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Why did god create homosexuality?

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
We understand that you responded to a question, not answer it. When asked to elaborate on your response you flat out refuse, and cry "Don't complicate it!!"
First of all it was an absurd question. You seem to fail to understand that. My answer was perfectly correct. I explained exactly how to choose to be heterosexual. Then somebody tried to throw logic into the discussion without asking any logical questions surrounding the question or the answer. For example no one logically proved that I cannot choose my sexuality. That I refused to complicate matters is quite logical.

Now, the real issue is that a group of harpies are sitting around waiting to pounce on some hapless poster who disagrees with them. Sorry I refused to play your game. I take a much lighter view of the situation.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
First of all it was an absurd question. You seem to fail to understand that. My answer was perfectly correct. I explained exactly how to choose to be heterosexual. Then somebody tried to throw logic into the discussion without asking any logical questions surrounding the question or the answer. For example no one logically proved that I cannot choose my sexuality. That I refused to complicate matters is quite logical.

Now, the real issue is that a group of harpies are sitting around waiting to pounce on some hapless poster who disagrees with them. Sorry I refused to play your game. I take a much lighter view of the situation.

That's probably why you're not understanding the point of the questions. How to be heterosexual doesn't fit the experiences and the evidence that supports the argument of the lack of choice for orientation.

Many homosexuals and bisexuals - if given a choice in this society - would have gladly chosen to be heterosexual because of the discrimination queers face. It's getting better, however, now that the public is beginning to understand that orientation is not a choice.

Basically, you and the "harpies" are coming from very different worldviews. Hope that helps.


Libertarian Egalitarian
That's probably why you're not understanding the point of the questions. How to be heterosexual doesn't fit the experiences and the evidence that supports the argument of the lack of choice for orientation.

Many homosexuals and bisexuals - if given a choice in this society - would have gladly chosen to be heterosexual because of the discrimination queers face. It's getting better, however, now that the public is beginning to understand that orientation is not a choice.

Basically, you and the "harpies" are coming from very different worldviews. Hope that helps.

^ This... This so much.:D

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
That's probably why you're not understanding the point of the questions. How to be heterosexual doesn't fit the experiences and the evidence that supports the argument of the lack of choice for orientation.

Many homosexuals and bisexuals - if given a choice in this society - would have gladly chosen to be heterosexual because of the discrimination queers face. It's getting better, however, now that the public is beginning to understand that orientation is not a choice.

Basically, you and the "harpies" are coming from very different worldviews. Hope that helps.
Oh, I understood the point of the question, it was baiting.


Daimona of the Helpless
Many homosexuals and bisexuals - if given a choice in this society - would have gladly chosen to be heterosexual because of the discrimination queers face. It's getting better, however, now that the public is beginning to understand that orientation is not a choice.

I don't say this very often but, "amen."

I chose to be straight because that was what other people wanted. I had no choice in the matter. Now I choose to be bi because that's what I am. I have no choice in the matter.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
I don't say this very often but, "amen."

I chose to be straight because that was what other people wanted. I had no choice in the matter. Now I choose to be bi because that's what I am. I have no choice in the matter.
You mean what you had no choice in changed? :shrug:
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Enai de a lukal

Well-Known Member
I saw a boy. I saw a girl. I picked the girl.
Total non-answer. Of course, as others have pointed out, you hardly could have answered the question directly, since that would've required either conceding that your position is just mistaken (that people do not choose their sexual orientation), or simply lying.

In that sense, your evasion speaks volumes.


Active Member
You really have to be trolling with this garbage. I'm not wasting my time with this crap. Go troll elsewhere.
first off there is no indication of me trolling, and there never has been. I suspect you are with that avatar, and the fact that you can not back up anything you said. plus using little kid words like troll for name calling is your trolling. seems like you believe what you said because you want to believe it. like it's supposed to make you some kind of free spirit type. if you wanna play games then go to an appropriate forums for that. obviously you want to argue and name call. I ain't that bored.

