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What really happens to you after you die...


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
That is what the Bible teaches. You can live forever on a beautiful paradisical Earth as described in the 35th chapter of Isaiah
Perhaps we won't have to whisper to the coffee " Be Strong! " because it will be :)

Though i would hold much faith in opposing the inevitable. Coffee must be strong


Well-Known Member
Right, both can't be right
I find confidence in the teachings of Jesus because he used logical reasoning on the very old Hebrew Scriptures explaining them for us.
Also, because the Bible is chock full of corresponding or parallel cross-reference verses and passages linking the Bible writers together .

Around the world daily NEWS is reporting immediate daily bad new. ( 2nd Timothy 3:13 )
Around the world challenges because of problems about food, climate, refugees, terrorism, violence, etc.
Around the world mankind does not see an end to today's daily bad news.
Around the world current day news is showing that Satan's House of Cards is coming down faster and faster.
Around the world is a large scale proclaiming about God's Kingdom that Jesus is working things out for the righteous ones of mankind.
Around the world those who takes sides with Jesus will be kept safe from lasting harm - Isaiah 26:20
So what? Plenty of Hindus find confidence in the teachings of the Vedas, because they use logical reasoning and very old Hindu scriptures explaining everything to them. You ignore their book and they ignore your book, and both of you claim that your book is better. Whereas, I've read BOTH books and find neither of them to be any more reasonable than the other. The only difference is that YOU decided to put your faith into one book, and THEY decided to put their faith into another book.

I on the other hand don't think that faith is in any way useful for determining the truth, so I'm waiting for some actual evidence that one claim or the other is actually true.


Veteran Member
I on the other hand don't think that faith is in any way useful for determining the truth, so I'm waiting for some actual evidence that one claim or the other is actually true.
I think you will be waiting a very long time, like forever, since religious claims can never be proven true. They can only be believed to be true.

I think there is truth in both the Hindu scriptures and in the Bible and other scriptures, although it is always a matter of interpretation, which is why there are so many religious sects within all the older religions.

It's nice to see you again. :)


Veteran Member
I think you will be waiting a very long time, like forever, since religious claims can never be proven true. They can only be believed to be true.
I think there is truth in both the Hindu scriptures and in the Bible and other scriptures, although it is always a matter of interpretation, which is why there are so many religious sects within all the older religions.
It's nice to see you again. :)
Why there are so many religious sects within all the older religions I find is because mankind can trace its religious family tree all the way back to the ancient Tower of Babel. As the people migrated away from ancient Babylon they took with them their religious ideas and practices and spread them world wide into a greater religious Babylon or Babylon the Great
This is why even today we see similiar or overlapping religious teachings within all the older and newer religions
Jesus believed the very old Hebrew Scriptures to be factual and believed Scripture is: religious truth - John 17;17
Jesus used logical reasoning on the OT for us so we could have confidence (faith) in his teachings :)


Veteran Member
I on the other hand don't think that faith is in any way useful for determining the truth, so I'm waiting for some actual evidence that one claim or the other is actually true.
I find sometimes people think of credulity (blind faith) as being faith
Biblical faith is 'confidence' in what the Bible really teaches
Unlike the days of the Pony Express when news was limited, now the Bible Good News is global as the Bible says - Matt. 24:14; Acts 1:8
Unlike men's NEWS the Bible's Good News is Not of human origin
Jesus has set more ' pens in motion ' than anyone else, and now more ' Scripture in motion ', so to speak, because modern technology has made rapid Bible translation possible into more than a thousand languages, even reaching people by having remote translation offices to translate right were people live
What other teachings besides the teaching of Jesus has that international impact ________________


Veteran Member
Unlike men's NEWS the Bible's Good News is Not of human origin
Jesus has set more ' pens in motion ' than anyone else,
The Bible is of human origin because humans wrote the Bible. That these humans were guided by the Holy Spirit is only a claim and a flimsy one at that.
Jesus might have set a lot of pens in motion but those pens were pens of humans. Jesus never wrote a thing.
I have a very hard time understanding how or why people believe this all came from Jesus, let alone from God.


Well-Known Member
I find sometimes people think of credulity (blind faith) as being faith
Biblical faith is 'confidence' in what the Bible really teaches
Unlike the days of the Pony Express when news was limited, now the Bible Good News is global as the Bible says - Matt. 24:14; Acts 1:8
Unlike men's NEWS the Bible's Good News is Not of human origin
Jesus has set more ' pens in motion ' than anyone else, and now more ' Scripture in motion ', so to speak, because modern technology has made rapid Bible translation possible into more than a thousand languages, even reaching people by having remote translation offices to translate right were people live
What other teachings besides the teaching of Jesus has that international impact ________________
That certainly hasn't been my experience. When I ask Christians why they accept that the Bible is the word of god, and reject that the Koran is the word of god or that the Hindu Vedas are the words of the gods, it inevitably comes down to "I take it on faith..." In this case faith is what they resort to when they can't provide actual evidence that clearly establishes the Bible was divinely inspired, while the Koran and the Vedas were not.

