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What is your belief in regards to God?

What is your belief in regards to God?

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You will be assimilated; it is His Will.

To date it only exist in literature and minds and in mythology.

There is no place mythology has ever been required in any aspect of nature, what so ever. No place can we or do we place mythology in nature.
If in mythology you are speaking about sacred text, then your thesis is already fundamentally flawed. You start from a position of ignorance and then start digging further down. The fact that people intuitvely know things about the divine is evidence of God. The fact that you don't is evidence that God is not present in your life. Dont make the mistake of thinking he doesn't exist just because you don't believe.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Thanks for telling me how and what I think, that was so kind of you.

I follow academic knowledge, It has nothing o do with theism or atheism. I hope you learn this someday.
Academic knowledge is not the path to God, hence the errors that you often come up with. I hope you learn this some day.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
There is only one true reality.

And the 6 billion people who live mythology, do not agree with each other on said reality.

So only one group is right or wrong, and one the rest factually wrong. And since we actually see how the deity was created most follow, its plausible to state, all are wrong.
That is only your own shallow thinking on who is right or wrong. You know neither the power of God nor the scriptures of which you so confidently profess, atheist.


Active Member
What is your belief in regards to God? Is it theistic, atheistic, or agnostic? (Please explain why for your choice.)

I am a theist because I believe "God" qualifies as the only explanation to the mystery of existence.

How is a mystery an explanation for another mystery?


Active Member
What is your belief in regards to God? Is it theistic, atheistic, or agnostic? (Please explain why for your choice.)

I am a theist because I believe "God" qualifies as the only explanation to the mystery of existence.

You might be interested in the fact that many people call themselves atheists AND agnostics concerning gods.

The sophisticated modern atheist now uses the word "agnostic" to mean that he doesn't KNOW anything about god, and DUE to that complete lack of knowledge, there can be no BELIEF, hence, hence atheism.

My atheism derives from my agnosticism. I would have like to have checked "Atheist and Agnostic".


Active Member
I don't want to derail your thread further, so I'll say this:

It depends on the tradition and the individual. Based on what I've been personally taught, and from what my tradition teaches, I fully believe in God, but I still cannot be 100% sure.

Nobody can be 100% sure of anything. But when it comes to gods... what evidence gets you to ... your percentage of certainty? ...( and what IS the percentage of certainty you have that what you believe in is TRUE? )


Active Member
Ok, so an agnostic theist, would differ from my position, //gnostic theism, because, unlike the agnostic theist, I actually know that G-d exists /gnostic theist.

/Btw, 'belief' as a word used in a religious context, is not used as a differential to the word 'know'; in other words, ''belief'', is used even in the context of things that one is sure of, ie ''I believe in Christ'', does not mean that the person isn't sure ''/about their faith in Christ/.

When you say that you KNOW that your god exists, what evidence do you provide? I think the best you can do is to merely make the CLAIM to know. And as an atheist, I make a difference between knowledge and faith. These are two different terms for two different kinds of thoughts.

It seems that a lot of apologists conflate the meanings of words in order to hide the fact that they don't have a good reason to believe ... whatever it is they believe. Faith is not a reliable method for knowing what is true. You might have faith that your god is true, but you don't really know. You might pretend to know. People do like to pretend.

So, now that you say that you DO know that your god is real, I have to ask you HOW do you know? By way of faith?...:)


Active Member
I voted "atheist," though I vary from hard atheist to agnostic atheist depending on the particular deity concept. Every western religious conception of God I've heard imho is logically fallacious (e.g. all claims are based on appeals to ignorance and other logical fallacies) as well as contradictory (e.g. you cannot be both benevolent and genocidal), hence I'd say those notions of God are simply impossible. I view pantheistic notions of God to be the least logically problematic though, and fall more into the agnostic atheism category there. Iow, I remain unconvinced that a pantheistic deity exists, but I can concede it is a valid possibility, albeit one we simply don't know enough to rightly discern its real or imaginary status.

I'm not sure that agnostic atheism is some kind of "soft" atheism. I call myself a pretty hard atheist AND an agnostic. I don't have any information or evidence for any god, and therefore, I don''t believe in any.


