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Should the oneness of humanity be taught in all schools worldwide


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I understand that this philosophy is very popular, especially among leftists.
It is interesting that you describe the evidence based understanding of the American Association of Peadeatrics as nothing more than popular leftist philosophy.
But reality has shown that automatic progression does NOT help kids catch up, and is one of the major factors in the plummet of reading and math skills, since students are not required to learn.
It is not supposed to be automatic, it is supposed to be on a case by case basis as I understand it.

And can you cite your sources as opposed to just throwing out claims please?


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
It is interesting that you describe the evidence based understanding of the American Association of Peadeatrics as nothing more than popular leftist philosophy.
Yes, it is very sad, but it is true that the American Association of Pediatrics is unduly influenced by leftist agendas. Case in point, they USED to say that it was NOT a good idea to transition kids, because most kids GROW OUT of gender dysphoria. Then when the trans issue became a big item for the left, they jumped on the band wagon.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Yes, it is very sad, but it is true that the American Association of Pediatrics is unduly influenced by leftist agendas. Case in point, they USED to say that it was NOT a good idea to transition kids, because most kids GROW OUT of gender dysphoria. Then when the trans issue became a big item for the left, they jumped on the band wagon.
Yeah, it couldn't possibly be that either new evidence or a better understanding of existing evidence came to light because the left /s


Admiral Obvious
Humanity currently is plagued with so many prejudices. We see some as racial, national and religious causing never ending wars. It seems that treaties and pacts cannot stem the tide of global conflicts and humanity seems lost as to how to solve this age old dilemma and finally establish lasting peace. But since there is no temporary solution what if there is a permanent one? However a slow fix not a quick one. There is I believe a way - through education or rather reeducation.

Let’s take religious prejudice as an example as it is the most powerful force in our world. Let me at the outset state that I believe that all the major religions are true and were revealed progressively to meet the spiritual and social needs of people at the time they were revealed. They all teach virtues and the golden rule. But over time religious leaders seeking power and control have desynchronised the religions which are all part of one unfolding process and turned them into opposing factions. “This is the changeless faith of God, eternal in the past, eternal in the future” (Baha’u’llah) But now as a result of indoctrination, religionists reject the subsequent Teacher leading to a desynchronisation of the unfolding process of progressive revelation and evolutionary nature of religion and prejudices against the new faith.

However, now in this modern age most can investigate truth for themselves unlike past times when there was a need for clergy due to illiteracy and lack of literature, and verify that all religions are from the same source and are connected to each other not separate entities and equal, thus ending centuries of misinformation leading to prejudice, hatreds and wars.

This huge step requires courage. For us to step out of the comfort zone that only our religion is true. That all are sinners or infidels and that only our way leads to salvation. Instead, to be replaced with the mature notion that all of us belong to one human family and are of the same human DNA and that all these divisions were due to our immaturity. Otherwise it’s far better to do away with religion completely if it only causes bloodshed and war, division and prejudice. Isn’t this what is needed today to put aside our differences and put our common humanity first and teach the oneness and equality of all humankind in all the schools of the world? Would not this pave the way for a generation of well wishers of all? Although theoretically we could try and get rid of religion, eliminating racial and national prejudices would require reeducation towards oneness and equality.

So I believe all schools in the world from infancy should have included in their course the subject of the oneness and equality of all humanity and that we all belong to one human family there being NO superior race, religion, nationality or group of people. Thank you. If you agree please try and teach this concept in your school.
No religion should be taught in all the schools worldwide.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
No religion should be taught in all the schools worldwide.
First off, all schools should teach ABOUT religion, even though they don't teach any particular religion. Being culturally literate is part of being educated.

Second, there is a place for religious private schools. In my state, the public schools are a joke, where less than half the students test at grade level for reading and math. I know Catholic schools that have non-Catholics lining up around the block to gain admission because of the excellence of their academics. The only problem is that this option is only available to the rich, which is why I support vouchers.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
The only problem is that this option is only available to the rich, which is why I support vouchers.
What is the purpose of vouchers if they can't be redeemed at public schools? Better just to tax the rich and use the money to fix public schools in my opinion, because anything else would amount to the state propping up whichever religion controls the most money by funding schools that indoctrinate children.

The rich simply don't need government benefits and it strikes me as an inverse robin hood scheme to rob from the poor and give to those with money.


Admiral Obvious
First off, all schools should teach ABOUT religion, even though they don't teach any particular religion. Being culturally literate is part of being educated.

