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The Qur'aan Cosmological Model: A delineation of the Origin, Evolution and End of the Universe

People are free to believe or disbelieve,there is no blind faith.

God show his signs and who rejected them while they are as clear as the sun,then they rejected the truth and deserve god's anger and punishment.

There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is henceforth distinct from error. And he who rejecteth false deities and believeth in Allah hath grasped a firm handhold which will never break. Allah is Hearer, Knower. (2:256)

I haven't seen any signs so god must not care if I believe or not.


Freedom Of Mind
I haven't seen any signs so god must not care if I believe or not.

God doesn't care of what you had chose,just giving you one example.

There are laws here in our world and if you disobey the laws you'll be punished,nobody care about you as you are the only one to be punished.

So the laws do exist,but it is up to you if you want to obey or disobey.

Say: O mankind! Now hath the Truth from your Lord come unto you. So whosoever is guided, is guided only for (the good of) his soul, and whosoever erreth erreth only against it. And I am not a warder over you. (10:108)

Whosoever goeth right, it is only for (the good of) his own soul that he goeth right, and whosoever erreth, erreth only to its hurt. No laden soul can bear another's load, We never punish until we have sent a messenger. (17:15)
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I haven't seen any signs so god must not care if I believe or not.
Judging by your arbitrary dismissal of prophecy on no grounds what so ever, I imagine it is because you have chosen not to see what has been given. When 95% of an clearly proven prohecy is ignored and the 5% you just decided without any justification to assign literal or symbolic meanings to in order that a contention may be retained because it is preferred, in order to reject simple evidence. Then I am not sure any evidence would satasfy that person. Cognative dissonance is a powerfull force.


I did not make any doomsday prophecy! Don't worry once I put everything together you will fully understand. Just go over this thread slowly. Take notes as you go along. Do not be left out.Be always vigilant for you do not know at which hour he will come.
Why do you keep posting more without justifying what you already have? I asked the simple question, What does t=0 mean? days ago. If you don't fix the problems you have, posting more makes it worse. In fact you never even explained why the point slope equation of a line was doing in your first proof of God post. Quantity will not accomplish what quality must.


Well-Known Member
Why do you keep posting more without justifying what you already have? I asked the simple question, What does t=0 mean? days ago. If you don't fix the problems you have, posting more makes it worse. In fact you never even explained why the point slope equation of a line was doing in your first proof of God post. Quantity will not accomplish what quality must.
T=0 means when time is zero. He made that clear.

How about you just relax and do your best and simply ruminate as he unfolds what he admits cannot be properly understood in full until he unveils it all?

Of course, sometimes the dummy in the room asks the question 20 others want to ask but are too embarrased to, so I'm not saying don't ask questions either.

What I don't want to happen is for a very insistent dummy who refuses to be anything but a dummy simply as a means to interfere with something he has already judged as "evil" before he even really understands it.

Your unwillingness to carefully follow his posts shouldn't become the lowest common denominator he should have to cater to.


T=0 means when time is zero. He made that clear.
I know as everyone knows very well what T=0 means in physics. I wanted to know what it meant in the first page of these endless pages of stuff. I wanted to know when this was supposed to occur. From what it looked like time dissapears with matter still in existance which can't happen. I am trying to detrmine whether any reason exists in examining this tomb of information by clarifying the first couple of claims. Carefully follow what? I am asking questions about the very first posts he made. I asked about a point slope equation of a line in his very first copy and paste. He answered with something I know very well from my college physics days is not even close to true. In fact if you go back and look every one was telling him to answer it as well. I also asked about the other T=0 thing in his first page of this last go around. I have been promised an answer and just keep getting more pages of stuff no one knows what they mean. I want to know about the mathematics issues beacuse I am competant in the area and they make no sence. I would like that settled before I invest any more time in the other stuff. I am unclear what this has to do with you.

Lady B

I know as everyone knows very well what T=0 means in physics. I wanted to know what it meant in the first page of these endless pages of stuff. I wanted to know when this was supposed to occur. From what it looked like time dissapears with matter still in existance which can't happen. I am trying to detrmine whether any reason exists in examining this tomb of information by clarifying the first couple of claims. Carefully follow what? I am asking questions about the very first posts he made. I asked about a point slope equation of a line in his very first copy and paste. He answered with something I know very well from my college physics days is not even close to true. In fact if you go back and look every one was telling him to answer it as well. I also asked about the other T=0 thing in his first page of this last go around. I have been promised an answer and just keep getting more pages of stuff no one knows what they mean. I want to know about the mathematics issues beacuse I am competant in the area and they make no sence. I would like that settled before I invest any more time in the other stuff. I am unclear what this has to do with you.
dang...I didn't even know t=0 :facepalm:
your ahead of me in this Robin......


