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Why did god create homosexuality?


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Well, if AJ is going off a book that's been transcribed, rewritten, translated and has hundreds of different versions out for his knowledge..
And Ambiguous is chilling directly with the holy spirit on his shoulder..
I'm going with Ambiguous Guy on this one!

Is the creator of the universe is not capable of writing His story via men who are unlearned,simple folk, humble servants, kings, a women caught in adultery, a thief crucified with Jesus, a murderer?

Look at the biblical characters, find me one that was perfect in every way.

There is a verse that will astound the very wise, to their discredit and goes like this: 1Co_1:27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;

Where are the skeptics....the wise of the world the ones who believe that mankind has all the answers and that God failed to communicate properly?

The bible is the written story of God and His creation on a stage of mankind and their actions.

Through all that, the message of salvation is clear as day, had we but understand His works.

Yes, poets, scribes and eloquent orators in human history speak and talk of the natural state of human behavior, where the bible speaks of the state of the human soul.

Leave you with this one verse: Jn_4:3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

By the Holy Spirits indwelling in us, we would say ......Jesus never existed?

Blessings, AJ


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Which leads me back to saying its poorly written.
Because not only are there parts in OT vs NT that disagree, but even nt vs nt disagrees.
So, I'm going with Ambiguous Guy on this one, he seems stable and believable!
I mean, if I apply minimum standards of evidence to his claims, shouldn't we apply them to all?
Just think of the riot THAT would cause in theology!!!

Your saying, God is not capable of managing His message to us via the assortment of writers, their questionable characters and unfaithfulness?

I mean, look at the micro-isms , are they not structured intelligently beyond our own understandings?

How then could we question God's ability to tell us His story of His works?

Blessings, AJ

Awkward Fingers

Is the creator of the universe is not capable of writing His story via men who are unlearned,simple folk, humble servants, kings, a women caught in adultery, a thief crucified with Jesus, a murder

Is the all powerful creator of the universe, and us, and all things and all rules unable to put out a book that could be read by all, without having to transcribe and translate and change it constantly?
If you believe the tower of Babel story, then you believe there was a universal language.

Why wouldn't god leave his Bible in this one universal language, even if he removed the rest of that language from mankind?

Or do you not believe in the Babel story?

Awkward Fingers

Off topic, apologies in advance if I go from very chatty to not responding..
I'm only on here on my phone while I'm at work, and I get relieved soon.


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Jews: "Apart from the Torah, there are no known stories of God's creative works."
Muslims: "Apart from the Quran, there are no known stories of God's creative works."
Hindus: "Apart from the Bhagavad Gita, there are no known stories of God's creative works."
Zoroastrians: "Apart from the Zend-avesta, there are no known stories of God's creative works."

I'm noticing a pattern here...

Tell which of the one's you mentioned tell of the creation of mankind?

Blessings, AJ

Awkward Fingers

Your saying, God is not capable of managing His message to us via the assortment of writers, their questionable characters and unfaithfulness?

Then my question to you..
If god gave us the Bible, and god gave us all of the universe, and how it works..

If one contradicted the other, i.e. science contradicted theology, but god gave us both..
Which would you feel told god's will more accurately?


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Is the all powerful creator of the universe, and us, and all things and all rules unable to put out a book that could be read by all, without having to transcribe and translate and change it constantly?
If you believe the tower of Babel story, then you believe there was a universal language.

Why wouldn't god leave his Bible in this one universal language, even if he removed the rest of that language from mankind?

Or do you not believe in the Babel story?

If you wear glasses, and one day you find you could not locate them, would you stop seeking for them?
What if the glasses were so expensive that you dared not stop till you found them?

Lets say you did find them after all, would you not rest from your works of searching?

God instilled in all of a spirit of consciousness. The conscience, if alive still, always seeks and rests not till it finds is source.

If God made everything simple, if God made everything perfect, where would the struggle be?

If there were right turns only, where would the left turn be?

We cannot find God by perfection, only by struggling.

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Then my question to you..
If god gave us the Bible, and god gave us all of the universe, and how it works..

If one contradicted the other, i.e. science contradicted theology, but god gave us both..
Which would you feel told god's will more accurately?

There are no contradictions when they are spiritually discerned.

To understand God, one must be able to have spiritual understanding.

He gives us that ability when we are seeking Him out.

He said: Luk_11:9 And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

Tell me, why is there so much opposition to that verse? Would it be because it requires inquiry?

Blessings, AJ


Libertarian Egalitarian
Tell which of the one's you mentioned tell of the creation of mankind?

