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What if we accepted each other's religion?


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Same here.

It is usually not even a particularly well-informed or honest approach. I would have a lot more respect for the Bahai Faith if it just accepted already that it is an Abrahamic Faith struggling to be perceived as the most recent and complete interaction of same.

Not that it would be very convincing, but it is at least honest.

It's not exactly that. An example. 1. We believe in all the moral and spiritual teachings of every major religion. Love, justice, peace etc
2. The social laws were revealed for the age that messenger came so the social laws are not eternal. Example Jihad was not meant for a nuclear age. So we don't follow the social laws of each religion as they were for a past age. 3. We don't accept the man made laws, dogmas and interpretations. Example Buddha never taught to worship statues. Christ never taught to institutionalise sacraments etc so we do accept the religions & their Teachers/prophets/messiahs as they were given and their Holy Book. We are not being dishonest. We only reject the social laws which were for the age they were revealed in and the man made dogmas and interpretations which have split religions into thousands. We have an authoritative interpretation given by Baha'u'llah and we follow that not our own individual interpretation like priests and Muslim scholars do. We really believe in the major religions not just token belief. Baha'u'llah abolished Jihad in 1870. Before nuclear weapons were invented. His timing is awesome. An example of why a new messiah is needed for each age.

The Emperor of Mankind

Currently the galaxy's spookiest paraplegic
Yeah. We do. Setting up your book of correspondance,

My what?

following the god/s of your chosen mythology from your mythology (etc),

Belief in gods is not necessary to be Pagan. There are plenty of Pagan atheists, pantheists etc.

finding the lessons nature teaches

Which, since they are not fixed or determined by holy writ, are not dogma.

and actually not practicing chaos magic

I didn't know there was a rule against this - there's a discordian friend of mine who'll be sorry to hear this.

but a strong interconnection with your faity

My what?

with external principals, objects or god/s of worships (say whst they ask you to offer), wiccan rites to druid ceremonies.

This isn't dogma, this is practice. It's about what you do, not what you believe. And again, neither Wiccan rites or Druid ceremonies are necessary to be Pagan. You're proposing Paganism is orthodoxic when in reality it is orthopraxic.

Yes, this is all dogma. It makes up what we call religion. And through religion we live in, we live our Paths and see your faith (or whatever you want to call it) as your joourney.[/WUOTE]

No it isn't because none of what you mentioned is necessary to be a Pagan. Pagans don't need to believe in or worship gods (of any number), they don't need a "book of correspondence", they don't need to refrain from "practising chaos magic".

Unless your path is Just an interest like a hobby, most religions have dogma. Its not a nasty word.

Dogma is a pre-defined set of necessary beliefs & tenets:- none of which is required for Paganism.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Post edited for clairity.

My what?

Belief in gods is not necessary to be Pagan. There are plenty of Pagan atheists, pantheists etc.

Which, since they are not fixed or determined by holy writ, are not dogma.

I didn't know there was a rule against this - there's a discordian friend of mine who'll be sorry to hear this.

My what?

This isn't dogma, this is practice. It's about what you do, not what you believe. And again, neither Wiccan rites or Druid ceremonies are necessary to be Pagan. You're proposing Paganism is orthodoxic when in reality it is orthopraxic.

"Your" general statement not you personally.

My dogma (edit: example) in my faith stems from the stories my mother and have been telling me recently. I learned more about my geneology and because they tell me about my family, they are dogma to me. Little practices I learned have "common ways" to go about the method of that practice, thats dogma to me. I am religious because my spirituality is not just my interest and belief, it is my life.

I am an atheist. I am an animist. I am a Pagan.

I do practice dogma but I dont use (edit: the word) because its associated with christianity and rigit rituals. However, looking beyond the associations, stereotypes, and bias of christian religions, I realize my dogma, what lessons and practices life teaches me and how is not a bad word, and how I see the world. These dogmatic things make up my religion.

Dogma: I have a "a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true."

It does not need to be: god, man made rituals, people, and so forth.

Its a misconception that dogma is related to these things.

