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What do you feel is wrong with Islam?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Hello, I am new here so I hope we will all get along.
Hello S. Z. Welcome to the booby hatch called RF.
What do you feel is wrong with Islam?
You can ask any question, I will answer it politely.
That is great, but quite honestly I don't care if you are all that polite. I am a big boy and can handle the odd barb here and there. :)

...I will answer any misconceptions you have about Islam...

Well isn't that revealing. First you say that you are interested in what kafir's think is "wrong" with the perfect religion and then in the next breath you tell us "I will answer any misconceptions you have about Islam". So... my thinking is that if anyone thinks there is anything at all wrong with Islam then they are not understanding Islam correctly? So, my question is ... which is it that you want from us? Do you want us to tell you what we think is indeed the problem (or wrong) with Islam or are you simply going to try to tell us that our viewpoints are plain wrong as there is no possiblity that there is anything "wrong" with the "relgion of peace"?


Well-Known Member
This link illustrates some of the things I find wrong with Islam.
Warning! People from some Islamic countries should use extreme caution when opening this link under possible penalty of death.


I thought better of you than to distribute crap like that. The web site is ignorant beyond belief, promotes hatred and war. And, above all, it puts the loving faith of Christ in a very poor light.



Deviled Hen
This is not true, I never said the Bible is wrong. I said that it has been corrupted by humans, and therefore you should only believe the facts that are similar with the Quran because the Quran has never changed.

A difference that makes no difference is no difference.

I am telling you that saying "the Bible has been corrupted by humans" will be translated to "The Bible is wrong" by Christians who hear it.

Christians -- am I so off base here? :areyoucra

The Quran is not going to write about every single science thing. It would have been too obvious then. However, the Holy Quran did give signs by using science, moral issues in it. I challenge anyone, and I mean anyone to prove to me, one SINGLE thing that is against humanity and is in the religion Islam.

Of course not. And the Bible wasn't going to write about every single science thing either. Those books were aimed for the understanding of the audience when *they* were written, not for thousands of years later.

So what if you could write a book today? You couldn't have written a book like the Quran 1400 years ago and no one still can.

I meant a *science* text. I can, today, write a text on Chemistry that is 100% accurate, but that doesn't mean my book will have anything meaningful to say about God and our relationship with Him or how to live rightly.

And if I inserted chapters about how to live rightly in my 100% accurate Chemistry text, it would hardly make me a Prophet. :eek:

That's where the logic of your argument falls short. I'm not arguing about whether the science is correct in the Qu'ran or not and I doubt Popeyesays is either. I'm saying that as proof of Muhammad's Prophethood, it isn't a useful argument.

As Popeyesays said, it only helps deepen faith if you already believe in the Prophet.

If you are his son, that means you are divine, and that must mean you will be able to do miracles.

I thought Scott1 said "adopted" son?

btw, there are many miracles recorded in the Gospels and tradition that were performed by Jesus' followers. That doesn't make them divine either, and I don't know that any Christian ever claimed those saints were divine.

I am sorry if I sound like I am offending, but I need to defend my religion and the topic is supposed to be what you feel is wrong with Islam, a lot of people have said nothing is wrong, so if nothing is wrong...then why don't you accept a religion where there is no wrong as you put it yourself.

I already explained that, but you didn't respond to it, so there's nowhere to go with that at the moment. Probably you were responding to other things. No big deal.


Deviled Hen
This link illustrates some of the things I find wrong with Islam.
Warning! People from some Islamic countries should use extreme caution when opening this link under possible penalty of death.

Hope, be very careful about spreading false witness.

There is nothing accurate in this link beyond the spelling of Muhammad.


Obstructor of justice
The Quran is not going to write about every single science thing. It would have been too obvious then. However, the Holy Quran did give signs by using science, moral issues in it. I challenge anyone, and I mean anyone to prove to me, one SINGLE thing that is against humanity and is in the religion Islam.

I think it's inhumane and despicable to compare people who don't believe in your religion to murderers. Compassion is a far better virtue.

I am sorry if I sound like I am offending, but I need to defend my religion and the topic is supposed to be what you feel is wrong with Islam, a lot of people have said nothing is wrong, so if nothing is wrong...then why don't you accept a religion where there is no wrong as you put it yourself.

Let me be blunt:

You probably wouldn't need to defend your religion if you didn't show up and right off the bat hand people a gold-plated invitation to criticize your religion.


Obstructor of justice
This link illustrates some of the things I find wrong with Islam.
Warning! People from some Islamic countries should use extreme caution when opening this link under possible penalty of death.

S.Z. (Muslim) you can open it if you can handle it. You live in the United States

Mmm.....I love me some white-washed, Christian fueled, propaganda. Tastes of chicken.


RF Addict
Hello, I am new here so I hope we will all get along.
The question pretty much says it. What do you feel is wrong with Islam?
You can ask any question, I will answer it politely.

I don't think anything is wrong with Islam, except perhaps their Public Relations department.


S.Z (Muslim) said:
Anyways, about the God roasting thing, look at what those people do. They refuse to belive in him, they go around worshiping idols, before Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him)'s time, there were people who were naked around the Kaaba, which is a holy place!

Let us examine the "evil" things people do. Answer me, why is belief in God so important? Why does it matter whether we believe in Him or not? How does it harm Him or harm others in any way? What is wrong about worshiping idols if it leads to good qualities (such as compassion, love, and kindness)? "Oooohhhh... those nasty humans are dancing naked on my holy place again. That is so evil!!! They disrespected me! Don't they know only what I want matters!"