Active Member

Continued from post # 99.

Ok, that verse does respond to my objection about the expansion appearing in the Quran. I'll await your exposé

Again let us look at the first Qur'aan Cosmological Model (QCM) verse that I have already presented and which we are now going to analyze via the meaning and definitions of its four technical terms.

Be reminded that these four Qur'aan Cosmological Model (QCM) technical terms that have already been explained earlier are all found in the Arabic - English Lexicon by Edward William Lane. This Arabic - English Lexicon by Edward William Lane is the greatest, on every level, Arabic - English dictionary ever produced in the English language and virtually contains the entire Classical Arabic Language upon which the Qur'aan is based. Edward William Lane was called, in his lifetime, the master of the Arabic Language. It is a work of breathless achievement- the greatest height a scholar could attain to maximum precise detail.I present to you the publishers note for further elaboration.

Edward William Lane's ARABIC - ENGLISH LEXICON Book1 contains all the classical words, their derivatives, and their usages. It appears in eight separate volumes and took the author more than thirty years to compile.

Book II, which Dr. Lane contemplated and which was to contain rare words and explanations, was incomplete at the time of his death in 1876 and therefore never appeared.

In describing Lane’s Lexicon, Dr. G. P. Badger wrote, “This marvelous work in its fullness and richness, its deep research correctness and simplicity of arrangement far transcends the Lexicon of any language ever presented to the world.”

And as Dr. Lane sets it out on the face page,
“Containing all the classical words and significations commonly known to the learned among the Arabs.”

For this reason we shall use this great lexicon which was completed by 1876 ( and 53 years before the discovery of the expansion of the universe by Edwin Hubble in 1929 that mightily changed our perception of the universe) for the explanation of the Qur'aan Cosmological Model (QCM) technical terms. If we do this we can
never be accused of 'wangling' the words of the Qur'aan to fit up with what scientists have discovered only later. And those Arabic words presented by Lane are non other than the very Arabic words he had selected from the great Arabic dictionaries that go back up to over a thousand years earlier and that ultimately get traced back to the tongue of the Messenger of ALLAAH (S+) to whom the Qur'aan was revealed.
In posts to follow we shall begin to analyze the QCM technical terms we have mentioned; present their geometrical mathematical delineations; extrapolate there mathematical equations and so forth.

Observe carefully! Watch the coming battle!
The Sword of Truth is rising from its scabbard to slay Falsehood and to establish its Dominion over where it rightfully belongs.

To be continued - God willing.


Freedom Of Mind
I know as everyone knows very well what T=0 means in physics. I wanted to know what it meant in the first page of these endless pages of stuff. I wanted to know when this was supposed to occur. From what it looked like time dissapears with matter still in existance which can't happen. I am trying to detrmine whether any reason exists in examining this tomb of information by clarifying the first couple of claims. Carefully follow what? I am asking questions about the very first posts he made. I asked about a point slope equation of a line in his very first copy and paste. He answered with something I know very well from my college physics days is not even close to true. In fact if you go back and look every one was telling him to answer it as well. I also asked about the other T=0 thing in his first page of this last go around. I have been promised an answer and just keep getting more pages of stuff no one knows what they mean. I want to know about the mathematics issues beacuse I am competant in the area and they make no sence. I would like that settled before I invest any more time in the other stuff. I am unclear what this has to do with you.

ist that hard to understand,he make it already clear that we have to wait till his next posts to understand well his point.

you want things to be clear from the first lesson,it is like wanting to understand how to make a heart operation without knowing basics of medicine.

Please be patient till the next posts and when he finish,we can debate and ask questions.:)
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Freedom Of Mind
I am very interested in seeing what he has to offer.
I prefer to not see him get bogged down dealing with things that likely will become clear simply by allowing him to continue.

i do agree with you.wait till end then ask,such as simple as that.:)


Active Member
[FONT=&quot] Continued from post # 128.[/FONT]
Ok, that verse does respond to my objection about the expansion appearing in the Quran. I'll await your exposé
I am very interested in seeing what he has to offer.
I prefer to not see him get bogged down dealing with things that likely will become clear simply by allowing him to continue.

ist that hard to understand,he make it already clear that we have to wait till his next posts to understand well his point.

you want things to be clear from the first lesson,it is like wanting to understand how to make a heart operation without knowing basics of medicine.

