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Who Or What Is Israel?


Well-Known Member
And mechanics? And lawyers? Professionals in each field receive documentation attesting to expertise. But somehow, my achievement means less to you than any other professional's.
OK, you want to find someway to subdue. Sure mechanics know more on their models. They will be obsolete with the new technology unless they evolve with the new material. HInt hint!

Lawyers? OK ..... they work procedures.
Why change the goal post, again. You compared yourself to doctors. I thought it was funny!

You actually only showed that other cultures exist. You did not provide any evidence that one thing came from another.
OK... i will stop there.
Textually, God commanded it before the time in Egypt.
You mean by opinion. Do you have one single word written by god in any text?
He was. God.
Where you there? But I will observe your opinion. Since moses did live in the house of pharaoh, talking to god would have been as easy as coming home for dinner conversations. OK you got me.
that is not a fact, nor "must" I accept it.


Well-Known Member
So convert it to hebrew. I pointed out that you do not have the right to impose a label upon me.
You can't take gibberish and "convert it" to make it make sense.
By what you do.
really? What do I do that calls into question my being an authority on Judaism?
That line is a joke right? You claim to know and then claim to know what I dont know.

I dont know what you ate for breakfast, so I will give you an OK.
You also don't know much about Judaism.
You believe that you have the right to claim or suggest my ignorance
Yes, for example, if you don't know Hebrew, I can suggest your ignorance of Hebrew. I can do that because I know Hebrew so i can test your claim to know it.
As if you have an authority and right to impose- calling me atheist.
Yes, by using a dictionary.
Can you even spell english?
Yes, "English" (note the capital E).
No you add words to make your angle of attack. That last one even used the word 'conspiracy'.
Yes, it did, because that accurately describes what you stated in 438.
sure you did. You called me atheist
which is an English word that has a specific meaning, a meaning you typify.
for not accepting your belief of worship.
No, as I have already stated, that's not why i label you an atheist.
and then in the lines above you tried to tell me what I dont know. I agreed that i dont know what you ate for breakfast.
Or Hebrew. Or much about Judaism.
Again, there is that condemnation. Which is how you try to subdue. Be specific about what I do not know (actual example) but DO NOT tell me, what i am not capable of.
You do not know Hebrew. You do not know Torah. You do not know much about Judaism. Do you want me to start a master list of all the things you don't know?
Are you suggesting that torah does not convey the importance of personal responsibility?
I'm saying you are inventing that notion as being a motivating factor when it isn't.
What do you think the commandments are about?
Obeying God.
They are specifically about personal responsibility.
No, they aren't. If I give you an example (like the commandment
Not to wear cloth woven of both wool and linen.
(Deuteronomy 22:11)
The court must count and determine the year of the Jubilee.
(Leviticus 25:8)
And that is what MOSES per se received from god himself per the torah. Did I invent that logic or did I comprehend beyond your understanding?
you invented it.
I am well aware that you do not care about anything but your own belief that you are the authority.

All you expect is compliance from me.
Who wants compliance? You keep imputing things and keep being wrong.


Well-Known Member
OK, you want to find someway to subdue. Sure mechanics know more on their models. They will be obsolete with the new technology unless they evolve with the new material. HInt hint!
This doesn't answer what I raised but it does explain why I continue learning about my religion, daily which just further makes clear that you don't know Judaism.
Lawyers? OK ..... they work procedures.
And rabbis don't?
Why change the goal post, again. You compared yourself to doctors. I thought it was funny!
I compared myself to other professionals who reach a level of authority by study and learning. You don't acknowledge that I, through study, have reached a level, and yet other professionals have.
You mean by opinion. Do you have one single word written by god in any text?
yes, the Torah.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it did, because that accurately describes what you stated in 438.
I have a bunch of definitions that I could use for you.
which is an English word that has a specific meaning, a meaning you typify.
I get, you have credentials to allow your actions.
No, as I have already stated, that's not why i label you an atheist.
Was jesus an atheist for leaving out the commandment of worship?

Mark 10:19 the commands thou hast known: Thou mayest not commit adultery, Thou mayest do no murder, Thou mayest not steal, Thou mayest not bear false witness, Thou mayest not defraud, Honour thy father and mother.'

At least he was evolved beyond compliance

You do not know Hebrew. You do not know Torah. You do not know much about Judaism. Do you want me to start a master list of all the things you don't know?
I do not know what you consider personal responsibility
I'm saying you are inventing that notion as being a motivating factor when it isn't.
Then what is the reason for the commandment since you are all knowing?
Obeying God.
Then obey "though shalt not falsely accuse".

Try it.
No, they aren't.
Then what are the actual commandments for to the individual choice?
If I give you an example (like the commandment
Not to wear cloth woven of both wool and linen.
(Deuteronomy 22:11)
That's religious observance not on tablets or from god.

You do enjoy adding religious authority.
you invented it.

There is another spin cycle. I asked if the commandments are about personal responsibility and what moses got from mt sinai (god).

Reading the commandments, exposes what each person much comply, which requires PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY (personal choice)
Who wants compliance? You keep imputing things and keep being wrong.
You do.

That's your religious belief, that you are authority and can accuse me at will.

""The Ten Commandments were regarded by the Hebrews as a new covenant, or holy promise. When they renewed their commitment, they swore to obey God once again. Therefore, Hebrew also embraced personal responsibility for leading a moral and just life.""""""

Will you correct them? and use your authority to make them understand that if they think like me, that they are wrong?
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
This doesn't answer what I raised but it does explain why I continue learning about my religion, daily which just further makes clear that you don't know Judaism.

