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Tucker Carlson, Colonel Douglas Macgregor, The Ukraine War

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
So the Americans will not rest until Putin is defeated?
. :)
America isn't fighting. You've been told this countless times.
Are you just deliberately trying to get a rise of out people or just making yourself look dumb? Why do you keep doing this to yourself even after getting corrected so many times?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
That is a ridiculously spun propaganda narrative Shade.... Spiked Kool-aid induced opinion if I ever heard one .. almost the mirror .. called mirroring ...

It is Ukraine who has thrown everything at it -- men, equipment, .. used up all NATO stocks as well .. running out of 155 mm artillery shells and everyting else... human wave attacks at the Russian Defensive lines .. can't get equipment too close or it gets destroyed .. Russian Drones in control of the Air space .. pinpoint targeting the artillery .. of which Russia has a 10 - 1 advantage.

The territory Putin has Gained thus-far produces 80% of Ukraine's GNP .. and the strategic gains .. control over the black Sea and so on ..are large.

On the Economic Side .. business has never been better in Russia .. continued improvement. On the down side ... for US-NATO / "the West" Sanctions were a big fail.. and with this backfire has come major economic hurt to Europe .. Loss of cheap energy is no joke .. German factories having to move to China kind of "No Joke" This little proxy war has turned out to be Economic War on Europe .. leaders in political trouble .. they don't want this war .. pressure to negotiate increasing

Across the Pond in La La Land .. the BRICS .. now BRICS PLUS .. are seriously working towards a competitor to US Dollar for international Trade / reserve currency. .. but our markets are acting like this is already the case .. Competition for debt .. drives interest rates up .. and we are well into the Debt Danger zone.

If one understands nothing else .. understand that 33 TRillion in Debt .. in a rising interest rate environment .. is a bad thing.. at the current rate .. the inverted 2 year Treasury note is yeilding 5.2% --- up significantly from the 0.5% in 2021.

and if you were wondering if 1000% increase in your monthly rent payment would be significant ... Check

but how significant .. is it really like my rent going up 1000% .. and well .. not quite a linear relationship .. its bad.. for example .. the Interest on our Debt was roughly 400 Billion from Clinton 1992 .. to Obama roughly mid way .. so 2015 .. or there abouts. This is because although our debt went mugh higher 5 TRillion to 20 Trillion .. the ave interest rate went much Lower .. 7% down to where it currently sits at 2%

A quick calculation tells you that something has changed .. our payments are no longer 400 Billion .. but 33 TRillion x 2% =660 Billion

Ouch .. that more than a 50% increase .. but far cry from 1000% right ? .. Yeah .. well .. that ave interest rate is movinng up fast .. financing huge amounts at much higher rates .. if that average moves up just 1% to 3% .. which is historically still very low .. the interest payment goes to 1 Trillion .. and if it goes up to 4% (remember it used to be well above 7% in the Reagan years) we are talking 1.3 TRillion .. and our ship is sunk with revenue 5 Trillion and we are struggling to maintain 4.5 Trillion as it sits.. that in spite of massive deficit spending which artificially inflates the numbers short term like a nitrous oxide boost .. https://www.cnbc.com/quotes/US2Y
How does Putin's butt taste? Amy difference after he losses something he fought extremely hard for and had less than a couple years?

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
America isn't fighting. You've been told this countless times.
Are you just deliberately trying to get a rise of out people or just making yourself look dumb? Why do you keep doing this to yourself even after getting corrected so many times?
It's reassuring.
So Americans don't care if Russia wins the war.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
It's reassuring.
So Americans don't care if Russia wins the war.
The nonMAGAS (aka the saner Americans andblarger groups of Americans) want to see Putin fall flat on his face onto a big pile of crap for launching a war of agression and for generally being a tyrannical ****.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
The nonMAGAS (aka the saner Americans andblarger groups of Americans) want to see Putin fall flat on his face onto a big pile of crap for launching a war of agression and for generally being a tyrannical ****.
I understand.
If Americans desire to conquer Russia to dethrone Putin, there's Alaska which is practically almost attached to Russia.
I would like to know why they want to get to Putin through the EU, which is peaceful and has no time to waste on such nonsense. :)


Woke gremlin
I do attack Russia and Putin ... Do you not understand what the term "Anti War" means ? - it means "Anti War" Providing arms to Ukraine is war by proxy ..
Nope. That's just called being a military ally. It's not a proxy war just because one country is being assisted by another. Nobody forced Russia to invade.

is prolonging the war .. causing more death and destruction ...
It's giving Ukraine the chance to defend themselves against military occupation. Would you rather Ukraine and its people were under Putin's regime?

