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Should the oneness of humanity be taught in all schools worldwide


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Which includes gays being afforded equality and the same legal and social benefits as others, yes?

Would that include passive racism and prejudice? How do you police a society?


Human brains are not perfect or rational. Thinking skill has to be learned. Maturity and emotional intelligence needs to be taught and demonstrated.
I believe we can be educated to be free from prejudice even passive types. Policing never works and is a waste of resources. True reform means educating the individual to shirk from such behaviour. Homosexuals are human beings so of course they are included as are atheists. No one is excluded from the human race on any grounds whatsoever. That is the entire point of this kind of education that we all learn to accept one another unconditionally. Of course it will take generations for society to undo the harmful things we have been taught for centuries but there is NO other way. Quick fixes like truces and treaties only last until the next war. Yes we need to learn to think and question not just blindly accept those teaching hatreds.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Please describe this secular "oneness and equality of all humanity" you propose to be taught in all schools world wide.
It is not something which can be imposed or forced upon people by any government or group. It is something that I believe humanity will collectively learn and come to the conclusion that the root of conflicts are prejudices and the only way to eliminate them is through re education that we are all equal as humans. But I think it is becoming a realisation around the world that treaties are not addressing the underlying cause of prejudices resulting in conflicts continually flaring up again. Humanity is learning the hard way that we need to unlearn our prejudices and accept all as one human family.


Veteran Member
Homosexuals are human beings so of course they are included as are atheists. No one is excluded from the human race on any grounds whatsoever. That is the entire point of this kind of education that we all learn to accept one another unconditionally.
I didn't ask if gays were human beings, of course the are. I asked if you will drop your religious bias and acknowledge that gays have equality in the law and socially like anyone else. If you are serious about equality then gays get it too, right?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Humanity currently is plagued with so many prejudices. We see some as racial, national and religious causing never ending wars. It seems that treaties and pacts cannot stem the tide of global conflicts and humanity seems lost as to how to solve this age old dilemma and finally establish lasting peace. But since there is no temporary solution what if there is a permanent one? However a slow fix not a quick one. There is I believe a way - through education or rather reeducation.

Let’s take religious prejudice as an example as it is the most powerful force in our world. Let me at the outset state that I believe that all the major religions are true and were revealed progressively to meet the spiritual and social needs of people at the time they were revealed. They all teach virtues and the golden rule. But over time religious leaders seeking power and control have desynchronised the religions which are all part of one unfolding process and turned them into opposing factions. “This is the changeless faith of God, eternal in the past, eternal in the future” (Baha’u’llah) But now as a result of indoctrination, religionists reject the subsequent Teacher leading to a desynchronisation of the unfolding process of progressive revelation and evolutionary nature of religion and prejudices against the new faith.

However, now in this modern age most can investigate truth for themselves unlike past times when there was a need for clergy due to illiteracy and lack of literature, and verify that all religions are from the same source and are connected to each other not separate entities and equal, thus ending centuries of misinformation leading to prejudice, hatreds and wars.

This huge step requires courage. For us to step out of the comfort zone that only our religion is true. That all are sinners or infidels and that only our way leads to salvation. Instead, to be replaced with the mature notion that all of us belong to one human family and are of the same human DNA and that all these divisions were due to our immaturity. Otherwise it’s far better to do away with religion completely if it only causes bloodshed and war, division and prejudice. Isn’t this what is needed today to put aside our differences and put our common humanity first and teach the oneness and equality of all humankind in all the schools of the world? Would not this pave the way for a generation of well wishers of all? Although theoretically we could try and get rid of religion, eliminating racial and national prejudices would require reeducation towards oneness and equality.

So I believe all schools in the world from infancy should have included in their course the subject of the oneness and equality of all humanity and that we all belong to one human family there being NO superior race, religion, nationality or group of people. Thank you. If you agree please try and teach this concept in your school.
It seems strange to me that you would go from explaining why you think your religion is superior to - in the very next breath - saying that schools should teach that no religion is superior.


Well-Known Member
I didn't ask if gays were human beings, of course the are. I asked if you will drop your religious bias and acknowledge that gays have equality in the law and socially like anyone else. If you are serious about equality then gays get it too, right?
I would bet that their answer t this question will be a variation on the racial and religious miscegenation of the last century. Where everyone is "equal" because everyone is constrained to marry only the people from a group approved by the speaker's favored religion or culture.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
It seems strange to me that you would go from explaining why you think your religion is superior to - in the very next breath - saying that schools should teach that no religion is superio
It is about the Baha'i religious definition of oneness and equality being taught in school. By my secular definition, your religious standards are both divisive and stratified.
Oneness of humanity is oneness of humanity. The definition is to accept all as equals. There is no other definition. It is what it is. I are not speaking about any religion whatsoever. Only the belief that we are all one human family.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
It’s nothing to do with religion. Only to abolish prejudices by educating people to accept all humans as equal and deserving of equal respect.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
I didn't ask if gays were human beings, of course the are. I asked if you will drop your religious bias and acknowledge that gays have equality in the law and socially like anyone else. If you are serious about equality then gays get it too, right?
It would go something like this... All people are equal. However, certain behaviors are not right. So, along with teaching you not to be prejudiced against anybody, we will also teach you proper behavior. Some of you will have improper feelings towards other... Sexual feelings. There is only one proper place for sex. And that is in marriage... A marriage between a man and a woman. Some of you might want to have sex with people of your own gender or with a person of the opposite gender but out of wedlock. This are not right. And are improper uses of our sexual impulse.