Even if you could convince me those things were evil (which in itself is a subjective term), you will never convince me it is morally right to infinitely torture those who commit finite crimes. It makes no sense and is an act of frightening insanity. Allah is a raging, egotistical, psychopathic madman. If God wants to damn me for calling Him what He is, so be it. At least I have the satisfaction of loving people. That is a joy "Lord Azathoth" will never know, since His very being is sick hatred against everything that is not slavishly subjected to His will. He will never know true love.

I Corinthians XIII:III-VIII (Young's Literal Translation)
and if I give away to feed others all my goods, and if I give up my body that I may be burned, and have not love, I am profited nothing. The love is long-suffering, it is kind, the love doth not envy, the love doth not vaunt itself, is not puffed up, doth not act unseemly, doth not seek its own things, is not provoked, doth not impute evil, rejoiceth not over the unrighteousness, and rejoiceth with the truth; all things it beareth, all it believeth, all it hopeth, all it endureth. The love doth never fail...

But you can't believe that because it is from a corrupted book? It is a shame most Muslims and even Christians do not follow those words of wisdom.


tri-polar optimist
I deleted my post and link. It was something I came across and cannot verify as truth. I should not have posted it. However, I am a Christian by my faith in Jesus Christ as you, S. Z., are a Muslim by your faith in the teachings of Muhammed. It does not matter what I think of Islam as I will never convert. I believe I am as unshakable in my faith as you are in yours.
I hope you enjoy all your virgins.:drool::ww:

S.Z (Muslim)

Humble Slave of Allah.
I think this might be a reference to the 72 virgins nonsense, or a reference to that in islamic heaven, jannah, there is alcohol and sex.
Heaven will have wine, but it will be nothing as how Earth's wine is, it will not get you drunk and it will be a beautiful drink. People need to understand arabic. The word in arabic is said sharab, which means a drink unless I am mistaken of course.

S.Z (Muslim)

Humble Slave of Allah.
"The Quran is not going to write about every single science thing. It would have been too obvious then. However, the Holy Quran did give signs by using science, moral issues in it. I challenge anyone, and I mean anyone to prove to me, one SINGLE thing that is against humanity and is in the religion Islam."

I agree the Qur'an is the Word of God. I only stipulate that it is not a text book for science. I also submit that your line of argument is getting you pooh-poohed by everybody with no effect on convincing them of the truth of the Qur'an.

It's a losing argument--the only worse argument is oohing and ahhing over the punishment of sinners in hellfire to get people to convert out of fear.

That's pascal's Wager which is morally bankrupt, just like your version of The Wager.

Just how is it bad? I said its you choice whether you wish to be a Muslim or not, but calling my tactic bad is just a pure insult. I am trying to convert by spreading facts.

S.Z (Muslim)

Humble Slave of Allah.
Hello S. Z. Welcome to the booby hatch called RF.
That is great, but quite honestly I don't care if you are all that polite. I am a big boy and can handle the odd barb here and there. :)

Well isn't that revealing. First you say that you are interested in what kafir's think is "wrong" with the perfect religion and then in the next breath you tell us "I will answer any misconceptions you have about Islam". So... my thinking is that if anyone thinks there is anything at all wrong with Islam then they are not understanding Islam correctly? So, my question is ... which is it that you want from us? Do you want us to tell you what we think is indeed the problem (or wrong) with Islam or are you simply going to try to tell us that our viewpoints are plain wrong as there is no possiblity that there is anything "wrong" with the "relgion of peace"?
I just want to answer misconceptions because there is nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with Islam.

S.Z (Muslim)

Humble Slave of Allah.
I want to know how you justify suicide being a sin.
It is a sin because only God has the power to take your life away, and you are being cowardly and not wanting to face difficulties in life,etc.
A difference that makes no difference is no difference.

I am telling you that saying "the Bible has been corrupted by humans" will be translated to "The Bible is wrong" by Christians who hear it.

Christians -- am I so off base here? :areyoucra

Of course not. And the Bible wasn't going to write about every single science thing either. Those books were aimed for the understanding of the audience when *they* were written, not for thousands of years later.

I meant a *science* text. I can, today, write a text on Chemistry that is 100% accurate, but that doesn't mean my book will have anything meaningful to say about God and our relationship with Him or how to live rightly.

And if I inserted chapters about how to live rightly in my 100% accurate Chemistry text, it would hardly make me a Prophet. :eek:

That's where the logic of your argument falls short. I'm not arguing about whether the science is correct in the Qu'ran or not and I doubt Popeyesays is either. I'm saying that as proof of Muhammad's Prophethood, it isn't a useful argument.

As Popeyesays said, it only helps deepen faith if you already believe in the Prophet.

I thought Scott1 said "adopted" son?

btw, there are many miracles recorded in the Gospels and tradition that were performed by Jesus' followers. That doesn't make them divine either, and I don't know that any Christian ever claimed those saints were divine.

I already explained that, but you didn't respond to it, so there's nowhere to go with that at the moment. Probably you were responding to other things. No big deal.
Sorry I posted the wrong thing, heh. Anyways you need to understand that if you write about Chemistry NOW, it won't make you a prophet but if you wrote it 1400 years ago, it would have been quite different. And sorry..hwat did you explain again, when you said no big deal?
I think it's inhumane and despicable to compare people who don't believe in your religion to murderers. Compassion is a far better virtue.
Let me be blunt:You probably wouldn't need to defend your religion if you didn't show up and right off the bat hand people a gold-plated invitation to criticize your religion.
I never compared the Non-Muslims as murderers, I totally agree that would be insane.


Deviled Hen
To Popeyesays:

Just how is it bad? I said its you choice whether you wish to be a Muslim or not, but calling my tactic bad is just a pure insult. I am trying to convert by spreading facts.

Uh...S.Z. This is a debate area of the forum and debates have tactics. You are not a tactic -- you are a fellow human being. To say that your tactics are not effective says nothing at all about you as a person.