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What came before the Big Bang?


Premium Member
Simply put there is no before the big bang, it's nonsensical. What does that say of God? There is no before god either. If god exists then its within time, god would presumably exist since the beginning.

Alt Thinker

Older than the hills
Do you believe in the Big Bang?

Big Bang theory has many variants but it does appear that the universe as we know it had a beginning and that it evolved from some form of condensed state.

Do you think it was a superior being who created the Big Bang?

Positing a conscious volitional entity raises serious issues including:

@ The only forms of consciousness and volition we know of are strongly tied to physical processes.

@ The superior being is generally taken to be timeless, furthering diminishing the link to known forms of consciousness and volition.

@ If it is not timeless it must change to create the universe at some point, contrary to the usually ascribed attribute of changelessness

@ There is no explanation of why the superior being exists or why it has its particular (quasi-human like) qualities

@ There is no explanation for why the universe is the way it is. Fine tuned for life? On the contrary, the universe is almost entirely inhospitable to life except under extraordinarily rare circumstances.

Do you think the multiverse theory is a good explanation?

The multiverse is an interesting possibility. It could explain why the universe is the way it is. We quite naturally observe a universe that can sustain life. Considering the improbability of such a remarkable thing as life, we would expect that in the typical life-sustaining universe it would be a rare side-effect. Just like in this one.

But the question still remains, why would the multiverse exist?

Was it something else?

Why should anything exist, including a superior being? There would seem to be some principle of existential imperative. Something must be. There is a necessary being that cannot not be.

At this point we might play a little word game to reveal another possibility.

That which cannot not be, must be.

This contains a double negative: cannot not be

If we eliminate the double negative we get:

That which can be, must be.

Might it be that the existential imperative is simply this: that all logical possibilities are in fact realized? This would justify an infinite multiverse, embodying all logically possible universes. It wold explain why we see this very arbitrary universe. It would answer the age-old question “Why is there something instead of nothing” as well as the corollary question “Why is there this particular something instead of some other something”. It would also eliminate the problems that arise in the concept of a quasi-human superior being.
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Do you believe in the Big Bang?

Do you think it was a superior being who created the Big Bang?

Do you think the multiverse theory is a good explanation?

Was it something else?

The big bang theiry: possible
multiverse theory: possible
something else: possible

at the moment I'm resting on the idea that all this could just be an experiment by some sophisticated civilisation, We've built a device that crashes particles together at almost the speed of light in search for the answer. We are capable of creating primitive forms of artificial evolution and artificial intelligence. So there's no reason not to believe or to consider that we our self's are artificial, just a simulation, Just a advanced complicated version of sims :D there's even a computer virus that uses a primitive form of artificial evolution, it was written by SPTH spth.virii.lu if a virus writer can do it, then..... ?

this can go on and on and on, who created our creators and who created the creators creator creators creator? who created their universe? their version of god?

edit: i sometimes wish I was capable of just believing in god and leaving it there with no questions.. it would be a lot easier on my mind!
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Rogue Theologian
Simply put there is no before the big bang, it's nonsensical. What does that say of God? There is no before god either. If god exists then its within time, god would presumably exist since the beginning.

So substance can create it's......'self'?
And all of spirit is made from dead stuff?


I don't see why it's not acceptable to say the universe always existed but it's acceptable to say god always existed? i think it's way to complicated for the human mind to comprehend so we can only speculate.. or, just pick up the bible and have some faith..
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John Martin

Active Member
I don't see why it's not acceptable to say the universe always existed but it's acceptable to say god always existed? i think it's way to complicated for the human mind to comprehend so we can only speculate.. or, just pick up the bible and have some faith..

One reason could be that the scientists tell us that this universe is expanding. it means it has a beginning and so it may also have an end. So anything that has a beginning and an end cannot be called, 'Always existed'.
It may be better to say that the energy before big bang always existed because it comes directly from God as God's radiance. But we cannot say that the universe as it is now was always there.
God always existed because God does not evolve. It is beyond time and space. No beginning and no end.
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aged ecumenical anthropologist
One reason could be that the scientists tell us that this universe is expanding. it means it has a beginning and so it may also have an end. So anything that has a beginning and an end cannot be called, 'Always existed'.

Actually that's not true. We tend to say X has a beginning because we draw a line somewhere and say "See, a beginning". Same with an end. The reality is that somethings were there before the "beginning" and after the "end", at least as far as we can tell.

No matter how we look at it, something of some type always had to exist but probably was ever-changing.


One reason could be that the scientists tell us that this universe is expanding. it means it has a beginning and so it may also have an end. So anything that has a beginning and an end cannot be called, 'Always existed'.
It may be better to say that the energy before big bang always existed because it comes directly from God as God's radiance. But we cannot say that the universe as it is now was always there.
God always existed because God does not evolve. It is beyond time and space. No beginning and no end.

That's just the big bang theory, there's many others that religion blows off and puts god in it's place.. but then so would I if I was religious.
When we explore what came after or before, we're related to the time and time exists in the physical layer. In the God dimension there is no limitation of time, everything can exist and not exist if...


Rogue Theologian
When we explore what came after or before, we're related to the time and time exists in the physical layer. In the God dimension there is no limitation of time, everything can exist and not exist if...

Time does not exist at all.
It is not a force or a substance.

It is a cognitive device created by Man to serve Man.

A means of measurement only.
A quotient found on a chalkboard and nowhere else.


New Member
Do you believe in the Big Bang?

Do you think it was a superior being who created the Big Bang?

Do you think the multiverse theory is a good explanation?

Was it something else?

Please explain what you mean by the word "bang." As in an explosion? Be specific.


Rogue Theologian
False dichotomy. You cant define spirit?

The part of you that posted the above.

If you can't sense this......then you are dead.
If you are dead....some kind of mindless zombie has possessed you.

Are you really going to tell me.....you don't exist?
And you think it's all chemistry?


Premium Member
The part of you that posted the above.

If you can't sense this......then you are dead.
If you are dead....some kind of mindless zombie has possessed you.

Are you really going to tell me.....you don't exist?
And you think it's all chemistry?
So if it is definable it is chemistry? You can't define spirit?

Spirit is something. If not doesn't matter if its alive or dead, it would be no thing.

Matter is animate, thats enough for me to say it isn't dead. Matter isn't retarded either or else how do you figure it can get from a "dead" planet to an alive one? Which means it was never dead.

Your semantical arguments aren't getting you anywhere that way. Not even is matter "mindless", energy from the singularity, the building blocks of matter, is omnipresent, and is omniscient due to its omnipresence.


Just old
Premium Member
"Spirit" is that remaining part of one, that remains in the thoughts of persons as memories of the one that is now deceased.
I don't know what that has to do with "before the bang", but maybe I'm in the wrong thread.


Thou art That
"Spirit" is that remaining part of one, that remains in the thoughts of persons as memories of the one that is now deceased.
I don't know what that has to do with "before the bang", but maybe I'm in the wrong thread.

Memory is nothing more than traces of the dead past. Spirit is alive in the here and now, so it cannot be memory. Spirit has no history; no memory. It is not of Time or Space. It is, therefore, Unborn and Deathless. It is also self-less, so when your body-form dies, it remains as it was before your birth. It equates to Universal Consciousness.

So what does spirit have to do with the BB?

The BB also is not of Time or Space. It is manifested Universal Conscioiusness.

Now you see it...

Now you don't.

It's Beginingless and eternally cyclical.