Umm... I'm bi, and I was NEVER abused as kid.:confused:
maybe so, but every gay or bi person says they were never abused as a kid. odd how child abuse is very common amongst many people, but never with bi's or gays.
but let's say you weren't for sure. what does that mean? you're bi by nature?
some people develop sex fetishes that can go into perversion mode. like with rapists, child molesters, people into animals, sex with extreme violence or food, etc. are they born that way? I doubt it. but how many people like that will admit they are like this because of the hands and actions of others who abused them?
not that I am trying to bring you down. hopefully I can make things better if you are in denial, and need some words that might enlighten you. perhaps mine or some of mine.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
first off there is no indication of me trolling, and there never has been. I suspect you are with that avatar, and the fact that you can not back up anything you said. plus using little kid words like troll for name calling is your trolling. seems like you believe what you said because you want to believe it. like it's supposed to make you some kind of free spirit type. if you wanna play games then go to an appropriate forums for that. obviously you want to argue and name call. I ain't that bored.

My avatar has nothing to do with anything. You can't back up anything you say. All major medical, psychological and psychiatric organizations refuse your stupid and outdated theory. It's been thrown in the rubbish bin.


Libertarian Egalitarian
first off there is no indication of me trolling, and there never has been. I suspect you are with that avatar, and the fact that you can not back up anything you said. plus using little kid words like troll for name calling is your trolling. seems like you believe what you said because you want to believe it. like it's supposed to make you some kind of free spirit type. if you wanna play games then go to an appropriate forums for that. obviously you want to argue and name call. I ain't that bored.

maybe so, but every gay or bi person says they were never abused as a kid. odd how child abuse is very common amongst many people, but never with bi's or gays.
but let's say you weren't for sure. what does that mean? you're bi by nature?
some people develop sex fetishes that can go into perversion mode. like with rapists, child molesters, people into animals, sex with extreme violence or food, etc. are they born that way? I doubt it. but how many people like that will admit they are like this because of the hands and actions of others who abused them?
not that I am trying to bring you down. hopefully I can make things better if you are in denial, and need some words that might enlighten you. perhaps mine or some of mine.

Are you implying that homosexuals and bisexuals are just as disgusting as pedophiles, rapists, and those who participate in bestiality? If so... first of all, how dare you group us in the same category as them! None of those forms of sex are between consenting adults, unlike homosexuality and bisexuality. That's what makes them wrong. Second of all I also don't appreciate that you assume that we were all abused as children. You don't know my family life, and you don't know the family life of anyone else on this website, so stop pretending you do! Okay, rant over.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
first off there is no indication of me trolling, and there never has been. I suspect you are with that avatar, and the fact that you can not back up anything you said. plus using little kid words like troll for name calling is your trolling. seems like you believe what you said because you want to believe it. like it's supposed to make you some kind of free spirit type. if you wanna play games then go to an appropriate forums for that. obviously you want to argue and name call. I ain't that bored.

maybe so, but every gay or bi person says they were never abused as a kid. odd how child abuse is very common amongst many people, but never with bi's or gays.
but let's say you weren't for sure. what does that mean? you're bi by nature?
some people develop sex fetishes that can go into perversion mode. like with rapists, child molesters, people into animals, sex with extreme violence or food, etc. are they born that way? I doubt it. but how many people like that will admit they are like this because of the hands and actions of others who abused them?
not that I am trying to bring you down. hopefully I can make things better if you are in denial, and need some words that might enlighten you. perhaps mine or some of mine.

There's a lot of assumptions going on here.

1) I'm bi. I was abused as a child. I'm also a survivor of rape as an adult. But I was also attracted to both genders by the time I was 4 years old and was verbalizing it to my family. They thought my overt romantic attraction to Harrison Ford was cute, but they didn't know what to do with my overt romantic attraction to a beauty pageant contestant from Brazil.

