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UK PM Rishi Sunak: "A man is a man, and a woman is a woman, that's just common sense"


Veteran Member
Because neither Sunak, nor (I think) the majority of us is qualified to actually discuss the issue as the medical and/or psychological issue that it is.
Indeed. Also it does not affect the vast majority of people in any important way so, politically, it is a distraction from the issues that should be the focus of government.

There, I've made 2 posts on this and now I'll stop.;)


Veteran Member
@Secret Chief , @VoidCat , @King Phenomenon , @RestlessSoul , @Evangelicalhumanist , @Little Dragon , @Left Coast , @exchemist , @Orbit , @sayak83 ,

Let me take a different whack at this so as to keep personal feelings separate:

I'm sure you all remember the famous scientist Carl Sagan? He died in 1996 (I believe), about 27 years ago. Now imagine we've brought him back to life. He's still the brilliant scientist he was 27 years ago, but he didn't experience the last 27 years on planet earth. And for the sake of discussion, let's say he understands transgenderism, as of 27 years ago.

Now imagine he hears the simple sentence that Sunak said, and then hears that what Sunak said is "transphobic". Now Sagan asks, "Can anyone explain to me how that sentence of Sunak's is transphobic?"

Is anyone willing to try to explain the logic to our reincarnated Carl Sagan?
Scooby doo loves ya


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
You are simply reaching too far, trying desperately to get an answer you want to hear. Carl Sagan, Albert Einstein and everybody else who ever lived cannot be expected to authoritatively answer any question to which he has not seen the evidence "so far." Missing out on 27 years of research, and not being either a medical doctor, neuroscientist or psychologist, his opinion should also not matter to you.

So, we all know the answer you want, so why don't you just beg for it, instead of trying to invent tricksy hypotheticals to sneak it out of an unsuspecting player? Offer us some money, and maybe one of us will give you the answer you want in return.

I was asking posters to provide their logic to Carl Sagan.


Okay, if you all know the answer, why not share it?

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
"No matter what the person feels, the living process of the organism, intends to survive. Focal principle."

I already wrote the elaboration.... I responded to your "RIGHT !?'
What does that mean though? What are you trying to suggest? It's very cryptic...


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
I don't think he is transphobic personally, despite his thinly veiled transphobic comment, instead I believe he said that out of political desperation. To appeal to the far right and nationalists etc. His polling is dire, terrible.

Why do you think his comment was transphobic? What's your logic?

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
I was asking posters to provide their logic to Carl Sagan.


Okay, if you all know the answer, why not share it?
He's making a statement which is in direct contravention of how trans people would self identify. His sad and trite little remark, suggests that there are only males and females, genetically and biologically so. Of course he is apparently unaware that biological gender and gender identity, are two separate things. He is a dog whistling tit. He needs any vote he can get, any.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Because neither Sunak, nor (I think) the majority of us is qualified to actually discuss the issue as the medical and/or psychological issue that it is.

It is those things, I agree. But it is not just those things. It is also a societal issue, a cultural issue, an ethical issue, a moral issue.

Is it typically your stance to never question authority? Do you typically recuse yourself from discussing complex topics? That is not my experience of you.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Talk among ourselves? Okay:

Hey Sub!

What's up Duc?

Have you heard this load of horse****?

I am sorry Duc, that is not horse****, that is bull****, but you could say that that person is bat**** crazy. When are politicians going to learn to leave medical opinions to those that are experts in the field?

Yeah, Sub, even worse is when a hater decides to use a an incredibly ignorant person as a source of "evidence". Any ideas?

No, lets ask Tion. and see what he has to say: Tion! Tion!

What, I was till in bed?

What do you think of this, Tion?

Oh my FSM!! I tell you what, the best idea is to follow the phonetic pronunciation of my name and apply it to this thread. As you tow have pointed out it is just a load of **** and we do not want to get any of that one us whether bat, bull or horse.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
He's sad and trite little remark, suggests that there are only males and females, genetically and biologically so. Of course he is apparently unaware that biological gender and gender identity, are two separate things.

Hey! Thank you! This is the beginning of actually addressing the topic!

So you're mentioning males, and females and biology and gender. But - sincerely - can you clarify how these ideas relate to each other? In other words, based on your two sentences, I don't know how anyone can claim that Sunak was being transphobic?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Talk amongst yourselves:

Common sense is such an uncommon thing.
Especially among those who feel the need to claim it.

I read & hear much about gender, sex, genetics, &
transitioning. The only "common sense" thing I can
claim is that it's complicated & our understanding
is evolving.
I'm reminded of....

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
Hey! Thank you! This is the beginning of actually addressing the topic!

So you're mentioning males, and females and biology and gender. But - sincerely - can you clarify how these ideas relate to each other? In other words, based on your two sentences, I don't know how anyone can claim that Sunak was being transphobic?
As I said. His statement, contradicts with gender identity, which is what actually matters. What lies under the skirt/pants, is not important, to them, it's what they feel emotionally and psychologically that matters, or to anyone else who lives by the golden rule.

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
So you're mentioning males, and females and biology and gender.
My cousin has a mosaic of XX and XXY sex chromsomes, not the standard XY or XX, they are genetically hermaphrodite. So this is a subject that is close to home. I iz very interested in what ppl think here...about the subject in general.