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What do you feel is wrong with Islam?


Well-Known Member
right scott, this comming from the man who says there is nothing wrong with kneeling down in front of a idol and praying. your claim if i remember right was that because it is sanctioned by your church it is perfectly fine even though your bible says other wise many, many times.
Hehe.... right.... can't handle the question, avoid it and attack..... or was this not just some weak attempt to be anti-Catholic and you really want to be educated on the topic?
this is why it is up to us to study this stuff and learn it for our selves even it it takes years to do. only then will we find ourselves on the right path.
We disagree... that's why we have a Church and leaders that have guided us from the time of Christ---2,000 years in an UNBROKEN line of apostolic teaching... when you "learn it for ourselves" you end up with moral relativism and the blob of voices you see in Islam/protestantism/everywhere else. Just something to think about.


S.Z (Muslim)

Humble Slave of Allah.
Man this stinks. I can't be on all the time. Please post one question or statement at a time and until I clarify it, nobody else post anything please. Thank you. So the first person who posts, I will clarify his/hers. No one post before I have clarified unless a fellow Muslim can clarify it. I am really busy as I am just starting high school, so once again I give you all my humble apologies.


Obstructor of justice
Man this stinks. I can't be on all the time. Please post one question or statement at a time and until I clarify it, nobody else post anything please. Thank you. So the first person who posts, I will clarify his/hers. No one post before I have clarified unless a fellow Muslim can clarify it.

......it doesn't work that way, actually...:areyoucra

I think you have clearly misunderstood the purpose of a message board. You can't invite people to ask questions if you're not going to answer them.

If you don't have time to keep up with the debate you started, you may be better off getting a website and inviting people to e-mail you questions.

S.Z (Muslim)

Humble Slave of Allah.
......it doesn't work that way, actually...:areyoucra

I think you have clearly misunderstood the purpose of a message board. You can't invite people to ask questions if you're not going to answer them.

If you don't have time to keep up with the debate you started, you may be better off getting a website and inviting people to e-mail you questions.
Fine then post from now on, I will try to clarify as best as I can, I hope my fellow Muslims can join me and clarify as well.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Man this stinks. I can't be on all the time. Please post one question or statement at a time and until I clarify it, nobody else post anything please. Thank you. So the first person who posts, I will clarify his/hers. No one post before I have clarified unless a fellow Muslim can clarify it. I am really busy as I am just starting high school, so once again I give you all my humble apologies.
I understand your frustration S. Z., but alas that is not how an open message board operates. If you want to have total control over your "re-eduction" or your fellow members of RF, then start your threads in the ISLAM only DIR. Non-Muslims can post there but we are limited to what we can say. You have made the mistake of placing your thread in the Religious Debates section where ANYONE is free to post whatever they like as long as it pertains to the topic at hand. Live and learn, son.

S.Z (Muslim)

Humble Slave of Allah.
Listen my friend.... it boils down to a CHOICE.... it's a CHOICE on what you choose to believe... Jews have their "evidence", Christians their "evidence", and you have your "evidence".... there were several other books written before and after the Koran that made remarkable claims.... again, it boils down to a personal CHOICE what "evidence" is compelling or not to a person. I personally don't find the scientific "evidence" in the Koran any more compelling than the "proven" prophecy in the Bible....
What I mean is, I didn't become a Christian because I thought the Bible was so special... I became a Christian because I fell in love with God... and in my search of religions found one that showed me that GOD LOVED ME BACK.

That's the part of your faith we find so sad.... we as Christians know how much God loves us: "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16.... we have a PERSONAL relationship with God the Father... a love affair that I don't see in Islam (I could have missed it).... he loves us so much that HE DOES want us to become divine: "His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, that through these you may escape from the corruption that is in the world because of passion, and become partakers of the divine nature." 2 Peter 3-4 We take part in a MIRACLE every day in the Catholic Church.... we are consumed by Jesus Christ when we take the Eucharist.... the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus Christ enters in to us and transforms us.... It is such a miracle that God loves me so much and wants that I should be a part of him spiritually AND physically every day of my life.... can Islam offer that to me?

I know you don't agree because you feel the Koran does not teach that... but YOU have to understand that we, as Christians, WOULD NEVER give up the LOVE we have for our Father to become simply a SLAVE to a "master".

You are not offending me... I feel sorry for you... I pray for you and yours to come to the fullness of truth.

I hope now you understand why I would never accept it, even if I don't believe this is anything wrong with Islam.

