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What did Jesus Look Like?


Active Member
how dishonest you are is shown by the fact that you can't even admit when you're caught being plain wrong. and as i predicted since you have no way to factually reply you'll simply dismiss us with no further explanation needed. You're the textbook definition of delusion and dishonesty
Yes sir. If you, the epitome of ducking and diving, non-comprehension and strawman tactics says so then surely as you usual think you are correct in your delusional conclusions.I humbly bow down to your knowledge.


Active Member
Yes sir. If you, the epitome of ducking and diving, non-comprehension and strawman tactics says so then surely as you usual think you are correct in your delusional conclusions.I humbly bow down to your knowledge.

i provided evidences. Not for you to see cause you're dishonest but for all other people reading this that will than call you for your dishonesty.
You keep providing links referring to those evidences i've dismissed as false on the base of evidences that makes you a dishonest person.
Wanna prove your point? Provide me with a Mahabarta translations that is prior to 1945 that includes those passages you're referring to talking about nuclear wars. Or shut up.


Active Member
i provided evidences. Not for you to see cause you're dishonest but for all other people reading this that will than call you for your dishonesty.
You keep providing links referring to those evidences i've dismissed as false on the base of evidences that makes you a dishonest person.
Wanna prove your point? Provide me with a Mahabarta translations that is prior to 1945 that includes those passages you're referring to talking about nuclear wars. Or shut up.
Hmm rather exasperated are you. Go do your own homework!
Duh I speak of the Mahabharata (Not Mabarata) I referred you to the Mahabharata and not any passages contained therein! Of course as usual you prefer cherry picking and to pooh pooh or ignore subsequent archaeological evidence and high radiation evidence supporting possible nuclear explosions from the description of those devices..

Oh well my mother taught me not to be cruel, so try this link -
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Of course as usual you prefer cherry picking and to pooh pooh or ignore subsequent archaeological evidence and high radiation evidence supporting possible nuclear explosions from the description of those devices..

Factual pseudoscience based on pseudohistory :facepalm:


Active Member

Factual pseudoscience based on pseudohistory :facepalm:
Gee so according to you Archaeology is now a pseudoscience.?
Are you sure you are not a pseudo-human - that is a Bot responding inanely to certain keywords?
Time and again your Face Palm gives me a clear image of you standing in front of a mirror speaking to your own palm !!!!


Gee so according to you Archaeology is now a pseudoscience.?
Are you sure you are not a pseudo-human - that is a Bot responding inanely to certain keywords?
Time and again your Face Palm gives me a clear image of you standing in front of a mirror speaking to your own palm !!!!

Provide credible sources or take the rhetoric somewhere else


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
Oh come now. Where do you think the German scientists found the information to build their saucer shaped aircrafts and start making the A-Bomb.
The German A-Bomb project was initially the best in the world by virtue of being the only one in the world. However, it never got beyond the concept stages. Werner Heisenberg said that at the rate of development, Germany might get a test device(not a deployable weapon, just a device/"gadget" like the Trinity one) by 1950-51'. You may recognize that as "five or six years after having lost". As the war drew on, there was no singular German A-Bomb Project, instead it was 3-4 different groups, one of which being the German Post Office. Because why shouldn't the postal service be Gotterdammerung-capable, right?

Moving on, you seem to woefully over-estimate the spending ability of ancient peoples. The Manhattan Project was the one of the most expensive things ever, coming in at 30 or so billion dollars in today's money. Then there's the problem of acquiring the materials without, you know, killing everyone. Where do you propose they refine the fuels for the bomb/devices?


Active Member
The German A-Bomb project was initially the best in the world by virtue of being the only one in the world. However, it never got beyond the concept stages. Werner Heisenberg said that at the rate of development, Germany might get a test device(not a deployable weapon, just a device/"gadget" like the Trinity one) by 1950-51'. You may recognize that as "five or six years after having lost". As the war drew on, there was no singular German A-Bomb Project, instead it was 3-4 different groups, one of which being the German Post Office. Because why shouldn't the postal service be Gotterdammerung-capable, right?

