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What will Christians and Muslims have to say


Al-Aqsa Is In My Heart.
Now, I think that is a very fair comparison. A much better one than the ones you are trying to use. As homosexuality has about as much as a negative effect on anyone else's life as left-handedness. Being homosexual is not a crime...nor is being left-handed.
The current president of the USA is a left-handed, so does it mean that the next president will be a gay?!! Will you accept that?

Im left handed with green eyes.... im f***** :D
According to Draka's post you have to search for a treatment. :D


Agnostic Pantheist
The current president of the USA is a left-handed, so does it mean that the next president will be a gay?!! Will you accept that?

According to Draka's post you have to search for a treatment. :D

Is it just me or does this post makes no sense at all?

although I feel compelled to say, that the first priorities in electing a president is their character and political abilities, not their ethnic make up or their sexual preference.
if you judge the character of a person by their sexual orientation, all I can say its your choice. but there are better people than you, and not all of them are straight.
some years ago, you might have asked 'would you accept a black president'? today its a reality in the US. perhaps in the near future a non hetrosexual president will take the white house. this might come as a shock to you, but Iceland has elected a lesbian Prime minister.
cultures who wish to survive the changes of the times, will simply have to come to terms with all these phenomena at one point.
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Bodhisattva in Recovery
Strangely not4me, I always feel "dirty" after reading your thinking on homosexuality.
Maybe but the same as schizophrenia for instance. Biology plays a very important role but we do search to treat this kind of mental disorder. Many disorders and diseases are due to biological causes but we still search for a treatment.
Perhaps there is a mental condition or genetic reason for having a predilection for believing in religion. Perhaps the religious just need the proper "treatment".

Being true to yourself is to admit that you have a problem. :sarcastic
One could tar the religious with the same brush, sweety.

There is no conclusive proof that homosexuality is of biological cause and according to my knowledge group of different biological and environmental causes is the most accepted say but it won't make anything different regarding being a disorder or not.
I have the distinct impression that you would reject any and all research that asserted the contrary. I wonder if there is a treatment for believing in Islam?


Active Member
i try to get to know God and dynamics of this reality. there are some facts that i know. simple facts. God treats me in the same way i treat people. if one is cruel to people, he has no chance having compassion in return. if one is liar, he has no chance finding the truth. these kind of facts apply to every single human being on Earth. because of these kind of facts, in our commune we do not complaint about how people treat us. we always try to find excuse within ourselves, not in others. my master says that everyone is superior than me and everyone is right and i am not. he says that real talent in this world is to love people who hates me. he says that loving people is our duty because loving creation is equal loving God itself. he is a Imam of Islam and this is how we know religion. do you know how it feels like to be in a society where eveyone treats each other as the other one was superior and other one is right? this world breaks my heart. it truly does. because people want revenge. people want others to suffer. people want to kill and destroy everything that they would not accept. it is submission to hatred, not God. i am saying these things because i am not open minded. i do love people and i do not want anyone to suffer, not in this life, not in after life. they kill gay people. why? did you ever wonder how they even know those guys are gay? normal human being would not want anyone to go hell. not even one single person in this world is trying to end up in eternal flames. nobody is trying to be unhappy. imo when a believer of God meets someone who's headed to hell, he should pray for him. but as you see, they are instead longing to see them in hell. you know what it means? it means they want satan win this war. you as a non-Muslim should remember book of this religion is Qur'an. it is your right to demand to see verses that say gay people deserve death penalty. that verse does not exist. i would like to share here one more time, i hope you read when you have time;

International MIHR Foundation International Mihr Foundation

in this link there is a chapter about free will (listed on the left side of the screen). i suggest you to read it. this website is the only one that i know that offers true knowledge of Islam. translations of Qur'an is flawless. rest of internet is a jungle to me.

Lava: i am saying these things because i am not open minded.
You are the first I have met that has said their mind is closed...
That means the doors are all closed... all walls remain.
Lava: it is your right to demand to see verses that say gay people deserve death penalty. that verse does not exist.

The Quran get no free pass... Allah's words are cruel to homosexuals and then he destroys them... that is just as bad as the stoning called for in the Hadith.. Allah cast the first stone.


Wonder Woman
The current president of the USA is a left-handed, so does it mean that the next president will be a gay?!! Will you accept that?