Islam has been the fastest growing religion in the 21st century... seems like their teachings have had international impact as well.


Veteran Member
That certainly hasn't been my experience. When I ask Christians why they accept that the Bible is the word of god, and reject that the Koran is the word of god or that the Hindu Vedas are the words of the gods, it inevitably comes down to "I take it on faith..." In this case faith is what they resort to when they can't provide actual evidence that clearly establishes the Bible was divinely inspired, while the Koran and the Vedas were not.
Islam has been the fastest growing religion in the 21st century... seems like their teachings have had international impact as well.
Thank you for your reply.
Sounds to me the, " I take it on faith..." is they mean credulity (blind faith) which was Not the faith/belief of Jesus.
I find as Recorded at Matt. 7:21-23 that MANY call Jesus as Lord but prove false
At Acts 20:29-30 we are forewarned that after the first century a great apostasy would settle in and it has
So, as far as 'quantity growing goes' that is Not a criteria for 'faith/belief/ confidence'
One historian calculated that out of all the people Jesus encountered only 1% became a follower
Thus if Jesus was running for office even today he would Not be popular or elected
Besides, as Matt. 10:22 says Jesus' followers would be hated - Matthew 24:9
Seems to me many reject Jesus' promise about the Earth
World's religions focus on a heavenly reward ignoring that there can be an earthly reward - Matt. 5:5; Psalms 37:9-11;22:26
There is No immortal death-proof soul in Scripture but the sinning soul dies - Ezekiel 18:4,20
As with Adam there is No post-mortem penalty, No double jeopardy past death - Romans 6:23
If people were alive after death there would be No need for a resurrection. The living need No resurrection.
This is why both Jesus and the OT both teach 'sleep' in death - Psalms 6:5; 13:3; 115:17; Isaiah 38:18; Ecclesiastes 9:5; John 11:11-14
To me, the 'international impact' is about the singular teaching about God's coming Kingdom government - Daniel 2:44; Matt. 24:14
As far as I know we find that particular teaching only within the pages of the Bible


Veteran Member
The Bible is of human origin because humans wrote the Bible. That these humans were guided by the Holy Spirit is only a claim and a flimsy one at that.
Jesus might have set a lot of pens in motion but those pens were pens of humans. Jesus never wrote a thing.
I have a very hard time understanding how or why people believe this all came from Jesus, let alone from God.
The last time I looked around only humans write
Like a secretary humans wrote down God's thoughts
Since the Bible is chock full of corresponding or parallel cross-reference verses and passages written over many centuries of time is Not flimsy to me
How does anyone know if Jesus never wrote a thing, after all Jesus was Not called to be a secretary for God
Often because of false clergy teachings is a reason why people believe or feel even as you do


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your reply.
Sounds to me the, " I take it on faith..." is they mean credulity (blind faith) which was Not the faith/belief of Jesus.
I find as Recorded at Matt. 7:21-23 that MANY call Jesus as Lord but prove false
At Acts 20:29-30 we are forewarned that after the first century a great apostasy would settle in and it has
So, as far as 'quantity growing goes' that is Not a criteria for 'faith/belief/ confidence'
One historian calculated that out of all the people Jesus encountered only 1% became a follower
Thus if Jesus was running for office even today he would Not be popular or elected
Besides, as Matt. 10:22 says Jesus' followers would be hated - Matthew 24:9
Seems to me many reject Jesus' promise about the Earth
World's religions focus on a heavenly reward ignoring that there can be an earthly reward - Matt. 5:5; Psalms 37:9-11;22:26
There is No immortal death-proof soul in Scripture but the sinning soul dies - Ezekiel 18:4,20
As with Adam there is No post-mortem penalty, No double jeopardy past death - Romans 6:23
If people were alive after death there would be No need for a resurrection. The living need No resurrection.
This is why both Jesus and the OT both teach 'sleep' in death - Psalms 6:5; 13:3; 115:17; Isaiah 38:18; Ecclesiastes 9:5; John 11:11-14
To me, the 'international impact' is about the singular teaching about God's coming Kingdom government - Daniel 2:44; Matt. 24:14
As far as I know we find that particular teaching only within the pages of the Bible
Sounds to me the, " I take it on faith..." is they mean credulity (blind faith) which was Not the faith/belief of Jesus.

Seems to me that "Jesus said, “Because you have seen Me, you have believed. Those who believe without seeing are blessed....” suggests that Jesus believed that those who accepted him on blind faith were blessed.