May the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God pray for us,
Look, do you know what Islam says? Islam says that God loves humans 100 times more than a Mother loves an offspring. K? God loves us but calling yourself his son is way to extreme in Islam. We love God and he loves us, but we are not his sons or daughters. Allah says that if you devote the time you have on Earth to me, you will go to heaven. Allah is way to pure and holy to have a son or a daughter.

Uh, with respect, S.Z., your history of science is inaccurate.
I could quote you a long list of Greek scientists that were around long before Muhammad (pbuh).
Ok, but the science you speak of also had wrong points as well. The Quran however had no wrong and had the right parts instead.
Anyways, I see all this women covering thing. Women are to cover their whole bodies EXCEPT their faces and hands. Let us look at that logically. It says men and women should not hang out with each other. Why? Because it can lead to distraction, rape, harassment, etc. If a women covers herself, it is for her safety, modesty, and dignity. Islam also has strict laws on crimes. Islam is intolerable against racism, rape, robberies, etc. Intolerable.

S.Z (Muslim)

Humble Slave of Allah.
I understand your frustration S. Z., but alas that is not how an open message board operates. If you want to have total control over your "re-eduction" or your fellow members of RF, then start your threads in the ISLAM only DIR. Non-Muslims can post there but we are limited to what we can say. You have made the mistake of placing your thread in the Religious Debates section where ANYONE is free to post whatever they like as long as it pertains to the topic at hand. Live and learn, son.
Hahah, this is exactly WHY I posted it in here. So, Non-Muslims can ask me questions and statements that they feel is wrong with Islam. Why would I post in an Islam section? I did not make any mistake, my brother.
I am here to do Dawwa and that is all I am here to do.


Active Member
I see what you mean now; so Allah wants to test people before letting them into heaven.

But what if a person helps the poor and save lifes but just don't believe in Allah?

Would that person go to heaven?

Good question,

If a person helps the poor and save lifes he will take a lot of gifts from Allah.. He will take the love of people.. He will take self satisfaction.. He will feel happy because he is not the poor one but he is the rich one... if he save lifes, he will feel that he is brave and his confidence will be high, etc..

Because Allah is the justice,He will give him his gifts in this life but if he doesn't believe in Allah, He will not find anything in the last day.. He took his holy gifts in the first life (this life)

Simply,Because he forget Allah in the first.. Allah will forget him in the last ( and in Arabic: it doesn't mean that Allah forget, it means that this person will face the same situation"

because he didn't know Allah.. Allah will not know him(as a literature expression )

here is of Qur'an:

(45:32) "And when it was said that the promise of Allah was true, and that the Hour- there was no doubt about its (coming), ye used to say, 'We know not what is the hour: we only think it is an idea, and we have no firm assurance.'"
(45:33) Then will appear to them the evil (fruits) of what they did, and they will be completely encircled by that which they used to mock at!
(45:34) It will also be said: "This Day We will forget you as ye forgot the meeting of this Day of yours! and your abode is the Fire, and no helpers have ye!
(45:35) "This, because ye used to take the Signs of Allah in jest, and the life of the world deceived you:" (From) that Day, therefore, they shall not be taken out thence, nor shall they be received into Grace.
(45:36) Then Praise be to Allah, Lord of the heavens and Lord of the earth,- Lord and Cherisher of all the Worlds! (45:37) To Him be glory throughout the heavens and the earth: and He is Exalted in Power, Full of Wisdom!

Thanks alot friend for your good discussion.
A wire? Muslims don't wear wires...
And true Muslims are not terrorists. Muslims are terrorists ONLY to people like robbers, rapists, murderers, etc. They should be like a police. So when a criminal sees a Muslim he should be terrified. Islam literally means peace.
Terrorists mean someone who causes terror. A police is a terrorist to a robber, etc. So should a Muslim be a terrorist to those criminals. However, MUSLIMS MUST NOT BE TERRORISTS TO INNOCENT PEOPLE. They should be peacemakers and spread their religion with beautiful preaching.

Then how come all these mosques around the world (finsbury park in lodnon for emaple) have guns, bombs and all sorts of arms? Doesent work, beautiful preaching. God w ill burn you to bits if you remain a non-believer...


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Salaam Alaikum!
May Allah Almighty save me and you, amin!
Though I understand perfectly where you are coming from and I appreciate that you must TRY to understand that I am not in need of "saving". I am rather far beyond such primitive notions.

