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The birth of the state of Israel and God's promise in the end times

The birth of Israel

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Well-Known Member
What is that Talmud verse that they use (reference) , how do you know it's about future not present (all time)

So really you believe in future the humans will serve the Jews , and Jews will had 1000 or 100 slaves (from other religions)
Here -- from the Tractate Sabbath, page 32b. The text speaks of the future reward for those people who are very careful about performing one particular commandment now, so not all Jews. Those people will merit having 2800 servants, according to one person's opinion in the text.

"(Reish Lakish): One who zealously fulfills Tzitzis will have [in the future] 2800 slaves (10 from each of the 70 nations on each of the four corners of his garment) -"

he quotes Zechariah 8:23 as his proof text. The talmud does not evaluate, agree or disagree with this opinion. It presents it along with a long list of other claims about particular rewards and punishments, some more literal and some more fanciful.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
I don't intend to take sides in this issue between Jews and Muslims, but it seems to me that it is more than a little inconsistent for some Muslims to criticize Jews for believing that Gentiles are inferior to Jews while ignoring the fact that millions of Muslims worldwide believe in a hadith like this:

It was narrated that Ibn ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say, ‘The Jews will fight you and you will prevail over them, then a rock will say, “O Muslim, here is a Jew behind me, (come and) kill him.”’” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, no. 3593).

It was also narrated from Ibn ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said. “The Jews will fight you and you will prevail over them until a rock will say, “O Muslim, here is a Jew behind me, (come and) kill him.”’” (narrated by Ahmad and al-Tirmidhi, who said, this is a saheeh hasan hadeeth).

And it was narrated that Ibn ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: ‘The Dajjaal will come down to this pond at Marriqanaat (a valley near Madeenah), and most of those who go out to follow him will be women, such that a man will go back to his wife, mother, daughter, sister or (paternal) aunt and will tie them up lest they go out to join him. Then Allaah will grant the Muslims victory over him, and they will kill him and his party, until a Jew will hide beneath a tree or a rock, and the tree or rock will say, ‘Here a Jew beneath me, (come and) kill him.’” (Narrated by Ahmad in his Musnad). This was also narrated by Ibn Maajah from Abu Umaamah al-Baahili from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) concerning the Dajjaal.

Source: http://islamqa.info/en/9341

This isn't some text made up by non-Muslims; it is from the very texts of Islam. Just imagine for a moment that a lot of Islamic scholars and millions of Muslims believe in this... and then when someone points out that this is anti-Semitic intolerance, we hear accusations of "misinterpretation" and "Islamophobia."

Perhaps the people believing in and defending such texts as tolerant and peaceful are suffering from Islamophilia.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Actually, you said many Jews, not some, and you claimed it was about the present. So are you changing your claims?
there is misunderstood here , because there is two point here :
1-Non-Jew serving the Jews :
For Non-Jews serve Jews , the Jews in video claim it's happening but they don't notice that !!

Non-Jews will be slaves to Jews in Future :
you claim it's about future , the Jews in video claim it's about future too , for slave .

In which reply , I said "many" Jews ?
edited :
To correct the misuderstand too , when I said many Jews, I meant whom speaking about that in video
Last edited:


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Have you read the Talmud already? Yes or No.
Quite easy to answer. And no, picked quotes from the Internet don't count as "read the Talmud".

If you don't know what it said then you pretty much answered my question. Thanks.
Pretty much figured you would never investigate a former law of your country.

Why I suppose read whole Talmud to discuss it's racist speech ?

since it's in hebrew how i suppose to read it ?


Freedom Of Mind
I don't intend to take sides in this issue between Jews and Muslims, but it seems to me that it is more than a little inconsistent for some Muslims to criticize Jews for believing that Gentiles are inferior to Jews while ignoring the fact that millions of Muslims worldwide believe in a hadith like this:

Source: http://islamqa.info/en/9341

This isn't some text made up by non-Muslims; it is from the very texts of Islam. Just imagine for a moment that a lot of Islamic scholars and millions of Muslims believe in this... and then when someone points out that this is anti-Semitic intolerance, we hear accusations of "misinterpretation" and "Islamophobia."

Perhaps the people believing in and defending such texts as tolerant and peaceful are suffering from Islamophilia.

Did the hadith say Jews aren't humans?
How this hadith is related?
The hadith is about a war in which Muslims will be victorious the same as they're the losers in our recent days.
Don't you think that Israel was created after a war between Arabs and the Jews (supported by Britain and USA)?


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
You mean how do I know besides that the people in your video say it explicitly at 17:16?.
I believe the interview is about Talmud between the Jews ;

Should I post all the speech that inside that video ?

check 17:22


Well-Known Member
When was the 1st and which was the 2nd ?

597BCE - 538BCE

70CE - Today

No murderers will exist when all become Jews.:rolleyes:

If there is going to be peace there is obviously not going to be any murder. But hey I am not expecting you to understand that.

Why I suppose read whole Talmud to discuss it's racist speech ?

