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Top 10 reasons why Jesus Christ Isn't God


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
I also have not got time for the video. I haven't got time for the ridiculers of your thread either.You are obviously addressing believers.
if you believe that Jesus (pbuh) was messanger of God , not God or son of God, you don't need to watch the video and the texte of 10 top reason why Jesus (pbuh) is not god
I have no idea why people ever thought God and Jesus were the same person anyway. I think there is one passage in the new testament that says God and I are one. This refers to being of one mind. Many times Jesus says things like the father is greater that I, pray to God though me, refers to God as his father, speaks about the great tribulation as happening at a time the son does not know only the father. I think it's fairly obvious that God and Jesus are separate people.

I have no idea why some Christian faiths took hold of one passage and used it to construct some ridiculous mystery.
the Idea I explain it before . the original gospel of Jesus (pbuh) was modified/edited by many authors , then they(authors) called that inspirations


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Sorry, the Ascension was 40 days after the Ressurection, and Pentecost was 10 days after that, when the Holy Spirit came. Do you believe in the Old Testament? It speaks of the Messiah as coming the first time to die for our sins (Isaiah 53) the second time he will come in glory. Jesus said no man has power to take his life, but that he lays it down of his own accord, not a sign of weakness, but of great strength and love for the world.
good , an argument against you that Jesus (pbuh) did not meet Paul,Mark,John,Luke ..etc,

again i re-ask you my question ,
Jesus (pbuh) told his friends that "When ,He would go to god then He will sent the Comforter "

Why Jesus (pbuh) did not said " if i would go to God then i will comeback to Paul and Mark and John and ....etc , then i would sent the comforter "

, He said He will go to god (Ascension) and sent the comfort (not him self (jesus pbuh) who would come back)

explain to me this contradiction .


Admiral Obvious
I want to know if some one could deny these top 10 reasons , which give clear proofs, which deny that Jesus (pbuh) was not a God
I deny that the presented reasons are even flimsy evidence that Jesus is not a god, let alone that they are "clear proofs".


Well-Known Member
good , an argument against you that Jesus (pbuh) did not meet Paul,Mark,John,Luke ..etc,

again i re-ask you my question ,
Jesus (pbuh) told his friends that "When ,He would go to god then He will sent the Comforter "

Why Jesus (pbuh) did not said " if i would go to God then i will comeback to Paul and Mark and John and ....etc , then i would sent the comforter "

, He said He will go to god (Ascension) and sent the comfort (not him self (jesus pbuh) who would come back)

explain to me this contradiction .
You did not answer my question. But anyway, The Holy Spirit came at Pentecost to empower, gift, teach, etc. the Church. This same Holy Spirit inspired our scriptures. Jesus appeared to Paul as a blinding light and to John when he was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day, to give us our final revelation of his Word.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
You did not answer my question. But anyway, The Holy Spirit came at Pentecost to empower, gift, teach, etc. the Church. This same Holy Spirit inspired our scriptures. Jesus appeared to Paul as a blinding light and to John when he was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day, to give us our final revelation of his Word.

This is another contradiction , Holy spirit inspire the scriptures (New testement books) , and the authors inspire from Jesus (pbuh) lol please explain !!!

Then my question is , in new testement Jesus (pbuh) did not told his friend that He will comeback after 50 years to Mark or to Paul or ...etc , He told them that when He go god (Ascension) and sent the comfort (not him self (jesus pbuh) who would come back)

The Jesus (pbuh) did not told his friend (believers ) that He will give Paul or Mark or John or Luke ..etc the inspiration !!!

Give me one verse in the new testement confirme that Jesus (pbuh) would come back to give : Paul,Mark, John, Luke ..etc : the inspiration .( Jesus pbuh would appear to them )

Because He told his friends that He will sent (not he will back to the authors)
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Well-Known Member
I believe in one God, but a plural God as in the OT ELohim. I believe he is a Triune God, one God made of 3 persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Nothing is impossible with God. You did not answer my question about Isaiah...

2 Timothy 3:16
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness

2 Peter 1
16For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.
17For he received from God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
18And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy mount.
19We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:
20Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 21For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.


Intentionally Blank
I would give you a simple test , then you would discover that there is a Satan , when you go to some magicians have relate to the Satan or one of his family (nation), to using diablerie effect to the man (victim) , or using the Satan to knowing the future events , or hiding information about you ?

the only way to know that there is Satan , is :
take a serieux muslim with you to this magician (who using the Satan, diablerie) , but before to enter to him He (the muslim) should read some of Quran (in side his heart /hide / secretly )

for all the ways , the magician would ask him (the muslim) to got out . and He (the magician) did not allow to him to get in .
I can't believe you believe this superstitious nonsense. You present your religion in a very bad light. You make it sound like primitive magical thinking.