Where you have seen such responces?
Though this is not a purely Muslim error, as many Christians fall to it as well, Muslims have a strange tendency for wallowing in this pit of error. Where you ask? All you need do is look into virtually ANY thread that is frequented by Muslims and you will see this critical error time and time again. This could possibly be because of not being aware of the foibles of the English language, but I think not. The difficulty seems to be systemic as most, but not all Muslims, seem to slide into it. It almost seems to be how Muslims are trained to debate.

not due to only this reason. there are several reasons about "Quran is the word of God".
I fully realize that Summia but you would have to admit it is a pretty large reason.

if you think this reason is not an argumant then bring your own argument at the post to prove this argument false.
You do understand that this statement is in fact a logical fallacy in itself, correct. For example if I say the sky on Neptune is yellow and then invite people to "prove" me wrong, I am asking them to "defeat" my arugment. The thing is, no one can "prove" one way OR the other and so the invitation to "debate" is erroneous.

Show me any one responce from muslims here that behave as you're saying. Rather they used to support Islam, and what is Islam "The Quran and the prophetic sayings" So, why they shuld not quote from Quran as Quran is the source of Islam!
This may simply be an idiomatic problem on your part as you are not used to the subtler aspects of dialogue in English. Summia, when an individual makes a statement, that statement is THEIR point of discussion. To say that every Muslim speaks for ALL of Islam is stretching the truth as you all have varying degrees of understanding. Are you an Imam with years and years of scholarly training? Nope, I didn't think so. So, in effect, you are simply describing Islam from YOUR point of view. You simply cannot do or claim to do otherwise. But back to YOUR point, Summia, all you need do is trace out one of the hundreds of threads started by Muslims here on RF. Your "proof" will be there and I do not need to offer any other "proof", period. I wonder though, if this is the accepted norm in the Muslim community (when making points) you may not see what I mean, as you may read their statements and think they make sense. I read their statements and see holes so big I can drive a truck through.

Have you seen any muslim here that disrespect jesus?(I mean sying Jesus was a false man)
This is a very dicey point Summia. I understand that Muslims regard the Christ as being second to the Prophet [pbuh] himself and so they do NOT disrespect the Muslim understand of Christ. However, Muslims continually disrespect the vision of the Christ from the Christian's point of view. I mean, continually. I accept the Christ as being a genuine incarnation of "god" and such beings are called "avatars". Christ represents the pinnacle of the human being that we ALL can attain. If you study Bhuddism you must combine Full Enlightenment within the being of the individual to understand what I am meaning.

although, you have seen many here, those without taking care of muslims belief, they used to hurt muslims by directly saying that "Muhammad pbuh was a false person".
I am certainly guilty of that Summia, but if I explained my reasons you simply would not understand me. You would have to have had MANY very deep, personal religious experiences to even come close to understanding my reservations about the man who was called Muhammed [pbuh]. I do understand this hurts Muslims personally, but there is no simple way to put it otherwise. Just because you are moved by his every deed and word does not mean that myself (and others) are.

You make it sound as if we are like mean adults making a mockery of a child's belief in Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. I agree that would be unfair to dispell a child's innocent belief but eventually they will come to understand that their beliefs about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are simply "untruths" designed to tell them about humanity in a very simplistic way. I see Muslim's reliance on the deeds and words of Muhammed similarly.
You know how much muslims love to muhammad! more then their own souls.
Don't get me wrong Summia, I do understand this VERY clearly, however I see this as a VERY dangerous thing. Very dangerous. No person should EVER believe in another more than they believe in themselves as I suspect it creates a great psychological imbalance in the mind of the believer.

on the other hand, you will see no muslim here to hurt non muslims by saying "Your jesus was false", have you seen any post here?
Hehe. Again, what you say IS technically true, but you and others attack the perceptions and beliefs of Christians who believe he was the "SoG" or "Son o' God". That is THEIR PERCEPTION... so how can ANYONE authoritavely say they are wrong? Likewise, the same can be applied to Muslims and their reliance on the Prophet Muhammaed [pbuh]. However, to my viewpoint, I see one as unhelpful and the other as a source of great liberation. I'll let you decide which is which in my mind. :)

The reason is simple, kafir's (non muslims) are not in favour of listening except their own possession. That created the differences between the understanding of muslims and non muslims.
Oy vey. So it is all the kafir's fault because they/we do not believe as Muslims do? I think you (and many Muslims) need a reality check.

