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What do you feel is wrong with Islam?

S.Z (Muslim)

Humble Slave of Allah.
Neither the Bible nor the Qur'an are there to impart scientific knowledge.

The Qur'an makes no mention of the creation of elements heavier than iron in the furnace of Type 1 Stars--Baha`u'llah does. The Qur'an does not mention space travel. The writings of Abdu'l Baha do.

But the writings of Baha`u'llah, Abdu'l Baha, Muhammed and the Torah and Gospels are not their to impart scientific knowledge. They are there to educate and illuminte the hearts of men.

Whether the earth is at the center of the solar system, or the sun is has no real spiritual import. The sun after all is hardly at the center of this galaxy much less the universe. The Qur'an does not bother itself with that fact and leaves the impression that the sun is at the center of the universe--not true.

Just because it leaves an "impression doesn't mean that it means it". And yes the Quran is not a book about science but it is about signs. The science in the Quran are signs that the Quran is the word of God, then naturally you will become Muslims. If you belive the Quran is the word of God, that means you believe that only Islam is the acceptable religion in Allah's eyes. So anyone have any misconceptions about Islam?


Deviled Hen
Actually the Bible has lots of scientific errors in there and the Quran has none. I will post after thirty minutes.

Then God committed the mistake of speaking to His audience in terms they could understand.

Do you think it would make any sense for a people who lived thousands of years ago and who had less scientific knowledge to be spoken to in terms that were scientifically accurate but incomprensible to them with the human knowledge available to them?

The Qu'ran, to my knowledge, makes no statements regarding quantum physics. My holy book does. Seriously, should I advance an argument that therefore my book is better than the Qu'ran and you should follow it?

It's an empty argument, S.Z. I know it's popular in Muslims circles, but if those who advance it looked at the responses they get, they might find another tack more useful. This one always falls flat.

Ditto claiming the Bible has been edited wholesale. I've yet to meet a Muslim who advances this claim that has demonstrated any serious knowledge about the manuscript history of Bible texts.

If you want to claim it was edited fine -- tell me who, when, why and show me the variant manuscripts.

My husband is a scholar who does manuscript history. He works on English literature, not religious texts, but the methods are the same.

If you can actually prove your case, have a try.

Other than that, it might be worth reflecting on whether someone you want to communicate with is likely to listen to anything else you say if your first salvo is "The Bible is wrong!" I can't imagine many Christians or Jews would listen further, if that's the starting point. It seems a rather poor tactic, honestly.

Put yourself in their shoes for a minute. Someone tries to explain the truth of their religion to you, and the first words out of their mouth are "The Qu'ran is unreliable!" Be honest with yourself -- what's your first reaction?


Well-Known Member
Just because it leaves an "impression doesn't mean that it means it". And yes the Quran is not a book about science but it is about signs. The science in the Quran are signs that the Quran is the word of God, then naturally you will become Muslims. If you belive the Quran is the word of God, that means you believe that only Islam is the acceptable religion in Allah's eyes. So anyone have any misconceptions about Islam?

What does Muhammed have to say about quantum mechanics? The discovery of fission? Space travel? Where did it describe the callapse of Germany in not just one world war but two? The fall of Napoleon III? the fall of the Tsars and the Holy Roman Empire? The fall of the Caliphate and the Sultancy of the Ottoman Empire? The Technological knowledge explosion of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries? The existence of other planets around other stars? That some forms of cancer are communicable? The failure of mechanical models for determining the nature of the universe?

Whatever scientific truths the Qur'an expresses it has for the purpose of educating and uplifting mankind.

Really if you want to convince others to accept islam stick to the spiritual, all this "science" folderol is folly. It won't convince. It might deepend one who is already convinced, but it will attract no one new. Put your arguments in order, get acceptance first, then go for affirmation.



S.Z (Muslim) said:
Let me give you an example: Allah says in the Holy Quran, that in Hell, as the sinners burn, their skins will roast, but we will give them fresh skin so they could feel the pain.

