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Should the oneness of humanity be taught in all schools worldwide


Our programs can be either be used in their entirety or adapted by secular society according to its needs.

As a former Baha'i, the Ruhi program is not a secular course, and does not focus on the oneness of humanity. Book 8, as an example, focuses on this chain of religious authority which is called a Covenant. This chain of authority actually violates the teachings of a oneness of humanity due to actions such as shunning those who don't agree. They believe unity is an act of obedience and sameness, rather than finding unity through the diversity God had created.

No one should ever do Ruhi courses for any reason.
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Premium Member
As a former Baha'i, the Ruhi program is not a secular course, and does not focus on the one rss of humanity. Book 8,as an example, focuses on this chain of religious authority which is called a Covenant. This chain of authority actually violates the teachings of a oneness of humanity due to actions such as shunning those who don't agree. They believe unity is an act of obedience and sameness, rather than finding unity through the diversity God had created.

No one should ever do Ruhi courses for any reason.
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We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
The UN is committed to peace just as Baha'i are, so what do you have to offer, there's no method, just ideals. It seems you seek an endorsement? Thye UN will never accept or endorse Baha'i bigotry. Baha'i lose credibility with it's bigotry, and refusing to adapt to the 21st century is a liability.
We DO have a working model of the oneness of humanity in action - a world community comprised of people from all religions, races, nationalities and cultures who, unlike the non Baha’i world actually live in peace and get along with one another. Why can we get along but your world is literally cutting each others throats? The Baha’i World Community stands as proof that with the right education people from all walks of life CAN get along without wars and conflict.



Veteran Member
We DO have a working model of the oneness of humanity in action - a world community comprised of people from all religions, races, nationalities and cultures who, unlike the non Baha’i world actually live in peace and get along with one another. Why can we get along but your world is literally cutting each others throats? The Baha’i World Community stands as proof that with the right education people from all walks of life CAN get along without wars and conflict.

You are exposing your intent more and more. These Baha'i might be able to manage small groups of believers, but a planet with diverse religions, and many extremists? Good luck. How do you plan to deal with extremists who want to kill you?

And don't forget the bigotry.


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Admiral Obvious
We DO have a working model of the oneness of humanity in action - a world community comprised of people from all religions, races, nationalities and cultures who, unlike the non Baha’i world actually live in peace and get along with one another. Why can we get along but your world is literally cutting each others throats? The Baha’i World Community stands as proof that with the right education people from all walks of life CAN get along without wars and conflict.

the very first line of your "a world community comprised of people from all religions, races, nationalities and cultures":

The Bahá’í Faith is established in more than 100,000 localities in virtually every country and territory around the world. Below you can find links to the websites of many Bahá’í communities.​


What was the result of people, especially the world leaders, turning away from the teachings of Baha'u'llah? Wasn't it that we could have had the "most great peace," but most of the world rejected him. And now don't Baha'is believe there is going to be trials and tribulations? If that's so, it seems that God is "forcing" the people of the world to obey him. The way I was told by Baha'is was that at some point things were going to get so bad that the people would have only one option left... and that is turn to the Baha'i Faith.

Then what? Will Baha'i leadership say that people can do as they wish? Or that they must turn to God and obey his prophet? Or something in between? I would think that if the Baha'i Faith is for real that it was meant to rule the world. What good are "God's" perfect laws, laws that are necessary, according to Baha'is, to create and ensure a peaceful world, if only a few Baha'is obey them? But, even if the Baha'is were to become the majority, what good are the laws if nobody but Baha'is want to follow them? And if Baha'i try to impose their God's given laws, who is going to enforce them?
Actually the Universal House of Justice says most of God's laws as revealed by Baha'u'llah are non-binding (for now). The UHJ doesn't even believe in these laws, but instead focus on getting people to follow their directives. It's actually quite strange. The current Baha'i Faith model is not consistent, which means it lacks trustworthiness, which means it can never be relevant.

And I say all of this as someone who does truly believe Baha'u'llah's revelation. As far as I know, Baha'u'llah didn't promise the Most Great Peace, but desired its outcome. The main thing is in the Kitab-i-Iqan, Baha'u'llah says the reason why Manifestations of God (prophets, avatars, etc.) appear is because the prior revelation lost its influence and the majority of people focused on other things, such as corrupt material desires. He promises another Manifestation will appear in the future, which means the promise Baha'u'llah did give was that people would turn their backs on this revelation, requiring God to renew the message.

The oneness of humanity is a goal we should strive for, but this oneness cannot and never should ever equate to sameness. The oneness can be achieved with people of different backgrounds, even religious, but it has to come at the cost of others believing only their way is the superior or right way. Any person who believes only their way is right can never be a spokesperson for unity or a Most Great Peace.


Veteran Member
I am not interested in one of your sermons.
I flat out asked why you think it is appropriate to "come down" on Catholicism in a discussion about Baha'i.
That you offer up a sermon instead of addressing the question says much.
I did not "come down" on Catholicism. I agree with their stance on marriage.
This is not a Baha'i thread.
See post #215
That proves nothing.
Please present the post where @F1fan even said the word Catholic (in any of its forms) in this thread.
I did not say that @F1fan brought Catholicism in. I said that I brought it in because @F1fan started complaining about the Baha'i Faith and homosexuality again. My point was that the Baha'i Faith is not the only religion that disallows homosexuals to marry.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
You are exposing your intent more and more. These Baha'i might be able to manage small groups of believers, but a planet with diverse religions, and many extremists? Good luck. How do you plan to deal with extremists who want to kill you?

And don't forget the bigotry.
Sadly this situation was created through generations of indoctrination and brainwashing and no guns, no army, no treaty or truce can prevent another group of extremists being raised up. Education alone can enable mankind to raise to nobler heights but reversing the process will take generations. There is no quick fix.

We’ve survived about 200 years persecution, beatings, imprisonment torture and execution in Iran without using guns or violence but by being extremely patient. Iran can only be changed through education.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Sadly this situation was created through generations of indoctrination and brainwashing and no guns, no army, no treaty or truce can prevent another group of extremists being raised up. Education alone can enable mankind to raise to nobler heights but reversing the process will take generations. There is no quick fix.

We’ve survived about 200 years persecution, beatings, imprisonment torture and execution in Iran without using guns or violence but by being extremely patient. Iran can only be changed through education.
Who is the "we" in this claim? Baha'i have certainly used violence against non-Baha'i from the earliest days even according to Adib Taherzadeh. As a matter of fact the Kitab-i-Aqdas (Baha'i Most Holy Book) refers to an act of Baha'i on non-Baha'i violence;

Referring to seven of Baha'u'llah's companions;
'seven of the companions clandestinely sought out and slew three of their persecutors, among whom were Siyyid Muḥammad and Aqa Jan'
Source: Bahá'í Reference Library - The Kitáb-i-Aqdas, Pages 249-250


Well-Known Member
Do you have any interest in why anyone on this forum would honestly disagree with you?

Yes of course. But in the end I am not going to argue endlessly to try and convince people. I believe humanity needs to unlearn its prejudices and through education.
You say, "Yes, of course," then immediately start back in talking about you, and what you believe. What do I believe, @loverofhumanity? What parts of what you said do I agree with? What parts do I disagree with? And why? Have you paid any attention?

Or have you just dismissed me as immature and egotistic? Hell, maybe I am.

How about @F1fan? What parts of what you said do they agree with? What parts do they disagree with? And why?

@McBell? @Vinayaka?



Well-Known Member
The oneness of humanity is a goal we should strive for, but this oneness cannot and never should ever equate to sameness. The oneness can be achieved with people of different backgrounds, even religious, but it has to come at the cost of others believing only their way is the superior or right way. Any person who believes only their way is right can never be a spokesperson for unity or a Most Great Peace.
"One Foundation for All Religions"
This seems to me to represent a principle of sameness. And not only cultural appropriation, which is impossible to avoid, but cultural exploitation as well.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
As a former Baha'i, the Ruhi program is not a secular course, and does not focus on the oneness of humanity. Book 8, as an example, focuses on this chain of religious authority which is called a Covenant. This chain of authority actually violates the teachings of a oneness of humanity due to actions such as shunning those who don't agree. They believe unity is an act of obedience and sameness, rather than finding unity through the diversity God had created.

No one should ever do Ruhi courses for any reason.
If you have studied all the Ruhi books as I have then that is incorrect. Many, many passages speak about the oneness of mankind. Matter of fact the Covenant is all about the oneness of mankind. Ruhi Book 1 Unit one section two focuses entirely on the ‘oneneness of mankind’. Here is a quote.

In the very first section of the first Ruhi Book is stated:

"the pivot of the oneness of mankind is nothing else but the power of the Covenant."

The Covenant is all about the oneness of mankind. That is its aim and obj3ctive.

Let us begin by considering the concept of the oneness of humankind as expressed in the Bahá'i writings.