Moving on, you seem to woefully over-estimate the spending ability of ancient peoples. The Manhattan Project was the one of the most expensive things ever, coming in at 30 or so billion dollars in today's money. Then there's the problem of acquiring the materials without, you know, killing everyone. Where do you propose they refine the fuels for the bomb/devices?
I agree with you whole heartedly. I however never overestimated the technology of the ancient lost civilizations of earth. I for instance referred to the Mahabharata more in line of what is written existed.

Did you know that at Pelindaba, South Africa had the finest Uranium facility in the world. Of course with their gold mines they had more than sufficient uranium. They actually dismantled seven of their eight A-bombs, what happened to the eight one is a mystery.

But that as an aside - it is said that when America heard of the "progress" by the Germans they became frenzied and spent their billions to win the race.
Where was the best place to refine the fuels during WW2 is a mute question. The Germans had apparently already switched their research to their "Saucers" and even there they had about 4 researches that were not fully cooperating with each other. I always thought that the Vril for instance where spreading red herrings about aliens to divert attention away from the actual sources.


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
I agree with you whole heartedly. I however never overestimated the technology of the ancient lost civilizations of earth. I for instance referred to the Mahabharata more in line of what is written existed.
Then where did this technology go? Improvements like what you're suggesting are too massive to stay hidden forever. It also doesn't explain how or why these supposedly super-powerful ancient civilizations disappeared. The ash-heap of history is one thing, what you're proposing is ludicrous. This is an even more egregious problem than the Mormon notion that Hebrew tribes who made it to America with iron weapons, the wheel and etc would just completely and utterly disappear, without having left any sign of influence, or even their technology being absorbed into the surrounding peoples. Things don't happen in a vacuum.

Did you know that at Pelindaba, South Africa had the finest Uranium facility in the world. Of course with their gold mines they had more than sufficient uranium. They actually dismantled seven of their eight A-bombs, what happened to the eight one is a mystery.

South Africa's nuclear weapons program was done in concert with Israel, regardless of what either side officially claims. And yes, South African ore was vital to the Manhattan Project. Without it the program would've likely had only become operational in 47-48.

But that as an aside - it is said that when America heard of the "progress" by the Germans they became frenzied and spent their billions to win the race.
Where was the best place to refine the fuels during WW2 is a mute question. The Germans had apparently already switched their research to their "Saucers" and even there they had about 4 researches that were not fully cooperating with each other. I always thought that the Vril for instance where spreading red herrings about aliens to divert attention away from the actual sources.

If the Germans made any headway with saucer-shaped aircraft that worked, why was this never built upon after the American Operation Paperclip or the Soviet Operation Osoaviakhim & Alsos? Did each and every individual that would've been working on this program either escape capture or simply die before the US/USSR could grab them? Occam's razor suggest otherwise. It's painfully unlikely.


Active Member
f the Germans made any headway with saucer-shaped aircraft that worked, why was this never built upon after the American Operation Paperclip or the Soviet Operation Osoaviakhim & Alsos? Did each and every individual that would've been working on this program either escape capture or simply die before the US/USSR could grab them? Occam's razor suggest otherwise. It's painfully unlikely.
There are quite a number of documentaries on Youtube which indicate that they did have some "UFO's" by the end of the war and that many of their scientist mysteriously vanished.
Admiral Byrd's Antarctic "Research" of a military nature apparently got seven kinds of .... knocked out of it by "flying saucers" near New Swabia and his report was classified as top secret.

There are too may variables involved for us to come to a conclusion and guess work will only muddy the waters so much more. I make no assumptions in this regard.
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Well-Known Member
What are some of the contemporary historical records that reference Jesus? Not a rhetorical question I'm genuinely curious.
There are several although most are controversial, at best. However, that said, most theologians, including me, agree that he did exist but clearly not as conceptualized by the Christian faith. The alleged miracles were metaphors meant to teach, much like the Buddha and his teachings.