Why wouldn't I? I, unlike you obviously, don't base a person's worth on what gender they happen to fall in love with. Sexual orientation has absolutely nothing to do with a person's intelligence or readiness for a political position, even that of president. Why wouldn't you accept it? Why are you so wrapped up and preoccupied with what a person does with their private parts instead of what they can do for you and your nation in a position for which they may be very highly qualified?
Of course as opposed to you :rolleyes:

Caladan, did you think “uncertain” conveyed an “opposite certain”?

Such that, your being uncertain about “people with testimonies about receiving the holy spirit into their lives, and that they are 'born again'? and found God?” means you are certain their testimonies are without merit?

That’s not what “uncertain” means.

Uncertain = lacking a definite opinion; remaining undecided; not precisely known or fixed; not clearly determined.

Being uncertain means you are neither certain their claims have merit, nor certain their claims have no merit.

I think the only way you can get a “certain” out of “uncertain” is if you are certainly uncertain!

I was puzzled why you’d contradict yourself by refusing to give religious people and former homosexual people the benefit of the doubt, while at the same time claiming you are uncertain:

Caladan said:
Should I give people with testimonies about receiving the holy spirit into their lives, and that they are 'born again'? and found God? the benefit of the doubt? :no: both cases seem to be of the plane of delusions and brainwashing.

the-flatlander said:
“Seem to be” shows you are uncertain.

Caladan said:
Of course as opposed to you

It's clear now. You were not contradicting yourself, you misunderstood the meaning of "uncertain".


Agnostic Pantheist
Caladan, did you think “uncertain” conveyed an “opposite certain”?

Such that, your being uncertain about “people with testimonies about receiving the holy spirit into their lives, and that they are 'born again'? and found God?” means you are certain their testimonies are without merit?

That’s not what “uncertain” means.
If we insist on being anal, then let me rephrase: I am certain that these people are delusional and brainwahsed.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
If we insist on being anal, then let me rephrase: I am certain that these people are delusional and brainwahsed.
Hehe, and here I thought you were just being "generous" in your wording. Evidently, the-flatlander has reading comprehension challenges. Oddly, I knew precisely HOW you meant the statement. Go figure, eh.
If we insist on being anal, then let me rephrase: I am certain that these people are delusional and brainwahsed.

We? Insist? Anal? :shrug:

Wouldn’t a man of honor simply admit his error without resorting to insults?

Perhaps you still don’t understand.

Uncertain. Does. Not. Convey. An. Opposite. Certain.

Bob: I‘m uncertain it’s 8 o’clock, so it’s not 8 o’clock
Sue: I’m uncertain it’s a mile to town, so it’s not a mile to town
Tom: I’m uncertain the dog is a Collie, so it’s not a Collie
Caladan: I’m uncertain religious people’s testimonies are true, so they are not true
Caladan: I’m uncertain former homosexual’s testimonies are true, so they are not true

Bless his heart
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J Bryson

Well-Known Member
From Wikipedia:

  1. ^ Bailey JM, Pillard RC (1991). "A genetic study of male sexual orientation". Arch. Gen. Psychiatry 48 (12): 1089–96. PMID 1845227.
  2. ^ Bailey JM, Benishay DS (1993). "Familial aggregation of female sexual orientation". Am J Psychiatry 150 (2): 272–7. PMID 8422079.
  3. ^ Bailey, J. M. & Zucker, K. J. (1995). Childhood sex-typed behavior and sexual orientation: A conceptual analysis and quantitative review. Developmental Psychology, 31, 43-55.


non-existential luminary
abrahamists would probably say that Emau was gay and then change their bible edition to say
"Jacob have i loved and Essau have i hated [since the beginning of time]" again. instead of what mine says now "because God loved jacob a little [tiny bit] more than Essau"


Agnostic Pantheist
We? Insist? Anal? :shrug:

Wouldn’t a man of honor simply admit his error without resorting to insults?

Perhaps you still don’t understand.

Uncertain. Does. Not. Convey. An. Opposite. Certain.

