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Should we fear Islam?


Intentionally Blank
you always back up your claims so back this one up......

Osama bin Laden: see bin Laden commands significant support among British Muslims for his war against America, a shocking new survey carried out in the Midlands revealed today.

All the Muslim populations polled display a solid majority of support for Osama bin Laden. Asked whether they have confidence in him, Muslims replied positively, ranging between 8% (in Turkey) and 72% (in Nigeria)
from here.

the results of an Al Jazeera online poll:
2. Do you support Osama bin Laden?
Yes: 49.9%
No: 50.1%

54% of Nigerian Muslims polled said they were supportive of Osama bin Laden.


Bin Laden is one of the most admired and respected Muslims in the world--among Muslims. What does that tell you?
I would have to see a source but it wouldnt surprise me if that was true
i suspect that the major factors for many,many Muslims is that the US is perceived as the great satan who supports Israel and is waging a war against Islam, combined with his fight against the soviets would lead to such status. After all their are Muslim government's that perpetuate this

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Bin Laden is one of the most admired and respected Muslims in the world? Evidence, please. From what I've seen most Muslims on this thread say, he isn't respected at all, and I certainly never respected him when I was a Shi'ite. I was a moderate-progressive.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
you always back up your claims so back this one up......

Bin Laden is one of the most admired and respected Muslims in the world? Evidence, please. From what I've seen most Muslims on this thread say, he isn't respected at all, and I certainly never respected him when I was a Shi'ite. I was a moderate-progressive.
According to the latest numbers from Pew, support for Osama bin Hidin' has dropped off markedly in Muslim Majority countries.
Auto's percentages are off their mark by a few years, as the article is circa 2001.

Tsk, tsk.
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Veteran Member
eselam says Saudi Arabia is not Muslim. He seems to be using his own private definition of "Muslim," meaning, "agrees with eselam."

it seems like you don't mind slandering Muslims. Eselam many times explained that it is not his job to judge people let alone calling entire nation "No Muslim". this is just too much. even a 12 year old would have understood it already



I want Khilafah back
That their particular brand/sect/version/type/style/flavour/etc. of Islam is the only Islam and everything else is not Islam.

ah this is what you are on about the problem. there is only one islam, the islam of the quran and hadith you either accept it or you don't. that is all that is needed. so getting back to bin laden the hadith of the prophet say not to kill unarmed people which is the elderly, women and children mostly. do you want to see the hadith?

further more, if in the battle field anyone from the enemie declares the Shahada, the he must not be harmed. do you want to see the hadith that says this?
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I want Khilafah back
Last time I heard, Muslim suicide bombers had blown up a train full of Moscovites, not a single one of them a soldier.

see muslim suicide bombers once again. a muslim who goes against the will of Allah is not a muslim, the definition of the word muslims means one who as submitted to Allahs will. you still don't get it though.

It's so nice of Allah to have given us you as his prophet to clear up what is and is not His will.

i am not a prophet, please don't call me that.

I'm having a very hard time communicating an extremely simple concept to you. I've said it every way I can think of. I am not talking about "Islamic" in the sense of "what Allah wills." I don't know what Allah wills. All I know is what millions of Muslims believe He wills, and what they do based on that belief. The entire world calls that "Islam," and that is what I'm talking about.

islam is not what every individual person wills and does, that is what i am explaining to you. islam is what Allah has said it is and a muslim is someone who submits to Allah. but like all people muslims too dissobey and do things that are unpleasant to Allh and are against his will. thus anyone who does this is not a muslim at the time that he/she does it.

I am not debating what is or is not truly "Islamic" in the sense that there is any one correct interpretation of the qur'an. I'm nuetral on that question. My only point is that millions of so-called Muslims believe it, and act on it, and kill innocent people because of it, and that matters.

ok prove it that muslims kill innocent people because the quran says so. or prove it that the hadith say so.

Whether the qur'an commands it or not, 39 Muscovites are dead this week. And that is what I'm talking about. Should we fear that? Hell yeah!

so first you say they do it because of the quran then you go on saying you don't know what the quran commands. thank you Auto


I want Khilafah back
So scholars who have devoted their lives to studying the qur'an, sharia and hadith, and who say the opposite of you, are therefore to be taken as authorities, rather than you?

yes if they are not contradicting the quran and hadith. if they are then i follow thescholars who do not contradictthe quran and hadith, so once again i am quoting people of high authority. i don't say what i think a verse or hadith says, i say what those who have the knowledge say.


I want Khilafah back
eselam says Saudi Arabia is not Muslim. He seems to be using his own private definition of "Muslim," meaning, "agrees with eselam."

saudi arabia is not a human it is a country. i am saying the country itself does not represent the nation of islam. but you didn't know that, it's not like i've already said it almost a thousand times before.


I want Khilafah back
it seems like you don't mind slandering Muslims. Eselam many times explained that it is not his job to judge people let alone calling entire nation "No Muslim". this is just too much. even a 12 year old would have understood it already


i guess explaining itabout a thousand times wasn't enough, i need to do it some more times. she has the memory of a goldfish, 3 seconds thats it.