Active Member
Theist would be the closest of your choices however I am a strict ethical monotheist. Not only do I believe in God, I believe

God is a singular, unique, One. Why do I believe this? It makes perfect logical sense. to me.

People believe things that make perfect sense to them. However, that doesn't mean they are REAL or true.


Active Member
If in mythology you are speaking about sacred text, then your thesis is already fundamentally flawed. You start from a position of ignorance and then start digging further down. The fact that people intuitvely know things about the divine is evidence of God. The fact that you don't is evidence that God is not present in your life. Dont make the mistake of thinking he doesn't exist just because you don't believe.

Don't make the mistake of thinking your god exists just because you believe it does.


Active Member
That is only your own shallow thinking on who is right or wrong. You know neither the power of God nor the scriptures of which you so confidently profess, atheist.

So, out of the 6 billion believers, why should anyone believe what you do? And WHAT scriptures are you talking about.. what interpretations? What denominations do you agree with, and which ones are YOU ignoring and misunderstanding? You presume to have some truth with a capital T?... prove it. Lame claims about the "power" of your god isn't evidence that your god exists.

Show us the power. Enough with facile claims.

If you point to the scriptures to prove the scriptures ... then we can say the same for any other holy scripture. Are every holy scripture TRUE?.... then vishnu and allah are the one true gods... and Yahweh. As long as people revere some book with supernatural claims, by your reasoning, it's instantly true.

You might as well believe that comic books are also true by that ridiculous standard. :)


Active Member
I have read many of the comments on this thread. I will not try to change the opinion of any because I know it can’t be done. I do address those who believe there is a God:
I am a believer. My belief is based on many years of testing facts. Many believed facts I have found false. My testing was not to prove what I believed, but to see if it was possible to prove, or disprove if there was, or was not a God, or something. In my search I first tested the Bible. This is the book all Christian religions say is Gods word. Religions claim the Bible is a copy of the scrolls. My first test was to see if the two matched. It is true many of the scriptures in the Bible are also in the scrolls. Here is one point I found: In the scrolls there are no commas. There are no breaks between sentences. The fack they had no commas when the scrolls were written was a big point. All who know English can test to, the addition of a comma can change the meaning of a sentence. The scrolls were written in Hebrew, Greek, and Arabic. Those who copied the scrolls into English uses Hebrew words in place of Greek: Example:
Genesis 3:15 All of Genesis was written in Hebrew, all but one word which is found in genesis 3:15. In the Bible the word is seed. God is talking to Satan about what he did with his seed. In the scrolls the word is in the Greek…SPERMA. It is were we get the English word, SPERM. In the Greek the work is used for, OFF SPRING…child. This changes the whole meaning about what God is saying in Genesis 3:15. Here God is talking to Satan about his Off SPRING…CHILD. At the time God is talking to Satan about this, there are only two humans in the Garden, Adam, and the women he named Eve after she gave birth to Cain. This was followed to identify who Satan’s OFF SPRING was? Many believ Able was born hours after Cain. A medical fact which has taken in our time proves a women can be pregnant by two different men at the same time. The fact that angels, which Satan was can have off springs is a different search I did later. All the first born in the Bible are named, be they good, or bad people. Cain being the first born in the history of the scriptures should be named. Genesis 5 is the history of Adam. The first born listed in Adams line is Seth. The name Seth means, “Replacement.” Since Cain was still alive, the replacement had to be for Able who was murdered. Cain is not listed as a off spring of Adam. This removes the eating of a fruit fairy tale in the Bible. It seems both Adam, and the women had a three some with Satan.
The Above is how my research progressed. The second part of the years long research was to prove the truth, or false, of the scriptures...were they Gods word, or were they a fairy tale? I went into this part saying to myself, “If there is a God, he would not have us believe what we could not prove. He would give us proof.
The third part of my testing was to prove, or disprove religions true, or false? This was an easer task…my conclusion as to religions based on their teaching, and the scrolls, proves all religions are False, and nothing but a tool (not of God) to draw people away from the truth…designed to prove there is no God.
To those who say they believe in God, take warning…if you have not proven your faith based on fact, you will be in danger of rejection God when the Anti-Christ comes on the playing field, he will not have a big sign that reads, “I am the Anti-Christ.”