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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 3!

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
What software do you plan to edit videos? I've not looked at Chromebook-based video editing software.
I'm tossing the ChromeOS and putting Linux on it.
As for the exact software, I don't have one as of now. I'll be looking into that when I start making videos. The one advantages with those is that it doesn't matter if it's a discount, bargain software or the expensive ones like Adobe they all do the same thing and have the same tools and abilities and such. I don't think I'll ever be able to fully express in words my disappointment when I finally got to use Adobe's video editing software, Premier Pro. It's something I'm knowledgeable in, have lots of experience in, and I was expecting something more like going from Paint to Photoshop. I was HORRIBLY disappointed to learn there is nothing special about it. It just lets you throw your projects into another Adobe program. There is no way in hell I'd ever pay that kind of money myself for it.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I've noticed a tendency here that now and again someone will call something someone is doing "larp" even though the person is question is not playing a game and make believe at playing the role of a fantasy character. I may have loved beating kids half my age in the physical aspects of larp, but I've never really killed a deathknight or lich or any sort of sea monsters that is a normal part of larp.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
I'm tossing the ChromeOS and putting Linux on it.
As for the exact software, I don't have one as of now. I'll be looking into that when I start making videos. The one advantages with those is that it doesn't matter if it's a discount, bargain software or the expensive ones like Adobe they all do the same thing and have the same tools and abilities and such. I don't think I'll ever be able to fully express in words my disappointment when I finally got to use Adobe's video editing software, Premier Pro. It's something I'm knowledgeable in, have lots of experience in, and I was expecting something more like going from Paint to Photoshop. I was HORRIBLY disappointed to learn there is nothing special about it. It just lets you throw your projects into another Adobe program. There is no way in hell I'd ever pay that kind of money myself for it.
They are far from the same once you get beyond the basics.

For creating jpeg2000 archival videos I use Adobe. Premiere Pro uses the ancillary Media Encoder for more advanced encoding if that was what you were referring to.

It is a million times more complex than Adobe Premiere Elements which I also have at home. If I have a very simple edit, Elements does the job. The full software would be like using a sledgehammer to drive in a nail - too much overhead.

And why did I wind up with Adobe for archival jpeg2000 creation? At the time they supported jpeg2000 whereas others did not support creating them. I checked Avid and DaVinci Resolve at the time and they did not make the cut.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Crap - my credit union sent me an email - this is part

We are writing to let you know that on June 29, we experienced a serious security incident. This required us to shut down some of our day-to-day banking systems so that we can remediate the issue and contain the impact, including online banking, our mobile App, and our call center. Currently, electronic transactions such as transfers (including Zelle), direct deposit, balance inquiries, and payments are unavailable. Debit and credit card transactions function in a limited capacity.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
And why did I wind up with Adobe for archival jpeg2000 creation? At the time they supported jpeg2000 whereas others did not support creating them. I checked Avid and DaVinci Resolve at the time and they did not make the cut.
I think Avid was the first one I owned. I got it cheap bundled with a video capturing device.
For creating jpeg2000 archival videos I use Adobe. Premiere Pro uses the ancillary Media Encoder for more advanced encoding if that was what you were referring to.
Being able to load backgrounds, layers, whatever else into Photoshop, After Effect and those other programs.
Format type I'm only as picky as I need to be.
They are far from the same once you get beyond the basics.
Take away Adobe Suite and it's heavily deflated and severely overpriced (more than it is). You have a regular editor than can handle very specialized formats.


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sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Avid has great lossless CODEC that at least at the time, no other video editing program supported. So I had to transcode a number of videos using Avid to a different and more supported CODEC so we had an editable mezzanine video version.

A senior editor showed me enough so I could that task. After that, I saw that program is really for those that are editing a multi-camera shoot and doing it using 4 high quality monitors and a very high end computer and consequently need an Everest of features..

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
Mid 70s here..... realized something today.... with the work at home schedule, the corp take over and ever diminishing responsibilities..... technically I'm already semi-retired