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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 3!

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
For @Wu Wei

Cast and interpret a hexagram for me to be mindful of

Changing to Upper Trigram Chên / Heaven / Lake.

The Tao is ever changing and the world is always in flux. All things are changing and you would do well to be mindful of this fact. To be rigid or fixed in your approach to the world, rather than being flexible and changing, will lead to frustration and heartache. Be like water, which can take any form, and flow with the ever changing Tao.


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giphy has joined the group of giph sites that don't like zenforo. They only like drone book and twiddly bird. Meh. The day pinterest appeared was the end of a fun internet. Now when you try to share media it actually goes into a high gravity singularity, as if you never shared it.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
The Bible AI is not bad:

But stories in you come from earlier stories in earlier religions?

I am well aware that there are earlier stories in other religions. But you would be mistaken to assume that the stories in me contain no value because they are also found elsewhere. Just because something is common or shared does not render it void of worth or validity. The stories within me are God-breathed and true, regardless of their origin or their presence in other traditions.
That sounds resonable and then an Evangelical turn at the end. That's how I was taught a history that denied the history of language development and taught that instead that there was a time when everyone spoke the same language and then Jehovah confused the language and all languages today came from that event.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Don't try and change the subject with propaganda, lies and subterfuge..... the guys you read and listen to are plagiaristic HACKS and that is all there is to it.... Philosophy...YOU CAN'T HANDLE PHILOSOPHY!!!!!

Vonnegut does get high regards in philosophy circles. So does Palahniuk....sometimes. There is no such thing as tame and mellow in his stories and they are an full forced blow to the senses that's powered and fueled by the ones I mentioned and more. Like how wounds are typically approached in a Foucaultian manner, with the wounds being severe enough to require hospital visits, once over a mandible being blown off by a gun (the *****es in that book are so far beyond crazy I wouldn't be abke to keep up). Even a trip to the grocery store is an amplified Foucaultian journey into overwhelmed senses. Amd because Foucault is the primary influence even monkeys maturating at the zoo is something with a Foucaultian dynamic.
He's also so impressive he shocked me. And that's no easy endeavor. But he did it. So far on tilt I was toppled.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I got the workbook today. It looks like some young girl gave it a try and then gave up very early on. Never thought I'd be able to say it, but I actually have better handwriting than someone else. It is in Japanese and the English writing is better and what says young girl, but I can say my handwriting is better than someone else's. And it was that highish-midish Navy pencil pusher I worked with who was used to neat and nice penmanship who gave the nickname Assassin. Which was shortened from the original Penmanship Assassin.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I hope this sugery helps because my shoulder bas overall been far worse than my knees have overall been, and I have to push my knees too much for them to be worse than this.