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What if we accepted each other's religion?


Transitioning from male to female
Well we can't have peace while each religion considers itself superior to all the others and all others are to be condemned. This has led to and is continuing to lead to wars and conflict.

There is truth in all the religions and none is superior. Religious fanaticism is very harmful. Religion is meant to create harmony and peace not destruction.

Harmful interpretations and misconceptions have led religionists to believe only their religion is true and all others are false.

Is there a more moderate and unifying interpretation of all these seemingly conflicting religions? We believe there is a way of seeing them as complimentary.


Perfectly stated. I agree every letter ,comma and point of these sentences.

There simply is no religion not stating that it is better than others whilst many of religions do not even accept others as religion or recognize their gods.Cite me a worship house which allows others religions to perform services when they are not occupied.
There is none.
As a matter of fact all ideologies are like this and religion is definitely an ideology. Man created religion and worshiped what he created .A religion should not ask for anything from humans.


But peace won't drop out of the sky. It's up to us people to join together and change our outlook to a more global one if we are to have that peace.

I agree that peace won't just droop out of the sky. We need to work at it.

To "a more global one?" Say the words, One World Order, or anything like them, and the Abrahamic religions freak-out!

Then, unless people become spiritual and virtuous again where's peace going to come from? Unless we educate our children and youth spiritually nothing will change. Who's going to educate them and how?

Here I do NOT agree. We are where we are at this point in history, - largely because of the policies of patriarchal religions, and nations, in our past. Everybody else is - OTHER, and needs to be conquered/converted and brought into - THEIR - one and only correct religion.

Spirituality is not a perquisite for peace. People whom are not religious - also want peace.

People have become very complacent about peace because it doesn't affect them. But if we see humanity as our own family do we want our own family to suffer?

That's the reason wars continue because we only care about our race, colour or nationality or religion and not humanity. That is what the Baha'is seek to correct. To prioritise a love for humanity over all other loves.

There's plenty of people who agree peace is a good idea but if we really care we need to act and that's what we're about.

I agree - wars continue for these reasons, and others. But you don't seem to understand that you folks are a religion too. You want people to come under your religion. "Most" of the ideas in your religion might be nicer - BUT.....

We're reeducating and building up a whole new world civilisation from scratch as a bandaid on the current world cannot fix it.

OH LORDY!!!! :eek: You used a form of it. New World Order! Noooooooo! I can hear the crackpots descending! RUN! :fearscream:

At least we are trying rebuild communities all over the world and not just leave them to degenerate. We work on these projects with all people not just Baha'is.


Indeed, Baha'i, and other groups that do this, are helping society.



Ok first. The oneness of humanity it's aim is 'Broadening of vision' not an 'only way' because within the concept you can still love your family, religion, race and country just the mind is broadened to include others.

There is truth in all religions means that we accept what is true but we use education to try and help,people overcome harmful attitudes like superiority and fanaticism with opposite teachings of equality and cooperation.

So we know there are views that are as you put it 'tragically misguided' and we tackle that with education. We have a universal education program that does this and is used by governments as well as by Baha'is.

It is complex to have an interpretation that unites which is why we don't interpret ourselves but use the Baha'i Writings which explain things in a harmonious manner.

But again - Baha'i don't actually find truth in all religions.

Your list is mainly Abrahamic, - with a few of the major Eastern religions, like Buddhism, thrown in.

You don't agree with Pagan religions, Goddess, etc.



We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
This whole thread has been about nothing other than your religious agenda.

Oneness of religion is a Baha'i belief but so is love a teaching of Christianity. Or mindfulness of Buddhism. Humanity is the centrepiece here and stands to gain by such principles.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
I agree that peace won't just droop out of the sky. We need to work at it.

To "a more global one?" Say the words, One World Order, or anything like them, and the Abrahamic religions freak-out!

Here I do NOT agree. We are where we are at this point in history, - largely because of the policies of patriarchal religions, and nations, in our past. Everybody else is - OTHER, and needs to be conquered/converted and brought into - THEIR - one and only correct religion.

Spirituality is not a perquisite for peace. People whom are not religious - also want peace.

I agree - wars continue for these reasons, and others. But you don't seem to understand that you folks are a religion too. You want people to come under your religion. "Most" of the ideas in your religion might be nicer - BUT.....

OH LORDY!!!! :eek: You used a form of it. New World Order! Noooooooo! I can hear the crackpots descending! RUN! :fearscream:

At least we are trying rebuild communities all over the world and not just leave them to degenerate. We work on these projects with all people not just Baha'is.


