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Why did god create homosexuality?


Big Queer Chesticles!
As I say to other people. Read the Bible or read the Qur'an, they are both excellent works of fiction and inspiration. Just don't think they are anything remotely true.

I think there are truths in both most likely, it's just a bit like wikipedia :p The human factor kinda screws things up


رسول الآلهة
I think there are truths in both most likely, it's just a bit like wikipedia :p The human factor kinda screws things up

SHUT UP YOU HERETIC! Wikipedia is the infallible word of the Internet and the whatever the Almighty Internet says is true and cannot bu judged. Burn in Cyber-hell you filthy infidel!
For thine Internet is the Service Provider, The Server and the Computer
forever and ever :p
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Big Queer Chesticles!
SHUT UP YOU HERETIC! Wikipedia is the infallible word of the Internet and the whatever the Almighty Internet says is true and cannot bu judged. Burn in Cyber-hell you filthy infidel!
For thine Internet is the Service Provider, The Server and the Computer
forever and ever :p



Resident Liberal Hippie
Hi tumbleweed41, sometimes looks are deceiving. The great sin that the men of Sodom wanted to commit, was the sin of homosexuality. Lot offered his virgin daughters to these men for them to rape, but they declined because the men of Sodom wanted to commit the sin of having sex (to know them) with the male visitors. If it was a matter of rape, the men of Sodom would have raped Lot's daughters. Their sin was the sin of homosexuality. KB
Unwilling sex with a man or woman is rape, whether Lots daughters, or Lots male guests.
The sin of Sodom in Ezekiel specifies the cities attitude towards strangers, thus Lots guests.
Throughout the Bible, the sins of rape and temple prostitution are condemned. Where is the condemnation of consensual sex between committed partners?

Ken Brown

Well-Known Member
Unwilling sex with a man or woman is rape, whether Lots daughters, or Lots male guests.
The sin of Sodom in Ezekiel specifies the cities attitude towards strangers, thus Lots guests.
Throughout the Bible, the sins of rape and temple prostitution are condemned. Where is the condemnation of consensual sex between committed partners?

Hi tumbleweed41, 1 Cor 6:9. KB

Curious George

Veteran Member
Arsenkoites and Malakos

As has been pointed out, more likely related to male prostitution, or male temple prostitutes.

But, centuries of mistranslation or misunderstanding cannot be fixed overnight.

Indeed, was going to respond something similar but this is enough. I second this point. and add that the Bible is oft distorted to contain meaning which simply is not there. Unfortunately for those who are homosexual, these distortions- even one simple word- have led to death, violence, suicide and a host of emotional, physical, and cognitive disorders.

@Kb no shame on me, shame on you, your church, and the translators of your Bible for perpetuating hate. Hate and judgement contrary to much more of the Bible (even yours)


Well-Known Member
Ken Brown said:
Hi Agnostic75, first, the great theologians during the time of the Messiah were well versed in quoting from the Torah and Prophets, but they knew nothing. They were hopelessly lost in their own imaginations and interpretations, just as Dr. Bart Ehrman is today. Dr. Bart Ehrman couldn't even win against the least of those who KNOW the Truth.

Now, concerning you posting on this thread, I find it rather astonishing that you would even come on this thread to debate "Why did god create homosexuality?", when you do not want to even discuss the religious merit that Elohim has against homosexuality.

Theologians, or anyone else, who lived during the time of Jesus were not around during the time of Adam and Eve, and Noah, and thus had no way of reasonably confirming what happened way back then, or even that Adam, Eve, and Noah, were real people.

You cannot intelligently comment on what Bart Ehrman has written since you have not read any of his books, including his book on the numerous forgeries that are in the New Testament, and those are just the obvious forgeries.

There is no religious merit that God has against homosexuality since if a God exists, there is not any credible evidence at all that he opposes homosexuality. You certainly cannot reasonably prove that God inspired any of the texts that you quoted. It would be utter nonsense for anyone to guess that God wants those homosexuals who are healthy, happy, and monogamous (about half of homosexuals are monogamous) to practice abstinence for life, and thereby often develop all kinds of serious physical, and emotional problems. Practicing abstinence for life is very abnormal, and lots of medical research shows that homosexuals cannot become heterosexuals merely because they want to. Repentance cannot cure serious cases of multiple sclerosis, or cerebral palsy, and it cannot cure homosexuality. Hundreds of years ago, it was not known that eating lots of greasy foods causes heart disease. Repentance was not a cure for heart disease back then, and it isn't now. Rather, eating healthy foods is the best way to prevent, and treat heart disease.

No rational personal would intentionally jeopardize their physical, and emotional health solely because of the opinions of some ancient writers who were merely writing about their own personal prejudices, not about what God wants.

Your knowledge of biblical scholarship is so poor that you would not even be able to have a basic conversation with someone like Bart Ehrman.

Do you oppose macro evolution? Do you believe that a global flood occurred? Do you believe that the earth is young?
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Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Hi Agnostic 75, I am in no way endorsing the "reparative" therapy taught by traditional christians, for as you have pointed out, they fail in their efforts.

The message I promote not only applies to homosexuals, but to all sinners. The message I promote is that sin, all sin, even the sin of homosexuality, killed the Messiah, and caused Him to suffer. It is only when one comes to the knowledge of this Truth, that a true and lasting repentance from the sin which entangles sinners, can be overcome. Otherwise, it's a hopeless effort, and it's sort of like an alcholic or drug addict falling back into their addiction, as they have no power to defeat their addiction. The same goes for homosexuality, it is overpowering, and cannot be defeated unless something more powerful is used against it. And this is where the Power of Elohim comes in. The message of Yeshua's suffering BECAUSE of our sin, is the Power of Elohim, and that message is foolishness to those who are perishing IN their sins, as they have either not heard, or believed in that message:

1Co 1:18
(18) For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of Elohim.

