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The Kindness Box


Resident megalomaniac

Smile at everyone you meet.​

A smile is a miracle worker.

It makes us more attractive and can change our mood. No one can deny that smiling is contagious. Many have written that smiling relieves stress, boosts your immune system, and releases endorphins and serotonin. A smile can light up your face and make you look younger. A smile is a gift that we receive only by giving to others!

The greatest gift of a smile is that it keeps nothing for itself. Its purpose is to give, to console, to inspire, to cherish, to love, to multiply. Give yours freely to others. Spread happiness and feel it grow inside you. Be contagious.

Your smile brings light to the world. Would you deny the world moments of brightness?

Much more here -



Resident megalomaniac
It is not always possible to know why people act the way they do, but I can guarantee that you will feel better if you give people the benefit of the doubt more often than not.

When in doubt, be kind. It doesn’t cost anything to be kind.

Can you express concern for someone today? Will you take a minute to hold the door for someone or let them in front of you in traffic?

Why not pick up the phone and call a friend who could use a kind word? You could send a quick email or text to someone you’ve been thinking of. If you want to go all-out, send a hand-written note or card to someone.

Much more at this site -

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
Being kind is the fundamental base of all my actions. And I will remember that for the rest of my life.

Sometimes in life we meet people who are there to help and guide us, but we have to be open to receive it. Whether or not we choose to accept it, everyone wins when we’re all kind to one another.

Never underestimate the power of kindness. You never know how much happiness you can bring to someone’s life.

Enjoy your browsing!


Resident megalomaniac
Random Acts of Kindness Day, February 17, focuses on all acts of kindness big and small in an effort to create a kinder world.

There are countless ways to spread kindness, but over the past week Hope for the Day has highlighted a handful on our social media. One of these options was sending a letter to a friend or family member. Mailing a handwritten note is a personal way to keep in touch with people you love, whether they live hours away or down the street.

This act of kindness can bring a smile to their face, improving their day and yours. It feels good to do something nice for people you care about!

Showing kindness towards family and friends also helps strengthen those relationships and builds strong networks of peer support. After all, friends and family can be some of the first people we turn to during difficult times.



Resident megalomaniac
“Kinder than is necessary. Because it’s not enough to be kind. One should be kinder than needed. Why I love that line, that concept, is that it reminds me that we carry with us, as human beings, not just the capacity to be kind, but the very choice of kindness.”

R. J. Palacio



Resident megalomaniac
“We cannot tell the precise moment when friendship is formed. As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over; so in a series of kindnesses there is at least one which makes the heart run over.”

Ray Bradbury


Resident megalomaniac
If you think about it, poverty has existed ever since society was formed. And it will continue to exist for as long as the concept of economic and social hierarchy exists.

With that, why should we help the needy? If poverty is not something we can resolve, why bother?

While there is nothing wrong with these questions, I think what we should be asking ourselves is how we can help the poor and needy.

You see, the only reason why we should help the needy is because we can. You should need no other reason than that. Helping others should be voluntary and not because we’re expecting to get something in return.

That’s not to say, however, that we cannot get anything out of helping others. There are lots of benefits we can get from helping the needy. But that should not be our motivation. Instead, treat them as a bonus, or the icing on the cake, if you will.

That said, we’re listing down some of the benefits of helping the needy as well as what you can do to help them.

Plus the links at right of page - looks a huge site!

All the best!


Resident megalomaniac
We find so many needs in the lives of those in our Church Body, albeit around the world. As individual believers, a church, or ministry, we certainly can’t meet all of those needs. That, however, shouldn’t discourage us from doing our part in helping those we can. Whether helping one individual or many, lets make sure we do benevolence God’s way.

Four Points to Remember If We’re Going to Do Benevolence God’s Way

Much can be learned from Scripture about helping people in need. These four objectives just scratch the surface but are good points to remember.



New Member
Geoff, I couldn't agree more.

