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South Carolina OKs ban on gender affirming care.


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
If you see the word detranitioner when the word used is transitioner, I can't help you other than to copy/paste what it says, and even use bold highlighting so you can see it better.
Also, "from the gender they were assigned at birth" can't be any more plain to understand.
The word detransitioner is bolded and italicized in the quote. What you're bolding is detransitioners saying they regretted their transition from their assigned sex to a new one. About a third of the people who transitioned and then detransitioned regretted it. Not sure how else I can explain this.


Staff member
Premium Member
Really bizarre self own.
The fact that the majority of detransitioners do not regret transitioning is further testament for why it is wrong to use detransitioners to justify this sort of legislation.

The vast majority of trans people do not regret transition, and most who do cite family and social pressure to transition rather than the actual treatment.
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Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Would you like to see it from a different source?

"As gender-affirming surgery becomes more prevalent, a growing number of people who go through the treatment are choosing to detransition."

I hope this makes it a bit more clear.
So the article says that but doesn't cite anything saying that. The only thing it cites is an article that doesn't say detransitioners is growing but that half of detransitioners felt like they didn't have adequate mental healthcare evaluation. Which, considering the state of mental healthcare accessibility and funding in the US is no surprise.

And again, the rate of autism diagnosis is going up, as us tye rate of misdiagnosis. But that is almost entirely because autism in adults, especially women, is poorly understood. It does not mean the new people being diagnosed were never autistic, or that tye new diagnosis are invalid because a small minority were misdiagnosed. Same is true of gender dysphoria and its treatment.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Cutting off the breasts of a 12 year old girl in order to turn her into a boy is always malpractice.
It's mutilation and a violation of a doctor's oath to not cut into healthy flesh.

That's never stopped anyone before. Her problem if she regrets it later on.

School of hard knocks missy.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
In any case, I'm mostly concerned with your category "a", and for all intents and purposes, your claim is wrong. The fact that there are a few rare individuals with medical conditions does not mean that sex is not binary. Sex is binary.
The Smithsonian and teams of anthropologists will be so happy then. Go ahead and call them up to tell them what sex Casimir Pulaski was.
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......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
A lifetime of dependence on medication that they are incredibly thankful to have access to.

The elephant in the room that is perpetually ignored is that transition regret among trans people is very low.
The 'victims' of GAC are largely imagined. The patients themselves are overwhelmingly satisfied with being able to transition. Even most detransitioners do not have these anti-GAC stances.

The upset here is not of the people themselves transitioning. It's from outsiders who are endlessly preoccupied with whether gender transition could have been avoided to the point where they completely ignore the patient experience. Hearing people suppose about how things may have been different if a trans person did not get GAC is like like talking with pro-lifers who go on and on about the experiences of the unborn. They are grieving an alternate reality that does not exist instead of actually demonstrating basic empathy for transgender people.

Once a person has gone thru the drug and perhaps surgery stages of GAC they're emotionally committed. It's also the case that they will never know how they would have felt had they just stuck with talk therapy. Plus, long term isn't really long term yet. Most of the kids that have gone thru GAC have done so in the last 8 years or so, so we do not know how they're going to feel when they reach their late 20s or 30s.

I'd like to see your stats on "overwhelmingly satisfied"?

As for ignoring the patients' experiences, not at all. What I've said over and over again is that we must ALSO factor in the experiences of kids with GD who received only talk therapy.

You seem to be ignoring THAT elephant in the room. The fact that a lot of kids with GD will grow out of it.

Why ARE so willing to throw those kids under the bus?


Staff member
Premium Member
I'd like to see your stats on "overwhelmingly satisfied"?
If a trans person transitions in their early teens, does not regret the decision, and continues to be on HRT into adulthood: am I really supposed to be incredibly torn up about the fact that they *may* have grown out of it if they had decided not to transition?

If you can be bothered to do the any reading about transition regret, see page 118 which is page 137 in the following pdf.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
The Dutch protocol, upon which GAC us based, was developed in 2011, ffs,
The first medical transitions happened in 1918 (the term coined and used then was transvestite). Using different terms today doesn't mean it's a new thing.
You'd know this if you actually knew even half the stuff about transgender care that you try to claim you know.