Blessings, AJ

All of them...

“In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters. Then God said, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light.” (Genesis 1: 1-3)

“Verily We created man from a product of wet earth; then placed him as a drop (of seed) in a safe lodging; then We fashioned the drop into a clot, then We fashioned the clot into a little lump, then We fashioned the little lump into bones, then clothed the bones with flesh, and then produced it another creation. So blessed be Allāh, the Best of Creators!” [23:12-14]

The Supreme Lord said: O Arjuna, this body (the miniature universe) may be called the field or creation. One who knows the creation is called the creator by the seers of truth.
Know Me to be the creator of all creation, O Arjuna. The true understanding of both the creator and the creation is considered by Me to be the transcendental or metaphysical knowledge.
What the creation is, what it is like, what its transformations are, where the source is, who that creator is, and what His powers are, hear all these from Me in brief. (13:01-03)

"The world, such as it is now, is twofold, being the work of two hostile beings, Ahura Mazda, the good principle, and Angra Mainyu, the evil principle; all that is good in the world comes from the former, all that is bad in it comes from the latter. The history of the world is the history of their conflict, how Angra Mainyu invaded the world of Ahura Mazda and marred it, and how he shall be expelled from it at last. Man is active in the conflict, his duty in it being laid before him in the law revealed by Ahura Mazda to Zarathustra. When the appointed time is come, a son of the lawgiver, still unborn, named Saoshyant, will appear, Angra Mainyu and hell will be destroyed, men will rise from the dead, and everlasting happiness will reign over the world." (Chapter IV)


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All of them...

“In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters. Then God said, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light.” (Genesis 1: 1-3)

“Verily We created man from a product of wet earth; then placed him as a drop (of seed) in a safe lodging; then We fashioned the drop into a clot, then We fashioned the clot into a little lump, then We fashioned the little lump into bones, then clothed the bones with flesh, and then produced it another creation. So blessed be Allāh, the Best of Creators!” [23:12-14]

The Supreme Lord said: O Arjuna, this body (the miniature universe) may be called the field or creation. One who knows the creation is called the creator by the seers of truth.
Know Me to be the creator of all creation, O Arjuna. The true understanding of both the creator and the creation is considered by Me to be the transcendental or metaphysical knowledge.
What the creation is, what it is like, what its transformations are, where the source is, who that creator is, and what His powers are, hear all these from Me in brief. (13:01-03)

"The world, such as it is now, is twofold, being the work of two hostile beings, Ahura Mazda, the good principle, and Angra Mainyu, the evil principle; all that is good in the world comes from the former, all that is bad in it comes from the latter. The history of the world is the history of their conflict, how Angra Mainyu invaded the world of Ahura Mazda and marred it, and how he shall be expelled from it at last. Man is active in the conflict, his duty in it being laid before him in the law revealed by Ahura Mazda to Zarathustra. When the appointed time is come, a son of the lawgiver, still unborn, named Saoshyant, will appear, Angra Mainyu and hell will be destroyed, men will rise from the dead, and everlasting happiness will reign over the world." (Chapter IV)

Thanks for that information. They all sound pretty similar. The key in all of them is in recognizing a creator.

In recognizing a creator, one would think that all of them would be as one, and not divided as it is.

But then, we find the heart of the matter.......being as gods.

As gods, we can do pretty much what we want, and in there, lies the struggle.

I recognized the universality of the love of the Creator via my own source, the bible.
Filtering out all the supposed contradictions,fables, myths and considering the real message, I found the real message...............love.

If, the Creator loved His creation so much to save it, then I, in His image would want to do the same. (Notice the word "want")

We had no choice in how, where or when we were to be born and to whom.

There is one verse: Rom_8:20 For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope,

What fault have we then for having differing beliefs? None what's so ever!

We do have the responsibility to get along with each other, being we are all made in the same image.

Now....as for the OP's topic.....it is a matter of choice. All choices carry either blessings or cursing's.

That each has to experience it themselves.

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
I recognized the universality of the love of the Creator via my own source, the bible. Filtering out all the supposed contradictions,fables, myths and considering the real message, I found the real message...............love.

Yeah, that's why God approves of homosexuality and wants everyone to have as much sex as possible. It's because He loves us.


Well-Known Member
There is a verse that will astound the very wise, to their discredit and goes like this: 1Co_1:27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise;
It doesn't astound the wise. It only amuses the wise. It's just foolish folks proclaiming that their foolishness is better than the wisdom of the wise. Like a child shouting at a wise man, "I don't care how much smarter you are! My truth is still truer than yours!"

