I am gonna take the typical conservative view on this one.
is it all right for you to give your money to a homeless person? yes. is it all right for you to give your money to a homelesss person you know is going to just take that money and spend it on drugs?...yes. regardless what they do with it, its okay for you to do whatever you want with YOUR money.
is it okay to take money from someone else at the point of a gun, and give it to a homeless person? whether it will help them or not, whether you believe it is the right thing to do or not, whether you are going to save their life or not, is it right for you to pull out a gun and point it at a stranger and take their money and give it to someone else?
no, it is not, and never is.
its exactly the same mentality as those right wingers who think they are morally correct to tell homosexuals they can't get married. why is it that liberals, who have no problem criticizing neo-cons for their stance on gay marriage, cant see it when they are doing the exact same thing? trying to force their view of "social justice" down everyone else's throat?
the difference is, the gay marriage issue doesnt cost billions of dollars in the middle of the worst recession since the great depression. (i dont support ban on gay marriage btw, but neither do i condone forcing other people to pay for my medical bills)