In my view the issue between Christianity and Islam began centuries ago...with the collapse of the Byzantine Empire through it's own high taxation of it's citizens and corrupt administration... Both the Byzantines and the Sassanids were wreaked by intense conflicts which weakened both empires.. It should be noted here that both Christian nations such as Ethiopia and the Byzantines as well as the Sassanids had spheres of influence in Arabia long before the emergence of Islam..
You are discussing matters of centuries past, of dubious relevancy.
The current issues in the middle east I think have been caused by the disintegration of civil authority and consequent internal strife... this is not necessarily due to Islam... there are examples of what we could call failed states in other parts of the world. I do believe irresponsible groups have exploited religion to their advantage... as in "hyjacking" religion for their own purposes.
That may well be true, but I personally feel that it misses the revelant matter. Namely, what is the relationship, if any, between Islam and any troubles that its adherents may suffer or cause?
You are pointing out that it is possible to conceive of other relevant factors that may or may not be relevant or more relevant than Islam, possibly to the point of Islam not being a factor at all.
That is true far as truth goes, but in effect you are asking us all to avoid answering the question or even attempting to. Maybe you can tell me why that is a good idea?
as Baha'is we have suffered a good deal from Muslim theocracies but you will never find a Baha'i attacking Islam or Prophet Muhammad...there are good values and teachings in the Quran ... Yes some have been twisted and used to justify oppressive actions..but I think to be fair and in the long run Muslims themselves will work through these issues...
So you are proposing that it is best not to consider whether Muslims may be ill served by their beliefs, not to question whether they are right on their beliefs, but just hope or trust that they will eventually find the right path?
Why don't you say that you would rather not have Islam questioned at all instead, and tell us why do you find that a good idea?