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The Qur'aan Cosmological Model: A delineation of the Origin, Evolution and End of the Universe


Active Member
I will respond by saying that Humans were already sitting on a pile of knowledge gained from Humans unfettered by religious dogma or interpretations,in fact i think if we had always been unfettered by religion we would be a lot further in our understanding of everything instead of trying to climb the stairs with an Elephant strapped to your back.

“Islamic astronomy was not fettered by the restrictions that a rigid - and erroneous – interpretation of the Bible imposed upon Western astronomers. Conversely the Qur’an, the sacred book of Islam that was supposedly revealed to Muhammad by Allah, seemed to encourage a study of astronomy.”

There was no encouragement required,the hard work had already been done by the time of the Qur'an,when one considers what Islam inherited from Byzantium and the Greeks,Abu Nasr Muhammad Ibn Al-Farabi (great name BTW) was a great Muslim Scholar who was called "the second Teacher",second only to Aristotle,a cosmoligist logician and Musician,i heard his name at School many Moons ago,i doubt he got to his reputation from the few scant sentences you offer.

Again you are going off track.What has this got to do with the questions I have asked you? And what has this got to do with Abu Nasr Muhammad Ibn Al-Farabi?

Lets look at your statement," from the few scant sentences."
scant meaning: 1)-
Barely sufficient 2)-Falling short of a specific measure 3)-Inadequately supplied; short:

Either you did not read what I wrote what is contained in those two sentences which I am in the process of outlining or if you did then it already appears as if you have already passed judgement. You will soon see how much detail those scant verses contain. The prophet said," I was bestowed with jawaami"-al-kalim.- Algorithmic Compressions-. What were revealed abundantly before were revealed to me in few sentences."

I am still waiting for you to answer the questions below as asked before.

"The Qur'aan is simply fusing within itself simultaneously all the knowledge and in that particular suwrah as you said 'the Sura seems more argument and rebuttal as to the authenticity of both Muhammed and his message'. But that same message also contains cosmological information. Does it not? Why dismiss that information?"


England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Again you are going off track.What has this got to do with the questions I have asked you? And what has this got to do with Abu Nasr Muhammad Ibn Al-Farabi?

Lets look at your statement," from the few scant sentences."
scant meaning: 1)- Barely sufficient 2)-Falling short of a specific measure 3)-Inadequately supplied; short:

Either you did not read what I wrote what is contained in those two sentences which I am in the process of outlining or if you did then it already appears as if you have already passed judgement. You will soon see how much detail those scant verses contain. The prophet said," I was bestowed with jawaami"-al-kalim.- Algorithmic Compressions-. What were revealed abundantly before were revealed to me in few sentences."

I am still waiting for you to answer the questions below as asked before.

"The Qur'aan is simply fusing within itself simultaneously all the knowledge and in that particular suwrah as you said 'the Sura seems more argument and rebuttal as to the authenticity of both Muhammed and his message'. But that same message also contains cosmological information. Does it not? Why dismiss that information?"

I think i have answered,the information is scant IMO,it boils down to what you believe it says and its significance to a literal interpretation and the significance of that,either way its not that impressive to me,if someone thinks it is,fine.



I have simply requested very easy questions be answered at the very start of the avalanche of flowery rhetoric and can't get that addressed. Why al-amiyr would you expect a person who can't get answers to problems at the gate then just keep following along on this strange treck. I learned a long time ago that volume will not do what quality won't. I also know if someone is stuck with issues in my premise my conclusion is meaningless.


Active Member
I think i have answered,the information is scant IMO,it boils down to what you believe it says and its significance to a literal interpretation and the significance of that,either way its not that impressive to me,if someone thinks it is,fine.
Fair enough! You have stated your view unbiasedly and well worthy of consideration. It would have been much more helpful if you could have given a little more clarification as to why you think the information is scant. That would be helpful for my further research.


