedia), I would think there some truth to it.

Interestingly, the historical timing of the flood corresponds to a potential point in time when sea levels stopped rising worldwide.

If for each day it took for the waters to recede was to correspond with 100 years, then it would be the timeline of when the sea levels started to rise, that is 15,000 years.

Once the waters stopped rising, then a new age of man can begin.


Veteran Member
Interestingly, the historical timing of the flood corresponds to a potential point in time when sea levels stopped rising worldwide.

If for each day it took for the waters to recede was to correspond with 100 years, then it would be the timeline of when the sea levels started to rise, that is 15,000 years.

Once the waters stopped rising, then a new age of man can begin.
No. That just doesn't correspond with

Just for one, sea level continues to rise.

And the bible story is fiction.


Well-Known Member
If you believe/accept the story of Noah's ark, how did Noah get from Mesopotamia(modern Iraq) to the Arctic to get polar bears for example?
The last Ice Age was about 18-20,000 years ago, when the oceans were about 120 meters lower. The northern glaciers were 1000's of miles further south. The polar bear habitat was much larger.

The Continents had more coastline and there was more dry land, which is now all under water. Plus all the ice bridges are now all melted. The Aborigine of Australia are estimated to have been in Australia for 50,000 years, and they have stories of a great flood; eye witnesses. That flood may have been connected to rise of the oceans by natural global warming and natural climate change; from god.

It is possible the time-line for Noah is closer to 10,000 to 20,000 years ago as the Mediterranean Sea filled with the rising Atlantic Ocean. As the oceans rose and spilled over land bridges/dams there would be catastrophic floods behind the earthen dams. Like in the spring, a large rain storm, over ice and snow, can amplify the flood waters as well as cause ice dams for further and delayed flooding. It would have been a mess, isolating flora and fauna via higher and higher water.

I did an estimate of how much the ocean rose, on average, over 100 year intervals 120 meters/2000= about 3 inches per 100 years. The estimate for the last 100 years is 6-8 inches. This makes sense. The original melting would have had an ice box effect, due to all that extra ice keeping the atmosphere cooler plus ice reflect the sun back to space. As the ice melted, all else equal, the rate of melting would increase (0=(initial) +6=(today))/2=3.

At the same token, the initial thermal gradient, as the equator got warmer, would have resulted in severe storms between the warming equatorial sea and the more southern glaciers, and the elevated and frozen land that was quite far south; above the lower sea level. It would be like tornado alley all year near the equator and moving north. As the rains melted the ice and the ice box effect moved further north, the melting process accelerates and the seas rose.

Ice reflects solar energy back into space, so as the ice melted and formed more liquid and water vapor the global warming effect of water would amply. Water is the big dog whether it be ice, snow, rain, or clouds, oceans, polar caps and thermal gradients.

We Never Know

No Slack
The last Ice Age was about 18-20,000 years ago, when the oceans were about 120 meters lower. The northern glaciers were 1000's of miles further south. The polar bear habitat was much larger.

The Continents had more coastline and there was more dry land, which is now all under water. Plus all the ice bridges are now all melted. The Aborigine of Australia are estimated to have been in Australia for 50,000 years, and they have stories of a great flood; eye witnesses. That flood may have been connected to rise of the oceans by natural global warming and natural climate change; from god.

It is possible the time-line for Noah is closer to 10,000 to 20,000 years ago as the Mediterranean Sea filled with the rising Atlantic Ocean. As the oceans rose and spilled over land bridges/dams there would be catastrophic floods behind the earthen dams. Like in the spring, a large rain storm, over ice and snow, can amplify the flood waters as well as cause ice dams for further and delayed flooding. It would have been a mess, isolating flora and fauna via higher and higher water.

I did an estimate of how much the ocean rose, on average, over 100 year intervals 120 meters/2000= about 3 inches per 100 years. The estimate for the last 100 years is 6-8 inches. This makes sense. The original melting would have had an ice box effect, due to all that extra ice keeping the atmosphere cooler plus ice reflect the sun back to space. As the ice melted, all else equal, the rate of melting would increase (0=(initial) +6=(today))/2=3.

At the same token, the initial thermal gradient, as the equator got warmer, would have resulted in severe storms between the warming equatorial sea and the more southern glaciers, and the elevated and frozen land that was quite far south; above the lower sea level. It would be like tornado alley all year near the equator and moving north. As the rains melted the ice and the ice box effect moved further north, the melting process accelerates and the seas rose.

Ice reflects solar energy back into space, so as the ice melted and formed more liquid and water vapor the global warming effect of water would amply. Water is the big dog whether it be ice, snow, rain, or clouds, oceans, polar caps and thermal gradients.

I do think someone said God instructed the animals to go to Noah

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member

Noah's Ark

Noah's account is mentioned in many a chapter/verses , I give a few verses from a very brief account of Noah in chapter 71:

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
We sent Noah to his people, saying, ‘Warn thy people before there comes upon them a grievous punishment.’
He said, ‘O my people! surely I am a plain Warner unto you,
‘That you serve Allah and fear Him and obey me.
‘He will forgive you your sins and grant you respite till an appointed time. Verily the time appointed by Allah cannot be put back when it comes, if only you knew!’


Noah just gave a message of G-d to his people, in plain words, right, please?
We are to see the Message

Following is the original Arabic text of the above verses in Muhammad's time from G-d without a change or alteration:
بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِ ﴿۱
اِنَّاۤ اَرۡسَلۡنَا نُوۡحًا اِلٰی قَوۡمِہٖۤ اَنۡ اَنۡذِرۡ قَوۡمَکَ مِنۡ قَبۡلِ اَنۡ یَّاۡتِیَہُمۡ عَذَابٌ اَلِیۡمٌ ﴿۲
قَالَ یٰقَوۡمِ اِنِّیۡ لَکُمۡ نَذِیۡرٌ مُّبِیۡنٌ ۙ﴿۳
اَنِ اعۡبُدُوا اللّٰہَ وَاتَّقُوۡہُ وَاَطِیۡعُوۡنِ ۙ﴿۴
یَغۡفِرۡ لَکُمۡ مِّنۡ ذُنُوۡبِکُمۡ وَیُؤَخِّرۡکُمۡ اِلٰۤی اَجَلٍ مُّسَمًّی ؕ اِنَّ اَجَلَ اللّٰہِ اِذَا جَآءَ لَا یُؤَخَّرُ ۘ لَوۡ کُنۡتُمۡ تَعۡلَمُوۡنَ ﴿۵
How does that help you? What makes you think that does not mean it is a myth? And it seems that quite a few religions use myths as a tool to pass their messages on.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
The last Ice Age was about 18-20,000 years ago, when the oceans were about 120 meters lower. The northern glaciers were 1000's of miles further south. The polar bear habitat was much larger.

The Continents had more coastline and there was more dry land, which is now all under water. Plus all the ice bridges are now all melted. The Aborigine of Australia are estimated to have been in Australia for 50,000 years, and they have stories of a great flood; eye witnesses. That flood may have been connected to rise of the oceans by natural global warming and natural climate change; from god.

It is possible the time-line for Noah is closer to 10,000 to 20,000 years ago as the Mediterranean Sea filled with the rising Atlantic Ocean. As the oceans rose and spilled over land bridges/dams there would be catastrophic floods behind the earthen dams. Like in the spring, a large rain storm, over ice and snow, can amplify the flood waters as well as cause ice dams for further and delayed flooding. It would have been a mess, isolating flora and fauna via higher and higher water.

I did an estimate of how much the ocean rose, on average, over 100 year intervals 120 meters/2000= about 3 inches per 100 years. The estimate for the last 100 years is 6-8 inches. This makes sense. The original melting would have had an ice box effect, due to all that extra ice keeping the atmosphere cooler plus ice reflect the sun back to space. As the ice melted, all else equal, the rate of melting would increase (0=(initial) +6=(today))/2=3.

At the same token, the initial thermal gradient, as the equator got warmer, would have resulted in severe storms between the warming equatorial sea and the more southern glaciers, and the elevated and frozen land that was quite far south; above the lower sea level. It would be like tornado alley all year near the equator and moving north. As the rains melted the ice and the ice box effect moved further north, the melting process accelerates and the seas rose.

Ice reflects solar energy back into space, so as the ice melted and formed more liquid and water vapor the global warming effect of water would amply. Water is the big dog whether it be ice, snow, rain, or clouds, oceans, polar caps and thermal gradients.
There were no "ice bridges". You may be thinking of land bridges. And those were just areas where due to low sea levels that one could walk on dry land from one land to another then that one cannot walk across today. For example from France to England to Ireland. Or from Alaska to Russia. That land is still there today. It is just underwater. And the Mediterranean was not empty during the glaciations. It has never been dry while modern man existed.

The rise of the oceans after the glaciation would not have caused a "world wide flood" either. People living on ancient shorelines would only have to move back every few years at the worst. It took thousands of years for the seas to rise.

There were some very large floods on land, such as in the Finger Lakes region of New York State and even more so in wester Washington State were the Channeled Scablands were formed. but they threatened only those directly in their paths.

There simply was no worldwide flood.


Veteran Member
The last Ice Age was about 18-20,000 years ago, when the oceans were about 120 meters lower. The northern glaciers were 1000's of miles further south. The polar bear habitat was much larger.

The Continents had more coastline and there was more dry land, which is now all under water. Plus all the ice bridges are now all melted. The Aborigine of Australia are estimated to have been in Australia for 50,000 years, and they have stories of a great flood; eye witnesses. That flood may have been connected to rise of the oceans by natural global warming and natural climate change; from god.

It is possible the time-line for Noah is closer to 10,000 to 20,000 years ago as the Mediterranean Sea filled with the rising Atlantic Ocean. As the oceans rose and spilled over land bridges/dams there would be catastrophic floods behind the earthen dams. Like in the spring, a large rain storm, over ice and snow, can amplify the flood waters as well as cause ice dams for further and delayed flooding. It would have been a mess, isolating flora and fauna via higher and higher water.

I did an estimate of how much the ocean rose, on average, over 100 year intervals 120 meters/2000= about 3 inches per 100 years. The estimate for the last 100 years is 6-8 inches. This makes sense. The original melting would have had an ice box effect, due to all that extra ice keeping the atmosphere cooler plus ice reflect the sun back to space. As the ice melted, all else equal, the rate of melting would increase (0=(initial) +6=(today))/2=3.

At the same token, the initial thermal gradient, as the equator got warmer, would have resulted in severe storms between the warming equatorial sea and the more southern glaciers, and the elevated and frozen land that was quite far south; above the lower sea level. It would be like tornado alley all year near the equator and moving north. As the rains melted the ice and the ice box effect moved further north, the melting process accelerates and the seas rose.

Ice reflects solar energy back into space, so as the ice melted and formed more liquid and water vapor the global warming effect of water would amply. Water is the big dog whether it be ice, snow, rain, or clouds, oceans, polar caps and thermal gradients.
A con man typically mixes in a good
dose of factual material, to of course,
establish credibility.
It appears you have succeeded in fooling