Talking about raging insanity. Honestly, how could you worship a God like this? He is a sick psychopath. I rather cast my lot with Satan/Lucifer.

Hail Lucifer! Angel of Light!

Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member
This is a delicate question to answer without seeming offensive to Islam.

It doesn't fit with my view of God or the universe. I personally find the concepts of Second-hand revelation ("some guy said God told him to tell you..."), selective intervention, hell, and several others absurd. Rigid belief structures appear to me to be stifling of personal, educational, and social development. Those are my own feelings based on observation, though.

Humans are dynamic beings, and it is a better fit if we can adjust our views - religious or otherwise - as we gather new information and insight. Static "revelations" and cultural mores mistaken for divine command impede this process, IMO.

That doesn't mean that Islam not a legitimate path for you or others. For all I know, you may well feel more freedom with Islam than without. We're all different, and we individually choose the paths that seem right to us.


Obstructor of justice
Talking about raging insanity. Honestly, how could you worship a God like this? He is a sick psychopath. I rather cast my lot with Satan/Lucifer.

Hail Lucifer! Angel of Light!

If you think that's sick you ought to hear some of the tortures in Tartarus....


Well-Known Member
By "something like that" I mean it is your choice. I have said facts to you and you refuse to believe. I don't really understand.
Your explainations are lacking.... it's not a "refusal" on my part.
The current Bible (the one that is also written by human beings) has lots of scientific mistakes, but the Quran has NONE. What weak tactic is that? I am saying the Quran has NOTHING WRONG in it. Yet you don't believe in it?
I could write a book today that has no errors.... yet that proves nothing... as Booko said, it's hardly a convincing argument.
And what do you mean by theology?
The difference in being a slave of allah and an adopted son of the Father.


God is the King
Hello, I am new here so I hope we will all get along.
The question pretty much says it. What do you feel is wrong with Islam?
You can ask any question, I will answer it politely.
Peace be unto you
welcome there is no dout about submission to God ,FOR THOSE WHO GOD GUIDES>


Obstructor of justice
By "something like that" I mean it is your choice. I have said facts to you and you refuse to believe. I don't really understand. The current Bible (the one that is also written by human beings) has lots of scientific mistakes, but the Quran has NONE. What weak tactic is that? I am saying the Quran has NOTHING WRONG in it. Yet you don't believe in it? And what do you mean by theology?
Oh and a side note, I am only going to be posting every half an hour since I have other stuff to do. Sorry but I need to do other stuff, so I will post half an hour later.

Well, the problem is that not everyone accepts that what you've presented is fact. I don't, and that's why I'm not a Muslim.


God is the King
Talking about raging insanity. Honestly, how could you worship a God like this? He is a sick psychopath. I rather cast my lot with Satan/Lucifer.

Hail Lucifer! Angel of Light!
Its very sad for you to reply in a way to attack a resons faith but in any case do you call it sick if a murderer is put in prison or a rapist or a criminal ? if not how can you Say God is sick if they are being takin int account for there transgretion through his justice???????


Resident Schizophrenic
Its very sad for you to reply in a way to attack a resons faith but in any case do you call it sick if a murderer is put in prison or a rapist or a criminal ? if not how can you Say God is sick if they are being takin int account for there transgretion through his justice???????
Let see, spending the rest of your life, maybe 60 years on average, or being slow cooked for eternity.
One appears to be humane.

S.Z (Muslim)

Humble Slave of Allah.
Lots of people are against me eh. Thanks Amin and may peace be on you too. Sorry for not posting for every half hour. Anyways, about the God roasting thing, look at what those people do. They refuse to belive in him, they go around worshiping idols, before Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him)'s time, there were people who were naked around the Kaaba, which is a holy place!

S.Z (Muslim)

Humble Slave of Allah.
Other than that, it might be worth reflecting on whether someone you want to communicate with is likely to listen to anything else you say if your first salvo is "The Bible is wrong!" I can't imagine many Christians or Jews would listen further, if that's the starting point. It seems a rather poor tactic, honestly.

