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Should we fear Islam?


Intentionally Blank
do you even know the historical facts behind it?

pedophilia i forbiden in islam.

Wait, didn't you tell me that a girl who has entered puberty is considered as an adult for marriage purposes?

(btw, is she considered an adult for contract or other purposes? What about boys?)


Intentionally Blank
eselam: You accused me of lying. I asked you to find a post of mine containing a lie, or else retract and apologize, as any person of conscience would do. Would you please do so, or apply that epithet to yourself? Thank you.


Well-Known Member
the hadith stated in that charter is correct, i have read it myslef in other places. but to understand it one needs the commentary of a scholar or be a scholar himself with the appropriate knowledge.

here is the commentary on the hadith i posted:


Please explain the following hadith:

I heard the Prophet saying, "In the last days (of the world) there will appear young people with foolish thoughts and ideas. They will give good talks, but they will go out of Islam as an arrow goes out of its game, their faith will not exceed their throats. So, wherever you find them, kill them, for there will be a reward for their killers on the Day of
Resurrection." (Bukhari: 6-61:577)

Who, exactly, was the Prophet (SAW) referring to in this tradition? How should Islamic workers/activists understand this hadith in relation to the da'wah? What is the hukm on the last sentence of the hadith?


Answered by Shaykh Hamza Karamali, SunniPath Academy Teacher


In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate
This hadith has been related by both Bukhari and Muslim in their
compilations of rigorously authenticated hadiths. Imam Nawawi
explains in his commentary on Sahih Muslim that the people being
referred to in the hadith are seemingly pious Muslims who rebel
against the rightful ruler of the Muslims by taking up arms against
him. The most prominent historical example was the Khawarij, an early
Muslim sect that declared major companions and their rightful
supporters to have left Islam, and used this as a justification to
take up armed struggle against them. The hadith is a true prophecy
with respect to the Khawarij, and, as explained by Imam Nawawi,
applies to other similar groups of Muslims who oppose the mainstream
Muslims and take up arms against them. The instruction in the hadith
to kill such people is an instruction to Muslim rulers to gather an
army to forcibly quell such rebellions.
This is how classical scholars have understood the above hadith. This
hadith does not in any way justify individual Muslims' causing civil
discord by taking the law into their own hands and go about spilling
blood, nor does it justify the terrible acts of violence and terror
that are committed in the name of Islam by the ignorant.
And Allah knows best.
Thank you Eselam. So it is talking about Muslims that do not follow Quran, but say they do. This would then apply to Osama bin Laden I guess?


I want Khilafah back
this is one of the many cases where you've lied about me:

eselam says Saudi Arabia is not Muslim. He seems to be using his own private definition of "Muslim," meaning, "agrees with eselam."

just to prove you were actually lying, .lava replied to your post and said:

it seems like you don't mind slandering Muslims. Eselam many times explained that it is not his job to judge people let alone calling entire nation "No Muslim". this is just too much. even a 12 year old would have understood it already


then i said, in reply to the same post of yours:

saudi arabia is not a human it is a country. i am saying the country itself does not represent the nation of islam. but you didn't know that, it's not like i've already said it almost a thousand times before.


Intentionally Blank
eselam said:
this is one of the many cases where you've lied about me:

Autodidact said:
eselam says Saudi Arabia is not Muslim. He seems to be using his own private definition of "Muslim," meaning, "agrees with eselam."

eselam said:
the islamic government does not exist.
eselam said:
saudi arabia is not a human it is a country. i am saying the country itself does note represent the nation of islam

O.K., correction and retraction on my part, or perhaps clarification. Due to my ignorance, I didn't really not the distinction here. eselam did not say that Saudi Arabia is not Muslim. (So I gather it's O.K. with you to call Saudi Arabia Muslim?) He said it's not an Islamic government. My apologies.

However, in that case everything I said about Muslim (rather than Islamic) countries stands unquestioned, correct?
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I want Khilafah back
It's really not our job to read long boring essays, eselam. It's your job to explain your position.

How old is Aisha supposed to have been at the time of her marriage to Muhammed?

9 i believ. as the hadith in bukhari say.


I want Khilafah back
I read it. It seems to to confirm the story, and tries to justify the marriage of a 6-year-old to an old man when more than one pedophile is interested in the child, and because girls mature faster in hotter climates. And I thought the Old Testament was messed up.

the old testament is messed up.

so what do you dissagree with in the article?


Naughty But Nice
Okay eselam, let's try this... I'll take your word for it... how old was Aisha when Mohammad married her? And how old was she when he had sexual intercourse with her? Do you confirm the above ages provided by The_Evelyonian?
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Intentionally Blank
in what way is it terrible?
In what way is it terrible to marry a girl of nine? Do I really need to go into it? Wow, I'm shocked. Well, in most civilized societies, we consider that children should be allowed to live their childhood, and not enter into adult marital relationships until they're adults. Among other things, they're not mature enough to give their free consent to a lifetime commitment to (among other things) an exclusive sexual relationship. Would you allow your little girl to get married?
according to whose standards?
Mine and most civliized people. Not yours?
how come homosexuality is not horrible, because you are one yourself?
Because it's a voluntary love relationship between adults. Really, eselam, it speaks volumes that I have to explain this to you. It's as though your religion has retarded your moral understanding, instead of advancing it.