Active Member
Continued from post# 159[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Let us now go forth to draw the first Space-Time diagram based upon the data extrapolated from the first Qur'aan Cosmological Model verse.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Qur'aan 021:030
that the samaawaat and the ‘arD
[FONT=&quot](1)- were both Ratqan[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot](2)- and so We Fataq them both again.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]As we have already seen that when the Qur'aan speaks about the samaawaat, then it refers to the whole realm of extraterrestrial space and everything it contains.So the data that we derive from the Qur'aan is that the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, the Galaxies, the Galactic Clusters,etc. and the Earth ('ard) were once a united mass that had collapsed from a previously separated state.

According to the data contained in the second Qur'aan Cosmological Model verse, which we shall analyze in a later post, this previously collapsed state was the result of a previously expanded universe that was brought down by ALLAAH in a spiraling formation that caused it to possess angular momentum. When it reached the state of maximum singular combination, with internal and external void, ALLAAH split the powerful rotating single entity apart and then blew into it the breath of life that cause it to undergo the great expansion that we have observed today.

According to the Qur'aan the universe did not originate from a big bang singularity. It began when the small and large 'burnt out' particles of the previously expanded and close to flat universe were brought into willing submission to be re-energized and rejuvenated to become a new creation.

[/FONT][FONT=&quot]The Qur'aan calls this a single Khalq or Creation - a collapse followed by an expansion and not an expansion followed by a collapse. See the delineation below.

The Qur'aan also states that the universe is in the democratic liberal state of run away expansion and shall go on ticking until it has reached maximum permitted expansion when it shall be halted by ALLAAH and when shall be The Final Hour which none shall be able to calculate or rather know other than him and him only.

To be continued.




I have been following up on this topic from the outside and have decided to join in order to ask more questions on this model of the cosmos.. I enjoy documentaries on the cosmos but have never heard of this model... Hope i can be enlightened on it soon



Active Member
I have been following up on this topic from the outside and have decided to join in order to ask more questions on this model of the cosmos.. I enjoy documentaries on the cosmos but have never heard of this model... Hope i can be enlightened on it soon

Hello to you too

Welcome to the forum where you will meet many nice people who will put up a good debate.
Most certainly! You may ask any question that you wish to ask. This Model runs very deep and is coming known to the wider world now for the first time. In fact this is the first time that I am making it known like this here as in this forum. Hope you can debate it because that is my main purpose for the moment. It seems the debate is dying as all the debaters seem to have evaporated into thin air. This Model so far is standing its ground very firmly.
I am very interested in your questions. Hope to hear from them soon.


I have a few questions in mind after going through the model which was uploaded:

1.T=0... since time continues moving toward the future, does this mean that it is
going to move in the opposite direction? i.e is it going to reverse?
I am just abit confused because as the model shows that with time, T=0 , and to
my understanding time is still going to move forward unless there is a possibility it will be moving forward but in a negative direction, if that makes sense..??:confused:

2. If time reaches T=0, does this have any connection with the earth rotating in the opposite direction?


Active Member
The Quran 21:30-34 verses read
Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe?

And We placed within the earth firmly set mountains, lest it should shift with them, and We made therein [mountain] passes [as] roads that they might be guided.

And We made the sky a protected ceiling, but they, from its signs, are turning away.

And it is He who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon; all [heavenly bodies] in an orbit are swimming.
As you can see from the passages, the understanding of space is poor at best and has all objects orbiting the earth. This is fairly standard for the understanding of that time and has no revelations in it. (although the original article you wrote seems to want to give this simple passage more meaning then what is deserved)


Well-Known Member
The Quran 21:30-34 verses read
As you can see from the passages, the understanding of space is poor at best and has all objects orbiting the earth. This is fairly standard for the understanding of that time and has no revelations in it. (although the original article you wrote seems to want to give this simple passage more meaning then what is deserved)
It simply says "in AN orbit are swimming".
You should not read into that an implied orbit around the earth.