in a war provoked in large part by USA-NATO.
This is just a lie, and not worth dedicating any braincells to. If you genuinely believe the US or NATO somehow made it so Putin had "no choice" but to invade Ukraine, you're either delusional or a Russian propagandist.
They're not. Russia has a professional, world class military with the sort of equipment you would expect one of the most powerful countries in the world to have. Ukraine is very poor and their military is mostly paramilitary (made up of racist ultranationalist fanatics) and poorly trained volunteers. There's videos of Ukrainian forces doing extremely stupid stuff and getting slaughtered for it. A few went viral recently. In one video, the fools get limb after limb blown off as they carelessly muck about in a field full of land mines. Ukraine doesn't have a chance of winning, but that's not the point of this. It's a meatgrinder to wear Russia down. It's just another proxy war. We don't give a **** about the Ukrainian people. If we did, we'd be negotiating a peaceful end to this.
Well, Russia may have one of the largest military forces in the world but it's hardly professional, in fact it has a reputation for being ill disciplined and disorganized along with low morale. In regards to their equipment then a lot of it's antiquated and in disrepair. Remember that forty mile tank convoy that broke down all over the place? Putin probably thought his *special military operation* would be done and dusted within a month and yet over a year later it's still going on. Attempts to negotiate peace have been attempted but with a mass murdering, tinpot dictator like Putin that ain't so easy to achieve.


unknown member

Russia probably could outlast Ukraine. Western sanctions aren't really as demoralizing as some might believe, since the Russians still can grow food and have access to resources, industries, tools, and technologies to continue on. They have other trading partners in this world. Of course, there have been some within Russia who aren't entirely supportive of Putin, where they might say "protecting the Donbas is one thing, bombing Kyiv is yet another thing." That's where Putin shot himself in the foot, by launching an all-out assault on the entire country - especially when he wasn't truly prepared.

Now, it appears to have become a war of attrition. Ukraine has now become totally dependent upon the West. The message is loud and clear: Without Western aid and materiel assistance, Ukraine will fall. So, at least on that point, that the way may not be going as well as we're being told, there may be some merit to that. Wartime coverage invariably tends to lean towards an "our-side-is-winning" approach to boost civilian morale and ensure civilian support for the war.

If it gets to the point where the US or other NATO countries feel the need to send their own troops into Ukraine to bolster the Ukrainian defense, then that would be an escalation of hostilities with Russia.
I agree that protecting Donbass is one thing, but there was no shock and awe as when the US bombed Baghdad before sending the troops in. Kiev was spared all that, although there was some bombing, it wasn't what it would have been if Russia intended to take Kiev from the start. Going in Putin said he was denazifying Ukraines army and securing the regions of the breakaway provinces, the ethnically Russian portions of eastern Ukraine that broke away after the Maidan coupe, the regions that Kiev has been bombing since 2014. It appears that Putin resigned to the fact that Ukraine was joining nato so he decided it was time to move the Russian border over a couple hundred miles westward.

One way of viewing it is that Ukraine took a bit too much land when it broke away from Russia in 1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union and now the border is being adjusted. Personally I don't care where the border lies between Ukraine and Russia, I would like to see the lines drawn and the fighting come to an abrupt end.

We Never Know

No Slack
They're not. Russia has a professional, world class military with the sort of equipment you would expect one of the most powerful countries in the world to have. Ukraine is very poor and their military is mostly paramilitary (made up of racist ultranationalist fanatics) and poorly trained volunteers. There's videos of Ukrainian forces doing extremely stupid stuff and getting slaughtered for it. A few went viral recently. In one video, the fools get limb after limb blown off as they carelessly muck about in a field full of land mines. Ukraine doesn't have a chance of winning, but that's not the point of this. It's a meatgrinder to wear Russia down. It's just another proxy war. We don't give a **** about the Ukrainian people. If we did, we'd be negotiating a peaceful end to this.

"We don't give a **** about the Ukrainian people. If we did, we'd be negotiating a peaceful end to this"

Instead we keep the war going which leads to more death and destruction on both sides
So if someone was attempting to rape a woman, instead of helping her fight back, you should pressure her to consent? That's ghoulish and vile.

The Ukrainian people were subjected to an unprovoked invasion and subsequent war crimes. They're fighting for their land, lives, and liberty. It's absolutely disgusting to suggest that they should give that up just to appease tyrants and terrorists.
Well said. I've gotten to know a few Ukrainian women at my local college after having to flee their homeland and it's humbling how they deal with it all. They didn't ask for a despicable and inexcusable invasion of their country and Putin apologists are a hamper short of a picnic...


Woke gremlin
"We don't give a **** about the Ukrainian people. If we did, we'd be negotiating a peaceful end to this"

Instead we keep the war going which leads to more death and destruction on both sides
So, to be clear, you are advocating that the USA should NOT assist its allies when they are invaded, and that weaker countries - those with military alliances with other nations - should have no recourse but to allow themselves to be subsumed by greater imperialist aggressors and become a vassal state of an authoritarian regime?

This "we should be negotiating for peace" garbage completely ignores that RUSSIA IS NOT CALLING FOR PEACE TALKS AND IS MAKING ANNEXING TERRITORY A REQUIREMENT FOR PEACE NEGOTIATIONS. Believe it or not, America isn't magic. It can't wave a wand and suddenly make Russia no longer intent on a full-scale invasion. That ship has sailed. If peace is to be sought, first Putin has to actually make that a possibility. And it certainly wouldn't be a possibility if we just allow Russia to completely conquer Ukraine.


