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What if we accepted each other's religion?


Well-Known Member
The ultimate goal of each Faith is the appearance of their Promised One - FSM. Every scripture prepares their followers for this eventuality. But it is also their supreme test. Will they stick with what they're used to or turn to the One foretold on their scriptures. That's their call.


Well-Known Member
By the way, FSM stand for Flying Spaghetti Monster His Holiness.
The ultimate goal of reality is to reunited with the oneness of FSM as have been prophesied by so many religion's holybook especially the FSM Ultimate Holy Book.
Why anyone will reject to reunited with His Highness FSM is beyond my imagination.
How can anyone be so close-minded to reject HOLY FSM? Ridiculous.

As long as other false prophet/believer continue to spreading false hood, I as a true believer of FSM must repeat and told the ultimate TRUTH of FSM ONENESS to every thread in here which happen to preaching falsehood so that everyone will come to reunited with the FSM ONENESS and avoid of going to the Horified Evil RAMEN:ramen: HELL but go to the HOLY SPAGHETTI HEAVEN.
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Well-Known Member
The end is near, we should accept each other religion and reunited with the FSM.
Do it now, before it's too late.
FSM bless you.;)
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We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Many ex-Baha'is left for the same reason. One individual even told me they would openly claim all religions are one but would ridicule them (in private I guess).

There are millions of Baha'is women a large number. They are very happy to be Baha'is.


Well-Known Member
Have you pray to FSM today?
Try it and you'll not be regret.
May the world be spread with Holy Peace of Oneness of Speghettiness.
May the evil Ramen be away from you.


Well-Known Member
The messianic age of Speghettiness is coming.
It can be proven by all the religion's holy book which have been prophesied the coming of FSM.
It's like a puzzle, every religion is a puzzle piece, by carefully examine all religion and mix them together then the ultimate truth of FSM Oneness will be reveal.


Well-Known Member
The other day i had witnessed the wonderful miracle of holy spaghetti rain reveal in front of me.
Have faith and pray to FSM today to witness the many other wonderful Spaghetti Miracle.:praying:


Active Member
Abdul-Baha was the appointed interpreter of Baha'u'llah's Writings appointed by Baha'u'llah Himself in His Will and Testament so the interpretation of Abdul-Baha is correct.

The link I provided addressed the issues you refer to.

Laws referring to men or women as I stated are appled in reverse as well so husband must also obey they wives. It is mutual cooperation.

You can read about the wives of Baha'u'llah here and that there was no Baha'i Law at that time.


Try and find a group of Baha'i women and ask them how they feel.

Baha'i women would disagree strongly with you. Find a few of them and ask them about these things as they are the best ones to tell you they are not discriminated against not us men.

And all your justifications have been answered here:

https://archive.org/download/Twelve...sive Investigation on the Bahai Teachings.pdf

Chapter 10 is about the equality of men and women. The other chapter address the other alleged Baha'i principles.

Have a good day


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
And all your justifications have been answered here:

https://archive.org/download/Twelve...sive Investigation on the Bahai Teachings.pdf

Chapter 10 is about the equality of men and women. The other chapter address the other alleged Baha'i principles.

Have a good day

You want the real truth? Then go to Baha'i Communities and ask the women. Any rhetoric can make any claim. Go and speak to some Baha'i women in Baha'i communities and see for yourself just how happy they are.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
And all your justifications have been answered here:

https://archive.org/download/Twelve...sive Investigation on the Bahai Teachings.pdf

Chapter 10 is about the equality of men and women. The other chapter address the other alleged Baha'i principles.

Have a good day

I read that PDF months ago. I laughed so much I cried at the misinformation in it. There were some very humorous parts in it. All these sites do is bring the name Baha'i to the attention of others who eventually get the correct information, join the Faith and then serve it the rest of their lives. They actually do us a big favour and they think they are ruining us. I laughed so much when they tried to seriously say truckloads of gold would be shipped to the House of Justice in adultery fines. Now that was worth reading.

Even though they lie and spread misinformation they are spreading the Baha'i Faith.


