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What evidence is there that the Koran is the word of God?


New Member
You are claiming that the beauty and magnificence, and the fact that no-one can come up with something as sublime proves the Qu'ran comes from god. The shortest chapter you quoted as proof is not, in my opinion, any of those things. It sounds like non-sensical drivel to me. I'm just saying that as proof it fails abysmally.
what about post #32 ?


Well-Known Member
I look forward to reading comments from readers.

I have no doubt this is the work of a God.

I have only read bits of the Qu'ran, and a couple of different Christian bibles.

I feel God is so clever he was able to transfer and translate his thoughts into the minds of simple men.

He did it in such a way that not only could they understand Gods translated message but the translation related to the world around them and to their direct circumstances, and those of people at the time, without mentioning the future or anything complex that might confuse them. In short they were able to pass on Gods message in a form that resembled the words of a simple prophet and not a sophisticated God.

Truly the mark of a Genius!

Had God written in a manner that matched his magnitude we may never have been able to translate the messages.


Freedom Of Mind
As an example for the amazing verses in the quran. a verse describing the day and night phenomenon

Allah causeth the revolution (Yaqleb, flipping) of the day and the night. Lo! herein is indeed a lesson for those who see. (24:44)


Check for the meanings of
and compare it to what we can see (looking to the earth from the outer space)



Allah causeth the revolution (Yaqleb, flipping) of the day and the night. Lo! herein is indeed a lesson for those who see. (24:44)
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Well-Known Member
Even if he was a "natural poet", the Quran does not fit in poetry, nor prose and that is one of the things that makes the Quran a miracle cause that can't be reproduced.

Totally your opinion. To me the Quran is just someone reinterpreting and combing religious teachings.

Suppose a man came to me and told me that there is a book which has appeared 15 century ago in the other half of earth and its literary miraculous I’d tell him well good luck with your book but I have no interest in it, but then he says oh wait it’s not a literature book, its writer claims it to be also a book of science, faith, historic stories…etc., I’d reply to him now we’re talking, give me (say) the science part to examine. I am man of science.
Do you see what I’m trying to say?
So please let the literature point aside as I don’t think anyone here is willing to discuss the Arabic language. By the way I also speak Arabic. But that is irrelevant.

The illiad has scientific and historical facts woven into it too, it doesn't make the story true.

The whole Koran "test" is absurd to begin with since it is totally subjective.


Well-Known Member
Welcome Back (at it again) ;)

Anyway, I would like to add one point in support of the claim of literary miracle of the Qur'an. Please note that the Qur'an was not revealed as one book in one single act of revelation. It was revealed in stages over a period of 23 years (one or more verses at a time) to Prophet Muhammad(pbuh). Sometimes they were revealed based on circumstances, for example, occasionally when non-believers would question Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) about something, a revelation came as a response. However, the order of the verses were given at the time of the revelation (which was different from the chronological order of revelation). Why should all that matter ? Let's look at the following example.

The very first revelation that Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) received is in the first few verses from Sura(chapter) al-'alaq (96:1-5) which reads as follows
(note : Surah #96 after the reordering in the complete book form as it exists today) ...
"Proclaim! (or read!) in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, Who created-
Created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood:
Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful,-
He Who taught (the use of) the pen,-
Taught man that which he knew not."

The remainder of Sura 96, which has total 19 verses (after the reordering in the complete book form as it exists today), was revealed on some later occasion. Now let's read verses 6-8 of the Surah 96:
"Nay, but man doth transgress all bounds,
In that he looketh upon himself as self-sufficient.
Verily, to thy Lord is the return (of all)."

Now read the above verses (1-8) all together. Do you see the continuity, the context and so on ? This is just one example. Imagine all the possible combinations when you try to reorder 6000+ verses. Do you really think it is humanly possible to come up with 6000+ verses (situational and not) chronologically over '23 years' and assign the order of 'all those 6000+ verses' in advance (before the actual writing) and yet maintain all the perfect literary characteristics(the rythm, ryhme, context etc. and many more) and that even without any mistakes or contradictions in the book? I think humans will have hard time writing 50 verses chronologically while assigning their order(which is different from the order of writing) in advance just to avoid mistakes and maintain the continuity and context let alone the perfectness of all the other features. Finally, even those individual revelations (verses) before re-ordering were as perfect as the entire book after the re-ordering. Go figure - why it transcends anything human like.

I didn't see any counter argument to this yet. So did everyone agree with it ? ;)


New Member
Totally your opinion. To me the Quran is just someone reinterpreting and combing religious teachings.

The illiad has scientific and historical facts woven into it too, it doesn't make the story true.
OK you're right historical facts has no proof but what about scientific facts in the Qur'an??


Well-Known Member
OK you're right historical facts has no proof but what about scientific facts in the Qur'an??

Almost all writting you can find from that period will have some facts about basic science. The amount of facts in a book does not neccessarily make the claims of the book true.


Well-Known Member
People are willing to give Evidence A, B and C but no-one wants to address/refute those cases.
The Title says: ''What evidence is there'' nobody replied on the evidence given there only argument is ''I want different evidence''

Tell me what kind of Evidence you want?
Totally your opinion. To me the Quran is just someone reinterpreting and combing religious teachings.

If you are referring to the Quran being prose and poetry at same time then it is not just 'my opinion', it is what it is.

If you mean the cannot be reproduced part, then many have tried but I have yet to see somebody who succeeded.
People are willing to give Evidence A, B and C but no-one wants to address/refute those cases.
The Title says: ''What evidence is there'' nobody replied on the evidence given there only argument is ''I want different evidence''

Tell me what kind of Evidence you want?

Lol, they don't really want evidence, they just wanna talk ish and ignore the evidence.


Well-Known Member
People are willing to give Evidence A, B and C but no-one wants to address/refute those cases.
The Title says: ''What evidence is there'' nobody replied on the evidence given there only argument is ''I want different evidence''

Tell me what kind of Evidence you want?

I guess they don't have any counter arguments to refute the claims.


Active Member
I guess they don't have any counter arguments to refute the claims.
I've been telling you as have others, that all of your "evidence" is completely subjective. You find the book to be some fantastic piece of work unequaled in human history, I find that it's disjointed drivel therefore your evidence is refuted. The same with your miraculous scientific examples, provide the meanings for these passages before "science" caught up. Because for 1200yrs those passages meant something completely different, either that or they don't mean what is claimed they mean now. Which also means that the Qu'ran has changed.


New Member
I've been telling you as have others, that all of your "evidence" is completely subjective. You find the book to be some fantastic piece of work unequaled in human history, I find that it's disjointed drivel therefore your evidence is refuted. The same with your miraculous scientific examples, provide the meanings for these passages before "science" caught up. Because for 1200yrs those passages meant something completely different, either that or they don't mean what is claimed they mean now. Which also means that the Qu'ran has changed.
Now that is really something, scientific facts in Qur'an means that Qur'an has changed !!!
You accuse us to be subjective, yet, you have refused our evidences because you assumed without any bases that it meant a different meaning back then. and i ask you a question...Do you really know it had a different meaning back then or you are just assuming without any knowledge ?? be honest with yourself or you will be the subjective one.
it is mentioned clearly in Qur'an that sun moves in an orbit as i showed you and that universe was one piece then separated to what we know now.How this could have a different meaning back then?? it had the same meaning as today and if you opened old Islamic books you would see the same!!
And if you insist Qur'an has changed (even Islam's enemies have admitted that Qu'ran has never changed) then we are the ones who ask you of evidence!!
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