Where are the skeptics....the wise of the world the ones who believe that mankind has all the answers and that God failed to communicate properly?

I've never met such a person, so I don't know where they are. Wise people understand that mankind can never have all the answers. Only the foolish believe that, at least in my experience.

The bible is the written story of God and His creation on a stage of mankind and their actions.

That's a fine opinion. I myself find the Bible to be quite outdated.

Yes, poets, scribes and eloquent orators in human history speak and talk of the natural state of human behavior, where the bible speaks of the state of the human soul.

You might want to read more poetry. Poets speak of the human soul all the time.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Yeah, that's why God approves of homosexuality and wants everyone to have as much sex as possible. It's because He loves us.

"I don't think so Tim" quote from Tim Allen...Tool Time.

Yea, all you want, all you desire, abuse anything to the max, after all....are we not free to do so?

No constraints, no responsibility, no guide lines, no rules, no moral ethics, just...........do what ever pleases us, right?

Well, dear friend, you do that...but let me warn you, there will be consequences to pay.

If a society has no rules, no structure, that society will run a muck. Self destruct, self implode.

Has history not proved it?

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
Yea, all you want, all you desire, abuse anything to the max, after all....are we not free to do so?

You feel free to abuse others sexually? If so, I disagree. Sex should be consensual.

No constraints, no responsibility, no guide lines, no rules, no moral ethics, just...........do what ever pleases us, right?

Wow. I hope you didn't learn that outlook from the Bible. If so, you might consider just cocking your ear to the Holy Spirit. The HS would not tell you to have no constraints, no rules, no ethics, etc.

Well, dear friend, you do that...but let me warn you, there will be consequences to pay.

What consequences? You are talking about sexually-transmitted diseases? Don't you know that there are ways to prevent those?

If a society has no rules, no structure, that society will run a muck. Self destruct, self implode.

But why do you want a society with no rules or structure? You really aren't making good sense to me. What society has no rules or structures?


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You feel free to abuse others sexually? If so, I disagree. Sex should be consensual.

You gave the right answer. But, it does not negate the freedom to do AS YOU PLEASE.

Wow. I hope you didn't learn that outlook from the Bible. If so, you might consider just cocking your ear to the Holy Spirit. The HS would not tell you to have no constraints, no rules, no ethics, etc.

Ah, friend.....have you forgotten the difference between good and evil?

You think God's Holy Spirit is not aware of that and condone any behavior of ours?

Perhaps you might want to ask the Holy Spirit for clarification on that issue and not assume that, that's what you think it is.

What consequences? You are talking about sexually-transmitted diseases? Don't you know that there are ways to prevent those?

So.... prevention so that we may continue to indulge? Is that the reason for prevention.

Yes, family break ups, societies rejection, religious rejections, moral principles....all for what......personal gratification?

I have family, friends, a good standing in the community, earned respect, so I want to live with certain constraints so that I don't ruin it for myself and for others.

Jesus had to, wanted to live under the full weight of the law, constrained to the letter of the law in order to win freedom for us from the law.

But in no way gave us liberty to abuse the freedom by not having restraint.

I know the Holy Spirit teaches me to love and live my life under His guidance.

What does that mean? Thats a matter of choice.

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
You gave the right answer. But, it does not negate the freedom to do AS YOU PLEASE.

No idea what you are talking about. You want the freedom to do whatever you please, whenever you please? I don't get it. How could society survive if you do that? Shouldn't you try to consider other people rather than simply rampaging through the world doing as you please?

Ah, friend.....have you forgotten the difference between good and evil?

How could I ever to that, with the Holy Spirit riding on my shoulder?

You think God's Holy Spirit is not aware of that and condone any behavior of ours?

Huh? The Holy Spirit condones some behavior and disapproves of other behavior. I have to say that you seem very much confused about the Holy Spirit. I will be happy to help you listen more carefully, though. Only ask.

Perhaps you might want to ask the Holy Spirit for clarification on that issue and not assume that, that's what you think it is.

I've spent my life communing directly with the Holy Spirit. We are as tight as tight ever gets. If you have questions, I will be glad to ask the Holy Spirit and pass the answers back to you.

So.... prevention so that we may continue to indulge? Is that the reason for prevention.

Yes. Since God wants us to have as much sex as possible, then it is our responsibility to help prevent the spread of venereal diseases. (And thank you for asking me that important question.)

Yes, family break ups, societies rejection, religious rejections, moral principles....all for what......personal gratification?

