It's an irrational fear of a religion. I lived 99% of my life in the Deep South. I have nothing to fear (from experience) from Muslims, but I tense up when around white rednecks and I'm not even black or gay.
Or Christians ignore the fears of minorities.
So the 19 Muslims (or, rather more accurately, 19 buttwipes who called themselves Muslims) were all in our heads?
Judaism and Christianity far predate Islam, though. The apple doesn't fall from the tree.
How effective would their issues be, though, if we didn't suck at their tit? To whine about us hating Muslims when they need us to buy their frickin' oil is silly.
It's not like we should assume Mary was in her 30's, you know.
The bible has a lot more than that and that's not even counting post-biblical history.
Europeans wanted the money being made in pepper.
How can any country letting in people from royally messed up countries not expect some people to be touchy?
How much was the US giving Hussein? A lot of these modern day monsters are of our OWN creation.
"Liberalphobia": the terrifying terror that making the world a better place will suck
White people can be Muslims too, though. White people can be terrorists too, though our media loves to call them "mentally ill" instead.
How many people care when whites do it? How many got death for the crimes they committed? Dylan Roof got a hamburger after what he did. People love to forget conveniently about Tim McVeigh or the Unabomber. Look how white supremacy, many blatantly calling themselves Christian organizations, is flourishing. I finally moved north of the Mason Dixon and I'm STILL surrounded by more CSA crap than I am Muslim signs of fear-mongering.
We are a nation that will only regret our sins when forced to. We are a nation that STILL attacks Natives just to make a buck off their land. Over 200 years and we haven't felt much shame for that YET.
For fun and soul-crushing depression, read comments by alt-right folks.
Christians vs Muslims
Didn't make much of an impression on his followers, though. Wasn't even dead yet before ears were being chopped off.
Nothing says democracy like bombing the crap out of their homes and killing their kids when people have a government you don't like.