Second, there is a place for religious private schools. In my state, the public schools are a joke, where less than half the students test at grade level for reading and math. I know Catholic schools that have non-Catholics lining up around the block to gain admission because of the excellence of their academics. The only problem is that this option is only available to the rich, which is why I support vouchers.
And neither of your declarations have anything to do with the post you replied to...


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
What is the purpose of vouchers if they can't be redeemed at public schools? Better just to tax the rich and use the money to fix public schools in my opinion, because anything else would amount to the state propping up whichever religion controls the most money by funding schools that indoctrinate children.

The rich simply don't need government benefits and it strikes me as an inverse robin hood scheme to rob from the poor and give to those with money.
We are tired of waiting for the public schools to get fixed. In California, they get ample money. The districts choose to spend it at the district office -- go there and you will see lots of mercedes and bmw's. The money never gets to the classroom. We are fed up.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
We are tired of waiting for the public schools to get fixed. In California, they get ample money. The districts choose to spend it at the district office -- go there and you will see lots of mercedes and bmw's. The money never gets to the classroom. We are fed up.
I'm not sure but I don't think we have district offices in Australia. It is a strange educational setup in the US, perhaps because it is a larger country. In NSW Australia we have several state government department of education offices however I don't think that compares to California as although NSW is almost twice California for size it's school student population is 791,435 compared to California's 5,852,544 so at ~14% of the student population size it understandably has drastically less offices.

It's interesting, I wonder how they justify having school district offices if private schools do not have them. I might make an enquiry and see what they have to say.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
It's interesting, I wonder how they justify having school district offices if private schools do not have them. I might make an enquiry and see what they have to say.
Indeed. One of the great mysteries in my state is how Catholic schools manage to give a better education for a fraction of the price. One analysis I read was that it had to do with Catholic trust of institutions. They didn't spend a lot of money on oversite, because they basically trusted that people were going to do the jobs they were hired to do.

At any rate, it seems the public schools in your nation are superior, and I am envious :)


Active Member
Premium Member
So I believe all schools in the world from infancy should have included in their course the subject of the oneness and equality of all humanity and that we all belong to one human family there being NO superior race, religion, nationality or group of people. Thank you. If you agree please try and teach this concept in your school.
India has been pushing this Sanskrit motto since the recent G20 meeting in India: "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" meaning "The world is one family". It was also adopted during the more recent COP28 Summit (btw China was not happy with the phrase since it was in Sanskrit)
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We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
No religion should be taught in all the schools worldwide.
This thread is not about any religion being taught in schools but about the oneness and equality of all humanity. It should be part of international law that it is forbidden to teach hatred against another race, religion or nationality. To stem the rising tide of conflict, prejudice must be eliminated. Without prejudices being addressed, which are the root cause of hatreds, there is no chance for peace in the world.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Humanity, I believe, needs to address the brainwashing going on over the centuries that has somehow taught us to hate one another because we are of a different race, religion or nationality. Hamas teach their young to hate Jews and instills into them the desire to kill and rape them. We have all been taught some kind of prejudice and accepted it without question. All people, except for a very deranged few are good and harm no one. But there are those spreading the ideology of hatred and prejudice and this can ONLY be encountered with an ideology which incorporates love, unconditional love and acceptance for all humanity without distinction. If we remain silent, before long our sons and daughters will be caught up in this upheaval of prejudice. The ONLY solution is to educate people to accept unconditionally all people whether, believer or not, as part of one human family.


Veteran Member
This thread is not about any religion being taught in schools but about the oneness and equality of all humanity.
Which includes gays being afforded equality and the same legal and social benefits as others, yes?
It should be part of international law that it is forbidden to teach hatred against another race, religion or nationality.
Would that include passive racism and prejudice? How do you police a society?
To stem the rising tide of conflict, prejudice must be eliminated.
Without prejudices being addressed, which are the root cause of hatreds, there is no chance for peace in the world.
Human brains are not perfect or rational. Thinking skill has to be learned. Maturity and emotional intelligence needs to be taught and demonstrated.


Admiral Obvious
This thread is not about any religion being taught in schools but about the oneness and equality of all humanity. It should be part of international law that it is forbidden to teach hatred against another race, religion or nationality. To stem the rising tide of conflict, prejudice must be eliminated. Without prejudices being addressed, which are the root cause of hatreds, there is no chance for peace in the world.
Please describe this secular "oneness and equality of all humanity" you propose to be taught in all schools world wide.