Yes and it also acknowledges that woman is biologically different to man. There cannot be absolute equality between the sexes as nature has determined they have differing functions so the equality is of opportunity and rights which Baha'i women enjoy alongside Baha'i men except for membership on the House of Justice.

This is just BULL! There can be absolute equality between the sexes - because in reality - it has nothing to do with biology. That is an excuse to keep women out of power positions. Men have always argued that strength gives them superiority over women, - which is stupid, - as women can take more pain, and pop out babies, and little monkeys are stronger then any man. These are just excuses.

Being able to pop out a baby, - doesn't mean men should have control over women, - or that women are suitable for only some positions. It doesn't even mean that women have to raise the children.



I read that PDF months ago. I laughed so much I cried at the misinformation in it. There were some very humorous parts in it. All these sites do is bring the name Baha'i to the attention of others who eventually get the correct information, join the Faith and then serve it the rest of their lives. They actually do us a big favour and they think they are ruining us. I laughed so much when they tried to seriously say truckloads of gold would be shipped to the House of Justice in adultery fines. Now that was worth reading.

Even though they lie and spread misinformation they are spreading the Baha'i Faith.

Not quite true. Thou I don't agree with some of the conclusions either.

However - they show - especially in the "equality" verses we have been discussing - that Baha'u'llah made it plain that men have actual control of women. And a lot of the no-so verses you have posted are actually later people trying to work around criticism of the teachings.

"O maid-servants of the Merciful! It is incumbent upon you to train the children from their earliest babyhood! It is incumbent upon you to beautify their morals! It is incumbent upon you to attend to them under all aspects and circumstances, inasmuch as God—glorified and exalted is He! —hath ordained mothers to be the primary trainers of children and infants. This is a great and important affair and a high and exalted position, and it is not allowable to slacken therein at all! `Abdu’l-Bahā, Tablets of Abdul-Baha Abbas (Bahā’ī Publishing Committee, 1909 edition), p. 606.

“Although women and men share the same capacities and abilities, there is definitely no doubt that men are superior and stronger. Even in animals like pigeons, sparrows, peacocks, and other [birds] this advantage is visible.” Maḥmūd Zaraqānī, Badā’i` al-āthār, vol. 1, p. 153.

And then concerning what we have been asking about Pagan religions.

"Thus, O inhabitants of my orchard, protect yourselves from the wicked poisonous breath and void breeze which is socializing with the polytheists and the unaware (ghāfil). `Abd al-Ḥamīd Ishrāq Khāwarī, Mā’idiy-i āsimānī, vol. 8, p. 39.

And this last one (and others) helped me to realize the Baha'i are just the latest version of the Abrahamic religions. Continuing those old laws, - like no problem using your maids for sex, concubines, etc.

"God hath prescribed matrimony unto you. Beware that ye take not unto yourselves more wives than two. Whoso contenteth himself with a single partner from among the maidservants of God, both he and she shall live in tranquillity. And he who would take into his service a maid may do so with propriety" [He who takes a virgin to serve him it would be permissible for him] Bahā’u’llāh, The Kitābi Aqdas, p. 41.
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Active Member
Many of the aforementioned Quotes are translations of suppressed Baha'i scripture that they simply refuse to translate to English.


Active Member
I read that PDF months ago. I laughed so much I cried at the misinformation in it. There were some very humorous parts in it. All these sites do is bring the name Baha'i to the attention of others who eventually get the correct information, join the Faith and then serve it the rest of their lives. They actually do us a big favour and they think they are ruining us. I laughed so much when they tried to seriously say truckloads of gold would be shipped to the House of Justice in adultery fines. Now that was worth reading.

Even though they lie and spread misinformation they are spreading the Baha'i Faith.