Please be patient till the next posts and when he finish,we can debate and ask questions.

I hope that you have read my prior posts. If you did not then it will be difficult for you to follow and I will not be able to answer your questions without repeating myself over and over again.
We are now coming very close to seeing the visual presentation of the Qur'aan Cosmological Model extrapolated from the two Qur'aan Cosmological Model verses. Therefore let us now again here present the first Qur'aan Cosmological Model verse and then analyze it but this time via the meaning and definitions of its four technical terms as found in the great Arabic - English dictionary as compiled by Edward William Lane over 53 years prior to the discovery of the expansion of the universe by Edwin Hubble in 1929.

First QCM Verse 021:030

Have those who have disbelieved now not seen:-
that the samaawaat and the ‘arD
(1)- were both Ratqan
(2)- and so We Fataq them both again.
And We made from water every living thing.
Will they now not believe?

The Qur'aan is a divine book that addresses humanity throughout time.Therefore certain passages are not always clear to those who do not understand this important principal. The first QCM verse is one of those time event verses that will only become fully understood and appreciated after the subject of its statement has become known. This is not because the Qur'aan is not clear on the matter but because the nature of man is that he will not accept that which he has physically seen or proven - one of the great qualities of man if one removes any type of belief from his personality. Another quality of man is that he likes to conform with 'what is' and dislikes to be disturbed from his perceived comfort zones even if they might turn out to be wrong - one of the bad qualities of man.

If we look at the first QCM verse we see that it is a definite statement made about something and framed into a question that demands reflection and an answer.
A reflection and an answer that could never have made sense to anyone prior to 1929 when it was discovered that the universe was expanding and by implication had to originate from some point back in time. Therefore it is a verse that most appropriately applies to our generation and our generation only. What a great honour and a concern that must be. For if it is like that then we must ask why are we being addressed? What is the purpose of it all?

Let us look at and ponder over the question! We observe that ALLAAH (God) the Originator of the Heavens and the Earth (i.e. the Universe) addresses a group of people whom He calls 'those who have disbelieved'. He asks them via the believers the following question, " Have you now not seen?" And what is it that ALLAAH asks them what they have now not seen? He says,

that the samaawaat and the ‘arD
(1)- were both Ratqan
(2)- and so We Fataq them both again.

An what is the samaawaat and what is the
‘arD that He describe were both once upon a time Ratqan and that He then did Fataq them both again.

In the next post we shall analyze the two important Qur'aan Cosmological Model technical terms '
samaawaat'and '‘arD' and as we have already said but this time via the meaning and definitions as found in the great Arabic - English dictionary compiled by Edward William Lane over 53 years prior to the discovery of the expansion of the universe by Edwin Hubble in 1929.
We will also have a look at who are the exact people whom ALLAAH is addressing in His Glorious Qur'aan.

See you in the next post if the Devil does not intervene.



Active Member
[FONT=&quot] .
Continued from post # 132.

[/FONT]Defining samaa’ (singular of samaawaat) the first important Qur'aan Cosmological Model technical term.

I am very interested in seeing what he has to offer.

Please be patient till the next posts and when he finish,we can debate and ask questions.
It is sometimes important just to repeat certain keywords or phrases in order to become familiar with the concepts involved. There must be understanding and not just casual reading. It is always good for you to revise or go over the previous posts. You will be amazed how much you have missed before and how much you will gain from a second and a third or a forth and so forth repeated reading.

Let us now analyze the two important Qur'aan Cosmological Model technical terms 'samaawaat' and '‘arD' as found in the great Arabic - English dictionary compiled by Edward William Lane over 53 years prior to the discovery of the expansion of the universe by Edwin Hubble in 1929.
What is the samaawaat?
As has been said before (post # 99)
[FONT=&quot] ‘[/FONT][FONT=&quot]samaawaat’[/FONT][FONT=&quot]is the plural of the Arabic [/FONT][FONT=&quot]word ‘[/FONT][FONT=&quot]samaa’[/FONT][FONT=&quot]’[/FONT] and is derived from the Arabic root verb meaning:-

[FONT=&quot]- he or it was, or became, high, lofty, raised, upraised, uplifted, upreared, exalted, or elevated. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]- he or it rose, or rose high.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]-he or it rose higher or above.[/FONT]

As a noun it has the following meanings:-

[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot] [FONT=&quot]-the higher, or upper, or highest, or uppermost, part of anything.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]-the sky, or heavens. [/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]

Let us analyze the meaning of the word
[FONT=&quot]‘[/FONT][FONT=&quot]samaa’[/FONT][FONT=&quot]’ which is the singular of [/FONT]'samaawaat'.