My principles are in my family and the earth teaches me.

So far I know on RF:

Many pagans here have principles from guides or examples (you can take out authority if that bothers you) you (personally) and others in their religious (whatever name you want to use; not my point) walk.

Many pagans (say atheists) have morals by which they follow. Maybe their principles are love for nature or maybe acceptance to many faiths and oneness.

Many pagans find their guides in the elements. Using the elements heavily in their practice. Very important ( I will say) instead of authority since that bothers people.

Many pagans believe in multiple gods/dess. No. They dont need to be an strict, father figure authority again stereotypically associated with abrahamic religions. They can be guides. They can be friends. The point is they have important roles in the practitioners lives and the examples they have and their life is dogma. Principles that practitioners choose to live by (emphazie: choose. Not all dogmatic religions force their beliefs on others)

I could go on.

The only religions I can think of that may not have dogma or principles is religious witchcraft, maybe.

Its not a nasty word. I will say principles laid down by a teacher, god, godess, self, others, spirits,family intead of authority (which could be anyone in anyway you define that authority in relation to yourself)

If its your religion. Your life. Its important. It holds authority in your life.

How is that wrong?

Take out abrahamic stereotypes and experiences and think of it objectively.
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When one removes the man made dogmas it makes it much easier. As for pagans it doesn't matter. We accept all humans as part of one human race so pagan or not they're equal humans.

If I remember correctly - this isn't actually true. Baha'is don't actually accept all religions.

What about Pagan religions?

What about Goddess religions?

They seem to be embracing mainly Abrahamic, and major Eastern religions, which are all patriarchal.

Also no trinity, no gay couples, no premarital sex, etc.

EDIT - Just remembered - Baha'i are also patriarchal, though not as bad as most in their thinking. However - no women can hold the highest offices.

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Why shouldn't a homosexual be allowed to join? It's up to them if they feel it's right for them or not.

That is skirting the issue isn't it?

You were asked if homosexuals could join?

Can they join as homosexuals, - or - do they have to suffer in silence and loneliness = no sex, - like in other patriarchal religions?



We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
That is skirting the issue isn't it?

You were asked if homosexuals could join?

Can they join as homosexuals, - or - do they have to suffer in silence and loneliness = no sex, - like in other patriarchal religions?


Of course they can join.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
If I remember correctly - this isn't actually true. Baha'is don't actually accept all religions.

What about Pagan religions?

What about Goddess religions?

They seem to be embracing mainly Abrahamic, and major Eastern religions, which are all patriarchal.

Also no trinity, no gay couples, no premarital sex, etc.

EDIT - Just remembered - Baha'i are also patriarchal, though not as bad as most in their thinking. However - no women can hold the highest offices.


The Bahai Faith has basic beliefs. We believe in God so it's unreasonable to expect things like paganism to be upheld. Not only Abrahamic Faiths but Hinduism and Buddhism as well as Zoroastrianism. The moral teachings support marriage between a man and a woman only. We understand trinity different to he Catholics.


The Bahai Faith has basic beliefs. We believe in God so it's unreasonable to expect things like paganism to be upheld. Not only Abrahamic Faiths but Hinduism and Buddhism as well as Zoroastrianism. The moral teachings support marriage between a man and a woman only. We understand trinity different to he Catholics.

And there it is, - the patriarchal put down of other religions that aren't patriarchal, - while lying about the sameness of all religions and people, in an effort to push a newer discriminatory patriarchal religion. :confounded: :shrug: :thumbsdown:



Aura of atheification
Premium Member
The Bahai Faith has basic beliefs. We believe in God so it's unreasonable to expect things like paganism to be upheld. Not only Abrahamic Faiths but Hinduism and Buddhism as well as Zoroastrianism. The moral teachings support marriage between a man and a woman only. We understand trinity different to he Catholics.
I would rather you did not repeat the mistake of claiming convergence of Buddhism. Or, for that matter, Hinduism.


...The moral teachings support marriage between a man and a woman only.

Patriarchal teachings that started somewhere, and spread with patriarchy to most of the major religions. Not from any God.

We understand trinity different to he Catholics.

The Catholics aren't the only Christian religion that believes that way. So do you consider Catholics and other Christian religions that believe the same, - to be Pagan, - and unworthy of Baha'i ONE God, religion, togetherness, etc?

What about Mormons?



We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Again - as they are - having gay sex? - Or only if they become monks and live in loneliness without their lovers?


There is no priesthood, clergy or monks in the Bahai Faith. People are free to join the Bahai Faith. But we are not a promiscuous society.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Patriarchal teachings that started somewhere, and spread with patriarchy to most of the major religions. Not from any God.

The Catholics aren't the only Christian religion that believes that way. So do you consider Catholics and other Christian religions that believe the same, - to be Pagan, - and unworthy of Baha'i ONE God, religion, togetherness, etc?

What about Mormons?


We believe in Christ and the Holy Bible as the Word of God but we have a different interpretation. We work together with all faiths and we see others as equals. No one is superior we are just equal fellow humans.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
I would rather you did not repeat the mistake of claiming convergence of Buddhism. Or, for that matter, Hinduism.

Buddha is a part of our belief. I believe in Buddha and would not give up that believe for my life. Buddha taught so much wisdom. My favourite quote of Buddha is from the Dhammapadda Thousands where He says. 'If a man were to conquer ten times ten thousand men, he is the true conquerer who conquers his own self.". It's things like these I have been taught to love by the Baha'is. Truth is everywhere not just in one religion. It is in science too.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Patriarchal teachings that started somewhere, and spread with patriarchy to most of the major religions. Not from any God.

The Catholics aren't the only Christian religion that believes that way. So do you consider Catholics and other Christian religions that believe the same, - to be Pagan, - and unworthy of Baha'i ONE God, religion, togetherness, etc?

What about Mormons?


Mormons are very good people with many wonderful principles. I love to meet them and have them in my home. We believe Joseph Smith was a reformer.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
And there it is, - the patriarchal put down of other religions that aren't patriarchal, - while lying about the sameness of all religions and people, in an effort to push a newer discriminatory patriarchal religion. :confounded: :shrug: :thumbsdown:


No ones putting down any religion. We accept God and the spiritual and moral teachings of all these Faiths including Buddhism and Hinduism. So we fully believe in Krishna and Buddha as equal to Baha'u'llah and Christ. We don't make any distinction between them.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
This is an example of what Baha'is believe about chastity. When you read this think India and all the rapes. And how we need a standard to strive for. Women have a right to feel safe anywhere.

‘My purpose in coming to this corrupt world where the tyrants and traitors, by their acts of cruelty and oppression, have closed the doors of peace and tranquillity to all mankind, is to establish, through the power of God and His might, the forces of justice, trust, security and faith. For instance [in the future] should a woman ..., who is unsurpassed in her beauty and adorned with the most exquisite and priceless jewels, travel unveiled and alone, from the east of the world to the west thereof, passing through every land and journeying in all countries, there would be such a standard of justice, trustworthiness and faith on the one hand, and lack of treachery and degradation on the other, that no one would be found who would wish to rob her of her possessions or to cast a treacherous and lustful eye upon her beauteous chastity!...’ Then Bahá’u’lláh affirmed, ‘Through the power of God I shall transform the peoples of the world into this exalted state and shall open this most great door to the face of all humanity.(Baha'u'llah)


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
The Bahai standards are of the highest calling for man to overcome his animal nature and become a true spiritual being as he was meant to be........

"He is My true follower who, if he come to a valley of pure gold will pass straight through it aloof as a cloud, and will neither turn back, nor pause. Such a man is assuredly of Me. From his garment the Concourse on high can inhale the fragrance of sanctity... And if he met the fairest and most comely of women, he would not feel his heart seduced by the least shadow of desire for her beauty." - Baha'u'llah


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
We love these teachings and work to try and make them a reality to rid the world of things like rapes and wars but it will take time and effort. Nothing can be achieved without effort.