Indeed, Baha'i, and other groups that do this, are helping society.


Yes we can unite politically but it won't be the ultimate brotherhood type of peace but just no war. By spiritual,I didn't mean 'religious' I meant upright and noble behaviour. It goes without saying that if people's character improves so then does our world.

Well can we put a bandaid on this corrupt world? The current world system is based on materialism and puts profit above people. In a better order the foundation would be justice and human rights in a world constitution guaranteeing the rights of all.

A new world civilisation with a world commonwealth is one of the unique teachings Baha'u'llah brought as He stated the current system was 'lamentably defective' and it is.

Yes you are right people who don't believe in any religion want peace. I meant if people change their character the world will ultimately be a better place it doesn't matter religious or not.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
But again - Baha'i don't actually find truth in all religions.

Your list is mainly Abrahamic, - with a few of the major Eastern religions, like Buddhism, thrown in.

You don't agree with Pagan religions, Goddess, etc.


Yes but with pagan belief to us these people are equal to other religionists. A Buddhist and a Christian and are pagan are not viewed any differently by a Baha'i. Both are equal fellow human beings. A pagan is not an infidel or heathen or any such demeaning title but a fellow human being so although we don't follow pagan worship ourselves, we consider all men equal regardless of belief or non belief or whatever they may believe. That is their right and they are not to be judged by their believe but accepted as an equal human being.

In other words a Baha'i is no better or worse than a person who practises pagan belief. We are both equal fellow human beings nothing more nothing less. No superiority of one over the other.

If a Baha'i did look down contemptuously on a pagan they would be admonished for doing so as it is against our teaching of the oneness of humanity.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Because they all want to be the ONE.


But this concept of superiority has only led to death and destruction. Isn't it time humanity reassessed the truth of this assertion? There are a very few statements in every faith that 'seem' to be claiming exclusiveness but why do the leaders emphasise these passages above those of love and unity? Is it to keep their following from seeing the truth in other faiths? I think so. They don't want to lose membership so they each tell their followers 'you are the special chosen ones' and all others are infidels and from Satan.

But by opening their minds and not thinking like this they can see the beauty of so many teachings and not be limited to just their own.

What's wrong if we pray in each other's churches or read each other's Holy Books?
I experienced God although its way beyond that name and some of the most spiritual people i have spoken to are atheists.
Very much like the Bahai faith, what Jesus actually said, spend much time in the Goddess temple where the symboligy is very accurate, Buddhism and Zen, the Tao, many new age teachings and NDEs speak well, Horus, Isis, Native Americans, Joseph Campbell, Wicca, Acim, Rumi ...................
One things for sure, if you look for controversy you will find it :)
Nice book spoken in scientific terms is "Incognito, the secret lives of the brain" ....
List is endless .. Songs Films .... there`s light in all of it when you look


But this concept of superiority has only led to death and destruction. Isn't it time humanity reassessed the truth of this assertion? There are a very few statements in every faith that 'seem' to be claiming exclusiveness but why do the leaders emphasise these passages above those of love and unity? Is it to keep their following from seeing the truth in other faiths? I think so. They don't want to lose membership so they each tell their followers 'you are the special chosen ones' and all others are infidels and from Satan.

But by opening their minds and not thinking like this they can see the beauty of so many teachings and not be limited to just their own.

What's wrong if we pray in each other's churches or read each other's Holy Books?

I just gave you the reason, - Because they all want to be the ONE.

"Isn't it time humanity reassessed the truth of this assertion?" Uhmmmm! You folks are telling the other faiths that YOUR Baha'u'llah is the ONE from all of their religions, and they should follow him.

Many of us whom aren't even religious read the world's holy books, and philosophies.



We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
I just gave you the reason, - Because they all want to be the ONE.

"Isn't it time humanity reassessed the truth of this assertion?" Uhmmmm! You folks are telling the other faiths that YOUR Baha'u'llah is the ONE from all of their religions, and they should follow him.


We are saying that the concept of superiority and exclusiveness is a major obstacle to peace.


As I see it we are all involved in a "process" that is leading increasingly to a global view... this "process" may not have been well articulated in the past but it is ongoing. Compare the world view we have today with the view our grandparents or earlier had. I would venture to say we are all moving in the direction of recognizing the need for a global civilization that responds better to peoples' needs... universal education... equal opportunities for men and women... a fair distribution of wealth and resources and so on.


We are saying that the concept of superiority and exclusiveness is a major obstacle to peace.