When we study the Qur'aan we will see that the word
[FONT=&quot]‘[/FONT][FONT=&quot]samaa’[/FONT][FONT=&quot]’ and its plural [/FONT][FONT=&quot]'samaawaat'[/FONT] occurs about about 310 times in the Qur'aan. When these verses are studied it will be seen that the word [FONT=&quot]‘[FONT=&quot]samaa’[/FONT][FONT=&quot]’ is not an object but refers to the open space that surrounds the objects of the universe or in other words it is the depiction of the vast space in which all the elements of the universe find itself including the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars. It refers to that part of the Universe in which motion and 'clumpiness' take place. Here is a verse of the Qur'aan that gives us that depiction:-

[FONT=&quot]The Qur'aan 22:18[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"...that unto ALLAAH bow down whoever is in the [/FONT][FONT=&quot]'samaawaat... and the Sun, and the Moon, and the Stars..."[/FONT]

The Qur'aan also gives other descriptions for various types of samaa' such as for example that part immediately above the earth where the birds fly.

[FONT=&quot]The Qur'aan 16:79
"... the birds that are subjected to the jaww (the air or atmosphere) of the

[FONT=&quot]The Qur'aan 41:11[/FONT]
Another verse which we shall not go into here says that 'The samaa' was in a certain 'smoke' state and ALLAAH caused it to undergo a state of obedience and then He completed it as seven samaawaat (plural of [FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]samaa’[/FONT][/FONT]). We are told that the seven samaawaat are like enormous spheres one beyond the other and that our position is in the lowest of the samaawaat and is callad the [FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]samaa’[/FONT][/FONT] of the duyaa (world or lower world).

The Qur'aan contrasts [FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]samaa’[/FONT][/FONT] with ‘arD which are two opposing but complementary states of the universe: Space verses Matter; One inherently expansive and the other inherently contractive.

In the next post I shall define the Qur'aan Cosmological Model technical term '‘arD' as found in the great Arabic - English dictionary compiled by Edward William Lane over 53 years prior to the discovery of the expansion of the universe by Edwin Hubble in 1929. After that we shall begin with the construction of the Qur'aan cosmological model.

See you in the next post inshaa allaah (God willing)

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Lady B


[FONT=&quot]Continued from post # 132.[/FONT]

It is sometimes important just to repeat certain keywords or phrases in order to become familiar with the concepts involved. There must be understanding and not just casual reading. It is always good for you to revise or go over the previous posts. You will be amazed how much you have missed before and how much you will gain from a second and a third or a forth and so forth repeated reading.​

Let us now analyze the two important Qur'aan Cosmological Model technical terms 'samaawaat' and '‘arD' as found in the great Arabic - English dictionary compiled by Edward William Lane over 53 years prior to the discovery of the expansion of the universe by Edwin Hubble in 1929.

What is the samaawaat?

As has been said before (post # 99) [FONT=&quot]‘[/FONT][FONT=&quot]samaawaat’[/FONT][FONT=&quot]is the plural of the Arabic [/FONT][FONT=&quot]word ‘[/FONT][FONT=&quot]samaa’[/FONT][FONT=&quot]’[/FONT] and is derived from the Arabic root verb meaning:-

[FONT=&quot]- he or it was, or became, high, lofty, raised, upraised, uplifted, upreared, exalted, or elevated. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]- he or it rose, or rose high.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]-he or it rose higher or above.[/FONT]

As a noun it has the following meanings:-

[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]-the higher, or upper, or highest, or uppermost, part of anything.[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]-the sky, or heavens. [/FONT]

Let us analyze the meaning of the word [FONT=&quot]‘[/FONT][FONT=&quot]samaa’[/FONT][FONT=&quot]’ which is the singular of [/FONT]'samaawaat'.