I was shocked when i have read at my Thread, a non muslim used to say "Dont you want to win the Thread?" I was shocked,
because I was not here to win myself. then i realize the mantality of non muslims.
I do understand Summia. That is the mentality of many posters on RF, but I am certainly not one of them. I could give a rat's hindquarters if anyone agrees with me, such is my conviction. I NEVER write to win a discussion. I write to share my understanding and to learn from others. I have a very unique world view and it certainly works for me and I know many others like how I can describe that unique view that is unfettered by ANY religious dogma.

you know, a single non muslim, a single, never came forward to help me for betterment of my english rather they used to mocked at me.
And she was my sister, fullyveiled muslimah, who said "whenever you need me to express youself then i'm here to help you (although i have insulted her at the post, despite this all she said), and don't feel that you are unable to mix in the community" she made me confident. Who was she? she was muslim!
*Sighs* Um, Summia I certainly did not pick on you for your lack of understanding the sublties of the English language. I dialogue with you so that you can PRACTISE using your English. So, in fact, I was the first one to "help" you along, though you do not realize it. Here you thought I was just being an obstinant "boob".

Though far from perfect, I have a very good grasp of sentence structure and overall presentation. I hoped that you would see how I write and try to appreciate how the words go together. Is that nothing?

That is the difference between muslims and non muslims.
They are never in support of muslims but they are always in try to knock down, to pull the legs of others, specially with the muslim.
Care to rethink this in light of what I wrote above? What you MUST understand Summia, and this is sage advice, is that when you enter a DEBATE format dialogue what exactly do you expect? Muslims use the Qur'an and Sunnah to explain THEIR points. That is AS ludicrous as Christian's using the Bible to make their silly points. When the twain meet, sparks fly. Neither can usually see past the tips of their beloved books.

I would marvel at a Muslim who could explain HOW THEY FEEL without resorting to endless quotes to backup what they are babbling on about. I actually feel that people who resort to using quotations are in effect "cheating" because they lack the ability to put things in their own words. I do not suffer from this obstacle and so I tend to look down on ANYONE who resorts to this type of discussion. I figure, I can read very well, so one does not have to beat me over the head with their interpretations of a book I am quite capable of understanding on my own. Is that hard to grasp or no?

So herez the difference between muslims' and non muslims' understanding.
It's not a very good reason. Kafir's are bad and always attacking poor Muslims even though the poor Muslims cannot describe their relationship with god adequately. If you are not getting your message across, in English we say, "Back to the drawing board". Muslims on the other hand never seem to examine their method of getting the message out and feel that if they throw enough "stuff" at the wall, eventually some of it will stick. Muslims might want to work on building a better mouse trap and then kafir's may not laugh them off quite so easily.


Glass half Panda'd
Are you a Muslim, because if you aren't then why not become one since you believe there is nothing wrong with it.

I dont believe that there is anything wrong with Islam - nor Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). However, My heart tells me that I am in the right place for me, as I assume that Islam feels right to you.

I think that a major flaw with the Muslim people, as well as Fundy-Anyone else, is that they never question their faith, or are open minded to other people's opinions about things.

Personal Note: In a smaller setting, this could work very well! If all Fundamentalist denominations and groups lived on a small island (each on their own) It wouldn't matter if other people were blaspheming in the name of their faith- simply because they would never see anyone else.

The issue now is that people MUST coexist in order to have peace in the world. Why should faith bring about war? I think if people questioned themselves a bit more often, that they'd see there's no reason to fight for an idea. (Unless, I think, the common people peacefully petition for freedom. People ultimately listen, even if it takes decades.)*

It's just an idea.

It's all a good idea.

But it's still a thought - a state of mind.

I dont see many Abrahamic people seeing this. (Aside from those on RF... naturally)

So my question is this: "Why do you not question your ideas?"

If you, personally, do, then congratuations! I believe you're one step closer to creating a peaceful world. This generation could be it!

I also believe that Muslims are pushy with conversion into their faith. It makes me feel uncomfortable. Maybe you could try an inviting approach. Instead of, "you should be Muslim" .... just a suggestion.


Glass half Panda'd
Ymir said:
No person should EVER believe in another more than they believe in themselves

This is the most moving thing i've read in quite a while. Thank you :) more frubals when I'm able. I know that you feel it when you say it, and it's honestly beautiful.

I want to feel this way when people describe their faith. Why dont I?


