So how do you know that the sin of eating lobster is worse than the sin of homosexuality?
Because of the various penalties attached to each particular sin, in the Old Testament, we can know how serious each sin is in God's eyes.
Christ did away with the earthly penalties of breaking the various commandments, but that doesn't mean we won't suffer a similar or even a worse penalty in the next life for breaking these commandments. Guess what, we still will, if we don't turn from our sins in this life. All Christ's sacrifice did was give us a grace period in which to turn from our sins in this life. If we waste this life in sin we will find ourselves in a worse situation in the next life, since we had obviously wasted our "days of probation" in this life living in serious sin, for example.
We must strive to better ourselves or we will find ourselves in an aweful situation in the next life paying for our own sins because we refused to turn from them on our own accord in this life.
Christ died for the world, but the grace of God does not kick in unless we turn from sin. Either we will turn from past sins, at which time Christ's sacrifice will take over and free us of all guilt and penalties attached to those sins, or we will continue in sin and pay each penalty for each unrepented sin in the next life, if not now (for example many experience nearly unbareable agony in this life for serious sins committed).
It seemed that if Jesus died to change the laws,
He died to "fulfill" the law not "change it". Nothing has been changed, the only thing that has changed is we now have a "grace period" in which to repent (turn from our sins) without fear of an earthly penalty, for instance being stoned to death according to Jewish Old Testament law. We are allowed to sin and go free for a time in this life, but if we do not better ourselves then at the end of our lives there will be a penalty upon our deaths, when our bodies will be seperated from our spirits and we will surely experience the same pains and sufferings Christ has endured on our behalf, since we refused to turn from our evil ways and take advantage of Christ's sacrifice on our behalf.
He truly has taken the world's sins upon himself, but only the ones the world turns from.
then all the laws must be dropped. If he only changed some of the laws, how do you know which ones? Is this from the Bible codes?
nothings been changed, only "fulfilled," meaning Christ met the demands of justice on our behalf, if we have changed our ways and have started to obey God's commandments.
Christ is extremely merciful and because of his sacrifice all men (except the son's of perdition) will eventually be redeemed from their sins to inherit better worlds than this one, that's the exciting part of Christ's sacrifice, which all men will be partakers of eventually, but many will spend time suffering for their own unrepented sins, the good news is that it won't be for an eternity. There is an end to the suffering of those who did not repent of all their sins in this life.