Where's the best place to meet other single people? I've heard the laundramat was good. - not been watching "40 days and 40 nights" have we? good places to meet include the cinema, coffee shops, gyms.
What makes a good date? one of the best dates i have been on was where we jsut met up for coffee, we talked, and then we walked to another coffee bar, and another, and then another.... nothing special, just coffee and conversation! *ahhhh, happy memory!*
What does everyone think about younger vs. older girls (guys)? i have no problem with younger/older dating, but be aware that others may not think so.
What about these internet dating services? I think they're a load. Anyone have any luck? i hate them....
Do women really prefer jerks? I'm kind of nerdy and I don't know if a nerdy jerk would be very attractive. it depends, the people i like relationships with are people who are deep, not shallow....
Should I "just be myself"? A friend told me that I shouldn't talk about nerdy things to women I'm interested in. I'm convinced though that it doesn't matter what you talk about but how you carry yourself. it is good to be yourself, it is good to let her/him know what you are like, but remember to listen! the date is about her/him as well
I have next to no style when it comes to clothes. Any advice there? try to wear stuff that matches, like maybe blue jeans, white shirt. any chains or jewlery you have, wear it!
more than anything, though, remember to have fun!
..... and no cheesey pick up lines! i got a really cheesey pick up line once, it was such a turn off :149: