Magic Man
Reaper of Conversation
Being a Christian, that is as open minded a comment as I can make sticking to absolute logic and reason. I doubt any Atheists will post on here that there is a chance they might be wrong about this.
I take it you've decided to ignore me and all of the other atheists who have clearly stated that we could be wrong? I have said in no uncertain terms that there is the possibilibty that God exists. It's extremely unlikely, in fact, so unlikely that I don't consider it worth my time to consider in my ever day life. I assume you don't believe in leprechauns. If that is the case, do you at least admit that they could possibly exist? Is it worth your time to worry about it?
The difference between Christians and Atheists is, one is going to be more upset about this if they are wrong than the other.
Actually, I don't think Christians will be that upset at all. By the time they are proved wrong, they won't even know it, as they will be dead. (which is the only time any of this can be proven.) I assume you meant Christians would be more upset, right?