Well-Known Member
Look, do you know what Islam says? Islam says that God loves humans 100 times more than a Mother loves an offspring. K?
K.... but that's the difference to us... God loved us enough to become man... to humble himself even to death on a cross because he loved us so much.... Islam can offer nothing even CLOSE to that.
God loves us but calling yourself his son is way to extreme in Islam. We love God and he loves us, but we are not his sons or daughters.
Yep... that's why I'm not a Muslim.... I AM His son.... HE DID adopt me.... and one day I pray I will be one with him in heaven.
Allah says that if you devote the time you have on Earth to me, you will go to heaven. Allah is way to pure and holy to have a son or a daughter.
I don't love God to go to heaven, that's a secondary "consequence" of my relationship.... I love God for love alone--- to return the love he has given me.... heaven or not, all I care about is loving him for eternity.

Hope this is helping you learn the differences we have,


Bodhisattva in Recovery
This is the most moving thing i've read in quite a while. Thank you :) more frubals when I'm able. I know that you feel it when you say it, and it's honestly beautiful.

I want to feel this way when people describe their faith. Why dont I?
The answer, sadly, is all too obvious for those who have the "eyes" to see, Ashley. What I am meaning, of course, is not intended as unadulterated egotistical love and preening of the ego. In my demented mind, I have made peace with my ego and with my inner self the two now work as a single unit. Again, from my viewpoint, the Soul is that part of ourselves that is "god made" or "god stuff". Once anyone learns the wisdom required to reach out and touch their larger idenity (the Soul), reality expands dramatically.

Perhaps I am merely a dreamer, but I see a day that everyone sees their world in the manner that I perceive my world -- but not from my personal viewpoint -- but from their own unique and expanded viewpoints. That is the day war, as we know it, will be conquered once and for all time.

The flip side of this, of course is the concept that if one does not love that which is within themselves then they are incapable of truly loving another being. It is as if they reject the greatest gift they have ever been given for a pig in a poke, a wink and a prayer. It is unseemly, to say the least.


To Save A Lamb
Thank you for the reply. I'd like to ask further questions. So did God know that the world he was going to create will have all these misfortunes?

It looks like you're trying to go somewhere with this.

I'll bite, at any rate. G-d created a world where such misfortunes happen. It's what happens with a world like this one. I don't believe G-d takes any joy in this fact, nor wishes for any suffering.

I guess none of the Muslims in this thread feel like trying to answer the questions posed in my post (#84), eh. I wonder why that is? And PLEASE, Popeyesays let the Muslims answer if they dare. After that you are welcome to give your rather unique viewpoint if you feel it is warranted.

Do you really think I can't think for myself and that I'm using logical fallacies, Yimmer?


Active Member
scott, bro we've been down this road before. you are already well aware i was raised up a cathloic. so don't even try the anti card, cause it wont work. i said what i said for a reason. the bible says (the example i gave before) over and over again, yet because church fat cats say this is fine therefore you believe it is fine. the fact of the matter is agian it is not for the bible says other wise. this is why it is up to us (you and i and the rest of the world) to look at these holy books understand them. sometimes in doing this, it goes against what we are raised to believe. i stand by my statement that the books are not the problem, people are the problem. we can agree to disagree, its cool.

further, an unbroken line of teachings????? are you serious????? the vatican is well known for changing the teachings to appease the people, especially in modern times. remember that old stance on divorce, and how they changed their minds on it because folks were leaving the flock in droves? if leaders change their stance as a way to attract and keep followers, what does that say for their stance on the religion itself. the laws are the laws and they were never ment to be broken. religion myfriend is a classic, not a trend and the way they were first written down was ment to last till the end of time. so called islamic followers are guilty of the same thing. (it was simply done differently is all) and like i said before, our respective faiths are not the only ones who suffer like this. this is a trend happening to them all, and you should keep this in mind.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Do you really think I can't think for myself and that I'm using logical fallacies, Yimmer?
Yikes, you shouldn't stick your toes out Jamaesi, we both know your true feelings here as you have talked at some length with me. *snaps a thin ruler against the table* :)

I couldn't help but note that you did not answer the questions. I would be quite interested in FulleyVeiled's responses too... or does Summia alone speak for all Islam as she seems to imply?


Scriptural reader
Though this is not a purely Muslim error, as many Christians fall to it as well, Muslims have a strange tendency for wallowing in this pit of error. Where you ask? All you need do is look into virtually ANY thread that is frequented by Muslims and you will see this critical error time and time again. This could possibly be because of not being aware of the foibles of the English language, but I think not. The difficulty seems to be systemic as most, but not all Muslims, seem to slide into it. It almost seems to be how Muslims are trained to debate.
Okay Sir!
you are the best, you are the supper, and we are poor. Happy!
I appologize again that I have debated with you again, very sorry!