Whenever I think it's something I should look into, actual Muslims persuade me it's stupid or evil.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
I can't believe you believe this superstitious nonsense. You present your religion in a very bad light. You make it sound like primitive magical thinking.

Whenever I think it's something I should look into, actual Muslims persuade me it's stupid or evil.
you have the right to don't believe until you test by your self , We the muslims believe that the Quran protect from the Satan by God order .
We know that and we test that .
i guess you if you don't test something , you would never know it's true or false .


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
How is that, then?
there are magician (used the Satan in every where) , We (7 persons) used this test with one of them ,one of us (7 persons) read the Quran (few moment before to got in the house of the magician ) He (the magician ) asked who read Quran to stop and don't let him got in , in his house !!!!

Why the magician , choose that man to don't enter ?!!!

the magician who used the Satan(infidel Jiny ) would never let you got in his house,because the Satan would gone.(the satan would leave the magician )


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
I believe in one God, but a plural God as in the OT ELohim. I believe he is a Triune God, one God made of 3 persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Nothing is impossible with God. You did not answer my question about Isaiah...
look brother , ELohim is hebrew plural of God, it's not mean that God is plural , it's used for the glory/holy the God , ask any jewish would tell you this , him is sign of plural , but some times used for glory , as exactly the arabic .

2 Timothy 3:16
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness

2 Peter 1
16For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.
17For he received from God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
18And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy mount.
19We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:
20Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 21For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

look brother i guess you don't understand my point , i know all this , my question is
how Jesus (pbuh) get back to Paul,Mark.....etc , but He did not said in the new testement that He would comeback to give the inspirations to authors ?!!!

because the verses of the Comfort is a show that Jesus (pbuh) would never comeback soon , until God sent the Comfort .

look brother i will explain to you my dates for eg:
if we suppose that :Jesus (pbuh) said to his friends that He will go to God , than God send the Comfort == at 30 AD ok? that mean Jesus (pbuh) would never comeback (until the Comfort come )
after one years Jesus (pbuh) raise to God ok ?
When Jesus told his friend that He would go to god , and then God sent Comfort , that mean the mission of Jesus (pbuh) is end, at his raise to God exactly at 31 AD. (die as you believe)

Jesus (pbuh) came to inspire Mark at 65
Jesus (pbuh) came to inspire John at 80–95
Jeuss (pbuh) came to inspire Matthew at 63
Jesus (pbuh) came to inspire Luke to 80-90
Jesus (pbuh) came to inspire Paul

counter how many times Jesus (pbuh) as you believe comeback ? at least 5 times ok
this is great contradiction : He told his friend that He go to god , then he will sent the Comfort , then He came back to inspire !!!!!

inspire who Paul/Saul one of His enemies , and maybe the other authors also never saw Jesus (in their life)
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the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
This happened to you personally?
yeah , it's happened to me , and happened to many persons (who read the Quran before meeting the magician) , the magician never accept to meet him , or let him enter to his house ,

Notice that We don't informe/tell the magician that one of us reading the Quran ,
Why he did not accept/allow to who read the Quran to enter to his house !!!!???
i know that you don't believe me , but you can test it by your self , you are from india and the magician (who using the Satan/infidel jiny) are many there (i guess) :) , take a good Muslim man with you to a magician(asked him to read some of Quran before the meeting) , than you would disover .
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Hostis humani generis
you are from india
I'm not, I'm the opposite side of the world, pretty much. I'm closer to you than I am to India.

and the magician (who using the Satan/infidel jiny) are many there (i guess) :)
I don't believe in Satan or jinn.

Importantly: How do you know that they are using Satan/infidel jinn? They could easily, after all, claim that the magicians are using the true jinn, and using the reading of Quran is the Satanic/evil force--this doesn't mean it is, now, does it? All that it would be is insulting someone for having a different belief, which I don't approve of people doing.

I have a more.. secular view of most "magicians": conmen. No Satan, spirits, demons, jinn, gods, or angels are required. Most of it is sleight of hand, illusions, and guesswork, generally preying on people who are gullible. Others, although technically conmen, may give a natural remedy to cure "a curse" which may aid one in getting better. I don't see any of them as truthful or having magic/demonic/angelic/supernatural powers though, so why would I cost myself money to go see one? Unless you pay for me to visit one, that is. :D

, take a good Muslim man with you to a magician(asked him to read some of Quran before the meeting) , than you would disover .
What good would taking a "good Muslim man" with me to the magician and making him read the Quran beforehand? Will the magician not be able to summon his jinn (for the sake of argument that they exist)? What if the magician does summon his jinn or cast spells or something? Then it must be the fault of the Muslim for not being good/pious enough to stop the entities with his Quran recitaton, yes? Or would it be something else, like this magician was not using Satan/jinn to help him?