Bob: I‘m uncertain it’s 8 o’clock, so it’s not 8 o’clock
Sue: I’m uncertain it’s a mile to town, so it’s not a mile to town
Tom: I’m uncertain the dog is a Collie, so it’s not a Collie
Caladan: I’m uncertain religious people’s testimonies are true, so they are not true
Caladan: I’m uncertain former homosexual’s testimonies are true, so they are not true

Bless his heart

In case you have a hard time reading and comprehending, I am clarifying to you that what I am saying is that I am certain these people are delusional and brainwashed. now be a man of honor, and simply accept that my opinion is different, instead of telling others what they think.
I sure hope, we wont have to go through this again, im starting to worry about your ability to accept the opinion of others.
In case you have a hard time reading and comprehending, I am clarifying to you that what I am saying is that I am certain these people are delusional and brainwashed. now be a man of honor, and simply accept that my opinion is different, instead of telling others what they think.
I sure hope, we wont have to go through this again, im starting to worry about your ability to accept the opinion of others.

The above is too transparent.

I point out one error to you and now I’m:

  • an insistent anal

  • reading and comprehension challenged

  • intolerant of other’s opinions

He even says he’s worried about me now! :)

I’d rather wade through a pond of hog slop than miss your next insult, Caladan. But I have responsibilities, and I’m bored posting. So, bye…at least for awhile. :)


Well-Known Member
Not all people have sex because of love, that is true. There are plenty of piggish men that cheat on their wives with prostitutes and whores. Does that make heterosexuality wrong?
Their heterosexuality doesn't justify their "immoral" behavior which was my point.

Just because some people have sex not for love doesn't mean that the majority of people do have sex because they are in love with the person they are having sex with. It is the "natural" way to express that love.
As I said, it's not just love. There are other considerations when it comes to sex.

Complete BS. One doesn't change their sexual orientation...one can deny it, disguise it, hide it, even lie about it, but it does not change. One may be able to force themselves to live a certain way, but that doesn't mean that who they truly are or who they truly are attracted to or love ever really changes. It just means that they deny themselves. And is that really a healthy thing to do?
Some persons are indeed able to change their sexual orientation without force or pressure.

And I'm sorry to inform you, but if you don't want homosexual people to be able to express their love for each other then you DO want to see them miserable. You want them to "live a healthy life" by your standards and definitions...that isn't really caring about someone at all.
By the moral and religious standards of my society, yes. If adultery, for instance, is acceptable where you live, it's not acceptable where I live. Our social and moral standards are different.


Active Member
The age of consent is no different for homosexual or heterosexual sex, so what is your point, other than at least they treat all people equally.

However, sicko's in some parts of the middle east have kept the age of consent for females in single digits...that's sick. What a convenient way of legalising pedaephilia and child rape.

I think his point was clear, he is saying God laws must be unchanging, while man-made laws are keep changing from year to year and country to another.

Can you please give me examples of "sickos" in Middle East who kept the age of consent for females in single digits?

To answer the main question, God (in our Islamic belief) is Most Merciful and Compassionate, He will not abandon a thing if He created it naturally and harmless. I don't know why Islam and Christianity are singled out here, almost ALL religions forbid homosexuality.

As for evolution, this theory has many gaps, questions and weaknesses. It didn't even answer the most important question: How did life start? Until evolution (and any other scientific theory) answers all doubts then it will become credible and irrefutable.
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Active Member
I have seen a female dog try and hump another female dog, when both were on heat, and would not let a male dog near her. Does this count?

so should we consider animals as an Ideal model,

should we decide to follow animals rather than follow God's orders
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Active Member
Funny..every time I try to bring a scientific argument into religion I am told that science can not be compatible with the spiritual..now that it's convenient you use science...
If the answer to this one is to reproduce, and if we look at the state of the planet due to over population, people starving, not everyone having clean water to drink, the use of pesticides and fertilisers to artificially induce crops in order to feed the hordes, then it's not a very sound argument, considering all of the damage that reproduction on this scale does.

This is just so ridiculous it almost defies a response. How could tolerance of gays and lesbians lead to other people not marrying?

Qura'an Ch.6

[151] Say: "Come, I will rehearse what Allah hath (really) prohibited you from": join not anything as equal with Him; be good to your parents; kill not your children on a plea of want - We provide sustenance for you and for them - come not nigh to shameful deeds, whether open or secret; take not life, which Allah hath made sacred, except by way of justice and law: thus doth He command you, that ye may learn wisdom.

Allah is the sustainer I don't worry much about this issue
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