So concerning natural psychedelics like Mushrooms, Cactus, or Momosa there any credible argument to not making them a part of your life and routine? Is there any argument that can convince anyone that any substance changes the human condition any? Jesus said it is not what goes into a man's mouth that defiles a man, because a man is corrupted by sin, not by plants or meat or by drugs.
Our hearts are sinful, nothing but God can change that.
The greatest argument against any shell enhancement is the altered baseline of perception. For instance, ellen january is a smoker; and there was a time when that was not so. There is the threat of looming health issues, an occasional cough, a shortness of breath; factors which an outsider may point out a detriment. However, there are essentially no - factors - as the Operating System "ellenjanuary" is currently installed in "default smoker."
The mind, in these cases, is truly beyond the brain. The original neural network of culture, context, sobriety; processes and prioritizes data in a manner far different. That which is "ellen" could not operate within those confines... and in my case, forty-two and semi-retired; the animal is done and dusted. Beyond the animal, the sole detriment becomes - living. And what is the choice?
To summarize, any enhancement of perception alters the baseline; beyond that... there is no argument.
There is Godel's Incompleteness...
Chemicals in nature that hold the keys to the locks in our minds? It should be taught in school...