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Should the oneness of humanity be taught in all schools worldwide


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
I don't understand the relationship of this to my question. Perhaps you can expand.
Maybe I’m not understanding. We choose which ideology to love or hate. The Quran states that God sends the truth and WE choose either to believe it or not or as you put it love it or hate it. Does this help?


Premium Member
I started the thread because I want wars to end and because I believe that they are fuelled by prejudices taught at a very young age such as Hamas teaching their young to hate and kill Jews. This is a sincere and honest thread.

My aim and intention is sincere and pure. There is no sneakiness here and no proselytising. It’s an honest thread about the oneness of mankind nothing else. Can we please return to the topic of the thread?
If it's Hamas you're after, why don't you write a letter to them? Why pile the entire world onto a few? It's illogical.


Well-Known Member
Your point about the oneness of humanity having emotional appeal is inaccurate. It involves much more than that.
My question was not about accuracy. I asked, Can you tell me why you read "I think that you are very strong feelings about Baha'i messages being good and correct and a proper model for the future of humanity." and think that means a "mere outburst of ignorant emotionalism"?


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Humanity currently is plagued with so many prejudices. We see some as racial, national and religious causing never ending wars. It seems that treaties and pacts cannot stem the tide of global conflicts and humanity seems lost as to how to solve this age old dilemma and finally establish lasting peace. But since there is no temporary solution what if there is a permanent one? However a slow fix not a quick one. There is I believe a way - through education or rather reeducation.

Let’s take religious prejudice as an example as it is the most powerful force in our world. Let me at the outset state that I believe that all the major religions are true and were revealed progressively to meet the spiritual and social needs of people at the time they were revealed. They all teach virtues and the golden rule. But over time religious leaders seeking power and control have desynchronised the religions which are all part of one unfolding process and turned them into opposing factions. “This is the changeless faith of God, eternal in the past, eternal in the future” (Baha’u’llah) But now as a result of indoctrination, religionists reject the subsequent Teacher leading to a desynchronisation of the unfolding process of progressive revelation and evolutionary nature of religion and prejudices against the new faith.

However, now in this modern age most can investigate truth for themselves unlike past times when there was a need for clergy due to illiteracy and lack of literature, and verify that all religions are from the same source and are connected to each other not separate entities and equal, thus ending centuries of misinformation leading to prejudice, hatreds and wars.

This huge step requires courage. For us to step out of the comfort zone that only our religion is true. That all are sinners or infidels and that only our way leads to salvation. Instead, to be replaced with the mature notion that all of us belong to one human family and are of the same human DNA and that all these divisions were due to our immaturity. Otherwise it’s far better to do away with religion completely if it only causes bloodshed and war, division and prejudice. Isn’t this what is needed today to put aside our differences and put our common humanity first and teach the oneness and equality of all humankind in all the schools of the world? Would not this pave the way for a generation of well wishers of all? Although theoretically we could try and get rid of religion, eliminating racial and national prejudices would require reeducation towards oneness and equality.

So I believe all schools in the world from infancy should have included in their course the subject of the oneness and equality of all humanity and that we all belong to one human family there being NO superior race, religion, nationality or group of people. Thank you. If you agree please try and teach this concept in your school.
The schools are no place to teach values. What values a child learns up to the PARENTS, not the state.

For myself, this is what I have taught my kids -- start at the center of the onion and move out. Meet your own needs first, food, shelter, clothing etc. After that be concerned about you children and family. If those needs are met, then move on to your larger community, whether it is that of your town or your church or whatever. After that, be concerned for your nation. And after that the world. I'm all in favor of feeding the starving kids in Africa, as long as it is done in a manner that keeps our priorities straight.

And I don't want anyone else teaching my kids anything else.


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
start at the center of the onion and move out. Meet your own needs first, food, shelter, clothing etc. After that be concerned about you children and family. If those needs are met, then move on to your larger community, whether it is that of your town or your church or whatever. After that, be concerned for your nation. And after that the world.
That sounds similar to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Perhaps it's a hierarchy of concern?

If I had children I would raise them in a similar way


Well-Known Member
The schools are no place to teach values. What values a child learns up to the PARENTS, not the state.

For myself, this is what I have taught my kids -- start at the center of the onion and move out. Meet your own needs first, food, shelter, clothing etc. After that be concerned about you children and family. If those needs are met, then move on to your larger community, whether it is that of your town or your church or whatever. After that, be concerned for your nation. And after that the world. I'm all in favor of feeding the starving kids in Africa, as long as it is done in a manner that keeps our priorities straight.

And I don't want anyone else teaching my kids anything else.
Those wants are a literal impossibility. Any organization that mediates an area where people gather will have rules and standards of behaviors for the people occupying that area. In the case of your children, your values will inevitably influence them and inform their interaction with others. Your "straight " priorities will no doubt come into conflict with others who find your priorities to be bent. A school without standards of behavior and civility is the war ground that so many seem to be courting.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
I wrote a poem, you may hate me for it, not, maybe love me more, neutral, , I don't care: Rebellious and hateful

Hate is a powerful emotion - it's the other side of love.
Whether love or hate, judging each other and acting on that judgement can cause problems.
" God" taught you something?

I dont believe you.
God sends us Educators but it is up to us if we choose to learn from Them or not.


Veteran Member
Whether love or hate, judging each other and acting on that judgement can cause problems.

God sends us Educators but it is up to us if we choose to learn from Them or not.
You choose to believe in people who
have claimed to be "educators".

That is totally different from " god taught".

BTW, "them " is not a proper noun. Nor is "educator".
Its pretentious and ridiculous to lretend they are.
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