Acceptance of the Bahá'i teachings implies a firm belief in humanity's oneness. "The Tabernacle of Unity," Baháu'lláh proclaims, "has been raised; regard ye not one another as strangers... Of one tree are all ye the fruit and of one bough the leaves... The world is but one country and mankind its citizens... Let not a man glory in that he loves his country; let him rather glory in this, that he loves his kind?"

The principle of the Oneness of Mankind —the pivot round which all the teachings of Bahá'u 'Iláh revolve—is no mere outburst of ignorant emotionalism or an expression of vague and pious hope. Its appeal is not to be merely identified with a reawakening of the spirit of brotherhood and good will among men, nor does it aim solely at the fostering of harmonious cooperation among individual peoples and nations. Its implications are deeper, its claims greater than any which the Prophets of old were allowed to advance. Its message is applicable not only to the individual, but concerns itself primarily with the nature of those essential relationships that must bind all the states and nations as members of one human family.

"The principle of the Oneness of Mankind, as proclaimed by Bahá'u'lláh, carries with it no more and no less than a solemn assertion that attainment to this final stage in this stupendous evolution is not only necessary but inevitable, that its realization is fast approaching, and that nothing short of a power that is born of God can succeed in establishing it.

This is just in the two opening sections of the very first Ruhi Book with supporting quotes not to regard one another as strangers, that we are all as fruits of the same tree and we should glory in loving all mankind.

Ruhi beyond any doubt if you study any of the Books, focuses on the oneness of humanity and how to develop our characters to be at one with everyone.


Admiral Obvious
You just said that no one claimed I was coming down on Catholicism and now you are asking me why I think it is appropriate to "come down" on Catholicism in a discussion about Baha'i. Make up your mind.
You asked why another member was not "coming down" on Catholicism llike they were on Baha'i in a discussion about Baha'i.
Why would you think that another member "coming down" on Catholicism in a discussion about Baha'i is appropriate?

Please try to give a straight forward answer and not a sermon.


Well-Known Member
Some sayings in this regard, that I found insightful and useful...

Boundary lines, of any type, are never found in the real world itself, but only in the imagination of the mapmakers. ~ Ken Wilber

Every boundary established between two nations represents the arbitrary line where rival gangs tentatively agreed to stop killing one another. ~Robert Anton Wilson

An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind. ~ Mahatma Gandhi

All countries in this world are territories of evil. ~ Rama ( Yoga Vasistha)

When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti



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Premium Member
Ruhi beyond any doubt if you study any of the Books, focuses on the oneness of humanity and how to develop our characters to be at one with everyone
Here are the title's of the Ruhi books which having undertaken a few of them, seem to indicate their focus to me;
Book 1: Reflections on the Life of the Spirit

Book 2: Arising to Serve

Book 3: Teaching Children’s Classes, Grade 1

Teaching Children’s Classes, Grade 2 (pre-publication edition)

Teaching Children’s Classes, Grade 3 (pre-publication edition)

Teaching Children’s Classes, Grade 4 (material in development)

Book 4: The Twin Manifestations

Book 5: Releasing the Powers of Junior Youth

Initial Impulse (material in development)

Widening Circle (material in development)

Book 6: Teaching the Cause

Book 7: Walking Together on a Path of Service

Book 8: The Covenant of Bahá’u’lláh (pre-publication edition)

Book 9: Gaining an Historical Perspective (pre-publication edition)

Book 10: Building Vibrant Communities (pre-publication edition)

Book 11: Material Means (material in development)

Book 12: Family and the Community (material in development)

Book 13: Engaging in Social Action (material in development)

Book 14: Participating in Public Discourse (material in development)

Source: Programs and Materials

As you can see they start out with the dogma, and in the context of Ruhi books "service" largely means inviting more people to engage in the Ruhi books/teaching Baha'i Faith activities (or at least thats the impression I got from the first 3) in my opinion


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
You say, "Yes, of course," then immediately start back in talking about you, and what you believe. What do I believe, @loverofhumanity? What parts of what you said do I agree with? What parts do I disagree with? And why? Have you paid any attention?

Or have you just dismissed me as immature and egotistic? Hell, maybe I am.

How about @F1fan? What parts of what you said do they agree with? What parts do they disagree with? And why?

@McBell? @Vinayaka?

I am very sorry if my style of posting is not as perfect as you would like it to be. I try to listen to what others are trying to get across and learn from them. But I’m far from perfect. When I have dialogue with anyone I try and learn from what they understand, reflect on their agreement or disagreement and consult further on the topic. I reflect on each post and try and learn what the other person is saying. I believe we can all learn from each other. The main topic is always the thread but it’s easy to go off track. We all do it.