Not of this world
So the article says that but doesn't cite anything saying that. The only thing it cites is an article that doesn't say detransitioners is growing but that half of detransitioners felt like they didn't have adequate mental healthcare evaluation. Which, considering the state of mental healthcare accessibility and funding in the US is no surprise.

And again, the rate of autism diagnosis is going up, as us tye rate of misdiagnosis. But that is almost entirely because autism in adults, especially women, is poorly understood. It does not mean the new people being diagnosed were never autistic, or that tye new diagnosis are invalid because a small minority were misdiagnosed. Same is true of gender dysphoria and its treatment.

So you're admitting that at least half of them don't feel that they were properly informed before going through transition. We're off to a good start now. Blaming it on "accessibility to mental healthcare" is a shifting of blame.


Not of this world
If a trans person transitions in their early teens, does not regret the decision, and continues to be on HRT into adulthood: am I really supposed to be incredibly torn up about the fact that they *may* have grown out of it if they had decided not to transition?

The person who goes through it could very well end up being "torn up" about it if it means that as a natural woman, they can no longer have children. Or any other number of side effects she has to go through because of the the mutilation done to her body. By then, it's too late. Damage is done, doctor got his money, and LGBT groups can cite another stat.
But you ask if you are "really supposed to be incredibly torn up about the fact that they *may* have grown out of it if they had decided not to transition". Who cares, right? You're not the one suffering the consequences.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
The person who goes through it could very well end up being "torn up" about it if it means that as a natural woman, they can no longer have children. Or any other number of side effects she has to go through because of the the mutilation done to her body. By then, it's too late. Damage is done, doctor got his money, and LGBT groups can cite another stat.
But you ask if you are "really supposed to be incredibly torn up about the fact that they *may* have grown out of it if they had decided not to transition". Who cares, right? You're not the one suffering the consequences.
The very low rate of regrets lets us say, with confidence, your concerns are unfounded.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
So you're admitting that at least half of them don't feel that they were properly informed before going through transition. We're off to a good start now. Blaming it on "accessibility to mental healthcare" is a shifting of blame.
Accessibility to mental healthcare IS a major problem in America.


Not of this world
Accessibility to mental healthcare IS a major problem in America.

Which is no excuse to allow predatory doctors to go ahead and take advantage of those who need mental health care rather than breast removal and mutilation of their genitals.


Not of this world

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Which is no excuse to allow predatory doctors to go ahead and take advantage of those who need mental health care rather than breast removal and mutilation of their genitals.
What evidence do you have they arw preying upon others and taking advantage? It could be there is no access tk anyone properly trained to treat GD and a PCP with good intentions proceeded with treatment.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
A third is hardly a very low rate: https://www.newsmax.com/health/health-news/detransitioners-gender-care/2022/12/22/id/1101549/

""Many have said their gender identity remained fluid well after the start of treatment, and a third of them expressed regret about their decision to transition from the gender they were assigned at birth."
It's actually 1% when you turn to a medical resource, and we must kmkw why there is regret. A lack of support, access to care amd discrimination are the biggest causes of regret.
A total of 27 studies, pooling 7928 transgender patients who underwent any type of GAS, were included. The pooled prevalence of regret after GAS was 1% (95% CI <1%–2%). Overall, 33% underwent transmasculine procedures and 67% transfemenine procedures. The prevalence of regret among patients undergoing transmasculine and transfemenine surgeries was <1% (IC <1%–<1%) and 1% (CI <1%–2%), respectively. A total of 77 patients regretted having had GAS.


Not of this world
What evidence do you have they arw preying upon others and taking advantage? It could be there is no access tk anyone properly trained to treat GD and a PCP with good intentions proceeded with treatment.
If their intentions were so good, they would make sure their patient got proper treatment rather than start feeding drugs to the patient, and then start carving them up with a scalpel when they never even got treatment from somebody who was properly trained to council them about gender dysphoria.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
If their intentions were so good, they would make sure their patient got proper treatment rather than start feeding drugs to the patient, and then start carving them up with a scalpel when they never even got treatment from somebody who was properly trained to council them about gender dysphoria.
Especially in rural areas there may not be any proper care available. What do you propose then?