Well-Known Member
I have a few questions in mind after going through the model which was uploaded:

1.T=0... since time continues moving toward the future, does this mean that it is
going to move in the opposite direction? i.e is it going to reverse?
I am just abit confused because as the model shows that with time, T=0 , and to
my understanding time is still going to move forward unless there is a possibility it will be moving forward but in a negative direction, if that makes sense..??:confused:

2. If time reaches T=0, does this have any connection with the earth rotating in the opposite direction?
What I gather is that there is a cycle that repeats.
The component of time for each cycle simply starts at 0.

I realize that some are purporting this to apply to our actual material universe/cosmos, and I don't doubt that there is a parallel, but I find it most useful to apply this to what I call the geneopolitical creation rather than a cosmic creation.

This is why, for example, no societies to date indicate that their civilization is older than 6,000 years old. Some of their traditions are from earlier times, but all civilizations had an origin from that last T=0 juncture.

When all things (spiritual, economic, political, etc.) are gathered back into one great whole (circumscribed) and we establish a new global civilization with global governance under the Father, this will be considered to be a return to the T=0 juncture. At this time we will redo our calendars to start reckoning our time based upon the re-creation of a global society under Christ's rule. We will be in the 7th heaven and shall co-create a new heavens and a new earth in a geneopolitical sense.

People of future millennia will in time only be able to see backwards to that time just as we can only dimly perceive what was going on 6,000 to 5,000 years ago. Suffice it to say, the global Golden Age will only last about 1,000 years and then decay will increase as things go through the same pattern of dissipation and expansion. Then, again, in about another 6,000 years there will be another gathering of all things back together and a new global Golden Age will occur and a new creation will take place and so on.

That's what I see being explained in the Torah, New Testament, Qur'aan, etc.


Well-Known Member
What should we read into "in AN orbit are swimming".
That they orbit something.
Our sun at the least orbits the center of the galaxy and also appears to be a satellite to some other relatively nearby galactic bodies.
This isn't my area of expertise, but I do understand Kepler's laws and how orbits work.
All celestial bodies have some kind of an orbit around something greater in mass and energy than itself.


Well-Known Member
Okay, i get what you saying. So if the cycle repeats, I wonder if there will probably be another Adam,Noah, Moses, etc.in the next cycle...
Yes, when Adam gives out all of the "new names" during the Millennium he will station all of the offices that are essential for a complete cycle of creation to play out all over again. He will assign who shall be the new sun, the new moon, the new stars, the new man, the new fowls, the new fishes, etc. He completely organizes the new genealogy that will play out each cycle. Some will be governing ones or heavenly hosts and others will not have governance and remain earth bound.

Adam's "Book of Life" is where all of this information is recorded. It contains all of that which was fore-ordained to come about. That is how Abraham could be told that God knew him before he was born because the soul who would fulfill the role of the new Abraham in the new cycle would have been previously fore-ordained to fulfill that role.
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What I gather is that there is a cycle that repeats.
The component of time for each cycle simply starts at 0.

I realize that some are purporting this to apply to our actual material universe/cosmos, and I don't doubt that there is a parallel, but I find it most useful to apply this to what I call the geneopolitical creation rather than a cosmic creation.

This is why, for example, no societies to date indicate that their civilization is older than 6,000 years old. Some of their traditions are from earlier times, but all civilizations had an origin from that last T=0 juncture.

When all things (spiritual, economic, political, etc.) are gathered back into one great whole (circumscribed) and we establish a new global civilization with global governance under the Father, this will be considered to be a return to the T=0 juncture. At this time we will redo our calendars to start reckoning our time based upon the re-creation of a global society under Christ's rule. We will be in the 7th heaven and shall co-create a new heavens and a new earth in a geneopolitical sense.

People of future millennia will in time only be able to see backwards to that time just as we can only dimly perceive what was going on 6,000 to 5,000 years ago. Suffice it to say, the global Golden Age will only last about 1,000 years and then decay will increase as things go through the same pattern of dissipation and expansion. Then, again, in about another 6,000 years there will be another gathering of all things back together and a new global Golden Age will occur and a new creation will take place and so on.