Put yourself in their shoes for a minute. Someone tries to explain the truth of their religion to you, and the first words out of their mouth are "The Qu'ran is unreliable!" Be honest with yourself -- what's your first reaction?
This is not true, I never said the Bible is wrong. I said that it has been corrupted by humans, and therefore you should only believe the facts that are similar with the Quran because the Quran has never changed.

What does Muhammed have to say about quantum mechanics? The discovery of fission? Space travel? Where did it describe the callapse of Germany in not just one world war but two? The fall of Napoleon III? the fall of the Tsars and the Holy Roman Empire? The fall of the Caliphate and the Sultancy of the Ottoman Empire? The Technological knowledge explosion of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries? The existence of other planets around other stars? That some forms of cancer are communicable? The failure of mechanical models for determining the nature of the universe?

Whatever scientific truths the Qur'an expresses it has for the purpose of educating and uplifting mankind.

Really if you want to convince others to accept islam stick to the spiritual, all this "science" folderol is folly. It won't convince. It might deepend one who is already convinced, but it will attract no one new. Put your arguments in order, get acceptance first, then go for affirmation.

The Quran is not going to write about every single science thing. It would have been too obvious then. However, the Holy Quran did give signs by using science, moral issues in it. I challenge anyone, and I mean anyone to prove to me, one SINGLE thing that is against humanity and is in the religion Islam.

Your explainations are lacking.... it's not a "refusal" on my part.

I could write a book today that has no errors.... yet that proves nothing... as Booko said, it's hardly a convincing argument.

The difference in being a slave of allah and an adopted son of the Father.
So what if you could write a book today? You couldn't have written a book like the Quran 1400 years ago and no one still can. Allah gave Muhammad (peace be upon him) this book bit by bit and there is nothing wrong with it. And what is this son and father thing, the Quran does not support this, if you say you are his son, it is as though you have insulted him. What gives you the right to call yourself his son? If you are his son, that means you are divine, and that must mean you will be able to do miracles. I am sorry if I sound like I am offending, but I need to defend my religion and the topic is supposed to be what you feel is wrong with Islam, a lot of people have said nothing is wrong, so if nothing is wrong...then why don't you accept a religion where there is no wrong as you put it yourself.

S.Z (Muslim)

Humble Slave of Allah.
I still get a slightly scary feeling when im on a train with a brown man with a beard and a huge rucksac, with a wire going down his top. Im not trying to cause offence, though, honestly.
A wire? Muslims don't wear wires...
And true Muslims are not terrorists. Muslims are terrorists ONLY to people like robbers, rapists, murderers, etc. They should be like a police. So when a criminal sees a Muslim he should be terrified. Islam literally means peace.
Terrorists mean someone who causes terror. A police is a terrorist to a robber, etc. So should a Muslim be a terrorist to those criminals. However, MUSLIMS MUST NOT BE TERRORISTS TO INNOCENT PEOPLE. They should be peacemakers and spread their religion with beautiful preaching.


Well for starters, Islam claims that heaven is basically a big orgy. If God doesn't want people to sin here on Earth, then why would he encourage it in heaven?


Well-Known Member
"The Quran is not going to write about every single science thing. It would have been too obvious then. However, the Holy Quran did give signs by using science, moral issues in it. I challenge anyone, and I mean anyone to prove to me, one SINGLE thing that is against humanity and is in the religion Islam."

I agree the Qur'an is the Word of God. I only stipulate that it is not a text book for science. I also submit that your line of argument is getting you pooh-poohed by everybody with no effect on convincing them of the truth of the Qur'an.

It's a losing argument--the only worse argument is oohing and ahhing over the punishment of sinners in hellfire to get people to convert out of fear.

That's pascal's Wager which is morally bankrupt, just like your version of The Wager.