Well-Known Member
How does Putin's butt taste? Amy difference after he losses something he fought extremely hard for and had less than a couple years?

Why are you interested in the Taste of Putin's butt ??! ... I realize that you have a foul taste in your mouth from drinking down the spiked kool-aid - and a somewhat butt-hurt for being so gullible .. but that is no reason to shoot the messenger and turn into a Potty mouth .. in defense of totalitarianism .. now interested in a Taste of Putin style authoritarianism .. but expressing it in a strange foul mouthed way ?


Well-Known Member
Well said. I've gotten to know a few Ukrainian women at my local college after having to flee their homeland and it's humbling how they deal with it all. They didn't ask for a despicable and inexcusable invasion of their country and Putin apologists are a hamper short of a picnic...

Sure they did "ask for a dispicable invasion of their country" --- Just because you have no clue what you are talking about ... does not make others Putin Apologists. What is it with this progressive Blue cancel culture ... as soon as someone conflicts with the latest fairy tale du jour .. automatically they start screaming "Russia Russia Russia" in some wacky fallacious paranoid delusion response.
Sure they did "ask for a dispicable invasion of their country" --- Just because you have no clue what you are talking about ... does not make others Putin Apologists. What is it with this progressive Blue cancel culture ... as soon as someone conflicts with the latest fairy tale du jour .. automatically they start screaming "Russia Russia Russia" in some wacky fallacious paranoid delusion response.
No they didn't and if you defend or justify Putin's invasion then you're an apologist for the despot.


Woke gremlin
Well it doesn't follow the narrative,
It follows your pro-Russian imperialist narrative. Seriously, the idea that "Ukraine took too much land, so really it's their fault and this is just a "border adjustment"" is simply deranged. Have you seen how big Russia is??

that we are fighting for Ukraines freedom and democracy.
We aren't fighting. They are. They're fighting against Russia because, yeah, they're a democracy and Russia is an authoritarian, imperialist army invading their borders. They don't want that. They're being given guns because they don't want to be a part of Russia (the aforementioned authoritarian, imperialist state), so they are resisting invasion with the aid of their military allies.

See, what you actually talk about the facts involved, you realize what the situation actually is. It's not a "border dispute". Russia have explicitly invaded Ukraine. They even ACKNOWLEDGING CROSSING THE BORDER INTO UKRAINE. The border was not, at any point, "disputed" by Russia or Ukraine.

You're an imperialist.
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We Never Know

No Slack
So, to be clear, you are advocating that the USA should NOT assist its allies when they are invaded, and that weaker countries - those with military alliances with other nations - should have no recourse but to allow themselves to be subsumed by greater imperialist aggressors and become a vassal state of an authoritarian regime?

This "we should be negotiating for peace" garbage completely ignores that RUSSIA IS NOT CALLING FOR PEACE TALKS AND IS MAKING ANNEXING TERRITORY A REQUIREMENT FOR PEACE NEGOTIATIONS. Believe it or not, America isn't magic. It can't wave a wand and suddenly make Russia no longer intent on a full-scale invasion. That ship has sailed. If peace is to be sought, first Putin has to actually make that a possibility. And it certainly wouldn't be a possibility if we just allow Russia to completely conquer Ukraine.

Nope. I'm saying IMO Ukraine can't win that war.
If it had been any country besides Russia other countries would have already been more involved. But no one wants to provoke the bear so instead they keep throwing money and weapons at Ukraine hoping they can hang on and do damage to Russia, which in turn causes/will cause more death and destruction.


Well-Known Member
Nope. That's just called being a military ally. It's not a proxy war just because one country is being assisted by another. Nobody forced Russia to invade.

It's giving Ukraine the chance to defend themselves against military occupation. Would you rather Ukraine and its people were under Putin's regime?

This is just a lie, and not worth dedicating any braincells to. If you genuinely believe the US or NATO somehow made it so Putin had "no choice" but to invade Ukraine, you're either delusional or a Russian propagandist.

I didn't tell you Russia was "Forced" to invade .. so why are you making up nonsense and attributing this to me. and who said it was a proxy war simply on the basis of one nation assisting another ?

Do you have anything other than tarring others with made up falsehood .. you are correct that there is definitely a lack of brain cell activity going on though.

Zelenski was wanting to negotiate early on in the conflict .. Biden told him No .. The west will give full support .. but, like all the other of Biden's JV-Proxy teams left abandoned and betrayed .. Ukraine will be no different.

You need to learn what the words you use mean ... Proxy war - obviously you have no clue.. also "Propaganda" Either you have been knowingly drinking down koolaid knowing it was spiked .. or you simply do not know what Propaganda is. Just because you bought into the lie ... the "propaganda" .. does not make the one who informed you of the lie a propagandist.. now go and learn !