Family breakups: It is immoral to hurt one's family.

Society's rejection: We prophets of God don't worry about that. We have no choice but to listen to the voice of God and pass along His truth. We do suffer greatly for that, though, and I appreciate your awareness of it.

Religious rejections: Most current world religions are primitive and removed from the actual will of God. They are confused. It is my job to help people move away from false religious belief and closer to God's actual Thought. (But only if they themselves are ready to listen, of course. I am not a proselytizer.)

Moral principles: It is moral to have as much sex as possible, since God wants us to have as much sex as possible.

I have family, friends, a good standing in the community, earned respect, so I want to live with certain constraints so that I don't ruin it for myself and for others.

I envy that part of your life. But we prophets cannot ignore the voice of God simply to have a better earthly life. It's just not possible for us. Pity me.

Jesus had to, wanted to live under the full weight of the law, constrained to the letter of the law in order to win freedom for us from the law.

That's a fine opinion. My view is that Jesus was a fictional character created by the writer of Mark.

But in no way gave us liberty to abuse the freedom by not having restraint.

OK. But why do you keep saying that? Do you think someone here is arguing for no restraint?


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No idea what you are talking about. You want the freedom to do whatever you please, whenever you please? I don't get it. How could society survive if you do that? Shouldn't you try to consider other people rather than simply rampaging through the world doing as you please?

I want freedom to do whatever I please? You and I both have that freedom, don't you know.

You are talking restraint, quote " Shouldn't you try to consider other people rather than simply rampaging through the world doing as you please"?

You don't know it but you agreed with me on restraint.

How could I ever to that, with the Holy Spirit riding on my shoulder?

If you say the "rider on your shoulder" tells you to have all the sex you want, with whom you want, where is the restraint to do it properly....as designed....the nature of it?

I've spent my life communing directly with the Holy Spirit. We are as tight as tight ever gets. If you have questions, I will be glad to ask the Holy Spirit and pass the answers back to you.

Your rider on your shoulder and my Holy Spirit guidance, are not one and the same.

After all, the true nature of male and female was designed by Him. Why would He say something against His own design?

Oh, I forgot, Jesus was a fictitious individual so who then is the Holy Spirit and from whence does it come if not, the very essence of God.

I am not confused the list bit concerning the works of God the Creator in the person of Jesus and the power of His Holy Spirit.

The whole purpose of opposition is choice. If there is no opposition, there are no choices.

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
If you say the "rider on your shoulder" tells you to have all the sex you want, with whom you want, where is the restraint to do it properly....as designed....the nature of it?

You talk funny. I really don't understand most of what you say. If you'd like to ask your question again, I'll be happy to try and answer.

Your rider on your shoulder and my Holy Spirit guidance, are not one and the same.

They might be the same. It's possible that you just haven't developed the spiritual ears to hear yet.

After all, the true nature of male and female was designed by Him. Why would He say something against His own design?

You're confused. God designed homosexuals just as He designed heterosexuals. Are you thinking that God makes mistakes?

Oh, I forgot, Jesus was a fictitious individual so who then is the Holy Spirit and from whence does it come if not, the very essence of God.

Oh. I see. You are thinking that there can't be God unless there is Jesus. Now I see how the confusion has arisen.

I am not confused the list bit concerning the works of God the Creator in the person of Jesus and the power of His Holy Spirit.

It's funny. In my life I have met so many people who claimed not to be confused about God and the Holy Spirit. And yet, they make all kinds of strange claims... like claiming that God disapproves of homosexuality, for example.

I think that if they are not confused, they would hear the message of the Holy Spirit correctly -- as I hear it.

The whole purpose of opposition is choice. If there is no opposition, there are no choices.

You talk funny. Most of the time I just don't know what you are trying to say to me.


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I talk funny to you because you don't understand. If you don't have a biblical knowledge foundation, I don't expect you to understand.
Where is your foundation you stand on? The Holy Spirit did not just pop out of nowhere.

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
I talk funny to you because you don't understand. If you don't have a biblical knowledge foundation, I don't expect you to understand.

So you can only talk non-funnily to people who share your own understanding of the Bible? To me, that seems pretty sad.

By the way, I suspect that my 'biblical knowledge foundation' is at least equal to yours. I was raised on it, after all.

Where is your foundation you stand on? The Holy Spirit did not just pop out of nowhere.

Really? So Abraham was confused when he thought that he heard the voice of God? He needed some kind of foundation?

Then why do you follow the tradition which was begun by Abraham?