When we study the Qur'aan we will see that the word [FONT=&quot]‘[/FONT][FONT=&quot]samaa’[/FONT][FONT=&quot]’ and its plural [/FONT][FONT=&quot]'samaawaat'[/FONT] occurs about about 310 times in the Qur'aan. When these verses are studied it will be seen that the word [FONT=&quot]‘[FONT=&quot]samaa’[/FONT][FONT=&quot]’ is not an object but refers to the open space that surrounds the objects of the universe or in other words it is the depiction of the vast space in which all the elements of the universe find itself including the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars. It refers to that part of the Universe in which motion and 'clumpiness' take place. Here is a verse of the Qur'aan that gives us that depiction:-[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The Qur'aan 22:18[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]"...that unto ALLAAH bow down whoever is in the [/FONT][FONT=&quot]'samaawaat... and the Sun, and the Moon, and the Stars..."[/FONT]

The Qur'aan also gives other descriptions for various types of samaa' such as for example that part immediately above the earth where the birds fly.

[FONT=&quot]The Qur'aan 16:79[/FONT]

"... the birds that are subjected to the jaww (the air or atmosphere) of the


[FONT=&quot]The Qur'aan 41:11[/FONT]

Another verse which we shall not go into here says that 'The samaa' was in a certain 'smoke' state and ALLAAH caused it to undergo a state of obedience and then He completed it as seven samaawaat (plural of [FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]samaa’[/FONT][/FONT]). We are told that the seven samaawaat are like enormous spheres one beyond the other and that our position is in the lowest of the samaawaat and is callad the [FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]samaa’[/FONT][/FONT] of the duyaa (world or lower world).​

The Qur'aan contrasts [FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]samaa’[/FONT][/FONT] with ‘arD which are two opposing but complementary states of the universe: Space verses Matter; One inherently expansive and the other inherently contractive.

In the next post I shall define the Qur'aan Cosmological Model technical term '‘arD' as found in the great Arabic - English dictionary compiled by Edward William Lane over 53 years prior to the discovery of the expansion of the universe by Edwin Hubble in 1929. After that we shall begin with the construction of the Qur'aan cosmological model.

See you in the next post inshaa allaah (God willing)


:) I am so happy to have understood this part! maybe there is hope for me yet......


Active Member
[FONT=&quot]Continued from post # 133.[/FONT]

  1. [FONT=&quot]Defining 'arD the second important Qur'aan Cosmological Model technical term. [/FONT]
I am so happy to have understood this part! maybe there is hope for me yet......

[FONT=&quot]Let us now analyze and define the second important Qur'aan Cosmological Model technical term [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]‘arD[/FONT][FONT=&quot] as is found in the great Arabic - English dictionary compiled by Edward William Lane over 53 years prior to the discovery of the expansion of the universe by Edwin Hubble in 1929.

What is the [/FONT][FONT=&quot]‘arD[/FONT][FONT=&quot]? [/FONT][FONT=&quot]
As has been said before (post # 99) [/FONT][FONT=&quot]‘arD[/FONT][FONT=&quot] is derived from the Arabic root verb meaning:-
[/FONT][FONT=&quot]- he or it became lowly or submissive.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
[/FONT][FONT=&quot]- he or it became or rendered heavy, slow, sluggish, inclining, or propending, to the ground.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
[/FONT][FONT=&quot]-it collected moisture, and became luxuriant with herbage [/FONT][FONT=&quot]
[/FONT][FONT=&quot]-it became soft to tread upon, pleasant to sit upon, productive, and good in its herbage or vegetation.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
[/FONT][FONT=&quot]-the ulcer, or sore, became blistered, and wide, and corrupt, and dissundered.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]

[/FONT][FONT=&quot]As a noun:[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
with the definite article ‘the’ it has the following meanings:-
[/FONT][FONT=&quot]- the earth as opposed to heaven.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
[/FONT][FONT=&quot]-the ground, as meaning the surface of the earth, on which we tread and sit and lie.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
[/FONT][FONT=&quot]-the floor[/FONT][FONT=&quot]