A kid asks, "Who says?" What's the teacher going to say? The truth? That it's God... through his latest prophet? The prophet of the Baha'i Faith?
It seems strange to me that you would go from explaining why you think your religion is superior to - in the very next breath - saying that schools should teach that no religion is superior.
Same thing... Today we're going to learn how all religions and all the prophet/founders of all the religions are one. None of them is superior than the other. They all came from the same God.

A kid asks, "How come they all teach different things?" What's the teacher going to say? Maybe... "Well actually, none of them teach the truth anymore. They'll all been corrupted and lost their original teachings. But don't worry children. God has sent a new messenger with a new message of peace and unity. It has not been corrupted but has the pure teachings from God for today."

Does the Baha'i Faith have an agenda? Sure, we can all be one and live in peace. All we have to do is believe in their religion and follow its rules. Why don't some of us trust them?


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
I would bet that their answer t this question will be a variation on the racial and religious miscegenation of the last century. Where everyone is "equal" because everyone is constrained to marry only the people from a group approved by the speaker's favored religion or culture.
Humanity has and is always free to choose its own destiny. Each does what he/she believes is right and true.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
It would go something like this... All people are equal. However, certain behaviors are not right. So, along with teaching you not to be prejudiced against anybody, we will also teach you proper behavior. Some of you will have improper feelings towards other... Sexual feelings. There is only one proper place for sex. And that is in marriage... A marriage between a man and a woman. Some of you might want to have sex with people of your own gender or with a person of the opposite gender but out of wedlock. This are not right. And are improper uses of our sexual impulse.

A kid asks, "Who says?" What's the teacher going to say? The truth? That it's God... through his latest prophet? The prophet of the Baha'i Faith?

Same thing... Today we're going to learn how all religions and all the prophet/founders of all the religions are one. None of them is superior than the other. They all came from the same God.

A kid asks, "How come they all teach different things?" What's the teacher going to say? Maybe... "Well actually, none of them teach the truth anymore. They'll all been corrupted and lost their original teachings. But don't worry children. God has sent a new messenger with a new message of peace and unity. It has not been corrupted but has the pure teachings from God for today."

Does the Baha'i Faith have an agenda? Sure, we can all be one and live in peace. All we have to do is believe in their religion and follow its rules. Why don't some of us trust them?
Nobody is forcing anyone to accept anything Baha’u’llah says. People do whatever they want it’s their life and not anyone’s business to judge. No one has to follow Baha’u’llah’s laws and teachings. I follow them because i love Baha’u’llah and His laws have given me happiness, content, inner peace a stable life, education and happy marriage. But for those who don’t agree then Thats their right.


Well-Known Member
.Oneness of humanity is oneness of humanity. The definition is to accept all as equals. There is no other definition. It is what it is. I are not speaking about any religion whatsoever. Only the belief that we are all one human family.

Humans are explaining to you why they, as humans, see what the you assert about the oneness of humanity as being antihuman and you don't seem to give a crap.

Do you have any interest in why anyone on this forum would honestly disagree with you?


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Humans are explaining to you why they, as humans, see what the you assert about the oneness of humanity as being antihuman and you don't seem to give a crap.

Do you have any interest in why anyone on this forum would honestly disagree with you?
I think it’s very human and that educating our children to hate other races, religions or nationalities is terrible and the cause of destruction. Hitler demonised the Jews and so is Hamas. That’s what I would call anti human. Teaching people to respect and love all humanity is the ONLY way to peace. Offer a better way if you have one.


Admiral Obvious
It is not something which can be imposed or forced upon people by any government or group. It is something that I believe humanity will collectively learn and come to the conclusion that the root of conflicts are prejudices and the only way to eliminate them is through re education that we are all equal as humans. But I think it is becoming a realisation around the world that treaties are not addressing the underlying cause of prejudices resulting in conflicts continually flaring up again. Humanity is learning the hard way that we need to unlearn our prejudices and accept all as one human family.
Interesting that you completely forgot to describe this secular "oneness and equality of all humanity" you propose to be taught in all schools world wide.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Interesting that you completely forgot to describe this secular "oneness and equality of all humanity" you propose to be taught in all schools world wide.
The format depends on whatever humanity collectively or individual nations agree upon. Nothing to do with us Baha’is at all. For example racial harmony is needed in the USA and they need to find a way of addressing it. In Muslim schools the need may be to respect all faiths and so on. So on a needs basis.

Wars may drive humanity to the point where they are forced to take a serious look at what is being taught the next generation and why they are being indoctrinated to hate others. Treaties, ceasefires and public protests have proved completely useless as the next generation is educated to kill then another war starts. This applies to all nations, races and religions. Humanity needs to find a way to create harmony between the various diverse elements or face endless conflicts. The media also bears heavy responsibility not to demonise which it does so often, turning people against one another. This is a massive undertaking which will likely take decades if not centuries to move away from confrontation and towards cooperation and peaceful coexistence. A lot of effort and very hard work. No magic wand here.