Yep, you didn't expect that Baha'i beliefs to be so laughable did you. In fact many people simply left Bah'aism for good after this book and similar books exposed many bitter truths of the Baha'i beliefs. Here I'll show the readers here how truckloads of Gold must be given to the UHJ for fornication and adultery. According to Baha'u'llah:

God hath imposed a fine on every adulterer and adulteress, to be paid to the House of Justice nine mithqals of gold, to be doubled if they should repeat the offence . . . Although the term translated here as adultery refers, in its broadest sense, to unlawful sexual intercourse between either married or unmarried individuals (see note 36 for a definition of the term), `Abdu’l-Baha has specified that the punishment here prescribed is for sexual intercourse between persons who are unmarried . . . In relation to the application of the fine, Baha’u’llah clearly specifies that each succeeding fine is double the preceding one; thus the fine imposed increases in geometrical progression. ( Baha’u’llah, The Kitabi Aqdas, pp. 200–202.)

Unmarried people who engage in acts of sexual intercourse—especially teenagers— will likely frequently perform such acts. The number of times copulation occurs in a year can easily reach one hundred times if this shameful act is performed only twice a week. The amount of gold payable by each of these two people equals to: 3.6 grams (which is 1 mithqal) * 9 * 2^100 = 41071879447394632608493183854 kilograms, which is fairly equal to 8000 times the weight of the earth. Just in case you are wondering, the fine will be about 34000 kilos of Gold if copulation is performed only 20 times.

There now laugh all you want. This ain't misinformation, this is fact.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Many of the aforementioned Quotes are translations of suppressed Baha'i scripture that they simply refuse to translate to English.

There are many Baha'i translations but we accept the Universal House of Justice translations because they are the Centre of the Covenant.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Yep, you didn't expect that Baha'i beliefs to be so laughable did you. In fact many people simply left Bah'aism for good after this book and similar books exposed many bitter truths of the Baha'i beliefs. Here I'll show the readers here how truckloads of Gold must be given to the UHJ for fornication and adultery. According to Baha'u'llah:

God hath imposed a fine on every adulterer and adulteress, to be paid to the House of Justice nine mithqals of gold, to be doubled if they should repeat the offence . . . Although the term translated here as adultery refers, in its broadest sense, to unlawful sexual intercourse between either married or unmarried individuals (see note 36 for a definition of the term), `Abdu’l-Baha has specified that the punishment here prescribed is for sexual intercourse between persons who are unmarried . . . In relation to the application of the fine, Baha’u’llah clearly specifies that each succeeding fine is double the preceding one; thus the fine imposed increases in geometrical progression. ( Baha’u’llah, The Kitabi Aqdas, pp. 200–202.)

Unmarried people who engage in acts of sexual intercourse—especially teenagers— will likely frequently perform such acts. The number of times copulation occurs in a year can easily reach one hundred times if this shameful act is performed only twice a week. The amount of gold payable by each of these two people equals to: 3.6 grams (which is 1 mithqal) * 9 * 2^100 = 41071879447394632608493183854 kilograms, which is fairly equal to 8000 times the weight of the earth. Just in case you are wondering, the fine will be about 34000 kilos of Gold if copulation is performed only 20 times.

There now laugh all you want. This ain't misinformation, this is fact.

That so ridiculous at least you know I've read the book. But it was worth reading for its humour anyway.

You are entitled to your view. I believe in what the Universal House of Justice state as they are the Centre of the Covenant and given authority by Baha'u'llah Himself.

Thanks for quoting that. I love that from a humorous point of view.

It's so funny though. Imagine the size of the earth in gold how to deliver it?? Ha! Ha!


Active Member
That so ridiculous at least you know I've read the book. But it was worth reading for its humour anyway.

You are entitled to your view. I believe in what the Universal House of Justice state as they are the Centre of the Covenant and given authority by Baha'u'llah Himself.

Thanks for quoting that. I love that from a humorous point of view.

It's so funny though. Imagine the size of the earth in gold how to deliver it?? Ha! Ha!

I have never in my life seen anyone ridiculing his own beliefs. Yes, as you can see those are what Baha'u'llah taught. Paying Gold the weight of the earth as sex money to the UHJ.
Have a nice day.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
I have never in my life seen anyone ridiculing his own beliefs. Yes, as you can see those are what Baha'u'llah taught. Paying Gold the weight of the earth as sex money to the UHJ.
Have a nice day.

What I'm ridiculing is the way they try and spread misinformation. That's not how it will work.