Then why do the same as those other patriarchal religions, - claiming your Baha'u'llah is the ONE, from all of their religions, - and they should accept and follow him?

Why retain patriarchal ideas about women from those religions?

If you were truly different - you would have true equality, - and no - MY Prophet is the ONE, - follow him.

Instead you would just put forth your good ideas, of which the Baha'i have many, for all of humanity.



As I see it we are all involved in a "process" that is leading increasingly to a global view... this "process" may not have been well articulated in the past but it is ongoing. Compare the world view we have today with the view our grandparents or earlier had. I would venture to say we are all moving in the direction of recognizing the need for a global civilization that responds better to peoples' needs... universal education... equal opportunities for men and women... a fair distribution of wealth and resources and so on.

I agree. But no religion is needed for this to happen. Indeed they actually slow the process down.



We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Then why do the same as those other patriarchal religions, - claiming your Baha'u'llah is the ONE, from all of their religions, - and they should accept and follow him?

Why retain patriarchal ideas about women from those religions?

If you were truly different - you would have true equality, - and no - MY Prophet is the ONE, - follow him.

Instead you would just put forth your good ideas, of which the Baha'i have many, for all of humanity.


Then why do they they have prophecies about a Promised One if it were not meant for them to turn to His Teachings when He appeared?

Women are equal in the Baha'i Faith to men. We don't know why yet that only men can serve on the Universal House of Justice and were told that later it will become self evident. But in all other respects women have full equality.

We are saying They are all the One not just Baha'u'llah. They are all equal. Christ, Buddha, Muhammad, Moses, Abraham, Krishna, the Bab and Baha'u'llah are all equal. He says in this regard:

"“To prefer one in honor to another, to exalt certain ones above the rest, is in no wise to be permitted.”

Excerpt From: Bahá’u’lláh. “Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh.”


I agree. But no religion is needed for this to happen. Indeed they actually slow the process down.


Whether we are conscious of it or not the process has been ongoing and we are a part of it.... Yes some attitudes and views can impede the process but not for ever because with life as we know it there is this ongoing movement. You can call it what you will but it is moving all of us along.



Ingledsva said:
Then why do the same as those other patriarchal religions, - claiming your Baha'u'llah is the ONE, from all of their religions, - and they should accept and follow him?

Why retain patriarchal ideas about women from those religions?

If you were truly different - you would have true equality, - and no - MY Prophet is the ONE, - follow him.

Instead you would just put forth your good ideas, of which the Baha'i have many, for all of humanity.

Then why do they they have prophecies about a Promised One if it were not meant for them to turn to His Teachings when He appeared?

That is an excuse. You have no proof of Baha'u'llah being that one.

Women are equal in the Baha'i Faith to men. We don't know why yet that only men can serve on the Universal House of Justice and were told that later it will become self evident. But in all other respects women have full equality.

I have shown that they actually are not. Your religion wants to raise woman's place to equity with men's place ,- but not true equality, - which would get rid of that "place."

In other words they still want men as head of house and religion, etc.

We are saying They are all the One not just Baha'u'llah. They are all equal. Christ, Buddha, Muhammad, Moses, Abraham, Krishna, the Bab and Baha'u'llah are all equal. He says in this regard:

"“To prefer one in honor to another, to exalt certain ones above the rest, is in no wise to be permitted.”

Excerpt From: Bahá’u’lláh. “Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh.”

That isn't actually true though.

Your religion is telling other religions that YOUR Prophet is the ONE to follow.

Your religion says that all these religions say their prophet is coming back, - and that YOUR prophet is that ONE, - thus you are claiming "right of leadership" over those religions.



We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
That is an excuse. You have no proof of Baha'u'llah being that one.

I have shown that they actually are not. Your religion wants to raise woman's place to equity with men's place ,- but not true equality, - which would get rid of that "place."

In other words they still want men as head of house and religion, etc.

That isn't actually true though.

Your religion is telling other religions that YOUR Prophet is the ONE to follow.

Your religion says that all these religions say their prophet is coming back, - and that YOUR prophet is that ONE, - thus you are claiming "right of leadership" over those religions.


The teaching that a Promised One will come is not a Baha'i teaching. It is the promise in all these faiths. But it is for each to investigate and decide for him or herself. I believe He is.

As to women well there is no head of the household as such but men cannot bear children so women do have some different functions biologically to men and we can't say that it infringes on their equality as they are able to be mothers whereas men aren't.


I do stuff
There is a saying in the Bible, "keep you enemies close and your friends afar" (not verbadum) in the New Testament from Jesus.
Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.