I have no idea what tangent that you are on now.

I am aware that continuous learning is important as none are authority of the three horns (religions of abraham)

And rabbis don't?
Most are still learning, just like you.
I compared myself to other professionals who reach a level of authority by study and learning. You don't acknowledge that I, through study, have reached a level, and yet other professionals have.
Do you know how to define personal responsibility or comprehend that the commandments require it?

"""Rabbinic tradition's understanding is that all of the teachings found in the Torah (both written and oral) were given by their God through the prophet Moses, some at Mount Sinai and others at the Tabernacle, and all the teachings were written down by Moses, which resulted in the Torah that exists today.""""

Not one word was written by god.



Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Not really but I will learn if you educated me on that 'why'.
I can only speculate.
3 possible reasons....
- Digression from the thread.
- Ad hominem argument.
- Some people will argue over anything if they believe they can win.


Well-Known Member
what tangent? your argument over who is an authority on Jewish law has been going on for quite some time.
Do you expect me to go back and look up what tangent she was imposing to address you?

The case is already closed on the authority issue. DOES not apply except to the complacent that are willing to submit.

I do not accept that person as any authority to my comprehension on the topic of judaism.

I will end labeling a person or calling a person any names, even though you believe that you can.

IndigoChild5559 said:
""""I can label anything I want. Its called using a vocabulary word, speaking English."""



Well-Known Member
Not necessary, as there was no tangent.
It started when I mentioned that the commandments existed before Moses and similar are recorded in many cultures. It went from there to a term 'conspiracy' which I did not use and then turning to authority. As if that person is an authority on what I learn and comprehend. I do not comply with a single belief system or how knowledge unfolds

The tangents were driven from the discussion of 'the origin of the commandments' and went all over the place.

I am aware that per torah, moses received the commandments to stone tablets on mt sinai (egypt). Me pointing out that Egypt had the commandment before Moses is not wrong, especially when comprehending that mt sinai is in egypt now and then.


Well-Known Member
I have a bunch of definitions that I could use for you.
So use them. If they are accurate then, great. Are you saying that calling you an atheist isn't accurate?
I get, you have credentials to allow your actions.
that doesn't follow what I said even a little.
Was jesus an atheist for leaving out the commandment of worship?
No, because he believed in God
I do not know what you consider personal responsibility
I have no idea how you define "personal responsibility" or why it is the center of your approach to the bible.
Then what is the reason for the commandment since you are all knowing?
The reason for the commandment or for following teh commandment. I don't ask God his reasons, but follow commandments because the authority in my religion establishes them as obligations.
Then obey "though shalt not falsely accuse".
When did I accuse you? You still haven't answered that.
Then what are the actual commandments for to the individual choice?
That's not an English sentence that has any meaning.
That's religious observance not on tablets or from god.
So a textual commandment isn't a commandment because it wasn't one of the statements on the tablets? Or it isn't because the text isn't divine, but the commandment to guard/remember the sabbath by not doing any work at all is a commandment even if the text isn't divine?
There is another spin cycle. I asked if the commandments are about personal responsibility and what moses got from mt sinai (god).
You asked if the commandments are about a concept you invented as a motivating factor. Exactly. I'm glad you understand.
Reading the commandments, exposes what each person much comply, which requires PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY (personal choice)
Wait, personal responsibility is the same as "personal choice"? And these only relate to the subset of statements that you decided are commandments. So how does personal choice impact the first statement which is actually a statement of fact, not subject to choice?
No, I don't. See -- you are claiming things about me that are wrong.
That's your religious belief, that you are authority and can accuse me at will.
I don't accuse you at all. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
""The Ten Commandments were regarded by the Hebrews as a new covenant, or holy promise. When they renewed their commitment, they swore to obey God once again. Therefore, Hebrew also embraced personal responsibility for leading a moral and just life.""""""

Will you correct them? and use your authority to make them understand that if they think like me, that they are wrong?
what's the source for that quote? Is it "brainly.com" or something else? Why do you assume a random website speaks with any authority at all (especially when it makes textual mistakes)? Why do you change the text when copying and pasting it to delete sections? Do you just buy into anything a random website says (one that refers to the Children of Israel as "Hebrews")?

Are you from Argentina?


Well-Known Member
"""Rabbinic tradition's understanding is that all of the teachings found in the Torah (both written and oral) were given by their God through the prophet Moses, some at Mount Sinai and others at the Tabernacle, and all the teachings were written down by Moses, which resulted in the Torah that exists today.""""

Not one word was written by god.

So you quote something that says that the Torah teachings are from God.

Then you claim that not one word was written by God. Then you say oops. The oops is that you just contradicted what you quoted. So either it was foolish to quote it or you don't understand it. Or maybe you just disagree with it and put it up so you could disagree with it but since you don't explain yourself, there is no way to know what you are doing.

Oops indeed.


Well-Known Member
Genesis 32:28

28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.

Does Genetics Only Determine Who Israel Is?

Do you Beleive that there is a Spiritual Israel?

Do you agree that Elohim/God has Ordained Spiritual Israel and Fleshly Israel?

What does it mean to have the Israeli Trait of Power With Elohim/God and With Men?
Israel's name was passed to Joseph and then Ephraim. Ephraim is emblematic of the lost 10 northern tribes who were "scattered among the nations" until the kingdom of God is reestablished in the land given to Jacob (Israel) with David being made king, after Judah and Israel (10 tribes) are reunited. (Ezekiel 36 & 37)