without the definite article ‘the’ it has the following meanings:-
[/FONT][FONT=&quot]- a land, or a country.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
[/FONT][FONT=&quot]- a piece of land or ground.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
[/FONT][FONT=&quot]- anything that is low.
Let us analyze the meaning of the word [/FONT][FONT=&quot]‘arD[/FONT][FONT=&quot] from the given definitio[/FONT][FONT=&quot]ns and present some statements from the Qur'aan. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]
[FONT=&quot] When we study the Qur'aan we will see that the word[/FONT][FONT=&quot]‘arD [/FONT][FONT=&quot]appears about 461 times in the Qur'aan. When these verses are studied it will be seen that the word [/FONT][FONT=&quot]‘arD[/FONT][FONT=&quot] is representative of an object that is surrounded by space or embedded in space or occupying space.[/FONT][FONT=&quot] It will [/FONT][FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]further also [/FONT]be seen that the word [/FONT][FONT=&quot]‘arD [/FONT][FONT=&quot]has a number of meanings[/FONT][FONT=&quot] which adequately describe a range of phenomena; from the stuff of which one's body is composed of; from the soil one can keep in one's hand; the plot of ground one lives upon;the land one lives in; the continent one is associated with; the planet one lives on; and all other planets and objects that clump and occupy space throughout the entire universe as well as all the mass of the universe when brought back together again as one entity called [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Ratqan .
From here it will be seen that [FONT=&quot]the term ‘arD[/FONT][FONT=&quot] in addition to being an object occupying space is also the substance of which the physical object consists of.[/FONT][/FONT]
And above all it is the name of the unique planet called the 'arD (the Earth) where ALLAAH (GOD) let man (and woman) dwell to work the good work;then earn his (or her) reward;and then afterwards to be taken to the world of His Mercy and Promise before His Anger is unleashed over billions of years and the universe comes crushing down upon itself and upon all those who were left behind and denied the plea for the mercy to die.
The Qur'aan also says that the Earth has similarities to the seven samaawaat.There are the continents that are spreading apart like the expansion and there are the layers of the earth like the structure of the seven [FONT=&quot]samaawaat. [FONT=&quot]There are more similarities that can be discussed but they are not part of this presentation which is to prove our main point of the thread.[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The Qur'aan 65:12[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
[/FONT][FONT=&quot]It is ALLAAH (God) who created the seven [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]samaawaat[/FONT], and of the [/FONT][FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]‘arD[/FONT][/FONT] their like, between them the Command descending, that you may know that ALLAAH (God) is powerful over everything and that ALLAAH (God) encompasses everything in knowledge.

[FONT=&quot]As we said before the Qur'aan contrasts [FONT=&quot]‘arD[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=&quot] with [/FONT][FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]samaa’[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]which are two opposing but complementary states of the universe: [FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]Matter verses [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]Space; one inherently [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]contractive and the other inherently [FONT=&quot]expansive[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=&quot].[/FONT]

In the next post there shall be graphical illustrations. insh.


ist that hard to understand,he make it already clear that we have to wait till his next posts to understand well his point.

you want things to be clear from the first lesson,it is like wanting to understand how to make a heart operation without knowing basics of medicine.

Please be patient till the next posts and when he finish,we can debate and ask questions.:)
Let me type this a little slower. Before the latest massive rumination on Cosmology his first 2 page intro had a point slope equation for a line in it for what seemed like no purpose. I asked him about it and his response claimed something that in physics was incorrect. I pointed that out and asked for clarification and recieved none. Before the newest information avalanche, I was hoping to get mine plus other questions on the first release answered. Instead a whole new line was taken which involves everything from language to physics. I can see so many incorrect premises that there is no point waiting for conclusions. I again asked very early on as many did what this or that meant. He answered many but not mine. If someone says that since gravity does not exist then this or that happens. There is no reason to wait for the this or that because gravity does exist and the premise is incorrect and so will never be born out by more information. T = 0 in a future tense has many problems that render what ever is concluded from it meaningless. I was attempting to clarify to see if any reason existed to make it worth reading the rest. You might find long winded inaccurate conclusions based on false premises interesting. I do not. There is far too much called knowledge that is simply guesswork without justification wrapped up in flowery technical language so that most people can't understand it suffeciently to reject it. It exists in science, religion, politics, etc..... I have been trying from the very beginning here to establish whether this is the case here so I do not waste time on any further reading. I have been promised an answer twice early on and while others have been answered mine that are scientifically justified have not. This is exactly what is expected with bad but technical sounding rhetoric and has just about answered my question its self. I will not respond to any other posts concerning why I am insisting on an answer that has been promised twice and not provided.