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Fattington fis

New Member
This is video is pointless, i just flicked through it and i got the gist, its ridiculous their quoting from the quran as an argument, for jesus not being god, i agree he wasnt god, just as i dont accept Muhammad was the messanger of God, told to recite by angel Jibriel , both of these are ridiculous unfounded claims in themselves. You also gave the impression that by disproving Jesus's rank as the almighty you somehow automatically affirmed Islam as the correct faith, it is just as hard to prove Muhammad divine status as it is Jesus's.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Sorry, the Ascension was 40 days after the Ressurection, and Pentecost was 10 days after that, when the Holy Spirit came. Do you believe in the Old Testament? It speaks of the Messiah as coming the first time to die for our sins (Isaiah 53) the second time he will come in glory. Jesus said no man has power to take his life, but that he lays it down of his own accord, not a sign of weakness, but of great strength and love for the world.
you mean these verses ? Isaiah 53 (from the Old testement )

10 Yet it was the LORD's will to crush him and cause him to suffer,
and though the LORD makes [c] his life a guilt offering,
he will see his offspring and prolong his days,
and the will of the LORD will prosper in his hand.
11 After the suffering of his soul,
he will see the light of life [d] and be satisfied [e] ;
by his knowledge [f] my righteous servant will justify many,
and he will bear their iniquities.
12 Therefore I will give him a portion among the great, [g]
and he will divide the spoils with the strong, [h]
because he poured out his life unto death,
and was numbered with the transgressors.
First of all ,as you know all the prophet and messangers of God suffered , not only Jesus (pbuh)
then the Jews and We (the muslims ) called God : the Lord , and you called Jesus (pbuh) : Lord
then , you told me that Jesus die for our sins , Why ?
if my sins are fogiven , I can steal ? , and rape ? ....do all the things that's i want to !!!!

then as we believe that Jesus (pbuh) saved by God , and He would comeback (return) to the earth at the end of this life , then He would die as exactly we die and born
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Intentionally Blank
you have the right to don't believe until you test by your self , We the muslims believe that the Quran protect from the Satan by God order .
We know that and we test that .
i guess you if you don't test something , you would never know it's true or false .

I'll figure out my own tests, thank you very much. I prefer science to superstition. And, like everyone else, I have the right to believe whatever I think true. I base my beliefs on evidence, and I find that works rather well. You have the right to base yours on superstition, if you prefer.


Well-Known Member
you mean these verses ? Isaiah 53 (from the Old testement )

First of all ,as you know all the prophet and messangers of God suffered , not only Jesus (pbuh)
then the Jews and We (the muslims ) called God : the Lord , and you called Jesus (pbuh) : Lord
then , you told me that Jesus die for our sins , Why ?
if my sins are fogiven , I can steal ? , and rape ? ....do all the things that's i want to !!!!

then as we believe that Jesus (pbuh) saved by God , and He would comeback (return) to the earth at the end of this life , then He would die as exactly we die and born
Not sure if you will understand this spiritual concept.
If you walk by religious laws then you will also be in bondage.
If you tell a kid not to do something then it becomes a resistance and a temptation to the kid to be obedient if he obeys out of the law.If he obeys out of love then he is free to choose whether to be obedient or not without the resistance of the law.Those who walk in love walk above the law and are not in bondage to its resistance.
When your sins are forgiven and you walk in the love of Christ than you are free from the law of sin and death.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
I'll figure out my own tests, thank you very much. I prefer science to superstition. And, like everyone else, I have the right to believe whatever I think true. I base my beliefs on evidence, and I find that works rather well. You have the right to base yours on superstition, if you prefer.
look sister , if you test it , take serieux muslim to magician using the Satan/infidel Jiny , then the Muslim read the Quran before the meeting (of magician)
there are two possibility :
1- the magician accept the meeting with the muslim ==== that mean i am wrong and i just put the lies here

2- the magician did accept the meeting with the muslim === that mean the Quran effect to the Satan/infidel Jiny , the Quran disable the work of the infidel Jiny

Notice that the magician did not know you , and did not know that the Muslim read the Quran before the meeting .