2) I didn't know bisexuality existed until I was well into my teens, when I heard that David Bowie was bisexual...and suddenly it all made sense. Before, I just thought I was sick, and a monster, and prayed and prayed to make me better. After I heard about bisexuality, I knew this is how I'm wired. I stopped thinking I was just sick, but then became even tougher on myself to stay in the closet while thinking I was an abomination.

3) I once equated myself with criminals because my faith at the time would have the rhetoric that compared my orientation with pedophiles. I also felt hopeless praying for years to help me be cured of being attracted to other women. At that point I was ready to put a gun in my mouth and pull the trigger. The self-loathing was overwhelming.

4) Once I decided to accept my orientation and to distance myself from the kind of rhetoric from the faith of my younger adulthood....the kind of rhetoric your post includes...the self-loathing disappeared. It was a world of difference for me, where I could finally begin to love others, since I was finding honesty in myself that offered more in relationships. It was the beginning of a much more humane existence for me.




Finally, your post doesn't affect me personally, since it's been over 20 years since I decided to accept my orientation and live in peace with myself. But I suggest to you that what you say - as evidenced by T_L - impacts other queers immensely with the insinuation that queers are predatory monsters.

You'll be much more effective in explaining your view if you tried a different tactic. At the moment, misrepresenting GLBTQs blatantly like this is trolling.

Enai de a lukal

Well-Known Member
maybe so, but every gay or bi person says they were never abused as a kid. odd how child abuse is very common amongst many people, but never with bi's or gays.
but let's say you weren't for sure. what does that mean? you're bi by nature?
some people develop sex fetishes that can go into perversion mode. like with rapists, child molesters, people into animals, sex with extreme violence or food, etc. are they born that way? I doubt it. but how many people like that will admit they are like this because of the hands and actions of others who abused them?
not that I am trying to bring you down. hopefully I can make things better if you are in denial, and need some words that might enlighten you. perhaps mine or some of mine.
There's absolutely no credible reason to suppose that homosexuality has anything to do with abuse. This is simply an insidious and inflammatory suggestion with no real merit whatsoever. Even if it was plausible with respect to humans (it is not), it clearly would not explain the (widespread) homosexuality in non-human species. Or are gay animals gay because they were abused as children?

Here's a more plausible suggestion: homophobia and opposition to homosexuality is generally a result of brain damage. This strikes me as eminently plausible, and is likely supported by some empirical evidence, as the majority of folks who espouse anti-gay nonsense are of diminished cognitive capacities. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Here's a more plausible suggestion: homophobia and opposition to homosexuality is generally a result of brain damage. This strikes me as eminently plausible, and is likely supported by some empirical evidence, as the majority of folks who espouse anti-gay nonsense are of diminished cognitive capacities. :shrug:

Makes sense to me.


Libertarian Egalitarian
There's absolutely no credible reason to suppose that homosexuality has anything to do with abuse. This is simply an insidious and inflammatory suggestion with no real merit whatsoever. Even if it was plausible with respect to humans (it is not), it clearly would not explain the (widespread) homosexuality in non-human species. Or are gay animals gay because they were abused as children?

Here's a more plausible suggestion: homophobia and opposition to homosexuality is generally a result of brain damage. This strikes me as eminently plausible, and is likely supported by some empirical evidence, as the majority of folks who espouse anti-gay nonsense are of diminished cognitive capacities. :shrug:

Or, they may even be gay themselves. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2012/04/29/opinion/sunday/homophobic-maybe-youre-gay.html


Libertarian Egalitarian
Even if it was plausible with respect to humans (it is not), it clearly would not explain the (widespread) homosexuality in non-human species. Or are gay animals gay because they were abused as children?

Maybe these animals are just not "praying hard enough.":rolleyes: . I once caught my female golden retriever trying to mate with my neighbor's female dog. I hope she changes her un-natural ways so she doesn't go to dog-hell.:p
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