I really believe that life is about the small and little things, carried out in a consistent basis.

A simple act of kindness has the power to create a ripple effect and touch the people around us.

Whether it is holding the door open for someone, lending a helping hand, or offering a listening ear, these small gestures can make a significant impact on someone's day.

I do my best to at the very least smile at the people I see.

When we choose kindness, we not only bring joy to others but also cultivate a sense of empathy and compassion within ourselves.

I believe that is the compassion of Jesus.

It reminds me that we are all in some way connected and our actions have the power to uplift and inspire others to want to know God more.

That's my opinion anyway.

God bless.

Kindness offering to help - quite a few -

Below is a list of random acts of kindness ideas that you can do for people you may not know — it’s a list of acts of kindness ideas for strangers.

Why? Because when we’re kind to the people around us — whether we know them or not — we make the world a better place.

Simple acts of kindness don’t just accumulate — they rejuvenate.

Kindness lifts our spirits and warms our hearts — not only in the moment, but also long afterwards. It has a way of staying with us — it lingers.

Kindness inspires. Kindness empowers. Kindness brightens our days, betters our world, and makes us want to do more — to be more.

After all, what is kindness? Kindness is love in action.


Blessings to those in need - several -

Sometimes, sharing a popular Bible verse with someone who is struggling will help remind them to send God's love their way forever and always. Of course, this is not the only way to help those in need. Routinely giving back to charities, volunteering at local food banks, and being someone those can lean on in difficult times, are powerful and profound means to uplifting others. But Bible verses about helping others remind followers of Jesus Christ the importance of being kind and generous — regardless of any recognition you may receive.



Resident megalomaniac
Maitri or loving-kindness is the first of the Four Limitless Ones (also called the Four Immeasurables). It is the wish that all beings be happy, including oneself. Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche translated maitri as “unconditional friendliness with oneself.”

“Some people find the teachings I offer helpful because I encourage them to be kind to themselves – but this does not mean pampering our neurosis. The kindness that I learned from my teachers, and that I wish so much to convey to other people, is kindness toward all qualities of our being. The qualities that are the toughest to be kind to are the painful parts, where we feel ashamed, as if we don’t belong, as if we’ve just blown it, when things are falling apart for us. Maitri means sticking with ourselves when we don’t have anything, when we feel like a loser. And it becomes the basis for extending the same unconditional friendliness to others.”

Many more quotes from Pema's books --



Resident megalomaniac
“But loving-kindness – maitri – toward ourselves doesn’t mean getting rid of anything. Maitri means we can still be crazy, we can still be angry. We can still be timid or jealous or full of feelings of unworthiness. The ground of practice is you or me or whoever we are right now, just as we are. That is what we come to know with tremendous curiosity and interest.”

Pema Chodron


Resident megalomaniac
“The innocent mistake that keeps us caught in our own particular style of ignorance, unkindness, and shut-downness is that we are never encouraged to see clearly what is, with gentleness. Instead, there is a kind of basic misunderstanding that we should try to be better than we already are, that we should try to improve ourselves, that we should try to get away from painful things, and that if we could just learn how to get away from the painful things, then we would be happy. That is the innocent, naive misunderstanding that we all share, which keeps us unhappy.”

Guess who!


Resident megalomaniac
In these times when everybody seems to be shouting at somebody, and nobody is actually listening to anybody but themselves, perhaps it’s time for us all to remember to Be Kind, Use Nice Words, Be Gentle.

Each other is all we’ve got, regardless of race, religion, gender, politics or sexuality. We need to spend more time loving each other, and less time allowing ourselves to be a conduit for hatred and negativity.

Name calling, negative stereotyping based on the above categories, shouting matches over who’s right and wrong – those things are not loving.

They are anti-loving. Don’t strengthen the anti-love. Don’t be a hater.

All the best!

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
I don't think I've seen this here. It's from Reddit r/Buddhism