So you haven't read it but judge its supposed contents. That's not stupid at all.

since it's in hebrew how i suppose to read it ?

Most of the Talmud is not even in Hebrew.
If you don't even know about this very basic information your entire position falls apart.

Oh and that actually meant that you should go to the library and read up on the 1st Algerian Nationality law. I would never suggest you to read the Talmud there because they won't have it any way.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
So you haven't read it but judge its supposed contents. That's not stupid at all.

Most of the Talmud is not even in Hebrew.
If you don't even know about this very basic information your entire position falls apart.

Oh and that actually meant that you should go to the library and read up on the 1st Algerian Nationality law. I would never suggest you to read the Talmud there because they won't have it any way.
Now just calm down , and try to explain to me , why you upset that I post an interview video discuss racist in Talmud ?

Why you are not upset from Jews whom recit (admit) these verses of Talmud ?

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
Did the hadith say Jews aren't humans?

No. It just says that Muslims will kill them one by one. Such an improvement from saying they aren't humans, isn't it?

How this hadith is related?

A lot of Muslims criticize the Talmud as "racist" and "intolerant" while forgetting, ignoring, or whitewashing the existence of Islamic texts like the one I posted.

The hadith is about a war in which Muslims will be victorious the same as they're the losers in our recent days.
Don't you think that Israel was created after a war between Arabs and the Jews (supported by Britain and USA)?

The hadith explicitly mentions that Muslims will kill all Jews—not specifically combatants—to the point where inanimate objects like trees and stones will supposedly help Muslims find Jews to kill them. If that's not a description of a genocide, I don't know what is.


Well-Known Member
Now just calm down , and try to explain to me , why you upset that I post an interview video discuss racist in Talmud ?

Why you are not upset from Jews whom recit (admit) these verses of Talmud ?

Great job dodging what I wrote.

Your evasion and quote mining are noted. Sadly they are nothing new.


Well-Known Member
there is misunderstood here , because there is two point here :
1-Non-Jew serving the Jews :
For Non-Jews serve Jews , the Jews in video claim it's happening but they don't notice that !!
This is a very complex issue. Judaism sees others as having many different roles, including serving as ways for us to learn how to lead our lives. The "serving" here does not mean "getting us breakfast" or "shining our shoes."
In which reply , I said "many" Jews ?
edited :
To correct the misuderstand too , when I said many Jews, I meant whom speaking about that in video
so when you said "PLEASE scroll the video to 16:36

Many Jews believe in it"
You didn't mean "many"?


Well-Known Member
I believe the interview is about Talmud between the Jews ;

Should I post all the speech that inside that video ?

check 17:22
does 17:22 say it isn't about the future? First, the guy says "how do they serve us? I don't know." Then he makes some guesses. All he then says is that these days, non-Jews do many things that serve us. I know I didn't build my own car, or house. I hired the guy who fixed my plumbing and the guy who built my new bathroom. Neither was Jewish. Why does this bother you?


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
This is a very complex issue. Judaism sees others as having many different roles, including serving as ways for us to learn how to lead our lives. The "serving" here does not mean "getting us breakfast" or "shining our shoes."
I found the concept that non-Jews creat (or will serve) to serve Jews is ulgy racist teaching in Talmud .

so when you said "PLEASE scroll the video to 16:36

Many Jews believe in it"
You didn't mean "many"?
I Just explain ,what I meant by "many"


Well-Known Member
What prevent them of accepting it today, Muslims have the truth on monotheism, why the need to be a Jew then.
Who said there is a need to be a Jew? Judaism certainly never said that.

Do you believe that Atheists have no morals?
I believe that many people follow many of the noachide laws without trying and that common morality (against murder, for example) is something that people are OK with. So "no morals"? No, I never said that.


Well-Known Member
Now just calm down , and try to explain to me , why you upset that I post an interview video discuss racist in Talmud ?

Why you are not upset from Jews whom recit (admit) these verses of Talmud ?
You do realize that the video shows many people saying that t quotes are not from the talmud and that people don't accept them, right?


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
does 17:22 say it isn't about the future? First, the guy says "how do they serve us? I don't know." Then he makes some guesses. All he then says is that these days, non-Jews do many things that serve us. I know I didn't build my own car, or house. I hired the guy who fixed my plumbing and the guy who built my new bathroom. Neither was Jewish. Why does this bother you?
they said they are serve us but we don't notice that .

How about the Talumd scripture , Jews are human and non Jews are not human , that they talking about in 19:52


Well-Known Member
I found the concept that non-Jews creat (or will serve) to serve Jews is ulgy racist teaching in Talmud .
that's nice. You can take whatever meaning you want and be offended by it. I believe that the talmud doesn't teach that, and I have actually studied it, so I find your mischaracterization and misquoting to be ugly and offensively anti-Semitic. Go figure.

I Just explain ,what I meant by "many"
well, you didn't actually. "Many" means some thing. You used it. Now if you want to claim you meant something beyond what it means, then you need to be clearer in your explanation. You should probably just admit you misspoke.