Do you believe in the Big Bang?
Big Bang theory has many variants but it does appear that the universe as we know it had a beginning and that it evolved from some form of condensed state.
Do you think it was a superior being who created the Big Bang?
Positing a conscious volitional entity raises serious issues including:
@ The only forms of consciousness and volition we know of are strongly tied to physical processes.
@ The superior being is generally taken to be timeless, furthering diminishing the link to known forms of consciousness and volition.
@ If it is not timeless it must change to create the universe at some point, contrary to the usually ascribed attribute of changelessness
@ There is no explanation of why the superior being exists or why it has its particular (quasi-human like) qualities
@ There is no explanation for why the universe is the way it is. Fine tuned for life? On the contrary, the universe is almost entirely inhospitable to life except under extraordinarily rare circumstances.
Do you think the multiverse theory is a good explanation?
The multiverse is an interesting possibility. It could explain why the universe is the way it is. We quite naturally observe a universe that can sustain life. Considering the improbability of such a remarkable thing as life, we would expect that in the typical life-sustaining universe it would be a rare side-effect. Just like in this one.
But the question still remains, why would the multiverse exist?
Why should
anything exist, including a superior being? There would seem to be some principle of existential imperative.
Something must be. There is a necessary being that cannot not be.
At this point we might play a little word game to reveal another possibility.
That which cannot not be, must be.
This contains a double negative: can
not not be
If we eliminate the double negative we get:
That which can be, must be.
Might it be that the existential imperative is simply this: that all logical possibilities are in fact realized? This would justify an infinite multiverse, embodying all logically possible universes. It wold explain why we see this very arbitrary universe. It would answer the age-old question “Why is there something instead of nothing” as well as the corollary question “Why is there this particular something instead of some other something”. It would also eliminate the problems that arise in the concept of a quasi-human superior being.