But that's beside the point. All of your quotes from your holy book aren't at all compelling, since I know Muslims and Hindus who can provide me with a wide variety of quotes from their holy books. The fact remains that each of you have decided to follow your particular holy texts and ignore the others, all based upon faith that your particular holy book is true. You all have the same arguments for why your faith is valid and the other faiths are false. As someone who has no god beliefs, it amazes me how each of you can look at the others arguments for why their faith is valid and clearly see why they are lacking; yet are unable to recognize how their own arguments are equally as flawed.


Veteran Member
Sounds to me the, " I take it on faith..." is they mean credulity (blind faith) which was Not the faith/belief of Jesus.
Seems to me that "Jesus said, “Because you have seen Me, you have believed. Those who believe without seeing are blessed....” suggests that Jesus believed that those who accepted him on blind faith were blessed.
But that's beside the point. All of your quotes from your holy book aren't at all compelling, since I know Muslims and Hindus who can provide me with a wide variety of quotes from their holy books. The fact remains that each of you have decided to follow your particular holy texts and ignore the others, all based upon faith that your particular holy book is true. You all have the same arguments for why your faith is valid and the other faiths are false. As someone who has no god beliefs, it amazes me how each of you can look at the others arguments for why their faith is valid and clearly see why they are lacking; yet are unable to recognize how their own arguments are equally as flawed.
To me Jesus did recognize how the arguments from the Pharisees were flawed - Matthew chapter 23; Matthew 15:9
At Matthew 5:1-7:29 and Luke 6:17-49 Jesus did contrast two (2) types of righteousness:
The righteousness of God compared to hypocritical or self-righteousness
So, where were Jesus' arguments flawed ___________
True we don't literally see Jesus but we can see and read what is recorded about him and his teachings


Well-Known Member
To me Jesus did recognize how the arguments from the Pharisees were flawed - Matthew chapter 23; Matthew 15:9
At Matthew 5:1-7:29 and Luke 6:17-49 Jesus did contrast two (2) types of righteousness:
The righteousness of God compared to hypocritical or self-righteousness
So, where were Jesus' arguments flawed ___________
True we don't literally see Jesus but we can see and read what is recorded about him and his teachings

Like I mentioned in my previous post, I couldn't care less what Jesus arguments were, since there is nothing recorded about Jesus presenting any arguments for why the Christian Bible should be considered divinely inspired, but not the Koran or the Hindu Vedas, since the Christian Bible didn't even exist at the time people claim that Jesus existed on Earth.

Quoting from your old holy book as an argument for why your old holy book should be considered superior to other old holy books is a flawed argument, when people who follow old holy books you don't adhere to can make the exact same flawed argument. The only difference is that you see the flaws when THEY make the argument, but somehow fail to recognize the same flaws when YOU make the argument.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Like I mentioned in my previous post, I couldn't care less what Jesus arguments were, since there is nothing recorded about Jesus presenting any arguments for why the Christian Bible should be considered divinely inspired, but not the Koran or the Hindu Vedas, since the Christian Bible didn't even exist at the time people claim that Jesus existed on Earth.

Quoting from your old holy book as an argument for why your old holy book should be considered superior to other old holy books is a flawed argument, when people who follow old holy books you don't adhere to can make the exact same flawed argument. The only difference is that you see the flaws when THEY make the argument, but somehow fail to recognize the same flaws when YOU make the argument.

Well said, in my opinion.


Veteran Member
cow's are souls horses and pig's to . yet there is no salvation offered to them. do you want to go down that road ?
Cows and horses are not souls. The soul is the person so only humans are souls.

There is no salvation for the physical body since it decomposes when we die. Only the soul is saved because it continues to exist in heaven.


Well-Known Member
Cows and horses are not souls. The soul is the person so only humans are souls.

There is no salvation for the physical body since it decomposes when we die. Only the soul is saved because it continues to exist in heaven.
has it always been that way ?


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
After you die, you are interrogated by Angels. However, this does not mean you will know the truth. If you are under control of Satan in this world, you will remain under his control till day of judgment. If you obeyed God, you will have bliss and be with believers in a spiritual garden.

The truth to will fully manifest and be proven on day of judgment and punishment of Angels on disobedient souls pales in comparison to that of the final day.
Oh, piddle. The beauty of it is this: when you die, there is no more you! Nobody can interrogate you, nobody can reward or punish you, all the pastors and rabbis and mullahs in the world can claim whatever they like about you -- but you are not there to make good on their claims.

The worst thing about religion is that it doesn't permit you freedom even after you die. That's a sick, perverse idea, along with the notion that you can do all the good you can in the world, and still be punished for "thought crimes," things you thought and never acted on.


Veteran Member
then there was no reason for Jesus to die
There was a reason for Jesus to die, but it wasn't so people would rise from their graves and live forever on earth.
It was so we could have eternal life. Eternal life is nearness to God. We can have eternal life while living on earth and in heaven after we die.