That's what I see being explained in the Torah, New Testament, Qur'aan, etc.

Okay, i get what you saying. So if the cycle repeats, I wonder if there will probably be another Adam,Noah, Moses, etc.in the next cycle... sorry for going off the topic but i love knowledge all-round.

The explanation you gave is understandable but I'd say it applies to both geopolitics and the cosmos simultaneously.. T=0 for both but just in different time-dimension periods.

Geopolitics will apply in the expanding universe but not in the contracting universe as in the expanding universe we have freedom of choice and not in the contracting universe. This is just my understanding of it all


That they orbit something.
Our sun at the least orbits the center of the galaxy and also appears to be a satellite to some other relatively nearby galactic bodies.
This isn't my area of expertise, but I do understand Kepler's laws and how orbits work.
All celestial bodies have some kind of an orbit around something greater in mass and energy than itself.
Do you have any evidence of this knowledge being well-known at the time of its writing or shortly after?


Active Member
Yes, when Adam gives out all of the "new names" during the Millennium he will station all of the offices that are essential for a complete cycle of creation to play out all over again. He will assign who shall be the new sun, the new moon, the new stars, the new man, the new fowls, the new fishes, etc. He completely organizes the new genealogy that will play out each cycle. Some will be governing ones or heavenly hosts and others will not have governance and remain earth bound.

Adam's "Book of Life" is where all of this information is recorded. It contains all of that which was fore-ordained to come about. That is how Abraham could be told that God knew him before he was born because the soul who would fulfill the role of the new Abraham in the new cycle would have been previously fore-ordained to fulfill that role.
I must add that your understanding of matters is spot on. That is knowledge from the Hidden book.


Well-Known Member
The explanation you gave is understandable but I'd say it applies to both geopolitics and the cosmos simultaneously.. T=0 for both but just in different time-dimension periods.
Yes, I believe what is being done to organize humans into geneopolitical structure with varying degrees of enlightenment and governance is modeled after what is happening on the cosmic level as well. We can become the beneficiary of understanding both how to have a truly peaceful and functional society here on earth among ourselves as well as understand how things in the cosmos function as well. This is where the "as above so below" phrase comes from.

God is modelling the organization and structure of the cosmos, to a limited extent, in the spiritual domain of humans.

Geopolitics will apply in the expanding universe but not in the contracting universe as in the expanding universe we have freedom of choice and not in the contracting universe. This is just my understanding of it all
I don't see it as a contraction where time reverses.
I see it simply as a renewal or as a gathering back together in order to birth a new Genesis for the cycle to repeat.
Very little seed stock is required in order to birth an entirely new cycle.
Plus, you still yet have all of the raw materials from the deceased Creation to reorganize into a purposeful manner in the new and living Creation.


Well-Known Member
I must add that your understanding of matters is spot on. That is knowledge from the Hidden book.
Interesting huh? :D
I only opened it up and started reading it some years ago.
I'm still reading it and learning more and more.
I am so excited to finally meet someone else who has opened it too!

But, I want to go back to pretending I know nothing about it.
I don't want to miss anything you have to add upon the subject.
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Active Member
Yes, I believe what is being done to organize humans into geneopolitical structure with varying degrees of enlightenment and governance is modeled after what is happening on the cosmic level as well. We can become the beneficiary of understanding both how to have a truly peaceful and functional society here on earth among ourselves as well as understand how things in the cosmos function as well. This is where the "as above so below" phrase comes from.

God is modelling the organization and structure of the cosmos, to a limited extent, in the spiritual domain of humans.

I don't see it as a contraction where time reverses.
I see it simply as a renewal or as a gathering back together in order to birth a new Genesis for the cycle to repeat.
Very little seed stock is required in order to birth an entirely new cycle.
Plus, you still yet have all of the raw materials from the deceased Creation to reorganize into a purposeful manner in the new and living Creation.
I concur with this 100%. Absolutely well said from a high level of understanding. Both statements perfectly in agreement with the deepest knowledge.