Freedom Of Mind
Let me type this a little slower. Before the latest massive rumination on Cosmology his first 2 page intro had a point slope equation for a line in it for what seemed like no purpose. I asked him about it and his response claimed something that in physics was incorrect. I pointed that out and asked for clarification and recieved none. Before the newest information avalanche, I was hoping to get mine plus other questions on the first release answered. Instead a whole new line was taken which involves everything from language to physics. I can see so many incorrect premises that there is no point waiting for conclusions. I again asked very early on as many did what this or that meant. He answered many but not mine. If someone says that since gravity does not exist then this or that happens. There is no reason to wait for the this or that because gravity does exist and the premise is incorrect and so will never be born out by more information. T = 0 in a future tense has many problems that render what ever is concluded from it meaningless. I was attempting to clarify to see if any reason existed to make it worth reading the rest. You might find long winded inaccurate conclusions based on false premises interesting. I do not. There is far too much called knowledge that is simply guesswork without justification wrapped up in flowery technical language so that most people can't understand it suffeciently to reject it. It exists in science, religion, politics, etc..... I have been trying from the very beginning here to establish whether this is the case here so I do not waste time on any further reading. I have been promised an answer twice early on and while others have been answered mine that are scientifically justified have not. This is exactly what is expected with bad but technical sounding rhetoric and has just about answered my question its self. I will not respond to any other posts concerning why I am insisting on an answer that has been promised twice and not provided.

You asked first what is meant by T=0 ,which he already explained it from the beginning in post #1 as time equal to zero which is to be the starting point before expansion (Ratqan = single entity) that time with assumption to be zero if you wish you can assign the value X where X is the starting time of separation and expansion ( Fataq = parted asunder),so expansion will goes on till it will reach T = Y where Y is the maximum time of expansion,at that point the universe will collapse to itself to the starting point again (Ratqan) and again a new cycle started again.

i can't see any problem till this point.
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You asked first what is meant by T=0 ,which he already explained it from the beginning in post #1 as time equal to zero which is to be the starting point before expansion (Ratqan = single entity) that time with assumption to be zero if you wish you can assign the value X where X is the starting time of separation and expansion ( Fataq = parted asunder),so expansion will goes on till it will reach T = Y where Y is the maximum time of expansion,at that point the universe will collapse to itself to the starting point again (Ratqan) and again a new cycle started again.

i can't see any problem till this point.
There is no problem with that, when I started asking him the question I made it clear it concerned the future event that he said would also be t=0. I also never recieved a clarification to the line equation contained in a post that preceded these.
The Qur’aan Cosmological Model is based upon two verses of The Qur’aan. The Qur’aan is composed of about 6300 verses. These two Qur’aanic verses contain within themselves the plan or cosmological structure and design of the entire universe from before T = 0 (Time was equal to zero) until again when T = 0 (Time will again be Zero) and after.

Don't worry about it. Sometimes expecting clarification is a bridge to far with certain claims.​


Freedom Of Mind
There is no problem with that, when I started asking him the question I made it clear it concerned the future event that he said would also be t=0. I also never recieved a clarification to the line equation contained in a post that preceded these.

Don't worry about it. Sometimes expecting clarification is a bridge to far with certain claims.​

i see,he meant a new cycle again,back to the starting point.no problem :)


i see,he meant a new cycle again,back to the starting point.no problem :)
There is a very glaring problem. The Bible's cosmological model is that there was a time that T=0 before everything began. This was prior to Genesis 1: in Which time, matter, and space began. Even secular scientist consider this as likely and almost mandatory. All three are interdependant. If you leave out time then when is space and matter created. If no space then where was matter put. If no matter then what defines space. In other words you can not have one without the other two. For time to again = 0 then space and matter can no longer exist either. Time is the duration that matter takes to do anything. If you have matter you have time. My clarification was to find out if Islam believes that we exist in this future place where no matter, space, or time exists. The Bible does not have this problem it records that matter, time, and space are eternal. They have a beginning but no end. That lines up with reason, and this oscillating universe does not. If you did not see this problem I do not know if you can address it meaningfully but since I can't get him to then have at it. Actually the oscillating universe model was invented by scientists because the universe we have that isn't oscillating but is fine tuned and had a beginning suggest God so clearly that to avoid that implication they invented oscillation along with the multi verse theory. Both of which will always be without proof even if they do exist. The oscillating model also makes no theological sence and suggests that at no point T = 0. When was what oscillated oscillating? There is a duration (time) for every action matter is involved with.