You see Agnostic, Elohim consigned ALL to disobedience (Rom 11:32), so that He could show us mercy by allowing us to use that disobedience to slay our sacrifice, Yeshua. His Hope is that ALL will come to a knowledge of the Truth concerning this and be set free from their disobedience. To be sure, everyone started out in this creation to be against Elohim, but He, in His wisdom, is training and teaching mankind how to choose the good, and reject the evil, through the suffering of Messiah. Therefore, all sinners must repent if they truly want life and not death. It's pretty simple when you see it, and it is very powerful in moving sinners away from their sin, including the sin of homosexuality. KB
Reparative therapy fails for one reason and one reason only:

There is nothing about homosexuality that is in need of repair. Why don't you address yourself to the problem that, even though the medical and psychiatric communities view homosexuality as completely normal, you persist, in light of that evidence, to label it as "sinful."

Why do you do that? "Because the bible says so?" The bible also says that the sky is a rigid dome upon which are fixed the sun, moon and stars. Science has proven otherwise. Do you continue to believe it, simply because "the bible says so?"

In fact, the bible does not say so. The bible condemns "unnatural acts." The homosexual act is not, in and of itself, unnatural. Same-sex rape is. That's likely what the bible alludes to.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
you are mistaken in thinking that it is only referring to sexual immorality. The word "effeminate" is speaking of homosexuality, not sexual immorality, so you should re-think what you have written above, as you are in error.
Nope. That's not what the word means. Once again, homosexuality as an orientation was unknown to the ancients.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Hi tumbleweed41, sometimes looks are deceiving. The great sin that the men of Sodom wanted to commit, was the sin of homosexuality. Lot offered his virgin daughters to these men for them to rape, but they declined because the men of Sodom wanted to commit the sin of having sex (to know them) with the male visitors. If it was a matter of rape, the men of Sodom would have raped Lot's daughters. Their sin was the sin of homosexuality. KB
Wrong. Rape is not a sin of lust but a sin of power. Why would they choose powerless girls, when what they were after was the power of the male visitor?
The sin is inhospitality, through the act of rape.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Ken, you've just succeeding in sinking your own ship and here's how:
You said:
You need to look up and learn what a "catamite" was. It was a young boy groomed to have sex with an adult man.
an act concerning young boys isn't homosexuality. it's rape.
Then you say:
The word "homosexual" was not even invented or known at the time that Paul wrote, but the word used to describe the homosexual act was used and it was "malakos."
There's a good reason why "'homosexual' was not even invented or known at the time that Paul wrote." I've said it before, and you know what it is: Homosexuality was unknown at the time. Therefore, no term for it.

There were no homosexuals "known at the time that Paul wrote." It was all about rape of young boys.

Issue settled. You are clearly in the wrong in this case.
Buh-bye, now.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Actually in Islam it is a sin while in Christianity it is an abomination. So the very state of being homosexual by orientation means god views you as damaged and irreparable.
Actually, in Xy it isn't an abomination, since homosexuality as an orientation was unknown to the biblical writers. "The very state of being homosexual by orientation" does not mean "God views you as damaged and irreparable." That's a patently Calvinistic statement, utililizing the "reasoning" of total depravity. But the bible says that God made humanity good. Rape is an abomination. That's what the bible is talking about.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Dr. Bart Ehrman couldn't even win against the least of those who KNOW the Truth.


OHMIGOD! I just did a spit-take on that. Milk came out my nose! Wow! Thanks for the hearty laugh this morning!

What hubris! Talk about "open mouth -- insert whole shoe store! :foot:

I needed that!

Hoo! ::wipes tears from eyes and takes deep breath::


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Now, concerning you posting on this thread, I find it rather astonishing that you would even come on this thread to debate "Why did god create homosexuality?", when you do not want to even discuss the religious merit that Elohim has against homosexuality.
God has no "religious merit" against homosexuality. That was his whole point. Please stop trying to give yourself a colonoscopy and take a look around at reality. You're seeing the world through brown colored glasses.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Unwilling sex with a man or woman is rape, whether Lots daughters, or Lots male guests.
The sin of Sodom in Ezekiel specifies the cities attitude towards strangers, thus Lots guests.
Throughout the Bible, the sins of rape and temple prostitution are condemned. Where is the condemnation of consensual sex between committed partners?

::sound of chirping crickets::



Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Hi tumbleweed41, 1 Cor 6:9. KB
BZZZZZZZT!!! Thanks for playing! Your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is: "Nowhere." I'm sorry. You've lost the Lighting Round, and your winnings thus far revert to $0. But you won't be leaving us empty-handed! Johnny, tell him what he's won!

"Well, Ken, you'll leave our game with a lifetime supply of Open-Ended: The Gay Way to Pray -- lozenges for the chronically tight-of-sphincter (batteries not included). Plus, you'll receive the home version of our game, so, now that you're done embarrassing yourself in front of a national audience, you can further embarrass yourself in front of your friends at home. All part of our thanks for playing Oh Give Me a Homo Where the Right-Wingers Roamo."


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Indeed, was going to respond something similar but this is enough. I second this point. and add that the Bible is oft distorted to contain meaning which simply is not there. Unfortunately for those who are homosexual, these distortions- even one simple word- have led to death, violence, suicide and a host of emotional, physical, and cognitive disorders.

@Kb no shame on me, shame on you, your church, and the translators of your Bible for perpetuating hate. Hate and judgement contrary to much more of the Bible (even yours)
Ignorance, narrow vision and emotionalism have ruined Xy for many folks. But there are are still islands of decency in the sea of chaos.;)