Active Member
There are several although most are controversial, at best. However, that said, most theologians, including me, agree that he did exist but clearly not as conceptualized by the Christian faith. The alleged miracles were metaphors meant to teach, much like the Buddha and his teachings.
Did you ever consider some technological devices. Elijah had a cloak which he left behind for Elisha and they are still searching for Jesus's cloak. Both Elijah and Elisha used that cloak to part the waters of the Jordan and Elisha also did some matter duplication - filling a number of vases with oil from only a small vase.
2 Kings 2:8; 2:14
2 Kings 4:2-6

Perhaps the bread and fish were multiplied in a similar manner. Who knows?
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The Last Prussian
Premium Member
There are quite a number of documentaries on Youtube which indicate that they did have some "UFO's" by the end of the war and that many of their scientist mysteriously vanished.
Admiral Byrd's Antarctic "Research" of a military nature apparently got seven kinds of .... knocked out of it by "flying saucers" near New Swabia and his report was classified as top secret.

There are too may variables involved for us to come to a conclusion and guess work will only muddy the waters so much more. I make no assumptions in this regard.
Neuschwabenland hadn't been touched since 38/39, when Germany lost the ability to send anything to the area because of the conflict with Britain. The Kriegsmarine didn't have the capability to ensure the safety of any number of ships, however small, to what might as well be the other side of the world. They hadn't even constructed a whaling station. As far as Byrd, there's far too many conflicting reports, most of them given by sailors without any knowledge of natural phenomena that occurs on the southern pole. What's more likely? That Germany had what should be a literal war-winning weapon and...they just didn't decide to use it on Britain, or ****, the Soviet Union as it was hammering on the very gates of Berlin?

Give me a break. The Nazi Party was fighting for its life between 43-45, if they had anything to throw at the "Judeo-Bolshevik horde" or the "Financiers of International Jewry" they believed to be behind all things wrong with Germany, they wouldn't of hesitated to do so. This is one of my biggest pet peeves regarding popular conception of Nazi Germany.


Did you ever consider some technological devices. Elijah had a cloak which he left behind for Elisha and they are still searching for Jesus's cloak. Both Elijah and Elisha used that cloak to part the waters of the Jordan and Elisha also did some matter duplication - filling a number of vases with oil from only a small vase.
2 Kings 2:8; 2:14
2 Kings 4:2-6

Perhaps the bread and fish were multiplied in a similar manner. Who knows?

All of the major prophets are Sorcerers if you read their whole stories.

They whisper incantations, pack magic wands and staffs, and other items anciently recognized as needed for magic.

Elijah does magic throughout 1 and 2 Kings.

rûach also means a Divine Gift, if you look at it's use in Tanakh. It also means to perceive, and awaken.

Elisha asks for double the rûach of Elijah. Then he too does magic.

2Ki 2:9 And it came to pass, when they were gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha, Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away from thee. And Elisha said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy rûach be upon me.

Elisha uses items and words to heal the waters, - and curses children - bringing bears.

2Ki 2:21 And he went forth unto the spring of the waters, and cast the salt in there, and said, Thus saith the LORD, I have healed these waters; there shall not be from thence any more death or barren land.

2Ki 2:22 So the waters were healed unto this day, according to the saying of Elisha which he spake.

2Ki 2:24 And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.



Well-Known Member
Not as glamorous as he was made out to be. I doubt he had long, glorious locks. Probably just matted, curly brown hair...


Active Member
All of the major prophets are Sorcerers if you read their whole stories.
I agree with what you say except that sorcery may merely had been technology. Not so long when even using matchsticks to light a fire made some primitive people jump back in fear.

The bit about Elisha and the bear has always left me squeamish. Surely if this be true how could it have killed so many children and just left Elisha. I sometimes wonder if this was not one of those hell and damnation scare tactic he threatened them with. Then I also wonder where were the parents of so many children and why they did nothing.

Did you perhaps notice that Elijah was taken up by what appears to be an aircraft?