Amd yet experts who know more than I do about the subject don't agree.
As you correctly said earlier, doctors have been treating trans gender people for at least 100 years. So far we're agreed.
But the Dutch protocol was codified around 2011.
The current WPATH version 8 standard of care is based on the Dutch protocol
WPATH is populated with trans activists. Yes, many of them are doctors, but many of them are activists. The proof of this is in the WPATH SOC V8. This is THEIR document that THEY created and stand by. This document is riddled with activist language.
The very title of this thread confirms just how political this issue is.
So the "experts" in this case should be viewed with some skepticism. Because many of them are activists. It could be coincidence, but the current GAC (not the one from 100 years ago), requires that it's patients become dependent on expensive medications for the rest of their lives. I wouldn't be at all surprised when it's discovered that these activists see GD kids as an opportunity to make a lot of money pushing drugs and surgeries.
If we look at the EPATH document offered in the last few days in one of these trans-related theads, we can see that 95% of the research boils down to "okay, we've done GAC, now what". We need to question the efficacy of the CURRENT GAC and stop needlessly mutilating kids until such efficacy has been established.